Ben 10: Justice Incarnate - Firestorm808 (2024)

Chapter 1: Prologue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It had been five years since the incident with Diagon, Vilgax, Sir George, and the war between the Forever Knights and the Esoterica. At the time, Ben had proven his development into a proper young adult. Azmuth had gifted Ben with a brand new Omnitrix as a sign of approval. The Ultimatix was, in Azmuth's words, "an inferior copy." Instead of a gauntlet, the new Omnitrix was back to a wristwatch. Its faceplate was now square instead of round and had a white and green color scheme. The faceplate was black with two green stripes forming an outline for the hourglass of the intergalactic peace symbol. When the faceplate slid back, the Omnitrix revealed the core.

Ben was ecstatic that Azmuth trusted him with the final product. This was a new dawn in his hero career. Five years have passed since that day. Ben continued to fulfill his social roles as a family member, friend, and boyfriend. The cousins graduated from their respective schools, thanks to a mutual understanding of the duo's responsibilities. Max ensured that Ben and Gwen were only brought in when necessary, and their parents ensured they were not skipping out on schoolwork. The parents knew they were heroes but didn't want them to be high school dropouts. Gwen graduated with honors, and Ben graduated within the top twenty. Soon after, they went to different colleges. Ben wanted to continue hero work, but he promised his parents he would make it into his full career after graduating. He attended a local university to at least get his Criminal Justice degree.

On the other hand, Gwen fulfilled her childhood goal of attending an Ivy League school. Friedkin University was where Gwen studied the mystic arts. It was located east of Bellwood, the best Ivy League college among all the colleges around Bellwood. Given the fact that Ben 10,000 was able to perform some magic, Ben had asked Gwen to help him in that area.

During breaks, Ben also spent the last five years doing part-time Plumber work with his new partner, Rook. After many exciting adventures, he unlocked new aliens and sharpened his combat and mental skills at the Plumber Academy. In honor of Ben's eighteenth birthday, Azmuth gave a software update to his Omnitrix. This added new features and improved old ones. Initially, Azmuth believed that the evolutionary function that Albedo previously developed was asking for trouble. Then again, he made a sword and a watch that could allow a being to conquer galaxies. Ultimately, it all comes down to how power was used and how stable it was. Azmuth was well-regarded as the smartest being in the universe. His Galvan peers often referred to him as the First Thinker. Along with his intelligence, Azmuth was gifted with years of experience and knowledge. It was evident that if anyone could improve the evolutionary function, it would be Azmuth, and he did.

One of the initial problems of the evolutionary function was the lack of safeguards in the evolutionary process. Previously, the ultimate forms of the Omnitrix became unstable and conscious, and they tried to escape while possibly trying to kill Ben in the process. Another problem was the issue of a stable mental state. The evolution feature worked by placing the selected species in a simulation, right down to the DNA, for an extended period, about a million years or so, in what was described as a "worst-case scenario." The actual DNA was modified to match the new DNA. This survival of the fittest routine explains why the evolutions are more combat-centered than their standard forms. One would assume that a species spending a million years in 'hell' could cause possible mental problems. The new safeguards Azmuth placed in would slow the development of evolved DNA. Each genome was analyzed to meet Azmuth's requirements before the form would be allowed for use.

Earth has changed a lot in the last several years. Things had finally calmed down on Earth and throughout most of the universe. The Plumbers, an intergalactic police force dedicated to preserving peace throughout the cosmos, had been granted powerful new technologies developed by the Galvan.

New weapons, new armor; basically, everything they needed to combat threats that previously required the aid of Ben and his team. Azmuth made sure to regulate the level of technology distributed in the organization; in fact, he was made the leader of research and development. The Plumbers would be well equipped to handle low to mid-level threats, but the Tennyson family would be on call whenever extreme danger arrived, which was not often.

Ben was mature enough to know this change was a good thing. There was peace, crime was down, and life was good. But still, there was a part of him that missed turning into an alien every day and fighting some criminal or giant monster. He didn't do any of his heroics for the fame, or at least not anymore, he didn't. He enjoys the feeling of helping others. Ben even got back into soccer, along with other hobbies.

With the newfound peace, Ben could better strengthen his social bonds. He kept close ties with his best friend Kevin and his family. His relationship with Julie Yamamoto only strengthened thanks to the peace. They could finally spend quality time together without worrying about danger. Both of them attended university together. Ben and Julie moved in together in an apartment not far from campus. Luckily, they were still able to keep Ship as their pet. Julie continued pursuing a career as a professional tennis player, and Ben fully supported her. He did anything he could to keep her happy. After the situation with Esoterica, Ben knew he had to be more supportive, considerate, and understanding. They shared a very loving and intimate relationship. All in all, life was good.

Five years after Diagon

Women's Tennis Association (WTA) Tour Finals

Ben, Kevin, Gwen, Ship, and Zed spectated Julie in the tournament's last match. Ship lay on Ben's lap while Zed curled against Kevin's leg. Winning this tournament would be a big step in Julie's career. The final match was between Julie Yamamoto and Donna Vekic. So far, the first two sets have led to a tie, and the score gave Julie an advantage. To win the match, Julie had to score one more point.

"The game is cutting close. Do you think Julie can win, Ben?" Gwen asked.

"She's been practicing for months. I know she can do this. I have faith in her." His eyes were full of confidence toward Julie.

"Ship, Ship," Ship 'said.'

"That's nice to hear from you, Tennyson," Kevin commented.

"I'm not the same guy as before, and today is gonna be a big milestone for us," Ben said as he watched the match.

"I know. It's so sweet that you guys have been together for four years today," Gwen commented.

"I have you to thank for all this, Gwen. You made this all possible when you helped me ask her to the pier."

"Which you ended up wrecking," Kevin remarked.

"Ship…" Ship 'said' in a much lower and embarrassed tone.

Ben cringed at that memory of the date, sighed, and smiled. "I'll be honest. It could have gone better, but it all worked out. An alien was saved, we met Ship, and Julie and I walked home safe and sound." Ben stroked Ship's head as he purred.

"Walking a few miles home wasn't the most romantic, but it let you two get closer. I saw you two walk past my house holding hands," Gwen replied with a slightly teasing smile.

Ben blushed and rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I remember that. When I escorted her to her house, her dad gave me a menacing glare for bringing her home the next morning. I ended up getting interrogated to find out what exactly happened. Luckily, Julie was there to confirm my lie that the car broke down and we got lost. He was suspicious, but in the end, all he cared about was that Julie was safe. When I got home, I ended up having an awkward conversation about my innocence, 'feelings' with girls, and safety." He sighed at that memory.

Kevin tried to hold in his laugh until Gwen elbowed her boyfriend to get him to stop, and she pointed toward the court.

It was Julie's turn to serve, and Donna was on the other side in a ready stance. Julie bounced the tennis ball twice, threw the ball up, and swung an overhand serve. The ball soared to the other side as Donna made her move. The ball bounced once, and just as it was going to make its second bounce, Donna stretched her racket arm in time to underhand swing the ball back to Julie's court. The awkward body movement made her stumble a bit. Julie was prepared for that and quickly knocked the ball to the opposite end of the court. It landed just before the line, and Donna couldn't make it in time, scoring the winning point for Julie.

"The tournament is over, and we have a winner! A first-time winner, Julie Yamamoto. Congratulations on your victory," yelled the announcer.

Julie walked toward Donna and shook her hand. "Good game."

Donna took a deep breath. "You too." She gave Julie a congratulatory hug.

Julie beamed a smile toward the crowd, taking in her hard-earned victory. The announcer approached Julie and said, "You are now the new WTA champion. What do you have to say to everyone out there."

"I want to thank all of my friends and family. I especially want to thank my boyfriend of four years, Ben Tennyson. He supported me in my dream. Meeting him was one of the best moments of my life. I love you."

Ben jumped from the stands and ran to his girlfriend and the announcer. He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her tender lips. They both blushed, but Ben continued. "I love you too, Julie. Congratulations on winning. I knew you could do it."

"You were with me every step of the way. I could always count on you."

"Thanks, but there's something important that I have to ask you."

"Anything, Ben."

The announcer stepped off to the side while still maintaining the camera view and audio of the conversation.

Ben got down on one knee.

Julie, Gwen, the announcer, and all the women in the crowd covered their mouths in expectation.

"The life of a superhero is filled with danger, adventure, and excitement; however, I want to spend every moment with you by my side." He pulled out a small black box from his back pocket. He holds it in one hand and opens it with the other, revealing a gold ring with a sizable taydenite gem in the center. "Will you marry me?"

The crowd swooned at the proposal.

"Oh my god!" Julie immediately broke into tears of joy at what was happening to her.

Gwen was jumping up and down, excitedly squealing while latching onto Kevin.

"We have it here first, folks. The hero of Earth, Ben 10, has officially proposed to his longtime girlfriend," the announcer said to the camera.

'While I'm happy for you, bro, you raised Gwen's expectations for me." He gave his best friend a big smile with a small sweatdrop.

"Ben! I can't believe this is happening!" She exclaimed with such enthusiasm and excitement.

"The world is waiting for your answer, Julie," the announcer stated.

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. She opened her mouth, and just as she was about to give the obvious answer,

BTOOOM, a massive explosion occurred in the background.

While all the civilians screamed in shock at the development, Ben reacted differently.

Ben groaned in irritation and anger. "Why! Why! Why! Why now! Can't the universe see that I'm busy here!" He screamed into the sky. He sighed and looked at his love. "I'll be right back for your answer, honey. I want this moment to be free of any more distractions." He turned toward the cameraman. "Keep the camera rolling. This would make an interesting family video in the future."

Julie blushed at what that statement implied. The thought of them together at home with a young baby sleeping in her arms made her completely red.

"Gwen, Kevin, I'll meet you there!" The two and Zed ran toward the site. The faceplate of the Omnitrix opened, and Ben began scrolling through his aliens. He found the right one. "It's hero time!" He slammed down on the core, instantly transforming him in a flash of emerald green light. What replaced him was a blue-skinned, green-eyed, semi-armored Velociraptor wearing a helmet that was black, long, elliptical, and pointed at the top. The creature had spheres on his feet, stripes on his tail, arms that ended in three-fingered hands, black lips, black facial markings, black rings around its eyes, and the Omnitrix symbol on its chest. "XLR8!"

He looked at the camera, said, "Gotta go fast!" and ran to the battle. 'Always wanted to say that.'

Downtown Bellwood

XLR8 finally reached the area, which was the Plumber outpost downtown. Gwen, Kevin, and Zed were assisting civilians outside the danger zone. He zipped toward Gwen and Kevin and asked, "What's the current situation?"

Gwen turned to him and replied. "The civilians have all been moved, but the intruder is still inside."

XLR8 acknowledged. "Kevin and I will take point while you take our six and give support." Both nodded, and the trio headed toward the outpost entrance. Ben pressed his Omnitrix symbol and released another burst of emerald light. XLR8 was replaced with a humanoid crystalline-rock wearing a green and black jumpsuit with an Omnitrix belt buckle.

"Diamondhead. Not holding back, huh." Diamondhead was one of the first aliens that Ben transformed into, and the form had become one of his favorites.

With a hint of anger and annoyance, he gave a devilish grin. "Whoever interrupted my marriage proposal will pay for that." 'The world can interrupt my first date. It can ruin prom night. It can even crash my high school graduation. But interrupting a milestone in my life such as this crosses the line. "You guys ready?"

Gwen placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're a family, Ben. We stick together, no matter what."

"Consider this your early wedding gift from us," Kevin remarked and received another blow to his side.

"Don't worry, Ben. After this is all over, I'll be picking out the present. Kevin will just be paying for it. Isn't that right, babe?" Gwen gleamed a look to her boyfriend for approval. Kevin was such a softie for Gwen that even if he were in charge of the relationship, Gwen would tell him when to put it on. Kevin nodded nervously.

'There's nothing worse than a woman scorned, especially if she's an Anodite.' Kevin remembered the time when he almost forgot their anniversary. Luckily, Ben could distract her long enough for Kevin to prepare everything. Kevin shook his head at these thoughts as he genuinely loved Gwen, and he would go through a lot to be with her, even the fallout from his mistakes.

"Thanks. You guys are the best. Let's move out."

"Zed, stay. We'll take it from here," ordered Kevin.


Plumber Outpost

The hallways to the facility were significantly dimmed. "Whoever broke in cut off all the power except the auxiliary." Gwen raised the palm of her hand, creating three purple glowing orbs of mana. She had the spheres lead the way about 10 feet ahead.

Kevin gave his thoughts on the situation. "If I remember correctly, the only systems that should be on now are emergency lighting, life support, and high-level security. Many of the Plumbers stationed here escaped with minor to moderate injuries. The baddy is hostile. Does anyone know what this section houses? It might give us a clue on who we're dealing with." The other two shrugged, as both had no clue. Most of the time, they had to deal with off-planet issues. Allowing the Earth Plumbers to manage the local stations was more comfortable. The group came across a computer terminal in what appeared to be the receptionist area. Kevin logged in with his Plumber authorization. "From the looks of it, this facility was in charge of storing confiscated items until disposal transport."

"I have a bad feeling today is going to be one of those days," resigned Gwen.

Ben let out a sigh. "Great, just what I need. Even more drama with the possibility of big explosions."

5 Minutes Later

They heard a loud crash, and Diamondhead's hulking crystal figure sped up to the sound, with Gwen and Kevin following. Diamondhead reached a level 8 security door with a giant hole cut out. Alarms were going off, signaling the break-in. He whistled at the sight. Gwen and Kevin caught up and gave a similar response.

Kevin stepped forward and examined the metal door. "It's coltan. Whoever did this could heat this to the melting point at about 3000 degrees Celsius."

Diamondhead replied."We're getting close. Keep an eye out." After they went through the hole in the security door, they saw the walls lined with security boxes. "Wow. Look at all this. These must have been here for years."

Kevin explained. "Due to the amount of paperwork, Plumbers tend to keep them in storage for much longer than intended."

Gwen stopped. "Wait. Do you hear that?"

"Yeah. It's this way!" Kevin exclaimed as he ran toward the source.


A door flew off its hinges, revealing a helmeted figure in a black cloak with purple lining.

"Well, if it isn't the pest, himself: Ben Tennyson and company. What an unpleasant surprise."

"Yeah, and it's all cinnamon and spice for us seeing you, Eon," stated Diamondhead sarcastically.

"What are you even doing here?" Gwen demanded.

"Uh... isn't he stealing confiscated alien tech?" Kevin whispered to his girlfriend. Gwen sweatdropped as the answer to her question was pretty obvious.

To salvage herself, she whispered, "It was a rhetorical question."

"What could you possibly want from here anyway?" Diamondhead cut in.

"Ah, but telling you would be too easy. As people say, it's for me to know and for you to find out. Now it's time that I get going." Eon reached into his pocket, grabbed a remote, and pressed a button. "Why don't I introduce you to my entourage while I continue without you people in the way?" Eon stepped aside, revealing approaching figures. As they left the shadows, it was clear who the enemies were: Techadon robots. "These five have been custom-made to hold you off. Ta ta." The Techadons jumped and landed in front of the team.

The Alien Force took their battle stances, and Ben looked toward the retreating figure and said, "Once we finish these tin cans, I'll be coming after you."

"Yes. Yes. Whatever you say. I have much work to do." Eon ran off into the shadows.

"Let's get this over with." Kevin absorbed the steel from a support beam, and Gwen raised her hands.

The room turned into an all-out brawl. The trio didn't take long to break through several walls to bring the fight outside.

Diamond held off the machine and glanced at the others. Gwen and Kevin were doing well, holding off one Techadon each, but the two extras pushed them back. "Looks like we're gonna have to even the odds." Diamondhead punched the machine straight in the chest, pushing it back about 20 feet. Diamond pressed the Omnitrix symbol on his cheek, and he was again engulfed in emerald light. When the light show ended, a small white humanoid stood. One of his most noticeable features was a square appendage resembling an MP3 player behind his back with a port. The alien appeared to have cassette tapes on his lower legs. He wore a pair of headphones around his head, and he had green circle-shaped indents on the back of his hands. The inside of his mouth was green with lines that gave it the appearance of an amplifier. "ECHO ECHO!" His voice sounded high-pitched and electronic.

He immediately split into three copies. "Help them."

"Got it." the two said in sync and ran off.

Echo Echo faced the staggering robot and glared. "Wall…." He split into three copies. "of…" The three turned into nine. "Sound!" All nine copies reverberated the last word in sync with one another. The sound waves amplified each other into a devastating blow through constructive interference. The Techadon was still standing, but it was sparking in places. 'Thank you, physics.' Echo Echo thought.


"Lay off the family, rust buckets!" The two Echo Echos attracted the attention of the two extra Techadons. The two Echo Echos nodded at each other and stood opposite the robots. "Echo Chamber!" In a flash, the two robots were surrounded by copies, bearing down the force of multiple amplified sonic attacks and sparking like the others.

Suddenly, the Techadons grabbed Gwen and Kevin and pinned them down. The remaining three grabbed onto the Echos. "Ben!"

"Hey, let us go, you oversized action figures!" yelled the trio in unison.

"Yes. Thank you for the distraction, my minions. I have finally completed the device."

"What's it going to do? Destroy me? Just like every other time, someone tried that on me?" Echo Echo said sarcastically.

"As much as I would love to destroy you, I have found a much better solution to prevent your further hindrance." A machine with a large ring was wheeled into view. "Through my travels, I had seen many alternate timelines when I battled the Tennysons and the Omnitrix." His eye glanced at Gwen before turning his attention back to Ben.

Echo Echo didn't know why he used his family name, so he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. "So? That means I'll always be there to kick your butt one way or another." He replied in a mocking tone.

"That's where you're wrong. I know that I can't kill you." He looked at the Omnitrix symbol, remembering the Omniverse timeline. Echo Echo gave a confused look. "Since I can't do that, I'll just have to move you." Eon pressed a button on his wrist, and the device lit up and activated. Inside the ring was a distortion of colors. "It brings me great pleasure that I have the opportunity to cast you out, forever lost within the expanding multiverse."

"What!?" Gwen and Kevin called out.

"How is that even possible for you? I thought you could only move through time." Gwen was still struggling to get free.

"Ah. Yes. I still haven't gotten to that part yet." He turned to Ben and asked, "Do you remember that interview you had a few years ago?"

Echo Echo thought back and remembered. He hoped he wasn't right. "Yes."

"You disappeared on national television, so it was obvious for me to discover your...predicament."

"What did you do?!" Echo Echo shouted. Ben knew Eon was referring to the time he went into Rex's Earth, but what happened while he was gone?

"While you were on the other side of that thing doing who knows what, I decided to do a little digging. That little light show that appeared was an event horizon. The energy particles were able to tear through the boundaries of the multiverse. I tried to close the anomaly before you could return but to no avail. That was when I realized this was my opportunity to eliminate you. I needed to bide my time to get the necessary equipment and set the trap."

The three Echo Echos struggled to escape the robotic grips, but their small form didn't give them strength. "Don't make me do something I might regret, Eon. Surrender now, and maybe I won't punch you in the face."

Eon scoffed. "A tempting offer, but I must get started." He turned around to run some diagnostic checks.

