List of International Call Prefixes (2024)

International call prefixes are used to dial out of a given country when calling an international phone number. Some countries share an international call prefix and some countries have their own unique code.

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International Phone Numbers: Dialing Conventions

When calling international phone numbers, callers need to pay attention to dialing conventions such as exit codes, international call prefixes, trunk prefixes, and so on. In the below table, we list down country codes, international prefixes, national (trunk) prefixes, and the length of the national significant number (NSN). We recommend using E.164 format when dialing an international number.

List of International Call Prefixes (1)
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International Call Prefixes

The most common call prefix is “00” because it was set as a standard by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). Not all countries, however, have adopted this as their international call prefix. Also, some countries have a separate international call prefix for VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) service. This means that if you are calling from a VoIP device, you would use a different prefix than if you were dialing from a fixed phone or a mobile phone.

Since not all countries use the same prefix, we have a list of countries and their corresponding international call prefixes below.

Country NameDial Out CodeCountry Code / International PrefixNational PrefixNational (Significant) Number
Afghanistan00+9309 digits
Albania00+35503 to 9 digits
Algeria00+21308, 9 digits
American Samoa011+1 (684)1(684)+7 digits
Andorra00+3766, 8, 9 digits
Angola00+24409 digits
Anguilla011+1 (264)1(264)+7 digits
Antigua and Barbuda011+1 (268)1(268)+7 digits
Argentina00+54010 digits
Armenia00+37408 digits
Aruba00+2977 digits
Ascension00+2474 digits
Australia0011+6104 to 15 digits
Australian Capital Territory00+67206 digits
Austria00+4304 to 13 digits
Azerbaijan00+99408 to 9 digits
Bahamas, The011+1 (242)1(242)+7 digits
Bahrain00+9738 digits
Bangladesh00+88006 to 10 digits
Barbados011+1 (246)1(246)+7 digits
Belarus810+37589 to 10 digits
Belgium00+3208 to 9 digits
Belize00+5017 digits
Benin00+2298 digits
Bermuda011+1 (441)1(441)+7 digits
Bhutan00+9757 to 8 digits
Bolivia00+59108 digits
Bosnia and Herzegovina00+38708 digits
Botswana00+2677 to 8 digits
Brazil00+55010 digits
British Virgin Islands011+1 (284)1(284)+7 digits
Brunei00+6737 digits
Bulgaria00+35907 to 9 digits
Burkina Faso00+2268 digits
Burma00+9507 to 9 digits
Burundi00+2578 digits
Cambodia001, 007+85508 digits
Cameroon00+2378 digits
Canada011+1110 digits
Cape Verde00+2387 digits
Cayman Islands011+1 (345)1(345)+7 digits
Central African Republic00+2368 digits
Chad00+2356, 7 digits
Chile1YZ0+561YZ8 to 9 digits
China00+8605 to 12 digits
Colombia009/007/005+5709/07/20058, 10 digits
Comoros00+2697 digits
Congo, Democratic Republic of the00+24305 to 9 digits
Congo, Republic of the00+2426 to 7 digits
Cook Islands00+6825 digits
Costa Rica00+5068 digits
Côte d’Ivoire00+2258 digits
Croatia00+38508 to 12 digits
Cuba119+5306 to 8 digits
Cyprus00+3578, 11 digits
Czech Republic00+4204 to 12 digits
Denmark00+458 digits
Diego Garcia00+2467 digits
Djibouti00+2536 digits
Dominica011+1 (767)1(767)+7 digits
Dominican Republic011+1 (809/829)1(809/829)+7 digits
Ecuador00+59308 digits
Egypt00+2007 to 9 digits
El Salvador00+5037, 8, 11 digits
Equatorial Guinea00+2406 digits
Eritrea00+29107 digits
Estonia00+3727 to 10 digits
Ethiopia00+25109 digits
Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas)00+5005 digits
Faroe Islands00+2986 digits
Fiji00+6797 digits
Finland00, 99X+35805 to 12 digits
France00+3309 digits
French Departments and Territories in the Indian Ocean00+2629 digits
French Guiana00+5949 digits
French Polynesia00+6896 digits
Gabon00+2416, 7 digits
Gambia, The00+2207 digits
Georgia8+99588 digits
Germany00+4906 to 13 digits
Ghana00+23305 to 9 digits
Gibraltar00+3508 digits
Global Mobile SatelliteSystem (GMSS), sharedcode+881
Greece00+30010 digits
Greenland00+2996 digits
Grenada011+1 (473)1(473)+7 digits
Group of countries, shared code+388
Guadeloupe00+5909 digits
Guam011+1 (671)1(671)+7 digits
Guatemala00+5028 digits
Guinea00+2248 digits
Guinea-Bissau00+2457 digits
Guyana001+5927 digits
Haiti00+5098 digits
Holy See (Vatican City)+379
Holy See (Vatican City)00+39up to 11 digits
Honduras00+5047, 8 digits
Hong Kong001+8524, 8 to 9 digits
Hungary00+3668 to 9 digits
Iceland00+3547, 9 digits
India00+9107 to 10 digits
Indonesia001, 008+6205 to 10 digits
Inmarsat SNAC00+8709 digits
International Freephone Service+8008 digits
International Networks, shared code+882
