[Rimworld] 7 year olds can wield firearms. Biotech released! - Page 34 (2025)

Dibbit wrote: »

Also, they added ancient broken down junk to my map, and cool, but also.. I don't know how to get rid of the larger parts, there seems to be no disassembly option?

You have to attack it until it breaks, they added a tooltip to the most recent patch that tells you this, so clearly its something a lot of people missed. I don't know why they didn't just add a "disassemble" button to the junk like the one you use for disassembling literally everything else in the game.

Lord_Asmodeus wrote: »

So I'm going with the tribe and I have the tree lover meme, but you can't cut down trees or it really upsets your people so... where do you get the fuel for things like the fueled stove?

Tree-lover sounds kind of broken at the moment. Its obvious that the Ideologies aren't really supposed to be balanced, but "tree lover" just seems poorly implemented; you would assume that tree-loving people would want to live in the forest so that they can get the most of their mood bonus for all the trees, but its pretty much impossible to build any kind of structure in a forest without cutting trees down to make room, even if you don't use wood. They should really get a trait to remove the slept outside/slept in the dirt penalties at least.

Campy wrote: »

So do the new religions allow you to enforce certain traits on your colonists? So, just for example, you want to make a cult of sadomasochistic satanic cannibals. In 1.2 and earlier you'd need to luck out/mod everyone to have the cannibal trait, right? Does the religion push everyone towards its ethoses (ethe?!)?

Personal traits remain, and people have a "certainty" in their current ideology based on their mood and traits. E.g, someone with the "cannibal" trait with an ideology that abhors cannibalism is going to be much more likely to convert to an ideology that supports their traits. People with very low mood and certainty can also have a mental breakdown where they either switch ideologies or make up a new one that makes more sense to them.

I've made my people techno-tribals, with the headcanon that they're the remnants of the people who originally made the first mechanoids. So they worship the Archotechs, but start with sticks and rocks. They're also "Guilty" (for the whole "we unleashed mechanoids on the galaxy" thing) so they get mood buffs for being in pain... but also a huge mood penalty if I ever refuse any "charitable" events like taking in refugees. I like how you can give them multiple styles and they'll mix-and-match, e.g, I have "techist" and "totemic" styles, so I have techy-looking hexagonal furniture but their art looks like native American totems.

Casual wrote: »

Are there any curated modlists out there that would take the pain out of figuring out what works well together?

Mods that don't play nicely with other mods are the exception rather than the rule; "Combat Extended" is the ur-example of one of these since it adds an ammunition system to weapons, so it breaks pretty much any mod that adds weapons. Generally speaking just don't get two mods that do the same thing and you'll be fine. I strongly recommend "deep storage", which lets you put things like clothes into stacks on shelves and wardrobes rather than having ten hats take up the same space as 750 units of steel. Here's my current list, for whatever that's worth:

[Rimworld] 7 year olds can wield firearms. Biotech released! - Page 34 (1)

  • Tech advancing - lets your colony's tech level move up once you research all techs of a given level, useful for Tribal starts otherwise you're stuck at "Tribal" forever and eating a huge research penalty for the whole game even once everyone is wearing modern clothing and using assault rifles and half your colonists aren't tribals.
  • Quarry - lets you dig rock chunks out of the ground, useful for longer colonies where you end up exhausting everything on the map
  • Show Draftee's weapon - does what it says on the tin... show's colonist's weapons under their spot on the colonist bar
  • Vanilla Expanded Framework - a common library needed for other mods
  • Rimfridge - lets you build small standalone freezers without needing a whole walk-in setup. Useful for keeping a stash of meals to-hand in your dining room.
  • Wall light - lets you build lights... on the wall. Fairly balanced since they cast a lot less light than the standing lamps, but don't take up a whole tile
  • Hugslib - another common framework/library mod
  • Allow Tool - does a bunch of different things, but most critically to me it allows you to mark things to be hauled urgently, and set urgent hauling as a separate priority. Useful for when you want your cooks, researchers or crafters to help out with the harvest or moving a big pile of something and then go back to what they were doing
  • Simple sidearms - lets your colonists carry multiple weapons, with a weight limit so its fairly balanced, i.e, you're not going to be able to carry a longsword and an assault rifle at the same time but longsword + pistol or rifle + knife will work.
  • Smart speed - enables 4x speed which is normally only available otherwise in dev mode for some reason. Also adds slow-mo options if that's something you're interested in.
  • Hospitality - lets you host guests in guest rooms for faction relation boosts and the opportunity to lure some of their people away if you make enough friends with them (they won't like this)
  • Armor racks - lets you store armor on a rack and takes the colonist's current outfit when switching to it; useful if you want everyone to armor up before a fight but keep track of what they were previously wearing
  • Deep storage - as I mentioned above cuts down on clutter, mostly I just use it for clothing and leathers since those end up taking up a silly amount of space otherwise
  • Interaction bubbles - pops up with a speech bubble when colonists interact, which would normally only be found in the social tab log
  • Damage indicators - does exactly what it says, I want to be able to see at-a-glance if someone takes a big hit and needs to retreat
  • Speakup - expands on Interaction Bubbles by changing the generic "chat" messages to actual context-based chatter and adds some new situational ones, purely for flavor. My colonists complain about their crappy bedrooms a lot, one of them tells terrible jokes and another likes to sing when nobody else is around.
  • Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering (EPOE) - the go-to Bionics/Prosthetics mod, fills in a lot of the gaps in the existing lineup of craftable body parts. E.g, lower-tech replacement eyes that only work at 50% capacity but are still better than a missing eye, or prosthetic noses and ears that aren't end-game tech.
  • Miscellaneous CORE - needed for Misc. Robots to work
  • Misc. Robots - adds little Roombas you can craft to do simple tasks, because frankly by end-game I shouldn't have to dedicate a colonist to cleaning full-time.
  • Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - does what it says; now not everyone looks like they're bald under their hats/helmets. There can be some clipping issues particularly with modded hats or hair, but there are mod settings to turn off showing hair for individual hat/hair combos that don't make sense. I.e, I probably don't want my colonist's ponytail sticking out the back of their space helmet, but on a baseball cap its fine.
[Rimworld] 7 year olds can wield firearms. Biotech released! - Page 34 (2025)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.