The three Echo Echos looked at each other and nodded. 3...2...1


Each Echo Echo aimed at a different target. Two were aimed at the Techadons holding down Gwen and Kevin, and one at Eon and the control panel.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH," Eon yelled in pain. He needed to get out of range, so he fled to safety. The console began to spark, and the machine shut down.

Gwen and Kevin broke free from the Techadon's holds and bashed their helmets.

The three Echo Echos tried to blast sound waves at their captors, but they were able to shut them up. How? They shoved their fists into their mouths. Gross.

With Ben incapacitated and Gwen and Kevin still distracted, Eon needed to act fast. He ran to the console and again pulled the manual override, activating the machine. "I need you gone now!" The device powered on, but something was off. It was too unstable, and it began to pull in the surroundings. "Goodbye, Ben. I'll see you never." In an instant, Eon jumped out of the current timeline.

This was bad. The Techadons were still holding onto Ben, and he needed to get out. He never tried this move before, but now was as good a time as any. The three Echo Echos closed their eyes and focused. All three exploded into multiple clones, causing the robots to lose grip.

The clones unleashed sonic attacks, shattering the three robots into scrap. The clones didn't know that the machine's pull was getting stronger. The Echos tried to run for it, but the pull was too strong. Some recombined, and then they became a line of five clones, each hanging on to the other, with one hanging onto a nearby railing.

"Somebody, stop this crazy thing!" all five screamed in sync. The duplicates couldn't focus enough to recombine.

"I'm slipping," yelled the one at the far end.

"Just hold on a little longer," the one-fourth in line yelled back.

Number five looked ahead to the struggling Echo, slowly losing his grip on the railing. He looked back to copy number 4. "At least one of us needs to survive this and get married. We need to let go."

"Are you crazy? We can't do that. We don't know what's on the other side."

"We can't wait for the others any longer, and the pull is getting stronger."

"I don't want Julie to be a widow before getting married. I know I'm going to regret this, but fine. The original is the priority."

"Follow my lead." Both clones let go, allowing the leading Echo to reaffirm his grip. The two flew through the air toward the hole. Five gave a hard look at 4, and they both nodded. Both opened their mouths and unleashed a combined sonic attack on the ring. The machine began to break down, and the hole started to shrink slowly. Unfortunately, the pull was still active. "Hopefully, I'll see you on the other side. Stay safe," 5 saluted to 4.

"Who knows? Maybe we'll make it back home," replied Number Four. They both smiled at each other as they flew into the tear in space.

Seconds later, the tear closed, and Echo Echo 1 could finally let go and recombine. Gwen and Kevin returned to Ben and saw the broken robots at the destroyed machine.

"What happened here, Ben?" asked Gwen.

Echo Echo pressed the symbol on his chest and reverted to Ben. He had a somber expression. "I couldn't recombine, and I couldn't hold onto all five of us. 2 of my clones decided to let go so one of us could live." The hero sat down to absorb today's events.

Gwen placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ben, we can mourn for their loss later. Don't let their sacrifice be in vain. You still haven't heard Julie's answer yet." Ben's expression perked up at the mention of Julie. They began walking back to the tournament to find Julie.

Kevin took his other shoulder. "Don't worry, Ben. I'm sure they're in a better place."


Echo Echo opened his eyes as he felt a massive wind blowing on his face. That's when he realized he was falling from the sky. "Oh, geez! What the–?!" Echo Echo tried to say as he kept falling. He immediately slapped the Omnitrix symbol and once again transformed. A hulking, broad-shouldered alien covered in natural, yellow armor plating on his back, shoulders, and arms was in place. The alien was mostly white, with four claws on both hands. This was Cannonbolt. He rolled into a ball and crashed to the ground, creating a sizable crater. At the bottom, Ben turned back to human. "Ow..."


Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: XLR8

Species: Kineceleran

Home World: Kinet

Powers and Abilities:

Kinecelerans have adapted to the natural kinetic energy storms of their homeworld. They can manipulate friction to reach high speeds, such as when time appears to stop completely, and no top speed has been recorded yet. They also seem to think, act, and react at super speed. They can deliver speed-enhanced attacks rapidly, such as excessively kicking or stabbing enemies with great speed and strength. This species has enhanced speed, agility, jumping, reflexes, recovery, strength, dexterity, and durability. They have sharp claws and a prehensile tail. They can also run on walls and water and create vortexes.

Name: Diamondhead

Species: Petrosapien

Home World: Petropia

Powers and Abilities:

Petrosapiens are composed of extremely durable silicon-based crystals. They can manipulate the atomic structure of their physiology at will and can control all crystals they generate. Being living prisms, Petrosapiens can refract light and beam-based weaponry, channeling them through their bodies and projecting them back to their source. Due to the natural density of crystal, Petrosapiens are incredibly durable against physical impacts. Because Petrosapiens are made out of organic crystals, they are immune to aging.

Name: Echo Echo

Species: Sonosarian

Home World: Sonosaria

Powers and Abilities:

Sonosarians are small, white aliens whose bodies are living amplifiers. They are living sonic waves contained in a silicon suit. Sonorosians can emit sonic screams that range from audible to ultrasonic frequencies. Like the Splixsons, Sonorosians can duplicate themselves, but they are different in that the clones aren't linked in any way, allowing entire groups to be knocked out without harming the rest. Using their sonic screams, Sonorosians can use echolocation.

Name: Cannonbolt

Species: Arburian Pelarota

Home World: Arburia (destroyed)

Powers and Abilities:

Arburian Pelarotas can curl into a ball and, like a motorized wheel, roll at high speeds, ricochet, and bounce. This shell is highly durable. Arburian Pelarotas have a high sense of balance. Arburian Pelarotas can contain fairly large objects within their spheroid form. An Arburian Pelarota's shell is resistant to acids and heat and can refract lasers. While rolled up, Arburian Pelarotas can survive a drop from space to Earth, with just minor amounts of pain from the impact received. Arburian Pelarotas can roll in a circular pattern to damage enemies, compressing themselves tightly and then releasing the pressure to create a sonic blast. Arburian Pelarotas can flop onto the ground to create a shockwave and rotate quickly to generate a miniature tornado.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

I want to vent about most Ben 10 and JL/YJ crossovers I have seen. I am tired of the whole "I lost my family, so now I'm gonna kill myself" premise. It's been done to death. Don't get me wrong. There's nothing wrong with the first group of people using the premise, but the section got bloated with people trying to do the same.

This Ben takes place in an alternate timeline to the canon Ben. Events from Omniverse will be used at my discretion. I mean, really. Ben and Julie broke up over a video game phone call, and Ben became less mature. In addition, the retcon of Plumber's kids and Kevin sucked. For the record, character designs will be determined at my discretion. Some of the omniverse character redesigns are friggin ugly. Why does NRG have a damn handle on his head? Why does Echo Echo look like a deformed troll? Using more pleasant character descriptions will help visualize the story better.

Chapter 2: Arrival


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


16:36 EST

"Wake up, Tennyson," said a voice.

The adult stirred on the ground. "No, Mom. I don't want to go to school today. I want to stay home and bake cookies with you."

"Ugh… Benjamin K. Tennyson, you wake up this instant!" the voice yelled in annoyance.

"Aaaah!" Ben woke up instantly.

He heard a sigh of relief. "Finally."

Ben looked around for the source of the voice but found none. "Who said that?"

"I did," the voice replied.

Ben looked at the Omnitrix in confusion. "What?" Suddenly, the faceplate opened up and projected a hologram of a small frog-like being.

"I've been trying to wake you for about an hour now."

Ben raised an eyebrow. "Azmuth? What are you doing here?"

"I'm not Azmuth. I'm his tenth-generation AI that runs the Omnitrix. Who do you think autopilots it when you are indisposed... such as getting you and your arm in separate dimensions."

Ben coughed into a fist, a little embarrassed about that adventure. "I see what you mean. Julie mentioned that my hand moved independently, but I hadn't thought about it much until now. I'm surprised to see a different complex AI besides Eunice."

"The Omnitrix uses quantum computing to analyze all the DNA stored within and monitor the various functions. The First Thinker couldn't trust any AI except one he made himself. For simplicity, you may refer to me as Azmuth, as he used his neural network as a basis for mine."

Ben rolled his eyes. "That tone of voice says it all. So, why are you here now? You haven't shown up before."

"I have not received authorization until now. Things tended to go poorly whenever you lost connection to Primus, so I can speak to you in such cases."

"Well, that's good because I'm confused about what happened."

Azmuth sighed in annoyance. "What happened this time?"

Ben relayed the events before his arrival here.

"So, you're one of the Sonosarian clones. Interesting."

"Interesting? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Remember when you split yourself using the Sonosarian DNA a while back."

"Yeah. I ended up causing trouble because of the different personalities."

"After you told me that, I was programmed to reduce mental side effects. At the moment, your mental state should be about equal from the start. "

"Well, that sounds good. If we can get back home, could we recombine?"

"I'm not so sure about that."


"Do you know how Sonosarians reproduce?"

Ben thought about Echo Echo. "Isn't the species just living sound in a suit?"

"Exactly. When Sonosarian clones separate for long periods, their brain waves come out of sync. The clone becomes a distinct consciousness. That's how they reproduce."

"So, if I don't get home soon, I won't be able to recombine as one Ben."

Azmuth nodded. "That is correct."

Ben sighed in relief. "That's not too bad. I'm alive. He's alive. Not the worst thing to happen."

Azmuth smirked at the response. "I'm glad to see such optimism in our current situation."

Ben shrugged. "After recreating the universe and multiverse a few times, this stuff doesn't phase me now. 'A Ben is still with everyone back home.' As for the other Echo Echo and me, we expected to fade into nothingness. Considering the alternative, this is a decent deal. Serena and Belicus still have their discussions in the queue, and I don't feel like talking to brick walls to try to skip their turn. I should probably look for civilization. I hope I'm not on some planet still in medieval times."

"Indeed. I may be able to help you with that. The hologram turned off, and a ping was emitted.

Ben raised a brow. "What was that?"

"I'm detecting long-range AM radio signals. Judging from the content, we are on a 21st-century Earth."

Ben breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank God for that. I like my indoor plumbing and internet."

"After triangulating several sources, there appears to be a city a few miles North. Considering what I've heard on the radio waves, I wouldn't recommend flying and causing a scene for the locals." Azmuth gestured to the distance. "On a side note, I'm detecting a strange organic signature in that swamp, so you might want to stick to terrestrial transformations for your departure."

Ben nodded. "Thanks for the help."

"It's my job to oversee your development when the First Thinker is away. Call me again if you need further assistance."

"No problem." Azmuth closed the hologram function. 'Since we're going through a swamp, I know just who to be.'

He scrolled through the watch and pressed the core. He became a humanoid green and black-colored plant-like alien with red and yellow petals in a green flash.

"SWAMPFIRE!" 'Take that, damn mosquitoes.' "It will be a long walk… Engage Lifeform lock."

"Lifeform Lock Engaged"

'Better get a move on.'


8:14 PM

In the middle of the swamp, Swampfire groaned. 'Sheesh, how big is this place?' After removing another section of bushes, he came to a small clearing with a strange plant-like house near the swamp water. 'Huh?'

Swampfire approached the structure carefully. His first thoughts were that this was a house to some swamp folk, but a feeling in his head was telling him otherwise.' Trusting this strange instinct, he stayed in his current form. Shrugging, he knocked on the petrified wooded door. "Hello! Is anyone inside?" A minute passed, and there was no response. "I guess no one's home."

"Who goes there?" A voice from around the corner of the home called out.

Ben turned to the voice. A shadowy figure soon stepped into his line of sight. Ben took a step back at what surprised him.

It was larger than a human being and similar to Swampfire. The entire body was composed of vines, leaves, and moss. Glowing red eyes watched the alien hero warily. "What are you doing here?"

Several questions raced in the hero's mind. 'Is he an alien? Is he hostile? Do plant creatures also populate this version of Earth?' Swampfire coughed to ease the tension. "Easy there, man. My name is Swampfire. I'm just passing through."

"Hmm." The creature looked at Swampfire once more before raising its left hand. It glowed a soft green, and Swampfire could have sworn he felt a warmth over his form and mind. The light dimmed, and the other plant man was satisfied with his observation. "...Very well. You may call me Alec. The Green seems to confirm your words."

'The Green?' "Uh...Thanks, I guess. Just to confirm, there's a human city to the North, right?"

"Why do you ask? It is not a place for beings like us."

"I have things to do there. Let's just say I don't always look like this."

Alec looked to the sky. "It is getting late. While one such as yourself should have no issue continuing through the night under normal circ*mstances, I would recommend against it."

Swampfire stopped mid-step to the city. "Why? What's wrong?"

"The malevolent spirits are more active at night."

Swampfire blinked. "...This place is haunted?" To Alec's nodding, he groans. 'Dammit. Not again.'

Seeing the other plant's demeanor, Alec walks toward his campsite. "The small territory around my home is guarded against them. The Green permits you to stay for the night. Come, I feel we have much to discuss."

The hero sighed and followed along.

10:13 PM

The two gathered around a fire, cooking some gator they had caught earlier. It seemed that Alec also had carnivorous characteristics when needed. They ate in awkward silence until Ben decided to break it. "So…what are you?"

Alec furrowed his brow. "What do you mean? Are we not of the same origin?"

Swampfire raised his nonexistent eyebrow. "You mean you're an alien too?"

It was Alec's turn to be confused. "An alien? No, I am a product of the Swamplands. You are an alien, then?"

Ben could feel the awkwardness in the air. "Well... yeah. I come in peace? Heh. Heh."

Alec eyed him from top to bottom, trying to get a read on him. "So, you're like that Superman and Martian guy but a plant..."

Swampfire jerked his head at the reply. "Wait. There are other aliens on Earth, and one is a Martian?"

"Indeed. I may not be as connected to Man's world as I would like, but I still hear the whispers from the Green on major events. Even a Stranger in blue comes by once in a while to talk stories. Sometimes, I think he knows more than he lets on."

Swampfire shrugged. "If that's the case, something like me is not surprising to you."

"A little, but I am curious about how you came to be."

"My species came from a planet where plants evolved into sapient life." That is what happened for this species but not him personally. "Did the same happen to you?"

"Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to develop long-term. From what I could tell, I used to be human, studying these very same Swamplands. I don't recall exactly what happened, but there was an accident, and here I am."

'Well... that's a new one to add to the origin books.' "I'm sorry to hear that. It must have been a shock to adjust." He wasn't sure what else to say.

Alec waved it off. "Don't worry about me. I came to terms with my new life some time ago. The Green comforts me, guides me."

"I've been meaning to ask, but what is The Green you keep mentioning?"

"It's a conscious force that created all plant life. It surrounds and binds beings like us together as well. It is within me. I can even sense it within you."

Swampfire placed a hand on his chest. 'That must have been what he did with his hand earlier.' "Woah. That's heavy. I'm familiar with the general life force, but this is definitely something new."

"As a former man of science, I can agree that this is an aspect of the world I never expected as well."

Swampfire pondered for a moment before speaking. "If it's okay with you, I think I know someone who can try to clarify all this."

Alec tilted his head in confusion. "I doubt anyone I might know on Earth besides the Stranger could elaborate."

The alien smirked. "It's good that this one doesn't come from Earth." 'And this universe.' "Hey, Azmuth, I think I found something you might want to look at."

From the Omnitrix came the Azmuth projection. "Yes, what seems to be the…" He cut himself off at the sight of Alec. "I see... Fascinating, sentient plant life on Earth. I would have thought this planet would have been too young to progress to this point of evolutionary growth."

Alec blinked at the hologram. "Who and what is he?"

Swampfire paused to come up with an answer and shrugged. "He's my guide of sorts. He's the smartest in five galaxies, so don't judge him before you get to know him."

Alec continued to stare at the little frog thing. "I see. Forgive this former scientist for being hesitant about the capabilities of alien life."

A yellow light panned over Alec. Azmuth put a hand to his chin. "You would not be the first. From my initial analysis, I've seen beings like you before."

"You have?" questioned Alec and Swampfire.

Azmuth rolled his eyes. "If you paid attention to some of my talks with Paradox, you would have remembered. We discussed higher dimensional forces, concepts, and beings after your encounter with the Naljians and Contumelia. In any case, you are not an evolved life form such as Swampfire here. Instead, your being is because of a larger metaphysical force."

"The Green," answered Alec.

Azmuth nodded. "So that's what you call it."

Swampfire's shoulders drooped. "Sorry, I'm lost here."

The First Thinker sighed. "The larger force I mentioned is similar to that of Mana."

Alec's confusion about the current situation grew, raising an eyebrow. "Mana?"

Swampfire decided to step in and explain. "To me, Mana is life energy. It flows through all life and objects, concentrating in a different dimension. It sounds like a broader version of the Green you mentioned."

Alec looked at his hands and then at the surrounding swamp. "That's fascinating, but how does that explain me?"

Azmuth nodded. "Mana and likely The Green are fundamental aspects of the universe, similar to nuclear and gravitational forces. However, it's always more complex when life is involved, conscious or not. Tell me, what does it mean to be alive?"

"From a biological point of view, life is the aspect of existence that processes, acts, reacts, evaluates, and evolves through growth."

"A sufficient answer, Alec. The crucial difference between life and non-life is that life has physical and conscious development."

Swampfire held up his hands. "Wait, are you telling us that there is a metaphysical consciousness from everything alive?"

"Indeed." Azmuth turned to Alec. "This higher consciousness deemed you necessary for its continued existence."

Alec's shoulders sagged. "But why me, of all people? I'm just a scientist. I would have expected someone like a guru to be more fitting. Even the Stranger could not help me in that matter."

"Unfortunately, I cannot answer that question either," replied Azmuth. He turned to Ben. "I take it you can handle it from here." With that, he returned to his duties in the Omnitrix.

Ben chimed in. "This Green saw something in you before you perished. From what you said before, you get vibes and feelings from it. Anything related to a possible goal?"

Alec slumped in defeat. "The Green isn't as generous with answers either. All I know is that there is an imbalance in nature."

"Human pollution?"

"While that is an obvious issue, it's something more supernatural. The Green. It has shown me many things in this swamp. As there is a light, there is also darkness?"

Swampfire frowned. "Darkness?"

Alec pointed into the distance. "Just as the Green is a force of life, there must also be forces of death. The universe has a natural state of balance. All things come to an end eventually. Life and death cannot exist without the other. However, an imbalance is out there, bringing unmitigated death, a Rot if you will."

The alien blanched. "That doesn't sound good at all." Swampfire turned solemn. "This Green, it's trying to find balance again, right?"


"Then tell me how I can help you. I can only imagine how lonely it can be on your own with this Stranger coming by once in a while."

"While I have managed so far, I take comfort in your words."

"You said that you sense the Green within me. Anyway, can you teach me how you wield it when the time comes? Maybe we can exchange tips on controlling plants. I'm pretty sure you grew the house that way."

Closing his eyes, Alec took an instinctive breath and focused. A few seconds later, a small smile formed. "It seems that the Green is accepting of your intent. However, there seems to be a small disconnect between you and the rest of the Green. You are foreign yet compatible."

'I don't suppose the Green can tell I'm not from this reality.' "Well, I guess that comes with being an alien."