International Networks, shared code00+883
International Premium Rate Service (IPRS)+9799 digits
International Shared Cost Service (ISCS)+8088 digits
Iran00+9806 to 10 digits
Iraq00+96408 to 10 digits
Ireland00+35307 to 11 digits
Israel00, 012, 013, 014+97208 to 9 digits
Italy00+39up to 11 digits
Jamaica011+1 (876)1(876)+7 digits
Japan10+8109 to 10 digits
Jordan00+96205 to 9 digits
Kazakhstan810+7810 digits
Kenya00+25406 to 10 digits
Kiribati00+6865 digits
Korea, North00+85003 to 10 digits
Korea, South001, 002+82828 to 11 digits
Kuwait00+9657, 8 digits
Kyrgyzstan00+99609 digits
Laos00+85608 to 9 digits
Latvia00+3717, 8 digits
Lebanon00+96107 to 8 digits
Lesotho00+2668 digits
Liberia00+2317 to 8 digits
Libya00+21808 to 9 digits
Liechtenstein00+4237 to 9 digits
Lithuania00+37008 digits
Luxembourg00+3524 to 11 digits
Macau00+8537 to 8 digits
Macedonia [FYROM]00+38908 digits
Madagascar00+2619 to 10 digits
Malawi00+2657, 8 digits
Malaysia00+6007 to 9 digits
Maldives00+9607 digits
Mali00+2238 digits
Malta00+3568 digits
Marshall Islands011+69217 digits
Martinique00+5969 digits
Mauritania00+2227 digits
Mauritius00+2307 digits
Mexico00+52110 digits
Micronesia, Federated States of011+69117 digits
Moldova00+37308 digits
Monaco00+3775 to 9 digits
Mongolia001+97607 to 8 digits
Montenegro00+38204 to 12 digits
Montserrat011+1 (664)1(664)+7 digits
Morocco00+21209 digits
Mozambique00+2588 to 9 digits
Namibia00+26406 to 10 digits
Nauru00+6744, 7 digits
Nepal00+97708 to 9 digits
Netherlands00+3109 digits
Netherlands Antilles00+59906 to 8 digits
New Caledonia00+6876 digits
New Zealand00+6403 to 10 digits
Nicaragua00+5058 digits
Niger00+2278 digits
Nigeria009+23407 to 10 digits
Niue00+6834 digits
Northern Territory011+1 (670)1(670)+7 digits
Norway00+475, 8 digits
Oman00+9687 to 8 digits
Pakistan00+9208 to 11 digits
Palau011+6807 digits
Panama00+5077, 8 digits
Papua New Guinea00+6754 to 11 digits
Paraguay00+59505 to 9 digits
Peru00+5108 to 11 digits
Philippines00+6308 to 10 digits
Poland00+4806 to 9 digits
Portugal00+3519, 11 digits
Puerto Rico011+1 (787/939)1(787/939)+7 digits
Qatar00+9746, 7, 10 digits
Romania00+4009 digits
Russia810+7810 digits
Rwanda00+2509 digits
Saint Helena00+2904 digits
Saint Kitts and Nevis011+1 (869)1(869)+7 digits
Saint Lucia011+1 (758)1(758)+7 digits
Saint Pierre and Miquelon00+5086 digits
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines011+1 (784)1(784)+7 digits
Samoa00+6853 to 7 digits
San Marino00+3786 to 10 digits
Sao Tome and Principe00+2397 digits
Saudi Arabia00+96608 to 9 digits
Senegal00+2219 digits
Serbia00+38104 to 12 digits
Seychelles00+2486 digits
Sierra Leone00+23208 digits
Singapore001, 008+658 to 12 digits
Slovakia00+42104 to 9 digits
Slovenia00+38608 digits
Solomon Islands00+6775 digits
Somalia00+2525 to 8 digits
South Africa00+2709 digits
Spain00+349 digits
Sri Lanka00+9409 digits
Sudan00+24909 digits
Suriname00+59706 to 7 digits
Swaziland00+2687 to 8 digits
Sweden00+4607 to 13 digits
Switzerland00+4104 to 12 digits
Syria00+96308 to 10 digits
Taiwan002+88608 to 9 digits
Tajikistan810+99289 digits
Tanzania00+25509 digits
Telecommunications for Disaster Relief (TDR)+888
Thailand001+6608, 9 digits
Timor-Leste00+6707 digits
Togo00+2287 digits
Tokelau00+6904 digits
Tonga00+6765, 7 digits
Trial of a proposed new international service, shared code+991
Trinidad and Tobago011+1 (868)1(868)+7 digits
Tristan da Cunha00+2904 digits
Tunisia00+2168 digits
Turkey00+90010 digits
Turkmenistan810+99388 digits
Turks and Caicos Islands00+1 (649)1(649)+7 digits
Tuvalu00+6885, 6 digits
Uganda00+25609 digits
Ukraine00+38009 digits
United Arab Emirates00+97108 to 9 digits
United Kingdom00+4407 to 10 digits
United States011+1110 digits
Universal Personal Telecommunication (UPT)+878
Uruguay00+59804 to 11 digits
Uzbekistan810+99889 digits
Vanuatu00+6785, 7 digits
Venezuela00+58010 digits
Vietnam00+8407 to 10 digits
Virgin Islands011+1 (340)1(340)+7 digits
Wallis and Futuna00+6816 digits
Yemen00+96706 to 9 digits
Zambia00+26009 digits
Zimbabwe00+26305 to 9 digits

How to Buy International Phone Numbers?

Global Call Forwarding offers international phone numbers from more than 160 countries worldwide. You can get local, toll free, mobile, and national numbers for countries around the world. If your business is looking to expand outside its local boundaries, then consider getting international numbers to effectively communicate with global customers without worrying about international calling charges. Want to learn more about international call prefixes or how to get phone numbers? Speak with our representatives today or chat with us online!

List of International Call Prefixes (2024)
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