"Under the Radar," a documentary about the quest to see whether serial killer Peter Mangs was responsible for seven slayings in South Florida, including five linked to Palm Beach County.
Provided By Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleNancy Bochicchio and her daughter, Joey Bochicchio-Hauser were murdered in their SUV and found in the Town Center mall parking lot on December 12, 2007.
Palm Beach PostA note that Joey Bochicchio wrote to her father Phillip Hauser months before she was killed at the Boca Town Center mall in December 2007.
Provided By Palm Beach County Circuit Court PapersThe sketch of the suspect in the killings of Nancy Bochicchio, 47, her daughter Joey, 7, and another attack in 2007 at the Boca Town Center mall.
Courtesy Of Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleRandi Gorenberg between 2003-2005. Gorenberg, 52, was shot to death in a county park on March 23, 2007 soon after visiting the Boca Town Center mall.
Photo Provided By FamilySwedish serial killer Peter Mangs in court. He was convicted of two murders and seven attempted murders in Malmo, Sweden. He is serving a life sentence.
Courtesy Of Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleThe woman who was abducted with her 2-year-old son from the Town Center Mall in Boca Raton in August 2007 goes before the area media with her attorney Skip Campbell in his Fort Lauderdale offices on March 4, 2008. She and her son were taken in her SUV from the mall to an ATM and brought back to the mall. The man who abducted her is thought to be the same suspect who killed Nancy Bochicchio and her daughter, Joey, in December 2007.
Palm Beach Post File PhotoJohn Mork, a Swedish investigative reporter, traveled to South Florida to investigate whether 5 killings linked to Palm Beach County were committed by Swedish serial Peter Mangs.
Courtesy Of Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleJohn Mork (foreground), a Swedish investigative reporter, travels to South Florida to investigate whether serial killer Peter Mangs is responsible for any of seven murders, including five linked to Palm Beach County. With him is Jim Rathmann, an investigator and TV personality who grew up in Boca Raton.
Courtesy Of Viaplay/A Rabbit Hole"Under the Radar," a song Peter Mangs sent to John Mork, that Mangs said had clues to a double murder in Florida.
Courtesy Of Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleJohn Mork talks to Rudolph Mangs, Peter Mangs' father, who lives in Boca Raton. Peter Mangs lived with his father from 1996 and 1999. Peter Mangs reportedly adopted his racist views from his father, according to the documentary, "Under the Radar."
Courtesy Of Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleA photo showed Peter Mangs on the Jewfish Creek Bridge near where the body of Christine Kay of Lake Park was found in a mangrove near Gilbert's Resort in Key Largo.
Courtesy Of Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleJohn Mork and Jim Rathmann.
Provided By Viaplay/A Rabbit Hole"Under the Radar," a documentary about the quest to see whether serial killer Peter Mangs was responsible for seven slayings in South Florida, including five linked to Palm Beach County.
Provided By Viaplay/A Rabbit HoleSketch of suspect in Boca Town Center August 2007 attack on a woman and her 2-year-old son and the killings of Nancy Bochicchio and her daughter Joey, 7. A Swedish investigative reporter has compared it with serial killer Peter Mangs.
Provided By Boca Raton PoliceThe woman who was abducted with her 2-year-old son from the Town Center Mall in Boca Raton in August 2007 goes before the area media with her attorney Skip Campbell in his Fort Lauderdale offices on March 4, 2008. She and her son were taken in her SUV from the mall to an ATM and brought back to the mall. The man who abducted her is thought to be the same suspect who killed Nancy Bochicchio and her daughter, Joey, in December 2007. She agreed to the news conference on the condition she not be identified because she fears for hers and her son's lives.
Palm Beach Post File PhotoOn the five year anniversary of the murders of Nancy Bochicchio and her 7-year-old daughter Joey, Jo Ann Bruno pleaded for anyone with information about the killings of her sister and neice to come forward. She is holding photos of Joey during a press conference on Dec. 12, 2012, about the murders outside the Town Center mall in Boca Raton.
Palm Beach Post File PhotoRandi Gorenberg, who was killed in March 2007 less than an hour after she visited the Boca Town Center mall.
Provided By Boca Raton PoliceRandi Gorenberg's mother, Idey Elias, and daughter, Sarie Gorenberg, plead for anyone with information about Gorenberg's murder to come forward. They met with the media during a press conference in March 2007 held by the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office.
Palm Beach Post File PhotoRandi Gorenberg and her brother Jerry Malitz between 2003 and 2005. Gorenberg, 52, was shot to death in a county park on March 23, 2007, less than an hour after she visited the Boca Town Center mall.
Provided By FamilyNancy Bochicchio and her daughter Joey were found dead in an idling SUV at the Boca Town Center mall.
Boca Raton Police Department