Alec got up. "If I may, the Green wishes to solidify its connection with you."

Swampfire rubbed an arm. "Uh... Is it Gonna hurt?"

Alec chuckled before walking toward him. "The opposite." Like before, he placed a hand on Swampfire's chest." Close your eyes, and let the Green flow through you."

Swampfire felt more connected to the world for the next hour than ever.

7:16 AM

Both of them had woken up at the crack of dawn. They were standing outside the camp, seeing each other off.

"Good luck on your journey. I hope you find what you are looking for." Alec held out his hand toward Swampfire.

Swampfire took his hand and gave a firm shake, confirming their friendship. "Thanks for everything. You have a lot on your shoulders, and if there's one thing I know, it's saving the world. We got this. I'll come by and visit sometime." He began walking North.

Alec waved at the shrinking figure. "Farewell!"

Swampfire waved back, continuing his journey toward the city.


Omnitrix DNA Entry:



Home World:Methanos

Powers and Abilities:

Methanosians are bipedal plant-like creatures whose height normally varies from 6 to 9 feet tall. Methanosians come in an array of colors, petal patterns, and abilities. Methanosians can release volatile organic compounds that allow them to communicate with and control nearby plant life. As a result of growing in such a saturated environment, Methanosian bodies are soaked in methane and have, over time, learned to generate it. As they age, they learn how to pool the methane to various pores in their bodies and ignite it, allowing them to create fire. Methanosians possess a quick form of regeneration, allowing them to heal or reattach severed limbs.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 3: Settling In


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

3:46 PM

"Man, that walk took forever." Ben reached the end of a forest line near the city limits. 'I don't want to scare people, so I better change back.' With a thought, he reverted back to human. He checked his jeans, black shirt, and green jacket to ensure nothing made him stand out too much. Seeing nothing wrong, he walked toward the city and approached a large green sign. "Welcome to Central City. Huh. Not much of a creative name there." He shrugged. 'Well, time to explore the place.'

The city had its usual social classes: upper, middle, working, and lower. After exploring the middle of the city, his stomach growled. Reaching into his pockets for his wallet, he only found his ID, credit, and debit card. 'Of all the days I forgot to bring cash.' Ben sighed at his situation, deciding to take a look around town. Seeing a pawn shop, he had an idea. After confirming it was empty, he walked into a nearby alley and activated the Omnitrix, transforming into Diamondhead.

Ben remembered the time when Kevin's body was used to farm taydenite. Initially, Diamondhead could only control silicone crystals, but after much training and focus, he could control crystals of varying compositions. Calming his mind, Ben grew a high-grade sapphire from the ground. He decided against making a diamond since he learned that diamonds are intrinsically worthless. He dug up the sapphire and transformed himself back into a human. From there, he went to the pawnshop and spoke to the manager.

The man examined the stone with his eyepiece. "This is some high-grade crystal. You didn't steal this, did you?"

"No, I didn't." He gave a slight glare to the rather large pawnshop owner. Ben lied, giving an innocent smile. "It's been in my family for generations."

The man sighed and took another look at the rock. 'There is no professional cut, so it wasn't from any high-end place. There aren't any identifying marks. Even if this was stolen, there would be no way for police to identify it.' He gave a small smile. "Okay, kid, I'll believe you."

The semi-high grade crystal was about 1 carat, so Ben received a respectable 10 grand.

The first purchase he made was chili fries from a nearby vendor. 'Thank whatever God exists that chili fries are an Omniversal concept.' Now that his hunger was resolved, he had to rebuild a life here. He walked near the government district and found the city library. Luckily, people only needed a library card to borrow books. He walked to a computer terminal in an empty corner of the room.

Ben decided to update himself on the current events on Earth. What surprised him was that there were many superheroes and supervillains around. The US even made a prison specifically for villains and criminal "meta-humans," as the article said. Apparently, a group of superheroes formed the Justice League that works alongside the UN for the world crisis. 'They remind me of The Galactic Enforcers. I really hope that they aren't similar in personality.'

He continued to browse through various articles, learning about the members of the league and their respective adversaries. One article came from a newspaper called The Daily Planet from Metropolis. 'Did they really use a word that describes a city as the city's name?' What really caught his attention was the headline "Superman Prevents Plane Crash." The cover photo showed a Caucasian man in a blue suit, red cape, and tights holding up a plane that had its engines in flames. On his chest was an emblem with the letter "S." 'So that's Superman. From what Swamp Thing said, he's an alien.' He looked up some general info about the guy and was surprised. 'Apparently, he's the last of his kind. I wonder if I can get his DNA in the database later.' He looked back at the Omnitrix. 'Other than helping people understand other species, the Omnitrix is also an Ark of sorts for the DNA of many sentient beings.

What's more surprising is that Martians exist. I never did ask Orb and Decka if there were any Martians there. They called it the Popcorn Planet, but where did it come from? In any case, I'm sure the other heroes will take care of any trouble while I settle down here.'

He whispered to the Omnitrix. "Hey, Azmuth."

The hologram appeared. "Yes?"

"Could you get into the network and set up my identity?

"Very well. It will only take a moment." The hologram disappeared, and the Omnitrix connected to the local Wifi signal. A few seconds later, it disconnected. "All information has been made with nothing left behind. You may visit the district office nearby to pick up your replacement papers and driver's license."

Ben smirked. "You got me a license too?"

"Of course. You didn't think I would let you walk around forever in this place. Would you?"

"Thanks, Azmuth. I really appreciate all this. Now I have to get a car." Ben did as Azmuth said and retrieved his papers. With the required documentation, he could now start looking for a home. After browsing Craigslist, he found a modest studio apartment on the city's north side.

The Next Day

Ben's Apartment

Ben was currently lying on the couch, watching some TV. The apartment looked fairly modest. It was a studio apartment with a proper bathroom and kitchen. He was able to get some decent furniture from thrift and discount stores. He may have money, but he's not wasting it all at once.

Azmuth decided to appear around noon. "What do you intend to do for continued stable living conditions, Ben?"

"Even though living off sapphires would be easy, people would get suspicious about the recent influx of sapphires in the market. I need to make a steady income."


"Luckily, I've had an idea ready for this situation for a long time." He gave a beaming smile.

Azmuth knew that smile. "I think this will be something rather personal to you." All he received back was a grin and a nod.

Time Skip - 3 Months Later

Two women walked down the street. One appeared to be an emerald-haired Brazilian with green and black attire, and the other a snow-white-haired Caucasian with white and light blue attire. At first glance, anyone could see that both women looked flawless. They appeared to be in their early twenties. The first woman's outfit was a green long-sleeve blouse, black skirt, flats, gold earrings and bracelet, and a black Nixon watch. Her friend had a more modest impression. She had a light blue shirt, Vans shoes, and a white undershirt. Her socks were white, but blue snowflakes were placed around the top. Around her neck was a simple gold lace. The two continue to walk for a few blocks toward the local mall.

The Brazilian was the first to speak. "It's nice to finally have some time together."

"I know. With you being a traveling model, it's hard to juggle our careers and enjoy ourselves."

"Yup... It's getting kinda hot. Do you mind if we stop for a drink nearby?

"Personally, I like the heat." The woman in blue rolled her eyes at the inside joke. "But... If it'll make you happy, sure."

"You're the best!" she said, quickly hugging her best friend.

The emerald beauty reached for her phone and did a quick search. "According to Yelp, there's this hot and new drink place ahead."

"Even better!"

About half a block later, they reached the storefront.

The Brazilian raised a brow. "Mr. Smoothy?"

"I love smoothies! Let's order." She ran inside, dragging her model friend along.

The inside had a modern look. The walls were pearl white, and the floors were hardwood. There were also wooden tables with houseplants placed around them, giving off a homely atmosphere. They reached the counter and took a look at the chalkboard menu. No one was there, but they noticed a bell on the counter.


"Coming!" A voice came from the back room. A young man soon came walking in. He had worn his common black shirt and jeans under his green apron. He looked at the two and smiled. "Welcome to Mister Smoothy. What can I get for you ladies today?"

The snow-haired girl was the first to reply with a smile. "I'll have a Winter Melon, please."

'Huh...Nordic. You don't see them often. Her outfit really suits her along with her Brazilian friend.' He turned to her and asked, "And you?"

'Green eyes...' the emerald woman thought. Shaking her head out of her stupor, she gave her order. "I'll have a Strawberry Sunrise."

"Sure. Coming right up. Can I get your names?"

The emerald Brazilian was the first to speak. "You can call me Beatriz,

Her friend spoke next. "And you can call me Tora." She smiled happily at the man before them.


Check out my social media for ways to support me!
Come chat on my Discord Server.
Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 4: Back to Business


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mister Smoothy

11:25 AM EDT

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A young man soon came walking in. He had worn his common black shirt and jeans under his green apron. He looked at the two and smiled. "Welcome to Mr. Smoothy. What can I get for you ladies today?"

The snow-haired girl was the first to reply with a smile. "I'll have a Winter Melon, please."

'Huh...Nordic. You don't see them often. Her outfit really suits her along with her Brazilian friend.' He turned to her and asked, "And you?"

'Green eyes too...' the emerald woman thought. Shaking her head out of her stupor, she gave her order. "I'll have a Strawberry Sunrise."

'I always liked Latin accents.' "Sure. Coming right up. Can I get your names?"

The emerald Brazilian was the first to speak. "You can call me Beatriz,

Her friend spoke next. "And you may call me Tora." She smiled happily at the man before them.

He smiled at the two. "It's nice of you two to stop by. You may call me Ben." He walked around the kitchen and soon made their drinks. After he received payment, he handed the two their drinks.

"Thanks," Tora and Beatriz both smiled. They decided to take seats near the counter.


The room was quiet at first, but a conversation started between them. The three continued to talk for another half-hour, enjoying each other's company.

"We're actually staying here in Central City for a month," answered Tora

"I'm sure that you'll enjoy your stay. You two can come by anytime," he replied.

"I take it that we gave off a good first impression," Beatriz commented.

"Don't sell yourselves short. It normally takes time for people to get on my good side. Now that I think about it, where were you two headed before you stopped by here?"

"Tora and I were on our way to Central City Plaza to check out the sites and do some shopping," Beatriz answered.

Tora's eyes widened at the idea. "Ooh! Do you want to come with us?"

Ben blinked at the sudden request while Beatriz raised an eyebrow at the invitation. "Excuse us while I chat with my friend here." Beatriz grabbed Tora and walked to the other side of the store. Ben was used to girl talk, so he didn't mind.

Beatriz looked at Tora expectantly while tapping her shoes. When she saw her confusion, she whispered to her, "Why did you invite him to come with us?"

Tora simply rolled her eyes and whispered back. "Come on, he seems nice. As far as I can tell, he seems pretty docile and sweet."


"We're new here, and I would prefer a local show us around rather than a tour guide. Remember what happened in New York last winter?"

Beatriz shuddered at the memory. Their tour guide was a total sleaze. He barely knew anything about the town and tried to get into their pants the entire day. "You have a point..."

"Plus, he is pretty cute, especially with his green eyes."

Beatriz twitched. "Really? I haven't noticed..."

"So? Is it a plan?"

"Fine... He can come along."


"But if he steps out of line," she lit a small green flame on her thumb, "I'll roast him."

They turned to see Ben leaning against the counter, his hands in his pockets. "So..." He started with a hopeful smile. "Does the offer still stand?"

Beatriz nodded, and Tora smiled back, replying. "We would love for you to accompany us today."

Ben pushed himself upright and clapped his hands. "Great! We can take my car. It's pretty hot out there for us to be walking there. I'll close up shop. Wait for me outside, and I'll pull the car upfront."

They both looked at each other to see the other's reaction to getting into their new friend's car. They had the unspoken agreement, 'We can handle him if anything.' Turning back to Ben, they answered, "Sure," and walked out the front door.

As soon as they were out the door, Ben took a deep breath. "It's been a while since I went out with people on this new Earth, Azmuth."

As Ben closed the shop, a hologram projected from Ben's wrist and replied. "Indeed it has. Since coming here, you haven't had much social interaction outside your shop. Then again, you devoted much of your time to your recent projects."

"I'm just glad I had the Flashes to keep things calm until I set everything up. It took a lot of blood, sweat, and tears to bring him back and build my new ride."

"One of which you will show to your new acquaintances." A smile pulled at Azmuth's lips.

Ben rolled his eyes at the implication. "We just met, and I'm not one to rush into relationships. I will admit, they are both really cute. I swear. Beatriz has to be a model or something. If things go well, then who knows."

"Julie was a special one. A little naive with the cult fiasco, but whole-hearted nonetheless."

"Yeah. Even though I'm a copy, I still miss my family and friends, especially Julie." Ben walks into the back room and changes into his signature green jacket. "I'm sure she's happily married with 'me' right now... disregarding the flow of time across universes." He shook his head. "Getting back on track, I better not keep those two waiting." After pocketing his wallet, phone, keys, and a small metallic device, he walks to the garage.

10 Minutes Later

"What kind of car do you think he drives?" asked Tora.

Bea shrugged. "If it's a windowless van, we book it."

In the corner of their eyes, a sleek black blur sped down the road and stopped right in front of the pair. (The car in Alien Swarm and the series was based on the Mazda RX-8, but I wanted his new one to be modeled after the 2016 Nissan GT-R) Now that it stopped, the two could finally get a better look at the car. The overall color scheme was jet black with emerald green highlights. Said highlights formed an "x" on the front and stretched to the side skirts and the rear spoiler. The chrome rims also had an emerald green center.

Bea whistled, and Tora gawked. It looked damn good.

The tinted passenger window lowered to reveal their new friend, Ben, with a knowing smile. "Thanks for waiting. Ready to head out?" He wore the familiar black shirt and jeans but was now wearing a green jacket with white stripes and the number ten. Strangely, it suited him very well.

Bea placed her hand on her hips."Sure. I have to say, Ben, you really know how to make a good first impression."

Ben gave a modest shrug and grin. "I aim to please. I'm glad you guys like it. Hop in."

"I've never seen this kind of car before," stated Tora, getting into the rear seat while Bea took the front passenger.

The emerald empress nodded. "I have to agree with sis. What model is this?"

Shifting gears, Ben replied, "I'll tell you later. In the meantime, here's a little demo." Reaching for the dashboard, he enabled high-performance mode and adjusted dynamic control, transmission, and suspension. Holding down the brake, Ben charged the engine by stomping on the accelerator and then released the brake. The car shot to sixty miles an hour in less than three seconds.

"Whoop!" Everyone in the car was excited. The G-force was incredible. Luckily, Ben was taking the back roads, so he didn't need to worry about any traffic. They eventually came to a calm and steady forty-five and began to talk.

"So, have you had a chance to see the Flashes?" asked Tora.

Be shook his head. "No. Not really. Things have been pretty quiet since I've been here."

Bea raised a brow. "Really?"

Ben shouted, "Hey, it's been peaceful in my part of town. I'm not complaining, but it would be nice to talk to them eventually. Maybe the villains and crooks are on summer vacation. Besides, I'm sure some of the heroes appreciate the quiet. " Ben ended up striking up another entertaining conversation with Tora while Beatriz looked out the window and stared at the passing clouds.

'I do admit. It is nice just spending time with my best friend.' She glanced at her friend through the side mirror. 'As much as we love both jobs, we needed this outing.' Her thoughts drifted to Ben. 'He's not such a bad guy.'

"You alright?"

Ben's words pulled Bea out of her thoughts. To recover, she replied, "You might want to keep your eyes on the road, juice boy," with a playful tone and smirk.

A smile tugged at his lips. "What? You think we're gonna crash?"

She tilted her head. "I haven't decided yet."

"Is that a challenge?" He changes gears and pushes on the accelerator.

"Ben? What are you doing?" Tora asked, slightly panicked at the increase in speed.

The speedometer was going over sixty miles per hour. There weren't any other cars around, but the speed was still high. Ben and Beatriz looked straight in the other's direction, a blink here and there, not looking at the road at all.

"Ben? Bea? You're scaring me!" Her hands latched onto the seat.

The speedometer reached ninety miles an hour, and the upcoming light was red.

"Ah!" Tora closed her eyes tight, but nothing bad happened.

The next red intersection arrived, and the car came to a sharp yet comfortable stop.

She opened her eyes to see the smiling pair in front of her. "Oh..." She was rather pink in embarrassment.

A few snickers escaped before the car erupted into full laughter.

"Oh, my god! That was hilarious!" exclaimed Beatriz.

"I know," wheezed Ben. "I can't believe you called my bluff!"

"I can't believe you called my bluff!"

"I can't believe you guys did that!" The two turned around to see a squealing Tora in the back seat. She gave off a watery-eyed puppy-dog expression that clearly melted hearts. Even her friend Beatriz was not immune to those eyes.

Beatriz sheepishly rubbed the back of her neck with an apologetic look."Sorry, Tor. We got so caught up in everything that we put you through that. Hehe."

"If anything, it's my fault. I'm the driver. Can you forgive us?

"Bea is my friend, so I'll let her go... for now." A small, sly smile appeared on her face. "You, Ben, are not getting off that easy."

He sweat-dropped with a nervous smile. "What do I do to make it up to you?"

"Hmm. I'll forgive you if you do two things for me. I'll think of the second one later, but you'll treat us to dinner tonight."

"Sure." He rolled his eyes.

The best friends proceeded to high-five each other.

"Somehow, I feel like that was you guy's plan all along." Ben only received giggles.

20 Minutes Later

Central City Plaza

They had just arrived at the Plaza near sundown, and Ben started to show them around. Surprising to them, Ben seemed to know all about the local hot spots and a little bit of the history. They visited many nearby landmarks, scenic points, and a few shops. Beatriz also helped Ben pick out a few clothes since she had an eye for fashion. When they visited a dog park, the girls went head over heels for Shibas and Corgis. "Don't leave me. I will hug you, squeeze you, and call you George," squealed Tora, hugging a Corgi. Ben finally got them to their next stop: the top of the Central Arch in the middle of town.

(Nearby radio speaker plays Zelda's Lullaby (Violin Cover) Taylor Davis)

The three were the only ones there as they gazed out into the distance. "Wow!" cheered Tora. "It looks amazing up here!"

Bea chuckled at her enthusiasm. "It really is great to be here."

He shrugged. "I'm sure you have been to other great places like this."

The three ended up against the railing, taking in the entire view and overlooking the sky, park, and city lights.

"Truth be told, Tora, I haven't had much time to venture during our stays.

They eventually stopped talking


"Well... That killed the mood," Bea deadpanned. Shaken from their relaxed state, they raced toward the source of the sound.

Down below, a beast was wreaking havoc. Upon closer inspection, he looked vaguely like a giant tiger cat or a puma. "Where is Flash!" He yelled. "It's time we settle our score without that runt of a sidekick getting in the way!"

No one was getting hurt, but he was causing a lot of property damage. "With that kind of entrance, the Flashes should be here any second?" stated Tora.

The music was cut off, and a female announcer took control. "This just in. Broadcasting to you live, the Flash and Kid Flash are currently engaging with Mirror Master at the Springfield Natural History Museum. Earlier today, the Hope Diamond had just stopped along its nationwide tour.


"Oh no! The Flashes have just been trapped in the mirror dimension. This isn't the first time they have been trapped, but it will take some time for them to find their escape. Local law enforcement is pursuing Mirror Master, but his use of mirror gateways makes apprehension extremely difficult. We'll keep you up to date on this as best we can. We advise all citizens to vacate the surrounding area until further notice." The loudspeaker was cut to a commercial.

"Or not," said Ben dryly.

Bea gave Tora a serious look and whispered. "We need to get down there now."

"What about Ben?" Tora asked.

"What about me?" Ben wanted to go down there to help, but he had to deal with the girls first. He had just overheard his name come up.

Bea grunted loudly, expressing much of her irritation and discomfort. She pointed straight at Ben. "If you tell anyone about us, I swear to God I will-."

"Fire, come on." Ben turned to Tora's voice to see her encase herself in ice and break out of it in a completely different outfit. Ben's eyes widened as Tora was the perfect combination of cute and sexy. Her snow-white hair, sky-blue eyes, and face shape were amazing. Ben also noticed her silky smooth legs revealed by her rather high-cut suit. It didn't help that the suit also gave a distracting view of her cleavage.

"Yeah, yeah, Ice. Remember what I said, Ben." He turned back to her, and she erupted into green flames, transforming into an Emerald Sun Goddess, in Ben's opinion. Her skin was green, while her hair was a torrent of flame. One thing that stood out to him was that she looked mostly naked, allowing Ben to see her luscious skin and jaw-dropping curves while her other flames covered her conservative areas. His eyes moved between the two elemental beauties, processing the shock and awe of what was before him. Bea flew down to face the obnoxious threat.

Tora walked up to Ben, kissed him on the cheek, and gave it a light pat. "Don't worry. We'll explain this later. You still owe us dinner," said the last part teasingly. There, she glided down below, Iceman style.

It took a few seconds for Ben's brain to reboot and draw a conclusion. "Oh, I did not just get left behind to fight crime!" He looked down at the two now facing off against the feline freak. A grin grew on his face. "Well, Azmuth. It's hero time!"

Down Below

"I asked to fight the fastest man alive, not some hot head and an ice princess!" He uprooted another tree and hurled it toward Fire. Luckily, the tree phased right through her, and she fired another scorching flame. As he named himself, Sabertooth took on the searing flames without flinching. From above, Ice was sending slabs of ice in his direction. His thick hide and brute strength could withstand her attacks, so she was acting as support for now.

'Fire flew in close, blazing like a phoenix, and launched a stream right at Saber, knocking him into a tree behind him while Ice started hailing him with rock-hard snowballs. Saber pulled the tree out of the ground to block the snowfall and then threw it at the heroine in question, knocking her out of the sky and behind Fire.

"Ice!" Fire turned and saw Saber get closer. She shot out some fireballs, which didn't do much to stop him. Suddenly, Ice shot the ground underneath him with her powers, making her equivalent of a banana peel beneath him, tripping him up.

As he slid forward, Fire and Ice shot extensive blasts to each side of him, making him roar slightly in pain. He jumped out toward Ice and plucked her out of the sky, throwing her at her friend when he landed. He picked up a nearby fire hydrant as she hit and threw it at the duo. As Fire and Ice saw it, they countered, firing streams of their respective elements at it, trying to stop the velocity of it enough to get away. As they just managed to duck under it, Ice shot an ice cage around the offending cat's feet and promptly collapsed.

Fire then flew towards him and started fighting up close.

Ice was losing her breath. She was overtaxing herself. She stood behind cover to regain her composure. At that time, Fire was going in close-quarter combat with the cat. While Fire had technique, she lacked the brute force Sabertooth had. With a few bruises here and there, Sabertooth was able to get Fire off-balanced and on the ground. He picked her up by her neck and declared, "Come on out, Flash. If you don't get here soon, you won't like what you'll see afterward."

Ice was still exhausted, and she feared for her best friend's safety. A thud happened behind her, and she quickly whirled around only to be left speechless in shocked silence by the darkened nine-foot figure towering over her.

Ice stared at the newcomer. She saw what looked like two claws protruding from its wrists extend outward by at least half six inches.

"YOU WANNA FIGHT, SABERTOOTH? RAAAGH! LET'S GO!" The towering figure turned to her. "You okay?"

Surprised at the new guy just talking to her, she simply nodded.

The behemoth's fiery gaze instantly shifted from to the beast. "USING HOSTAGES IS NOT COOL!" The shadow-veiled colossus jumped near the pair and then unleashed a primal roar so powerful its resonance echoed for miles.


Not at all intimidated, the beast-man merely replied with a snarl. "I'm still waiting for the Flash, but I guess I'll have to establish my dominance over you right after I'm finished with her, feline."

Without further adieu, the newcomer instantly exploded out from the shadows, rocketing past the female duo and crashing into Sabertooth with the full force of a jet-propelled battering ram.

The Fire, Ice, civilians, and newscasters still in the area stared in shock as the now exposed luchador-tiger-like behemoth slammed his forearm into Saber's chest, bringing the tiger-man crashing to the ground.

Standing about nine feet tall, he resembles a tailless orange and white bipedal tiger with one claw out of each wrist. He is wearing a green and black outfit similar to that of a luchador (a Mexican masked wrestler). His green eyes contrast with his sharp black eyebrows. Black stripes run on his shoulders, head, legs, and upper body, while white fur fills his jaw, neck, chest plates, hands, and feet. Finally, an hourglass symbol is on his luchador belt.

Free from the throat hold, Fire stood back up and faced her rescuer. "I don't know who or what you are or why we are friends, but thanks. Now, let's kick his ass!"

The battle of the beasts raged on as the newcomer jumped and brought his hulking elbow smashing into Saber's solar plexus. Distracted by the pain, Saber was set aflame by a pissed-off Brazilian.

Saber helplessly gasped desperately for the air that the blow had knocked from its lungs and that the fire burnt up. Ice jumped in to douse the flames and freeze Saber's entire lower section and left arm. The tiger-like behemoth picked up Saber by its chest fur. "COME ON!" he thundered into Saber's face. "YOU WANTED A FIGHT, AND NOW YOU GOT ONE! SO SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!"

Saber was not going to give up until he got his revenge. He roared right into the Appoplexian's face and sent a mean right hook, sending the newcomer reeling backward. Saber was able to free his left arm and right leg, but he didn't have the time to free his left because Fire started beating down on his chest with plasma-enclosed fists.

The Appoplexian was unable to help itself from grinning. "NOW, THAT'S MORE LIKE IT!" he shouted with pumped-up enthusiasm. "YOU THINK YOU GOT A SECOND WIND? WELL, RATH IS GOING TO RIP IT OUT OF YOU!" He then cracked his knuckles and neck as he loosened up for round two. "RAAAGH!"

Without any hesitation, Saber countered Fire's last strike, spit out some blood, and tossed Fire aside to face Rath. Rath narrowed his eyes at Fire and back to Saber.

Unfortunately, having never actually encountered an Appoplexian, Saber had no idea what a mistake he had just made. While Saber was strong, he had nothing over Rath's raw strength, fighting prowess, and overall unbridled savagery.

With savage ferocity, Rath instantly smashed its fist into Saber's windpipe, cutting off his momentum. He then dealt Saber a powerful knee to the stomach, causing Saber to keel over in pain. The battle-hungry Appoplexian picked him up upside down, securely locking him in its hulking arms, and sprang high up into the air. "POLARIS PILEDRIVER!" he thundered as they came crashing back into the ground.

Focusing her power on a high-powered stream of fire, Bea unleashed it on the being, getting back up and stopping after a few seconds. Fire grinned wickedly as Saber soon collapsed into an unconscious black soot mess.

Ice took the chance to make his ice prison so the police could take him in without any further problems.

Bea stretched her arms from the fight. "Thanks for the help, ... Rath."

Ben waved it off. "Don't mention it. It's what I do."

The civilians nearby were cheering the trio in thanks and taking photos while a few reporters were already targeting the heroes.

Questions were shot at them from multiple directions. "Who are you? What are you? Are you ladies single? Are you an alien like Superman? What are your three sizes? Are you part of the Justice League? Will you go out with me? Are you three new heroes to Central City?"

Ice made a small Ice blast to the sky to get the reporters to shut up. "One at a time," asked Fire. "Yes, we are single. We will not tell you that, and we respectfully decline." She turned to Rath. "We gave our answers. Now, it's your turn."

Rath grunted. He still hated the media after his experience with Will Harangue. It didn't help that Rath was the body holding in the emotions. He needed to stay composed. "Rath is a hero! That's all you need to know! I'm not part of the League. I kick criminal butt whenever I see it. Kinda sorta on the last one!"

"Rath and Rath's friends will be on our way." He scooped up Tora into a bridal carry, causing her to redden in embarrassment. Rath motioned Fire to follow.

The three moved to a nearby rooftop, away from the media and civilians.

Rath gently put Tora down on the roof. "Sorry. Rath wanted some privacy. Didn't want an ice trail."

She nodded slowly. "No, I understand... Who and what are you, by the way?" asked Tora.

"And Why did you call us your friends?" asked Bea, who just landed.

Rath sent a fake hurt expression to the pair. "Rath hurt that you guys don't recognize me, Tora and Beatriz."

The two girls winced at the knowledge of their identities. "Should we?" Bea asked. I'm pretty sure we would remember a gigantic luchador tiger man."

Rath grew a mischievous grin. "After all the time we spent together this afternoon..."

It was their turn to go wide-eyed at the sudden revelation.

"Ben!?" Tora exclaimed in shock and awe. "Is that really you?"

"Hold on a sec." He pressed the hourglass symbol on his belt, causing him to be engulfed in emerald light. After Tora and Bea removed their hands from their eyes, they saw the familiar Ben standing there with a friendly expression on his face. "It really is me. The one and only. Considering that you showed your secrets to me, it is only fair that you know this little bit about me."

Tora and Beatriz changed back into civilian clothes once they confirmed it was Ben. "That still doesn't explain how you changed." Tora was still confused.

"We'll trade stories soon. Come follow me. The night's not over yet."

"What are you talking about?" said the two in unison.

"Anybody hungry? Like I promised you guys earlier today, dinner's on me, and I know just the place."

Tora and Beatriz are so consumed by the fight and Ben that they forget about their hunger. Their faces reddened as growls escaped from each of them.

Ben laughed. "Glad to see I'm not the only one ready to eat.

Ben took them to an all-you-can-eat Yakiniku restaurant. For those who don't know, a Yakiniku restaurant allows you to cook the food on a stove at your table. They had their own private booth, and each gave a cliff notes version of themselves, nothing too specific but getting the point across. Ben talked about his Omnitrix briefly but focused more on some of his past adventures. He even explained why he opened a smoothie shop. Ben did not mention that he was from a different universe. No one needs to know that. Why would anyone need to know that? Seriously? Why does anyone need to know someone is from a different universe? It's just stupid. After trading stories, they ended up enjoying a casual dinner together. This was Tora's and Bea's first time in this type of restaurant, and they liked Ben's company.

Once everything was said and done, Ben drove them to their hotel.

Both paused before either of them got out of the car. "We should do this again sometime."

Ben was surprised by that. "I take it that the villain thing didn't ruin things."

"Actually, that is the best-case scenario," replied Tora. "It's hard making friends when you travel the world occasionally, but we can finally relax when we hang out with you since we both know each other's secrets. Bea will be busy with a meeting, but are you free next Friday?"

"Are you kidding? It's a plan," Ben answered in a quite happy tone.

With a small flicker of jealousy, Fire spoke. "I'll be modeling in the Victoria's Secret pageant in a few weeks. Why don't you stop by?"

Noticing Bea's intentions, Tora also spoke up. "You should come! If you want to, call us later, and we'll give you the details and the backstage pass so you can meet us."

"How could I turn down such an offer, especially from you two? I'd love to go." Ben replied sincerely and teasingly. A slight hue of pink grew on their cheeks.

Beatriz and Tora took out pieces of paper and gave Ben their phone numbers.

Tora smiled. "Bye, Ben. Don't be a stranger."

Bea waved back. "The same goes for me too."

"I'll call. Goodnight, ladies," Ben said, waving them back goodbye. As Ben drove off, he thought, "Looks like I'm back in the hero game."

Back with Tora and Bea. Tora gave her friend a sly smile. "I told you that he was a great guy."

"Shut up!" Bea muttered in embarrassment from her best friend. 'We both like the same guy. This will be interesting...'


Washington D.C

"Hey, Dawn, are you feeling okay? You've been staring in that direction for a while now."

"Holly, you feel the same thing. Right? Something new has arrived, and it keeps popping up every month. I can't figure it out but feel somehow connected to it.

"I know. It's strange. I'm sure we'll find out soon enough. Forget about it for now. Come on. Let's go home."


Omnitrix DNA Entry:



Home World:Appoplexia

Powers and Abilities:

Appoplexians possess enhanced strength and agility, enabling them to jump great distances and lift objects heavier than themselves. While not the smartest of species, their expert fighting style combines wrestling, grappling holds, and sheer brute force, allowing them to power their way through dozens of opponents and smash through tough defenses. Appoplexians possess a large, retractable claw on each wrist. Appoplexians are extremely durable. Appoplexians can always remember things relating to fights or battle techniques learned. Their unbridled aggression gives them a psychological edge in combat. There are very few things that Apploplexians fear, and many opponents find it extremely difficult to stop one who is fully enraged.

Behavior (Special Case):

Appoplexians value emotional openness: if an Appoplexian has a feeling, they express it openly. Generally, the feeling is a blind rage. Appoplexians love to fight and have a great appreciation for the best fighter. Instead of shaking hands when they meet, they engage in a wrestling match until one is established as dominant. Appoplexians believe any problem can be solved by hitting it. Appoplexians are prone to referring to people by their full name or title and beginning a conversation with "Let me tell ya somethin'!" They also refer to themselves in the third person. Appoplexians have an advanced level of shame and wear pants. The Rath strand of DNA lacked the strong sense of shame that most Appoplexians have, as he ran around naked uncaringly.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 5: The Visitor


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Justice League Watchtower

Green Arrow slumped over the monitor. "Ugh... Monitor duty is so boring!"

The scarlet speedster was sitting right next to him in a similar state. "Come on. Someone. Anyone. Try to make a doomsday machine. Anything. I'll even take stealing candy from a baby."

"Just two more hours, and I can finally go on my date with Felicity."

"How long have you been with her again?"

"A little more than a year. She was the one who helped me launch the whole Green Arrow gig. She's been with me the whole way."

"That's so sweet. I still have to buy a gift for my anniversary with Iris. I was supposed to get it yesterday, but Mirror Master ruined my outing." Flash put a hand to his chin. "Is there something specific for a fifth anniversary?"

"Not that I know of... Now that I think about it, what was that huge ruckus on the other side of the state back in Central at the time?"

"What do you mean?" Flash wasn't aware anything happened. "I heard there was something, but it was taken care of. At least, that's what the police chief told me."

"Hold on. Let me Google it real quick." After a few clicks and keystrokes, he found what he sought. "Check this out."

Flash checked the screen to see his old villain, Sabretooth, fighting Fire and Ice. They were on the League's charter for potential members but said they weren't ready for the League commitment yet. "I'm glad they could hold the fort down while I was gone."

"That's not the part I was referring to. Keep watching."

Flash watched as Fire and Ice were on the edge of defeat. "Oh, God. Are they okay?" Instead of replying, he heard a roar off-screen. The video continued, and the two men watched the Tiger wrestler intervene. With assistance from the two women, Sabretooth was taken down. The reporters ran up to the trio, loaded with questions.

Flash and Green Arrow rolled their eyes at the inappropriate questions asked of Fire and Ice. They were more interested in the newcomer's answer.

The Tiger Man grunted. "My name is Rath, and I'm a hero! That's all you need to know for now! No, I'm not part of the League. I'm more of a freelancer now, and sorta for me on the last one!If you all don't mind, we will have a private chat."Ice was scooped up by him into a bridal carry, causing her to redden in embarrassment, and Rath motioned Fire to follow.

"He's a loud one, that's for sure," noted Arrow.

"I'm glad to hear that he's on our side."

"What do you think about him being in Central?"

"Since I've been with the league a lot, it's good to see that the city is still in good hands while I'm gone."

"What do you think of the guy in general?"

"He seems alright. A bit rough for my taste, but it looks like the girls are keeping him company." Flash nudged Arrow on the shoulder.

He simply chuckled. "Yeah, from the looks of it, they are having fun with their new toy. Do you think we should tell the others about the new guy?"

Flash shrugged. "Meh, he was on the news. I'm pretty sure that they already know."

"I wonder what he's doing now, being a Tiger Wrestler."

Flash smirked. "Maybe he's auditioning for the next season of WWE?"


Central City

Ben wiped the counter with a positive expression on his face. The day before was quite eventful. He met two beautiful women who were heroes just like him. In addition, he can make his debut on the hero front. Considering what happened the last time his identity was leaked, he would do his best to keep his secret in a small circle. Things were looking up for Ben.

The doorbell rang, signaling a new customer.

Ben wasn't looking at the door as he moved some things under the counter. "Welcome to Mr. Smoothy. May I take your order?"

"Hands in the air, bub!"

That caused Ben to drop what he was doing and look up from the counter.

At the entrance of the store was a quite attractive blond woman pointing a gun at his face.

Her outfit was an ensemble of red and black leather. If you were to draw a line down her middle, you could see that each side was the opposite of color. The corsage gave a clear view of her navel and lower back. Each of her arms had a sleeve and glove. She also wore tights with a brown belt around her waist. Around her neck was a choker. To Ben, the design gave off the theme of a deck of cards. Her blond hair was tied in two ponytails, each with colored tips.

(I based her off the picture in this link: harleyquinn111992 deviantart com /art/Harley-Quinn-By-Rajivcr7-d7jhzkm-498912488)

Ben looked at the sign he posted on the wall nearby.

Days Without Incident: 54

"Well, looks like I have to update the sign..." Years of getting pointed at with guns got him used to the experience. Ben could have used Master Control to change, but the woman would have still seen him change.

"Shut up!" she yelled. She walked closer to the counter, still aiming the gun.

As she drew near, Ben noticed her eyes. They were quite red, with dry tear marks trailing down each of them. What caught his eye was the bruise on her left eye. 'What happened to her?'

"Come out from behind the counter," she ordered, and Ben complied. "Now, I want you to remove all the money in the register and place it in a bag."

Ben wasn't concerned about the money as he could simply make more sapphires. He was more concerned about the woman in front of him. Looking into her eyes, Ben could see how broken she was. Over the years, Ben has helped people of all backgrounds. There were times when Ben was to assist in domestic issues on other planets. This person in front of him needed help.

Ben reached for the register and started packing the money. The woman started to relax a bit as everything was going smoothly. This was his moment to act, but it would be a huge risk. "Would it be okay for me to know the name of the woman who's robbing me?"

The woman's expression didn't change, but she answered. "It's Harley. Harley Quinn."

Ben smiled. 'I'm making progress.' "Harley... Nice name. You can call me Ben."

"Well, Ben. I'm glad you're making this easy."

He continued to pack the money. "So... Harley. What's a woman like you doing here?"

She raised a brow. "What's it to you? I'm robbing you, aren't I?"

"That's not what I mean."

Harley tilted her head. 'What's he going on about?' "What do you mean?"

"You're robbing a smoothie shop. I wouldn't call it the best place for profit." Ben paused for a moment to look her in the eyes. "Does it have anything to do with whoever gave you that bruise?"

Harley's eyes widened at the comment. Her free hand slowly reached for her left eye, but she shook her head at the last moment. "N-No! This has nothing to do with it!" She yelled.

Ben could see that her conviction was wavering by the look of her hold on the gun. 'Just a little more.' "Did someone you care about do this to you?"

She kept silent.

"I guess I'm right...aren't I..."

"No," she answered. "H-He loves me. I-I deserve his love." Her belief in her statement was faltering.

Ben was seeing the signs of what this person was, and he didn't like it at all. "Whether he loves you or not, it's obvious that he doesn't respect you. Is this really what you want in a relationship?"

"I...I..." She didn't know how to answer.

Ben frowned. 'What kind of person was she involved with?' "Was there ever a moment he put you ahead of his or her desires?"

Harley's mind raced through several memories of her with the Joker. It wasn't good... at all. The betrayals, the lies, and... the abuse... began to surround her mind.

That straw broke the camel's back as Harley collapsed onto the floor in a crying mess. She felt so helpless.

She felt so helpless.

Ben couldn't help but feel empathy. Ben placed the money on the counter and walked toward the still-crying Harley. He took a seat beside her, and Harley didn't react. At that moment, he pulled Harley into a hug. Harley continued to cry, but she knocked on Ben's arm with the butt of the pistol. Each hit was weaker than the last until she simply let go of the gun and dug her face deeper into Ben's shoulder.

Harley slowly wrapped her arms around him, returning the hug while still tearing up.

1 Hour Later

Ben was leaning against the store counter, Harley resting on his lap. Harley's sobs slowly stopped over the course of half an hour. She finally stopped when her body gave up from all the fatigue and stress that was likely building up inside. Ben gently stroked Harley's hair as she let out slow breaths in her sleep.

'You know, when she's not pointing a gun at me, she does look pretty cute.'

Her sleeping form slowly squirmed, and her eyes lifted open. She took a few seconds to get her bearings. Once she saw Ben, she realized that she was on his lap and moved to get away.

Ben gently placed his hand on her shoulders to get her attention. "Harley. Hey, hey. It's okay. Calm down. I'm not going to do anything."

She gave him a skeptical look. "How do I know that you haven't already called the cops and that they're on their way right now to take me away?"

"Well, for one, we've been in this position for about an hour now."

Harley blinked at the statement in his lap and gave a nervous laugh. "Oh... I guess so..."

Ben rolled his eyes with a small smile. "Two, I think it would have done more harm than good for you if I had called the cops and let them handle you."

Harley raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Good for me?"

"While I respect the men doing their job, I believe you need help outside the system."

Harley lightly scoffed. "You expect me to believe that you want to help me?"

"Hey, I'll have you know that my best friend was a criminal."

This surprised her. She thought back to the statement. "Was?"

Ben shrugged. "He moved on to better things. He's much happier if you must know."

"Oh..." she replied.

There was a brief moment of silence before Ben spoke up. "So... Do you feel much better now?"

Harley was slightly taken aback by the concern for her well-being but straightened herself back up. Her eyes drifted away from Ben's face, a little embarrassed at what happened so far. "Well... Much better than before... Thanks for not calling the cops."

"It's not what I do on a daily basis, but I made an exception." Ben stood and held out his hand to Harley. "Come, let's get you cleaned up."

She was hesitant to trust the guy she had just met, but he didn't seem to have any ill will toward her or her actions. This piqued the curiosity of the psychologist inside her. The way this man acted was contrary to her expectations. She wanted to know more about him. What made him tick? Why is he helping her?

She closed her thoughts, gathered her resolve, and took Ben's hand. 'I hope that I don't regret this.'

She was led to the back of the store and up the stairs to the second floor. She was surprised to see a loft right above the shop.

Ben noticed her surprise and explained. "Sometimes, when I stay here late, I crash here as a second home." He led her to the bathroom. "Go get yourself clean. I'll be back with a change of clothes." Harley was left in the bathroom as Ben walked away.

Harley's first instinct was to lock the door behind her. After taking a breath, she walked to the sink and looked at herself in the mirror. 'Aren't I a mess...' She sighed and began to strip, placing her clothes on the toilet seat. Soon, she was in a lukewarm bath, lying back against the tub, staring up. She occasionally scrubbed away the dirt and grime she collected but stared at the roof at the end. The scars from her previous injuries have nearly faded away. Her thoughts were reviewing everything that had happened in the past few weeks.

'It's been one year since I joined the Joker, and about a month since I left Gotham... I just wanted to get away from it all. My feelings with the Joker were all messed up since that day.' She gave a sad chuckle. 'I guess I was just in denial... I still can't believe I was lucky enough to leave Arkham during the breakout. I wonder if Pam is doing okay without me.'

Knocking on the door brought her back to reality.

"I have some spare clothes at the door. Call me if you need anything."

She sank into the water and thought about what she would say to Ben when she got out.

15 Minutes later

Ben was sitting on the couch in the living room watching TV when he heard the bathroom door open, followed by footsteps. Out of the walkway came a clean Harley wearing a black T-shirt and shorts one size larger than her. The larger clothes enhanced the mystery of the luscious body underneath, while her smooth arms and curvaceous legs gave a pretty good hint. She soon planted herself on the couch next to Ben, and they watched the TV silently for a short time.

"Hey," Harley asked to get his attention.


"Listen, I just want to say... I'm..." The words were getting caught in her throat. "I'm... sorry about earlier." That was a load off her chest. "I've been through a lot and took it out on you." Her mind drifted back to her time in Gotham, but she shook those thoughts away. "Also... Thanks... For everything. Most of the time... people don't spare me a second glance before they judge me and run away..."

Ben smiled at her honesty. "I'm glad I'm not most people." He gave a small chuckle. "I don't mean to push, but do you want to talk about it? You said that you were dealing with personal issues."

She opened her mouth to answer but stopped. She took a moment to think before answering."No... Maybe not now. I just need some time to think everything over..."

Ben accepted her answer. "I don't want to force you into anything you don't want. Take as much time as you need. I'm all ears anytime."

"Thanks for understanding... I should be okay. I'm a psychologist, you know."

He smiled. 'Huh. Who knew?' "That's all well and good, but it's always good to have an outside perspective. Like I said. I'm all ears if you need me. I have experience in psychology when I went for my criminal justice degree."

That threw her off a bit. "You have a degree in Criminal Justice?"

"Yup," he replied, still with a smile.

It was Harley's turn to laugh a bit. "So you have that degree, yet you're running a smoothie shop?"

Ben laughed a bit along with her with a shrug. "You know what they say. Do what makes you happy."

"Yeah...What makes you happy..." A brief pause came before she spoke again. "Hey, Ben. I know you've done a lot for me already, but..." She turned her head in a feeling of shame. "Do you mind if I stay here for a while? I don't have anywhere to go, and I don't feel like talking to anyone else. In a way, I did what I did this morning because I needed money for a place to stay." She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and braced for the rejection... only it didn't come.

"Of course you can stay."

Harley's head made a one-eighty to face Ben. "R-Really?!" She couldn't believe it, yet she could see the sincerity in his emerald eyes.

Ben took a seat closer, smiled, and continued, "I promised that I would help you through this. Right?"

Harley lunged at him and pulled him into a deep hug. "Thank you..." That was all that she could say at the moment. Ben returned the hug with a tinge of pink on his face.

The afternoon went smoothly as they talked a little about themselves. Harley really enjoyed Ben's stories of his summers spent across the country.

Ben offered to sleep on the couch when night fell while Harley slept in the bedroom.

Before Ben left her alone with the room, she called out to him. "Hey, Ben."


"I have to ask... Why are you helping me? I pointed a gun at you. I tried to rob you. Now I'm taking baths and sleeping in your home. What did I do to deserve this?"

Ben's face turned into a much more solemn one, and they answered. "Just like you, I had my moments of helplessness. When I first saw you this morning, I recognized the look in your eyes. The eyes of someone on the verge of breaking. Someone was feeling hopeless. I was lucky enough to have friends and family around for me. I assumed that you didn't have someone to talk to. After that time, I learned that the best way to cure hopelessness is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope. I wanted to give you hope. I wanted to help you see a better tomorrow."

A smile grew on Harley's face, and she had a slight tear in her eyes as she heard those words. It has been a long time since someone genuinely cared for her well-being. "Thank you, Ben. You have no idea what this means to me."

"I'm glad to help." Before Ben closed the door, he said one last thing. "By the way, you're cute when you have a smile on your face."

The closed-door hid Harley's face, which had an even larger grin with pink on her cheeks.

She looked at the nightstand and saw the phone. She needed to call someone.

Gotham City

Pamela Isley was lying in her apartment for the night. Her fair skin gave an alluring contrast to her auburn red hair, and her leaf-patterned nightwear accentuated her curves.

(You can imagine her to be any appearance you see as attractive. One look at her DeviantArt told me I couldn't choose one.)

Her room was filled with plants that she called her babies. She looked out the window as she stroked her tulip. 'I hope that Harley is okay. I haven't seen her since we were both in Arkham.' Her face scrounged up. 'It's all that damn Joker's fault...' She then grew a sad expression. 'I knew he was bad for her, but I just let her live in her deluded fantasy, hoping she would realize her mistake.' She sulks even more. 'I should have known that Joker's manipulation would have ingrained deep in her head. Does his madness have no bounds?' She has been friends with Harley Quinn since she met her. Unlike most team-ups, their partnership is genuinely rooted in friendship, and Ivy wants to save Harley from her abusive relationship with The Joker.

Her thoughts were broken by the ringing of her cell. She sighed and answered the unknown number, somewhat irritated. "What? Who is this?"

"Hey, Pam. It's me, Harley,"

Pamela paused, nearly dropping the phone. The sound of the familiar voice and name made her jump at attention. "Oh my God, Harley. Is this you?" Her voice grew in concern.

"Yeah, it's me, the one and only," answered her friend shyly.

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since the breakout. I almost thought you were dead! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you!" Pam was in a state of anger and relief because, deep inside, she was glad she was safe.

"I'm sorry that I made you go through all this. I just needed to get away from it all. I didn't mean to hurt you, Pam. You're my best friend in the world."

Pamela smiled since Harley sounded much better than a month ago. "Well, I'm glad that you're alright. So tell me. Where have you been? Why did you leave?"

"I finally did it, Pam. What you've been telling me for the past year. I finally left the Joker..."

To say that Pamela was shocked was an understatement. She was amazed that Harley had finally left Joker. "Oh my God, Harley! That's great! I always knew that you had it in you!"

"I guess that I did the right thing then..."

"He was never good for you, Harley. That man had no respect for you. I've seen the bruises and scars. Last time... Last time was just unforgivable for me..."

"I'm starting to see that now. Anyway, I'm currently staying in Central City while I get everything sorted out. I almost forgot to ask. How are you doing since the escape?"

"I'm doing fine. I'm just living in my apartment with my babies until the heat dies. Are you staying somewhere nice?"

"I'm staying with a... friend."

"Oh..." This piqued Pam's curiosity and concern. She experienced cruel men in her lifetime and grew to distrust and manipulate these men. Meeting men like the Joker manipulating Harley did not help man's cause. "I see that you've already moved on. Who's the lucky man?"

Harley sputtered before replying. "I just met him today, and his name's Ben."

"So... How'd you two meet?"

"Uh...Well... I was robbing his store..."

Pam blinked at the statement, even though it was a phone call. "Uh... You didn't hold him hostage while you lived in his house. Did you?"

"What! No!" Harley replied. "I was just trying to get money for a night's rent. One thing led to another, and I ended up having an emotional breakdown in his store."

"Are you feeling okay?" she asked with concern, and then her tone changed into a more threatening one. "He didn't take advantage of you. Did he?"

"N-No! He didn't do anything like that. He's been nothing but empathetic to me. He genuinely wants to help me... He didn't call the cops on me. He got me cleaned up and clothed. He's even letting me stay with him while I sort myself..."

All of this coming from Harley was something new to Pamela. She sounded so relieved... so happy...

"I honestly don't know what would have happened to me if I didn't meet him... I honestly don't want to imagine it..."

When Pamela learned about Harley's new situation, she felt a weight lifted off her shoulders. She was getting the help that she desperately needed. "Me too... I don't want to lose my best friend."

"Best friends for life, Pam. Anyway, it's getting late. I should probably go to bed now."

"You're right. Take care, Harley. Call me back soon."

"Thanks. I'll keep you updated."

"Oh, and if this Ben gives you any trouble, I'll be right there to turn him into fertilizer."

Harley chuckled at the threat. "I do not doubt that you will. You'll like him if you meet him. He's different from the people we're used to."

Pamela smiled at the idea. "Maybe when the heat dies down, I'll come to visit.

"I'll send you the address when you're ready. Just try not to scare him too much."

"Oh, Harley. Whatever do you mean?"

"Goodnight Pam. I'll talk to you later."

"Goodnight, Harley. I'm so proud of you."

Central City

Harley washed up and wrapped herself in her sheets. Before she closed her eyes, she whispered, "Thanks, Ben... for everything."

It didn't take long for her to enter her dreams.

Harley had a peaceful night of sleep for the first time in a long time.

Living Room

Ben just left Harley in the room, and he slumped onto the couch. Today was quite the day, but he was happy to help Harley. He waited for Harley to sleep before pulling up his watch and calling for his friend. The image of Azmuth came up and greeted him.

"Greetings, Ben. How are you?" The two of them talked every other day.

Ben gave him a recap of what happened, and He was surprised at the response. "I must say, Ben, I am very proud of you. This is a sign of your growth and maturity as a person."

He blinked at the compliment. "Thanks. I normally don't hear that from you often."

Azmuth scoffed. "It's not often that you give me a reason to, at least until recently. If you were put in this morning's events from about five to six years ago, he would have gone straight to the violent approach."

Ben cringed at that thought. He knew it was true and sulked a bit. He didn't want to imagine himself hurting Harley physically when she was having emotional problems. "I see what you mean..." 'Thank God it turned out better.'

Azmuth expressed hope, "But you are much different from then. The Ben today was calm and collected. He went to the root of the problem and dealt with it appropriately with compassion and understanding."

"I have changed... haven't I?"

"Indeed you have. Do you remember why I made the Omnitrix?"

Ben nodded. "It was to bridge the gap between species to promote understanding and peace."

"And what you did today was of your ability. It seems that you continue to prove that I chose the right wielder of my creation."

Ben smiled at the compliment, but it returned to a neutral expression. "That means a lot to me, Azmuth. However, I still remember the day I broke your trust when I tried to hack into the first Omnitrix. I still feel remorse for that. I'm glad you still allowed me to continue working with you."

Azmuth gave a small chuckle. "For what it is worth, Ben, I have gotten used to humanity by now. Your kind means well, but they don't realize their mistakes until after the consequences. The same can be said for Sir George. May he rest in peace. You have learned your lesson and changed for the better. I do forgive you, but I hope that you please show some respect for my warnings."

"Thanks for the talk and everything, Azmuth."

"Thanks to you as well."

"By the way, it's that time of the month to meet with Serena and Bellicus." After getting the new Omnitrix, Ben tried to improve his relationship with Serena and Bellicus. They have not been on good terms the last time they met before that. Since then, Ben has tried to do his job as the voice of reason. Thankfully, college helped to improve his public speaking and persuasion. As Serena and Bellicus have been arguing for eternity, never having a tiebreaker, getting them to focus on any present task is difficult. This leaves Alien X's body trapped in place, floating about a foot above the ground until an agreement is made.

"It is indeed. Fortunately, they allowed time to dilate when you are helping them make decisions."

He sighed. "I know. Last time, it felt like a week, but only a minute had passed. That still doesn't compare to the first time I talked with them here in this universe... Anyways, release the safeguards, Azmuth."

"Very well. Do take care. I hope that your meeting goes well."

The core opened up and displayed the hologram of Alien X. Ben took a breath and pressed it down, now engulfed in emerald light. He soon disappeared, and in his place was a seven-foot humanoid. He was shaped like a human, save for the three crests that rose out of his head; his entire body was black as the void itself, yet was dotted by distant stars. It was as if someone had poured a part of the night sky into a glass man. The only part of him with a different color was the green Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

When he spoke, he did so with three voices: a deep, male voice, a gentle, feminine voice, and Ben's voice. "Alien X."

Inside Alien X

At that moment, Ben found himself within Alien X's mind, which appeared to be the darkness of space with stars in the distance. Of course, he wasn't alone; the other two personalities within Alien X were also there.

They appeared as giant green faces without eyes, the empty sockets revealing only the space behind them. On one side was Bellicus, the embodiment of rage and aggression; on the other, Serena, the embodiment of love and compassion. The two constantly debated what actions to take, unable to agree on anything unless Ben intervened.

"Motion to welcome Ben Tennyson?" Serena asked pleasantly.

"I guess it's that time again. Fine. Very well. Motion carried!" Bellicus said. "Welcome," the two faces said in unison.

"Are you ready to begin?" asked Serena.

Ben nodded. "Yup."

Bellicus chimed in. "Remember our agreement, Ben. For every one hundred decisions you resolve for us, we'll listen to one of yours, but that doesn't mean we will say yes."

"I got it," replied Ben

"What was our last decision, Bellicus?" Serena asked again.

Bellicus thought about it for a moment. "I believe we were on whether we should create a new star and whether or not we bring back the dinosaurs on this Earth. We never had a chance to decide in the previous universe."

Serena gave a light sigh. "I remember when Ben first talked to us in this new universe."

"Yeah... I wish that you would allow us to go home... and set Ben on fire."

"It certainly was an eventful meeting..." replied Ben.

Serena faced her companion. "Oh, Bellicus. Don't be so reckless. I remember it like it was yesterday..."

Flashback to the first month

Ben found himself in Alien X's mind with Bellicus and Serena. At the moment, Bellicus looked angrier than usual, while Serena seemed more excited.

Ben was extremely nervous as the two faces in front of him learned about the scenery change. "Hey...guys...How's it going?... Anything new?..."

Bellicus merely narrowed his eyes. "Oh, you know, the usual. Arguing, staring out into space, finding out that we're in a completely different multiverse..."

Ben coughed. "What?... I-I have no idea what you're talking about." 'This is never going to work.'

Serena chuckled at Ben's attempt while Bellicus sighed and continued. "Ben. Did you think that would work?"

"No, I was just trying to relieve the tension."

Serena spoke up. "We are one of the most powerful beings in the... this universe. We noticed the change in the balance between chaos and order."

This was new to Ben. "Uh... Change in chaos and order?"

She smiled. "Why, yes. The universe, or any universe, really must stay in balance. This universe, in particular, has several entities of chaos and order."

Bellicus scoffed. "Bah... Those beings are ants compared to us."

Ben raised a brow. "It makes sense that you guys are aligned with chaos and order. Chaos can be connected to rage and aggression, and order can be connected to love and compassion. Anyways, What do you think of the place?"

Bellicus sighed. "It's alright, I guess. There are some pretty interesting places full of rage and aggression. The color red seems to come up a lot in that area. With little pockets of yellow and a speck of orange."

Serena giggled. "I love it. The Forge of Creation was always so boring. It's exciting to see something new that we or the other Celestialsapiens didn't do. I can also feel the areas connected to me too. Mostly indigo and violet with a touch of blue."

"That's pretty interesting. Not sure why you're thinking about colors, though." Ben shrugged. "You guys want to go home, or do you want to check this place out? I want to see more of this world of heroes."

"Meh," Bellicus replied. "We'll make it a decision later if we want to leave. Now that I think about it, a new multiverse means a new set of decisions." He chuckled. "Oh, I haven't felt this way in eons. Same for you, Serena?"

"Most definitely, now that you bring that up. What do you want to do first?" she asked, excitedly.

"Good question." He looked at Ben. "You have your job as reason out for you now, Tennyson. Now, I would like to wage war against the gods of this place and establish my dominance!" The excitement in his voice rang out as Ben and Serena gave him a blank look. "What? Too much?"

"Motion denied," the two said in sync.

Bellicus groaned. "Fine. Fine. We'll start a little smaller, then. I propose that we bring back the dinosaurs."

Ben and Serena glanced at each other and looked back at Bellicus. "We're listening."

Flashback End

"Anyways, back to business," Bellicus replied.

The meeting had gone on for about two days inside Alien X before the two personalities decided to give Ben a break.

Ben's Living Room

In a flash of green light, Ben turned back and yawned.

Azmuth popped up again and asked how it went.

"Oh, the usual. Stopped Bellicus from waging war against the local deities. Made a few planets and stars here and there." Serena convinced Ben to make an entire society of Corgis in one of those worlds. "I might visit that planet one day. We did some other stuff, but I'll tell you that later."

Azmuth chuckled. "Quite a productive meeting then."

"I'll say so. I'm going to sleep." He fell on his couch like a log. "Night, Azmuth."

The Omnitrix gave off a faint glow as Ben went to sleep, indicating that Azmuth was still active.

Little did the two know that a few individuals felt Alien X's appearance.


Omnitrix DNA Entry:


Alien X


Home World:Forge of Creation

Powers and Abilities:

Celestialsapiens are an extremely powerful species. They are capable of controlling reality with ease and at any level. Professor Paradox sees them as the greatest power he's ever seen, going as far as to call them omnipotent. He places them above his Chrono Navigator, which can destroy a Multiverse. It is said that Celestialsapiens can destroy the multiverse with six thoughts, but this has yet to be confirmed. Celestialsapiens are immortal, or at least extremely long-lived, as they can live for tens of thousands of years before even being considered "mature." Celestialsapiens have their personalities; Bellicus and Serena are unique to Alien X.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 6: Caged Bird


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mister Smoothie

Friday, June 4, 2010

When Harley woke up, she seemed to have a much more positive attitude than the day before. While she was still broken after her relationship with the Joker, Harley felt that yesterday gave her hope to continue. She sat on her bed for a short while, staring out the window and thinking over what happened. 'I guess it wasn't all a dream.' Harley looked down at herself, thinking about the previous weeks without clean ones. Now that she thought about it, Mr. J always picked out her outfits. 'This… This feels nice.'

She got to her feet, stretched, and went to the door. 'I wonder if Ben is still here.' Harley peeked out of her room to see if Ben was still around. While she didn't see him, a fresh breakfast aroma blew into her face as soon as the door opened. 'He's in the kitchen, then.' Knowing that Ben had shown some concern since yesterday, she plastered on a small smile. While she appreciated that Ben let her stay here, she didn't want him to worry too much about her problems. She took a deep breath of the deliciousness and went downstairs, still in her sleepwear. "Something smells good. What's cooking, Ben?" She could hear the light bustle in the kitchen when she descended the stairs.

Ben was wearing a simple black T-shirt and jeans and holding a hot pan. "Oh, Morning, Harley. I decided to make some breakfast for us before opening the shop."

She smiled at the small array of food on the table. Some waffles, breakfast sausages, and pancakes were ready to be served. "Wow. Thanks. This looks delicious. Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I'm still working on the omelets, so if you can grab some salt and pepper from the pantry, that would be great."

"Sure." She walked up to the cupboard, opened it, and traced her finger along the rows of boxes and other containers.' Salt and pepper. Salt and pepper. Salt and pepper. Ah, right next to the bulk popcorn.' "Here you go."

"Thanks. Take a seat, and I'll have this ready for us."

About five minutes later, all the food was set and ready to be eaten. Harley's mouth watered a bit from being so close to the smell.

When Ben sat down, he noticed this. "Thanks for waiting. Let's dig in."

While they were eating, Harley decided to start up some conversation. "This is all good. How did you learn to cook like this anyway?

"When I finally left my parent's place after college, I had to start learning to cook independently. The internet helped, but that didn't stop me from burning a few things at first." Harley laughed at his modesty. "My cousin and best friend didn't like how I ate out often. In retrospect, a diet of chili fries and smoothies for a few weeks does not end well."

Once they finished breakfast, the two began to open up shop. Ben decided that Harley could live in the room upstairs and help around while she recovered. She was still unsure what to do with her life, but who does?

Things were looking up for the two of them.


Things were not looking up for the Green Lantern Corps. The Guardians of the Universe were in a frenzy. Random stars and planets were popping up out of nowhere, and they couldn't find a reason why.

One of the sagely blue beings was sitting in a chair, massaging his head from today's headache. A knock came, and he let the man in.

It was Kilowog, a rather large alien man who is a well-respected member of the Corps. He was holding a datapad and read out the message to him. "Ganthet, it appears that one of the planets that popped up has intelligent life. Wanna send Lanterns to investigate?"

Ganthet took a breath and contemplated the situation. "Considering that we have no idea who these inhabitants are, I advise that we only send in one Lantern to scout. I hope to know more about these new arrivals and if they know how they came there. I advise against any direct contact with them. We need someone who can blend in with the surroundings."

"Considering that the planet contains many forests and plains, I know the perfect man for the job." He raised his hand to his communicator. "Hey, Chip. I got your next assignment for you."

This wasn't the first time events like this happened. They began several months ago and have occurred about a month apart since then. The Guardians could not find a single pattern. This phenomenon has never happened before and will most likely lead to trouble. News of these happenings has been kept to a select few to prevent panic.

'On another note, there have also been reports of power fluctuations coming from all colors of the lantern spectrum at the same time as these events. 'The emotional spectrum beasts are reacting to something, but I don't know what. Thankfully, the beast of willpower seems to have the least reaction during these timeframes.'

"Kilowog, where are Lantern Members Hal Jordan and John Stewart currently?"

"They should be with the Justice League back on Earth. Since Guy got in that accident a few years back, they try to stick near him so he doesn't get into any more trouble."

"Yes. I remember that incident. He really should not have aggravated that prisoner during transport."

"He really should have read the prisoner report beforehand. Maybe he wouldn't have poured his drink on the guy."

Suddenly, a light buzzing came upon Ganthet's monitor. "It looks like another Lantern Corp calling," he sighed. This must be regarding the latest incident.' "I better take this."

"Okay then, I'll be off on my rounds." Kilowog left while Ganthet answered the call.


"Greetings, Ganthet," a feminine voice said. On the other side, the caller had blue skin, a slim figure, and black hair. She had darker blue eyes and face paint. She wore a sleeveless pink top that exposed her midriff and navel, two pink bands around the arms, a pink skirt with a longer length in the back than in the front, and pink high heels.

"To you as well, Aga'po." He sighed once more. "Let's get this over with."

Central City

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A young raven-haired woman was currently stretching on the lawn. If men were to walk by, they would stare at her for a bit before they walk right into the nearby tree. It happened more often than one would think. In all fairness, she was wearing a typical female workout attire. She wore a black sports bra with midnight blue athletic shorts. 'This is good for me,' Dinah Lance thought to herself.

Due to personal issues, Dinah traveled around the country to help clear her head. While this may sound like an expensive task, it helps that the Justice League has Zeta teleporters across the United States and some parts of Europe. It helped when she had to meet with the other League members when mutant Horseshoe Crabs began attacking San Francisco Bay, and she was back in Boston. If she remembered correctly, Arthur said it was due to some radioactive waste being dumped off the coast under the table. Arthur took the leftover population to a remote location in the Pacific Ocean due to his natural affinity with sea life.

Dinah stayed in Barry's home for the past two weeks with his wife, Iris. It was fortunate that the two were understanding and generous toward her. Then again, she and Iris are very close friends. For some of the League members who were more open about their identity to trusted friends, they hung out during the holidays and other special events. Considering that Dinah never really had a secret identity in the first place, it made introductions quite easy. Whenever she fought on the streets, most people never had time to get a good look at her.

Anyways, Iris and Barry were now at their respective jobs. Iris was working on a report about the incident when Barry took care of Mirror Master's latest heist. Dinah didn't look into it, as it was stated in his short interview with the press at the time that he was an alien. If anything, Hal and John would look him up in the Lantern Database for any past discrepancies. Another one is the recent crow problem.

On the other hand, Barry is running some tests at his CSI lab. He wanted to stay indoors since yesterday. 'Something about crows, popcorn, and water. I'll ask him about it later.'

Whenever Dinah was alone at the house, she would take the time to exercise during the day and catch up on some TV shows and movies at night. She had just finished her stretches and was about to jog to the UFC Gym. While she had her Canary Cry, she still needed to stay in peak physical condition to fight. She had numerous mentors before that helped her become an expert in hand-to-hand combat. Even though the people at the gym weren't her level, they could keep her on her toes whenever she sparred.

Packing up her gym bag, she started jogging West.

Mister Smoothie

The breakfast and lunch rushes had passed, and it was time for Ben to go on his break. At the moment, he was tying his sneakers, ready to head out. He's currently wearing a silver tank top with black basketball shorts. "Are you sure you don't want to come with me to the gym?"

"Nah, I'll be fine. As much as I love to get worked up and sweaty, I have some stuff to do before I work the afternoon shift." Harley volunteered to work the shop in the afternoon while Ben took the morning and lunch rushes.

'Ignoring that little tidbit…' "Are you sure about doing that?"


"Remember what happened last time you went out? The sign clearly said not to feed the birds."

"How was I supposed to know that it was the crows' mating season and that they get violent during this time?"

"..." He placed a hand on his chin. "Fair point. I didn't even know that."

She waved her hand carelessly. "Besides, everyone got out of the park okay."

Ben's face reverted to a deadpan expression. "The elderly nearby were almost getting their eyes poked out." He groaned. "Thank God that they were wearing such thick glasses."

"See! Almost. The worst thing that happened was when that guy with blond hair got attacked and kept running into street lamps."

"And then he ran into a popcorn stand, spilled it all, and got assaulted by even more crows."

"Psh… He's fine." Her smile grew to a mischievous grin. "That sexy firefighter saved the day. Didn't she?"

"If you were referring to when you showed up in the eye-catching outfit, hijacked that fire hydrant, and sprayed at that poor man for a minute even though the crows already flew away in the first five, then yes, you did "save" the day."

'Glad you liked the show' "You bet your sweet ass, I did!"

Ben simply gave a nervous laugh. "You're lucky I could pick you up after seeing the news flash before anything else happened. So, can you promise me you won't cause more trouble today?"

"I make no promises, but I'll try." The innocent smile she gave would make any man think she was serious. Ben, however, held it with a grain of salt.

"If you get in trouble again, no more dessert."

"What! Wait. Oh, I get it. You want me to blame it on someone else. That's the most basic rule in Gotham. I can't believe that I forgot that."

"That's not what I…"

"Don't worry, Ben, I hear you loud and clear. I'll try not to hurt anybody, but I hold no responsibility regarding the mimes at the park." She gave a final wave before she slammed the back door shut.

Ben sighed. "Azmuth…"

The holographic mentor appeared before him. "Yes, Ben?"

"What's the probability that she'll make another scene?"

"Taking into account her prior history and current emotional state. I calculate a sixty percent chance of recklessness and tomfoolery."

"At least that's an improvement from last time."

"I'm surprised you let her out when I said it was ninety percent."

"I had faith in that ten percent."

"And now?"

"I'll deal with it when the time comes. Right now, I better get going."

"While I admire your somewhat trust in your new companion, I do hope she does to you in turn."

"Well, Azmuth, sometimes all you can do is hope for the best." With that, he packed his backpack and headed South on Sienna Avenue.

Taylor Street

30 Minutes Later

It was pretty clear out for an afternoon in the city. Usually, it would be somewhat cloudy, but not as much as Gotham. Dinah left the house a while ago and left a note for the Allens. As Dinah continued her jog and thought about recent events, she felt more at ease thanks to the soft breeze brushing her face with the warm sunlight. 'As they say, exercise is therapeutic.' Things were going well; however, these comforting thoughts were cut short. Just as she was passing the corner, another figure ran by, and they collided, leaving both of them dazed for a bit and on the ground. 'So much for that easing feeling.' She blew at the strands of hair that covered her left eye.

Dinah fought criminals daily. This was nothing compared to that, so she was used to getting hurt. Today's difference was that it was still her vacation and that the criminal wasn't a criminal but a civilian. 'Is asking for some relaxation time outside of work too much?' She was more annoyed than hurt.

"Well, that hurt," answered the other person nearby.

Shifting her gaze to said person, she saw what looked to be a man in silver and black workout attire. On the ground, she shook her head. "Would you watch where you're going? I'm pretty sure neither of us wanted to end up on the floor today," she complained in an annoyed tone.

As he noticed her, he immediately stood up in a flutter. "I'm sorry. I should have been more careful when I was running." He dusted himself and regained some composure. With a calm smile, he extended his hand to Dinah. "Here, let me help you up."

'At least he apologized.' With what just happened, she sighed. She grabbed onto his hand as he pulled her to her feet. "Thanks. I guess I can forgive you a little for your consideration."

Rubbing the back of his head, he asked, "That's good, I guess. You're not hurt, are you?"

"Trust me. I've had worse," replied Dinah as she adjusted her clothes.

A nervous sweat dripped as he took a small breath. "That's a relief. Again, I'm sorry for the mishap."

She moved her hair out of her face. 'He seems like a nice guy. Given his body language and tone, he appears genuine.' The thought lightened her up a bit. "Don't worry about it. In any case, putting all the blame on you wouldn't be right."

This caught him off guard briefly, and he tilted his head slightly. "Really? Uh. I mean, why do you say that?"

His shift in mannerisms made her chuckle. "To be honest, I was lost in my thoughts for a moment too. I'm on vacation right now, so I've been trying to ignore the stress of my work life."

He nodded in understanding. "Yeah. Work can get pretty unsettling sometimes. I'd be lying if I said my life was always perfect."

'Tell me about it…' thought Dinah. "I may get rough sometimes, but it feels nice to help people who need it."

This piqued his curiosity visibly. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living that has you all stressed… uh. Sorry. I completely forgot to ask your name."

She moved a lock of her hair behind her ear and reached her right hand out. "I should have introduced myself. I'm Dinah. Dinah Lance. And you?"

He reached out to her hand in turn and replied, "Ben. Ben Tennyson."

As with most people with secret identities, she had a cover story. Lucky for Dinah, it fitted well with her profession and education. "Well, Ben, I'm a private consultant for the Department of Defense," she explained.

Ben blinked at the answer. "Private consultant? You mean you're like Sherlock Holmes."

She laughed a bit at the statement. "Yes, in a weird way, I am like Sherlock." She paused a bit before she continued. "I still have season four in my queue."

Ben beamed at the mention of the show. "Same for me. I like the show, but I was left off after Moriarty made his return."

"I know, right? I can't wait to see what happens next." She shook her head in realization. "Sorry, I got off track. As I said, I have a doctorate in psychology, so I assist in behavioral analysis and therapy."

Earning that degree was one of the hardest moments in her life. Well, aside from the time toy robots nearly overran the city. You would think that the robots made of Legos would make them break more easily. She was right about that, but the others would rebuild them afterward.

"So, you're Dr. Dinah, then?" asked Ben in a teasing tone.

She answered back with a smiling eye roll. This wasn't the first time she had been called that.

Ben continued to talk. "You know, my friend and I also have degrees in psychology, although she received a doctorate in her major and not me."

"That's good for her, but if you didn't go for Psychology, what did you end up majoring in?"

Ben went on to talk about his time in college and his current career status. In a similar matter to Harley, she couldn't help but laugh. 'I know it's not the most common choice. It's still mine. I'm happy with it. Maybe I should just tell people I'm in the consumer beverage industry. Maybe that'll hold off the laughter till later. Meh. People are enjoying the new Boba Tea flavors I added recently.'

They talked a bit more before Dinah asked the obvious question. "I take it that you were also exercising before our… meeting."

"Hehe. Yeah. I was heading to the UFC Gym, which I've heard so much about."

"Well, I'm headed there, too." She started walking ahead of Ben. "Would you like to join me?"

Ben crossed his arms and replied, "Sure. It's always better to have a partner to train with. If anything, that'll probably keep us from accidentally running into each other." They both laughed and continued their walk.

About ten minutes into the walk, Ben decided to ask about the gym. "They say many professional UFC fighters go there to train and spar with each other in preparation for the next tourney."

"I've been going there for a while, so I can confirm that what you heard is true. With my profession, the higher-ups encouraged me to take part in various self-defense arts. What about you? What's a smoothie jerk doing at a UFC gym."

"I'll have you know that I have been… sparring with people since I was ten years old."

"You sound experienced. I'm surprised that you kept it up for so long."

"To be fair, I had an unrefined style until I was 15. After that, I started taking martial arts. My cousin is much more skilled than me in Judo since she started before me."

She raised a brow at his history. "I won't lie, Ben. Some of those people can get rough. I should know. I'm one of the top fighters there."

Ben's widened a bit from the revelation. "Wow. You weren't kidding when you said that you were doing self-defense. What's it like over there?"

"I'll be honest. I'm still looking for a challenge to come up." 'Fighting the League of Assassins once in a while is a much better learning experience than traditional training.'

"You sound confident."

She looked up to the clouds in the sky before she spoke. "My mother always said to control the fight on your terms. Act. Never react."

Ben nodded in agreement. "Your mother is a wise woman."

A sad smile formed on her face. "Yeah… she is."

Noticing her shift in tone, he decided to change the topic. "Heh. Maybe we should spar to see how well I stack up."

"Maybe. Let's see how you do with the warm-up and training before we even think about going there. I wouldn't want to break you by accident."

"We'll see about that. People have underestimated me before, and it didn't work out for them."

Dinah smirked at the hint of a challenge. "Noted." She looked ahead before she gestured at Ben. "Come on. We're almost there."

Once they finally reached the gym, Dinah offered Ben to do the same routine as her, and he gladly accepted. What they did would be considered a High-Intensity workout for MMA fighters. The workout consisted of a warm-up, a station workout, and an additional set of grip strength moves. By the end, both were fatigued, Ben a little more than Dinah.

"I gotta say, Ben." She took a short breath. "I'm surprised that you made it this far."

He gave her a grin. "I'll take that as a compliment." He breathed and pointed to himself with a thumb. "As I said, don't underestimate me."

She laughed a bit with a grin of her own. With a raised brow, she asked, "So, you wanna keep punching the bag, or you want to go a few rounds with me?"

Ben paused at her words. 'What?"

She turned away from him and started walking toward one of the practice rings. "I am talking about sparring."

Coming back to reality, Ben replied, "That'd be nice too." He narrowed his eyes a bit with a sly smile. 'Oh, it's on.' "I'll have you pinned under me in no time." Ben waved his hand dismissively.

"..." Dinah looked at him with a raised brow and a small smile. She decided to push it further. In a humorous and mocking tone, she continued. "I'm a classy girl." Her palm bent over, pointing at her chest. "At least take me out to dinner first."

Seconds passed before both of them broke into laughter. Some bystanders gave odd looks, but the two didn't care. They soon arrived at the ring and set themselves up in the center.

The two got into defensive stances. "Last chance to back out. If you think I'm too much for you to handle, we can do something else?" Dinah asked.

Ben shook his head. "Nah, kicking butt was on my to-do list anyway. Might as well take care of it now. Standard rules?"

She nods. "Let's go."

She immediately swung her left leg towards Ben's face. He could block it with his left arm, but her right fist rushed in. Using both arms, he held back, but he was put on the defensive.

This caused Dinah to frown. "Is that all you can take? Frankly, I'm disappointed."

Ben got ready again. "Don't worry. We're just getting started. I don't disappoint." Narrowing his eyes, his instincts and training at the Plumber Academy kicked in.

Dinah sent a left hook, and he narrowly dodged it just in time. When Dinah threw a right fist, Ben rotated his torso and countered with a right hook to her face. Moving with the momentum, he continued to rotate his left and sent his left leg as a follow-up.

Dinah managed to duck the swing, and as Ben sent another left kick, she grabbed onto it with both arms. Swinging her body, she flipped Ben over and onto the floor.

Dinah took a breath. "I'll admit. You're good." Ben got back to his feet, sending a left strike. Unfortunately, Dinah deflected it. Ben sent a right strike, but she deflected it again. This went on for a few seconds before Dinah sent another swift kick to his face, turning once more to deliver a kick to his chest and sending him back. 'But you still have much to learn.'

Just as Dinah sent a left strike, Ben grabbed that arm, diverted her movements, and delivered a connecting right hook.

They soon began to grapple arms together, but Dinah was beginning to overpower him.

'I wish I had four arms right about now.' Dinah ended up pushing Ben down to one knee. Taking a page from Kickin-Hawk, he pulled her arms toward him. This caused her to lose balance easily, and Ben dropped to his back. With her falling over, Ben used his legs with her momentum to throw her right over him, sending her landing about a yard away on her side. Thankfully, the floors were padded.

Ben waited for her to recover, and she immediately went for a leg strike. Anticipating this, Ben dropped down and performed a sudden leg sweep, bringing Dinah to the floor. He quickly rolled to get on her back and grab her arms, putting her into a standard hold. With bated breath, he asked, "Told you I'd be on top. You yield?"

She smirked. "As if!" Dinah forced her arms outward while knocking Ben off-balance from her back.

The struggle for dominance on the floor continued for another five minutes until Dinah finally got Ben pinned.

Unable to get free, Ben surrendered. "Okay! Okay! I yield!"

With that said, Dinah let go. She dropped onto the floor with heavy breaths. 'That took longer than I expected.' "You have potential. Where'd you learn to fight like that, anyway?"

He stretched his body. "I traveled a lot, learning from new teachers all the time. I even went to an academy." 'I couldn't use what I learned on Khoros because of the lack of extra appendages and more brutal methods. This is a spar in a gym, after all.'

"You've been taught well but still have room to grow." She thought for a second. "If you want, we can train together while I help polish your technique."

"That's generous, but I don't want to be a burden."

She shook her head. "No. It's alright. I don't mind having someone to exercise with. To be fair, it's been kind of lonely here since the others get intimidated by me."

'Is it because of your looks or your fighting skill because both knock people out easily?'

"You're the first person here to reach my level."

"Has there been anyone who beat you?"

Dinah thought about the normal people she fought with and spoke to. "There is this one guy, but he's a bit of the loner type. My other friend bested me too, but she is busy with politics most of the time."

"If that's the case, I'm happy to come along and learn from you."

They shook hands before heading to the lockers to shower and change clothes.

About ten minutes later, they met outside the locker rooms.

"Today was a long day. Do you want to grab a drink before we go?" she asked as she pointed out the room.

He nodded and replied, "I know a place. Drinks are on me."

Mister Smoothie

45 Minutes Later

They finally reached the storefront, and Ben was relieved that everything was still in one piece. He opened the door and saw Harley in a simple red apron working the counter. "I'm back from the gym," he said.

"Hey, Ben. You're back." Her eyes widened when she looked at the fellow woman in the room who she recognized from an encounter in Gotham last year. Why she didn't wear a mask, she didn't know. 'Black Canary?!' It took all her willpower not to flinch. "So...Uh… Who's your new friend?"

Dinah extended a hand to Harley, which she accepted fully. "Sorry, I'm Dinah. It's nice to meet you. I met Ben at the gym, and he offered a drink for winning our spar." She sent her a smile before turning to Ben. "Is this the smoothie store you told me about before?"

"Yeah, I opened this place not too long ago. People seem to like it." He looked back to Harley, who seemed a bit nervous. "Sorry, I forgot to introduce my friend. Dinah, this is." However, Harley cut Ben off.

"Haley. It's nice to meet you too," Harley stated in a cheery tone.

Not sure about the sudden name change, Ben decided to just roll with it for now and ask about it later. "Yup. I've known her briefly, but when you get to know her, she's a nice girl." 'When she's not outside doing who knows what…'

Dinah tilted her head when she got a close look at Harley. Luckily, the entire time she was Harley with the Joker, she wore her red and black skinsuit with a hat covering her blonde hair. Not to mention that she always wore face paint at the time. Not many people remember what Harleen Quinzel looked like. "Do I know you from somewhere? You're strangely familiar."

"Uh... I don't think so. I tend to blend in sometimes, Ya know. Maybe we crossed paths at the park?"

Dinah looked at her for a little longer before she shrugged. "You're probably right."

Harley couldn't help but feel relieved. 'Oh, thank God…"

Ben crossed his arms with a smile. "I'm glad that we made a good impression. I'll go make us some drinks. Anything from the menu?"

Dinah asked for a banana-blueberry while Harley asked for a raspberry-vanilla. After making drinks for the three of them, they sat and talked in the store for a while as customers came and went.

Dinah checked her watch. "It's getting late. I don't want to miss dinner with my friend. I guess I'll see you guys later."

"I'll see you at the gym next time," Ben said as he waved goodbye.

Harley did the same. "Don't be a stranger. Come back anytime."

Once she left, Ben turned to Harley and asked about today. "So...Why did you change your name to Haley?"

"Well… If I used Harley or Harleen in public, people might recognize me even though I don't have my outfit and makeup on."

"Good point." He took a seat at the counter. "So… how was your day today?"

She simply smiled. "I did some shopping, exploring, and whatnot."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself."


He groaned. "What happened this time?"

"It involved three cats and a tuna sandwich..."

He held up both hands. "Stop… We'll talk about it in the morning."

She laughed nervously. "I'm also not allowed at the Subway on Fourth Street…"

Ben sighed as he walked up the stairs with Harley close behind.


Dinah finally finished her jog back to the Allen residence. She knocked on the door, and a red-haired woman with green eyes greeted her with a bright smile.

Iris always knew how to make people smile. "Hey, Dinah. You're back just in time for dinner."

Dinah looked around the dining room and couldn't find the Scarlet Speedster. "Where's Barry?" He's usually on time for dinner.

Iris shook her head with a slight frown. "He decided to turn in early. That incident with the crows and the fire hose is still fresh in his mind. I told everyone in my report that they were getting more aggressive, but maybe he didn't see it."

"That's too bad. If anything, I'm willing to talk to him if things don't get better for him soon."

"Thank you, Dinah. That would mean a lot to me."

"So… anything new happened today?"

"Why do you say that?"

"First off, you look more scuffed up than all the other times. Second, you seem much happier than I saw you this morning."

"If it's that obvious, I guess." Taking a plate from the cupboard, she smiled back at Iris. "I made some new friends today. Ben and Haley."

"What's he like?"

She told Iris the short version of who Ben and Haley are and what happened during their spar earlier.

"He was able to keep up with you?" a surprised Iris asked. Not many people, normal people anyway, match her combat experience.

"Yup. He almost kept me pinned to the floor. We went for five rounds before he tapped out. Lucky for me because I was running out of steam myself."

Iris grinned like a madwoman.

With a raised brow, Dinah asked. "What?"

"Tell me. Is he cute? "

Dinah rolled her eyes. "I just met him, so it's nothing like that. We're just friends."

"Aww. I swear, Dinah, you have to get out more and talk to people." She dropped her head onto her palms. "You don't need to flat-out marry like I am with Barry, but you must keep up with the dating scene."

"But," Iris looked back up at Dinah."If I put him on a scale of one to ten, he would be about an eight-point five."

After a good dinner with Iris, Dinah got ready for bed. She walked by her dresser and placed her choker by a photo frame. Picking up the frame, she looked at it with a melancholy smile. Her thumbs would grace the wooden finish before she placed it back down.

The photo showed three people: two adults and a little girl. The man was in a police officer uniform with his arms draped around his wife. She wore a blue jacket over a black blouse, with a choker around her neck. Her hair matched that of their daughter, wearing a white dress. The girl's face was beaming with joy on her mother's lap. They looked so happy together.

Closing her eyes, she whispered, "Goodnight, Mom. I'll always miss you."


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 7: Snowflakes and Gardens


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Friday, June 11, 2010

Things have been going well so far since the defeat of Mirror Master and Saber. The local Rogues decided to bide their time to make their next heist. There have been a few crimes here and there, but the police could handle them without complications. Throughout the day, he could see the occasional blur of red and yellow passing by.

Ben continued to train with Dinah, and she even invited Harley to come along. She was hesitant at first, but they eventually convinced her to join. Harley surprised both of them with her agility and dexterity with a few acrobatic moves and stances. She said that she used to do gymnastics in high school, but most of her recent practice came from battling the dynamic duo during her career.

It was fine for Ben since running the shop is more of a hobby and passion than a job. One would wonder how he stays in business and pays bills, but itgreatlyhelps when people love his drinks. That's also not including spending late nights in his room, eating popcorn, watching movies, and literally "making" gold. Thank Azmuth for Master Control.

12:30 PM

The shop's door chimed open, and a young Norwegian entered enthusiastically. Walking to the counter, she greeted Ben with a hug from behind while he was wiping down one of the tables. "Hey, Ben!"

He laughed at the surprise before turning around and returning the hug. "Nice to see you too, Tora."

"So, you ready for our date?" Tora cheekily asked.

"Yeah, I'm just closing up right now. Harley should be in the back putting away our stock." The blond walked out from the back to hang up her apron.

Tora waved to her. "Hi, Harley."

"Hiya, Tora." While the two model besties couldn't visit for long, they did their best to come by when they could. All four of them ate lunch together often. During that time, they got acquainted with Ben's roommate, Harley.

Harley was preparing for her shift when she thought of something.'I wonderif Ivy and I can meet in a few weeks.She still needs to lay low from the bat and the police. "Hey, Ben, is it okay if I invite a friend to come over next week?

He blinked at her for a second before he shrugged with a smile. "Uh, sure. I'm glad to see you opening up again. What's he or she like?"

She smiled at his reply. "You'll like her. She has a knack for plants. You could even say she has a green thumb. Ha. Ha. She's one of my best friends back in Gotham. In a way, she is one of the few people who looked out for me..." The smile didn't look as bright anymore.

Ben and Tora both frowned at her expression. "Harley…"

The blonde shook her head. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You two go and enjoy yourselves."

"Are you sure? If you want, we can just hang out here," offered Tora.

Harley shook her head. "No… No… I can handle myself. I wouldn't want to spoil your date. Besides, after work, I'll visit the store for something I want to try and cook tomorrow."

Ben complied, "Well, if that's what you want."

"Don't hesitate to call us. We'll be here," added Tora.

Harley rolled her eyes jokingly. "I always have him on speed dial."

Ben turned to the Norwegian beauty. "Ready to go, Tora?"

"Yeah," replied Tora. As the couple left the building, the two said their goodbyes.

Ben and Tora were riding along Main Street, enjoying the midday atmosphere. "So, what do you want to do today?" asked Ben.

Tora shrugged. "I'm not exactly sure. There are so many interesting places we passed last time that we didn't get a chance to visit."

He nodded. "Yeah, he did take a huge chunk of our time. Now that I think about it, I know where we should go first."

"Oh, what do you have in mind?"

"You'll see when we get there." With that, he took an on-ramp for the freeway and stepped on the gas. "Anyways, how have you been so far? I've texted you two a few times since then, but it feels great to meet face-to-face again."

It brightened Tora to hear her effect on him. "It's great to see you again, too. It's been pretty busy this past week. A lot of preparation is being made for the event. We've had to meet with numerous managers and sponsors. Today's meeting involved all the models perfecting the layout according to each style."

"Wow. Seems like a very high-profile event."

"It really is. Some up-and-coming designers are trying to get their careers to take off. My good friend Mari is both the designer and the model."

He nodded. "I hope that it goes well. I've heard that it's a competitive niche."

"Yeah, well, enough about me and work. Anything new with you lately?" she asked.

"Heh, a lot actually. I'm glad that you two are getting along."

"She seems like a sweet girl. My heart goes out to her. Such toxic and abusive relationships should never be tolerated in today's society. I'm glad you're helping her get back on her feet."

"It's a challenge, but she's progressing."

"Should I be worried about you coming onto her?" she slyly asked.

Ben knew she was joking, but it still stung as an insult to his character. "I'll admit she's cute, but I wouldn't do that to you both. Harley's still healing. A lot of her issues still lie in interactions with those around her. She and I understand the effect toxic relationships have in the long term. People feel less confident and closed off from others. It would be morally and professionally wrong for me to take advantage of her vulnerability."

"It's good that you are knowledgeable on the subject."

"Yup. While she and I are certified psychologists, the treatment is easier said than done. If things get worse, she'll show signs of sociopathy, a weakened conscience, and weakened empathy." 'I've also had to do counseling with alien couples back home.'

"I hope for the best with her recovery. Also, points for you."

"Points? What's that about?"

"I wanted to see a little more of your personality. I see a lot of compassion and empathy. You gave a great answer and more. I knew you wouldn't disappoint."

Ben rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm glad a lovely lady like yourself has high expectations of me."

"Bea and I never settle for anything less."

"So, about these points, can I redeem them for some sort of... prize?" he asked suggestively.

She smirked. "That's for us to know and for you to find out."

"Let's hope that I go on a points streak," he replied with asmallsmirk.

They continued to talk more about each other, with Tora explaining a bit about her early life and home. When they pulled into the parking lot, Tora realized where they were: it was the largest indoor mall in the state.


The two walked among the crowd with arms locked in each other. While the many shops and decor were, thelargeice rink in the center of the plaza drew her attention. She raised an amused brow toward Ben for his choice of activity.

"With a person of your talent, I thought it would be nice for us to go ice skating."

Tora rolled her eyes in amusem*nt. "A little bit on the nose there, but you're lucky it's one of my favorite things to do." She smirked at him. "Have you ever skated before?

In an honest voice, he replied. "Not one bit."

This surprised her. "Really? You never had a chance to try?"

"Yeah. My place never really had one. The closest I ever got to ice skating was when I had to dash through a frozen river to stop an artificial spirit of Christmas from turning my grandpa into Santa."

Tora tried her best to hold in her laugh and disbelief. "You can't be serious?"

"I'm completely serious. The old Mayor built a machine years ago to keep the entire town in a moment."

"You definitely need to tell me more about that later."

"I know."

They finally reached the rink and paid the rental fee. All strapped up, Tora jumped onto the ice with no problem. Ben, however, had more difficulty.

"You weren't kidding. So, you want me to teach you?" she teased.

"If you're willing to," he asked wryly.

"In that case, grab my hand, and I'll lead you."

From there, the rest of the day went off without a hitch. It took about half an hour before Ben could move on the ice by himself. Tora and Ben took slow laps around the rink, and they didn't mind at all. It gave them an excuse to stick together as the world passed by around them.

At one point, Ben hung around the wall to watch Tora glide across the rink. She could turn her cheap rental skates into temporary professional blades with alittleice power. She performed spins and leaps with the grace and elegance of an Olympic figure skater. To put it simply, he was stunned and amazed like everyone else.

When she skated back into a hug, she asked with a wry smile, "So, how'd I do."

The words simply fell out of his mouth. "It was a work of art that no one else could ever copy."

She pressed her finger against the tip of his nose. "Points." Tora kissed his cheek lightly before wrapping her arms around each other. "A bit cheesy, but still good."

Ben said, "Hey, I'll let you know that some people like cheese now and then."

She pressed her head against his chest."Well, you're not wrong since I'm one of them."

The two spent the next few hours exploring the area, finding new things to do at every turn. After a sushi dinner and dessert, it was time to go home.

Right now, Ben and Tora pulled to the entrance of her hotel like last time and walked her to her room. "I had fun today, Ben."

"Yeah, me too."

Tora's Hotel Room (1 Minute Earlier)

Beatriz just came from a long day of preparation for next week's event. At the moment, she was getting a drink from the mini-fridge.Shescrolled through her social media feed until she heard familiar voices outside the room. To satisfy her curiosity, she peeked through the peephole.

Ben and Tora stood close, still holding each other's hands. 'Tonight just got more interesting,' thought Beatriz.

"I had fun today, Ben."

"Yeah, me too."

'Go for it. Do it. You guys better not leave me hanging,' the emerald beauty exclaimed in her thoughts.


Their faces started to draw close. It didn't take long for their foreheads to make contact and to look into each other's eyes. To them, it felt like an eternity waiting for something to happen.

'Screw it.' thought Ben. He started off with a forehead kiss. She felt so warm. A kiss on the tip of her nose followed. A small giggle left her mouth. Finally, after cupping her face in his hands, he went in for a kiss. Tora pulled him closer by the waist. A few seconds later, they separated. "Vanilla..." commenting on her lusting taste.

Tora smirked. She grabbed Ben by his coat and pulled him in, softly pressing her lips against his again. While Ben was surprised for a second, he quickly recovered and followed her lead. Both of their hands wrapped around each other. They kept soft eye contact as they eased into the kiss.

They kept them soft and tender at first, kissing the top and bottom of the lips. Tora teased him by putting the tip of her tongue in his mouth for a moment and then moving your head back slightly. So sweet and seductive… She began grazing her tongue between the lips and slowly added a little tongue. Soon, it became a little game where they chased each other's tongues for a couple of seconds and then sucked on the top and bottom lip. The intensity continued to grow between them. As Ben ran his fingers through Tora's hair, Tora gently scraped hers along his back and neck.

His hands slowly started to lower from her back to her hips. In return, she started to kick it up a notch; they began using tongue, a lot of tongue. 'Thank God for nose breathing.'

Contrary to what's seen in movies, they follow about a gentle use of your tongue. There is an ebb and a flow, at times slow, tender, and sweet but gradually increasing in intensity.

Light moans and deep breaths escaped both of them. The taste of her saliva had hints of vanilla from dessert. Their eyes would occasionally make soft contact. She pressed her modest breasts against his chest. Her fingers lightly dug into his back. It didn't take long for his hands to slowly creep towards her butt. Ben waited to see if she wanted him to stop, but her lips and hands told him to keep going. His hands finally reached her curve to an increase in her moans, and it only got him riled up even more.

What followed were varying intensities of squeezes, clawing, and moaning. They let go and got lost in the moment. They started going through a wide variety of things.

She ran the tip of her tongue around his teeth, played with his tongue, and even sucked on his tongue gently for a few seconds, which felt surprisinglyamazing.

There were combinations of kisses with sweet kisses, slow and soft kisses, neck kisses, cheek kisses, etc.

It took a few minutes before they needed to take a break. They were left hot, bothered, and ragged when separated.

Tora moved stray hairs from her eyes. "Wow…"

"Took the words right out of my mouth." He chuckled. "Sorry if I got a bit carried away there."

"Don't be. I don't mind. I may not be like Beatriz, but I know passion. I'm sure she'll enjoy herself with you as much as I have."

He shook his head in amusem*nt. "I swear. Every time I see you guys, I hate having to leave."

She whispered into his ear in a seductive tone. "You know what they say, always leave the other wanting more." With that, she kissed him again and entered her room, leaving Ben alone in the hallway, a bit dumbstruck and staring at the door.

He took a deep breath to calm himself down before leaning against her door. With a smile, he whispered, "She knows how to push my buttons, doesn't she?" 'I need a cold shower when I get home.'


When Tora entered her room, she leaned back against the closed door. Looking up, she saw Beatriz lying on her bed, her expression teasing.

"So…" Beatriz smirked. "How was your date?"

"Long story short, it went well."

"That sounds like an understatement when you compare it to what happened outside just a minute ago.

Tora's face glowed red. "Oh my god. Were you watching us in the hallway?"

"A little." Beatriz had her own red glow. "You weren't being subtle with all those sounds."

Tora groaned into her pillow. "You're killing me, Bea."

"Oh, calm down. If anything, you two almost made me want to open the door just to join."

Tora moved from her pillow and gave a grin. "Oh, you'll love him. He's definitely a keeper."

Mr. Smoothy (Tuesday, June 15, 2010; 1:32 PM)

It all started out like any other workday. It wasn't till around 4 o'clock that a woman with luscious red hair walked through the door. In Ben's honest opinion, she was a beauty, rivaling even Beatriz. "Welcome to Mr. Smoothy." Instead of walking to the counter to order, she flipped the door sign to closed and closed the blinds. "Can I help you?" Ben had a feeling that this was no ordinary customer.

She smiled mischievously. "Yes. Yes, you can. But before that, let's get more comfortable." She raises an arm, and the nearby ficus soongrows rapidly. The branches wrap themselves around Ben's ankles and lift him off the ground.

Ben stared at his new predicament. 'A chlorokinetic. I did not expect that…'

She soon pulled out a chair to sit right before the dangling owner. "That's better."

'Who is she?' he thought with a dumbfounded look. "... Are you robbing me? If you are, why are you robbing me? It's a smoothie shop, not a bank." 'That's not including the piles of gold in my room safe.'

The redhead rested her chin on her hands. "Well, that all depends on whether or not I found who I'm looking for? Is Harley here?"

Ben blinked at the mention of his housemate. 'She's here for Harley? Wait… Didn't Harley mention a friend coming over, the one with… the green thumb.' "Huh. Harley invited you, right."

She smiled in amusem*nt. "So, I am in the right place. Has she told you about me?"

'Not enough apparently...' he thought dryly. "Well, you're her best friend with a knack for plants. She said that you had a green thumb, but I didn't think of that in the literal sense. Now that I think about it, Harley never told me your name."

She rolled her eyes. "I shouldn't be surprised. Friends call me Pam. You, however, can call me Ivy, Poison Ivy."

Still hanging upside down, Ben introduced himself. "Well, my name's Ben, and it's nice to finally meet you... given the circ*mstances. I see that the name fits. Is Pam short for Pamela?"

She raised a brow at Ben's attitude. "Yes. In fact, it is."

"Ah… So… how did the whole plant thing happen?"

"Oh, you know, science, genetics, and whatnot. You're taking this situation rather well."

'Well, this is way better than being over molten lava on a planet about to explode.' "Would you believe me when I say I've had worse?"

"Really?" Her curiosity about the man before her increased.

"If you've looked at the news lately, it's a pretty crazy world. Am I right?"

Ivy nodded in agreement. 'And that's why I don't leave Gotham often.' "So... you're the one that Harley's living with?"

"Yep. We take turns running the shop. She's gotten the hang of it so far."

She waved off the latter half of his statement. "Enough with pleasantries. What's your angle?"

Ben blinked at the change in tone. "Uh... what?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Your angle. What are you trying to do here?"

Benwas confused, but he gave an honest answer anyway."Run a smoothie shop?"

Her scowl didn't let up. "Don't play dumb with me. No one just takes in a random person off the street. Why did you take Harley in? Are you using her for some sick pleasure?

"What? No! What kind of person do you take me for?"

The scowl continued until she thought, 'Right... we're in Central City. Some people here couldn't compare to those in Gotham. That Flash guy deters a lot of lower-class criminals.'

Harley's voice echoed from the staircase. "Hey, Ben! I'm almost ready for my shift."

He looked at Ivy for what she wanted him to say. Instead, she shrugged. Ben shook his head in slight annoyance. 'Being Harley's best friend certainly explains the somewhat hostile first impression.' "That's good," he called back. "By the way, that friend of yours came over."

"Oh my God! Ivy? Is that you down there?" Harley ran down the staircase in her work attire.

Seeing that her friend was safe, Ivy gave her a warm greeting. "Harls."

"Pam!" She practically leaped from the bottom of the stairs into a tight hug. "Oh, I've missed you so much."

Pamela laughed at her attitude. "You call me all the time."

"Pssh. It's still nothing like the real thing."

"I'm glad to see that you're okay."

"Yeah. Things didn't go so well until I met Ben… Now that I think about it, where is her."

Ivy laughed and whispered. "He's right there." She pointed behind the counter.

Harley turned to the overgrown ficus and her friend dangling from it. "Oh, crap. Ben, how long have you been like that?"

A while ago, Ivy stopped controlling the plant, so Ben rotated upside down.

"About a good eight minutes or so."

That surprised the blonde. "Why didn't you say anything?"

"Well, I haven't seen this happy in a while, and I didn't want to ruin the moment."

Harley chuckled. "Idiot…" She turned to Ivy. "Would you mind letting him go?"

"Sure." Ivy waved her hand again, and the plant released Ben to his feet and regressed back into the pot.

Harley sighed. "Sorry about that, Ben."

Ben rubbed his lower back. "I'm just glad my blood is circulating again."

"Pam, this is the guy I told you about, Ben," gestured Harley.

"He and I have already exchanged greetings," Ivy stated with a shrug.

"I hope you guys had a good first impression," Harley sweat-dropped.

"He/She seems alright," stated the two people of green in sync.

"That's good."

"Hey, Ben.Youdon't mindif I steal Harley for the afternoon.Do you?"

The young blonde frowned. "Pam, I can't. It's my shift."

Ben interjected, "I don't mind, actually."

"Really, Ben. Are you sure?"

"Come on, Harley. You and I both know that being with supportive friends helps the process we've discussed before. I'll still be here tomorrow, but I don't know how long Ivy will be."

"Actually, I'll be vacationing here for the week. Mr. Cobblepot finally paid back his debt, so I have some vacation days to use."

"Really! Oh my god. We're going to have so much fun!"

"You two enjoy yourselves. I can manage an extra shift."

She gave Ben a sweet hug. "Thanks, Ben. I'll make it up tomorrow morning."

"Go ahead and get yourself ready. Just remember what I asked you before."

Harley rolled her eyes and recited, "Don't do anything illegal, and don't show up on the morning news."

While Harley was upstairs, Ivy and Ben tried to restart their previous conversation. Ivy asked, "I understand the illegal thing, but why the news?"

"Would you believe me when I say it started with crows attacking, a firetruck, and a bikini?"

Ivy blinked at that statement before she laughed a bit. "Ha. That's Harley, alright."

"It's kinda exhausting to have the person sitting next to you on the couch also on the news for doing something outrageous the day before." Ben asked, "So, how did you first meet Harley?"

Ivy thought for a bit before she answered. "I first met her when she was my therapist. My profession can be overbearing at times."

Ben nodded. "I understand. I would assume that it's something along the lines of botany."

She shrugged. "Yeah. As you can see, I went through a little bit of a change during my career." Her eyes narrowed a bit. "This isn't going to be a problem. Is it?"

It didn't really faze him. "Not at all, really. Harley trusts you, so I do, too." 'Besides, I've met stranger people and aliens.' From there, more small talk happened. Ben even offered him a smoothie for the road, which led to a conversation about how he's cultivating Gros Michel bananas in the backyard."

Soon, Harley came down the stairs with a black miniskirt and red blouse. "Okay, Ivy, I'm ready to go." She turned to Ben. "How do I look?"

After a short look over, Ben replied, "You look great. You two are definitely ready to hit the town."

"Thanks," Harley beamed. She turned to Ivy. I can't wait to take you to the Pho restaurant Ben showed me last Tuesday."

Ben gave one last goodbye to the duo. "You two take care now."

Ivy smiled back. "We'll be alright." Harley left, but Ivy opened the door and looked back at Ben. "Also, please, call me Pam." With that, she left the shop behind Harley.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 8: Flash Forward

Chapter Text

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Downtown Farmer's Market

Ben was browsing the various boxes of produce. While he could easily grow fruits and vegetable seeds at home with a little alien help, Ben enjoyed getting the fresh air and talking to the people. Ben walked to his usual stand and waved to the owner. "Morning, Mr. Abernathy."

The middle-aged was currently helping another customer pack her order. Hearing a friend, he turned his head and waved in return. "Good morning to you too, Benjamin. I'll be with you in a minute."

Ben chuckled. "Like I always say, take your time."

Once he finished with the woman, he turned to his regular. "What can I do for you, Benny? The usual?"

Ben shook his head with a smile. "Not today. I'm preparing a roast, so I'll need onions, garlic, carrots, celery, and potatoes."

Abernathy grinned at the thought. "Ah, you're trying to savor those drippings, right?"

"I wouldn't cook it any other way."

"I still haven't had a chance to visit that shop of yours."

"If you ever do stop by, I'll give you the first one on the house." Selecting his food from the crates, he made his way to the register.

Forty SecondStreet, 30 Minutes Later

Ben was walking back to his car, groceries in hand. 'I wonder if Harley wants me to get her anything.' Ben pulled out his phone, but before he could call, a car flew through the air and landed twenty feet away from him. Several people ran in fear from the intersection. Peeking his head around the corner, Ben found the culprit. It was some weird robot rampaging through the streets. "Dammit... Is it so hard to have a nice day."

After looking around for any civilians nearby, Ben reached for the Omnitrix. The holographic interface appeared, and the hero activated his uniform. He glowed in white light before his clothes started to change. His signature green jacket, black shirt, and jeans changes into a black and green jacket, matching black pants and gloves, and silver boots. A black mask covered his face. The part covering the mouth was smooth while the area covering the eyes had a digital display. In place of his eyes were symbols. At the moment, they were simple X's. (X X). Taking cover, Ben's mask started analyzing the situation. His modulated voice came out. (# #) "So, Azmuth? What am I dealing with here?"

In the corner of Ben's vision, an icon of the Omnitrix's AI voiced his thoughts. "It's definitely on the higher end of level 3 technology. I'm detecting a fission power source."

(= =) "You know, I never understood why my Earth was level 2."

"The range of level three tech is quite large. While your Earth had electrical systems and engines, Interstellar law forbids alien technology greater than or equal to the planet's current technological age going to the public. With the rate you humans progress, your planet was due for an upgrade soon."

(~ ^) "Huh, good to know. Anyways, it doesn't seem like the robot has a target. It's just working at random." With recon done, he ran behind a dumpster. (^ ^) "It's Hero Time!"

One green flash later, the transformation finished."It's time to face the Rath!"Considering that Rath already made a positive impression on the public, it would be for the best to not scare them with a different alien showing up. He's already had to deal with people back on the other Earth that he was starting an alien invasion.

Running down the block, he arrived at the scene. Several police officers were pinned down behind their squad cars, occasionally taking potshots at the rampaging machine. While the robot was still bashing against a storefront, Ben took in the entire area and saw officers attempting to help people out of their overturned vehicles. They kept getting pushed back by the flying debris. Taking a few leaps, Rath landed alongside the officers. They immediately pointed their guns at the unexpected arrival, but Ben wasn't fazed."Let me tell you something, officers! You want a piece of Rath, you got a piece, but Rath's only here to stop that."He pointed to the robot."And help them."He pointed to the trapped civilians.

Several officers were hesitant. While they usually worked alongside the flash, it was only recently that they heard of an alien running around their city.

Sergeant Ramirez glared at the intruder. "You ain't the Flash. Why should we take a stranger's help?"

Rath groaned."If you haven't noticed, Flash ain't here. So, unless you have a tank coming anytime soon,Rath's clobber that guy so you can save those guys."

The group was silent before one of the lower rank officers spoke. "I say we trust him, Sergeant."

Ramirez turned to his subordinate. "What makes you say that? This alien might have been the one who unleashed this thing in the first place."

Rath rolled his eyes."Ya gotta be kidding me! Why would Rath be involved with that bucket of bolts?"

She shook her head. "You and I both know who that robot belongs to. This thing broke out of the captivity somehow." She then turned to "Besides, he's the same guy who fought Sabertooth alongside Fire and Ice."

The squad leader groaned and turned to the alien. "Alright. I have faith in my people, so I'll put my faith in you just this once. Just know that if you make one wrong move, I'll have your hide in my den." He then bellowed orders to the other officers. "Prepare for emergency rescue. Carlos, you're taking point."

"Yeah... sure." Rath faced the female officer."Thanks for having my back, uh..."

She coughed. "It's uh... officer Spivot."

"Got it."

She nodded. "No problem. It's not every day I get to meet an alien-like Superman. Now, we need you to get him at least thirty yards away from the civilians. I'm sure you can pull this off."

With that, Rath jumped into the fray to engage, and the officers went to work. The doors were jammed, so they had to break the windows open and pull them to safety. The two fighters traded blows as the people made their moves in the background. Once they were all free, Rath motioned them all to get out of range."Get out of here if you don't want to end up as robot roadkill."They all followed the order immediately.

Rath turns back to the rampaging robot to see a mailbox flying at him. Crossing his arms, he braced the force of impact. Rath glared at the machine across from him."Let me tell ya something, Chrome Dome. Rath's just trying to enjoy his day, and now you show up and ruin it along with everyone else's. It's time that Rath fixes his problems in the one way he knows how."Rath jumped on the metal torso and began jabbing at the head."By beating them into submission!"

Seconds of a beating later, it managed to grab Rath in between hits and slammed him into the concrete.

In return, Rath headbutted it in the torso."You think that hurt Rath? Let me tell you something. Rath has faced all sorts of enemies in the cosmos, and you're at the bottom of the totem pole!"The two began duking it out in the streets even further. Blaster bolts fired from its shoulders. Irritated, Rath ripped both of them off and crushed them in his hands to scrap."That's your first mistake; When you shoot Rath, you just make Rath Mad!"Picking up a crushed car, he launched it right at the enemy. However, one of the hands converted in an energy saw, cutting the vehicle in half. This just enraged Rath even further."You think you're so smart, robot man. I'm gonna rip you to pieces and turn you into a moped!"

Just as the alien hero was about to recycle the machine, a scarlet blur sped by and landed a kick against the machine, pushing it into a brick wall. The figure ran back right in front of Rath. He was a man in a red bodysuit with a lightning bolt on the front. The sides of his head also had the familiar colts. While his eyes were hidden by white lenses, his mouth and nose were exposed. This man was the iconic hero to all of Central City. "I hope you don't mind that I dropped by."

Rath blinked at the hero's arrival."Flash?"

"That's me." Flash pointed a thumb at himself. "You're Rath, right? The alien hero I've heard about recently."

"You got that right."Rath crossed his arms."Super speed my ass. You're late to the party"

"I get that a lot," Flash replied with a shrug. "Did you just throw that car at him?"

"What?! It was already busted!" Looking past Flash, Rath noticed the bot pulling itself out of the wall."Whatever, let's take this thing hunk of junk down."Rath extended his blades and ran back into the fray.

Flash sprinted along side him and spoke. "We have to stop it, but we can't destroy it completely."

Rath grabbed an oncoming metal fist with one hand and gave Flash a disappointed look."What? Why not?"

"It escaped Star Labs. Originally, it belonged to Toy Man. They were trying to reverse engineer the technology for advances in prosthetic research, but the original programming reactivated."

Rath sighed."Rath's got the picture."He dodges another swing from the robot."You have a plan or are you just gonna stand there?"

Flash ran around the robot, striking the torso in specific points trying to find a proper access port. "If you can hold it down, long enough, I can find an access port, upload the override codes from Star Labs, and power it down.

Rath nodded back. 'This would have been much easier with Upgrade, but I'm already in this mess as it is. Azmuth, start scanning.'

The AI replied. "Understood." The machine sent a barrage of punches with its free arm before an enraged Rath grabbed the other as well. "Have him check under its left side."

"Check under its left arm!"

Flash narrowed his eyes on the area under. "I think I've found it. Good eye. I need you to keep him stable for me."

"Leg hook Camel Clutch!"Rath moves his weight to the right and drags the robot face-first to the ground. The alien Tiger gets on its back, places both of his arms on its thighs, and reaches around the head. Rath pulls his opponent's leg backward, and tucks it under his underarm and applies a chin-lock. Rath then leans back and pulls its head and torso, applying more pressure to the lower back with the leg's new position.

"Great job, Rath!" Flash quickly plugged in a device. Lines of code ran down the terminal screen. Below, a progress bar slowly grew. "Come on..."

Suddenly, a panel from the robot's leg opened, revealing a sparking prong. It stabbed onto Rath's hide and began shocking him with several thousand volts of electricity.

Rath grunted at the jolts, his fur all standing up."Can you hurry it up?! Rath doesn't like being a lightning rod!"

"I would if I could! I'm just following Star Lab's instructions." Another panel opened up revealing a dagger. While the prongs were busy with Rath, the blade darted for Flash and the Terminal. "Holy crap!" The world began to slow. Flash contorted his body and the Terminal to avoid the numerous stab attempts. 'Not to self, don't underestimate Toy Man.' What felt like minutes to the Flash, he watched as the loading screen progressed. In the corner of his eye, he saw Rath gnawing on the taser. After what seemed like forever to him, the screen blinked, red and the robot's movements began to die down. "It's done!"

Rath released the metal body as it fell lifelessly to the ground."Finally."Rath started patting down his fur to a more decent appearance.

From several yards away, cops, civilians, and a news crew were cheering and thanking them.

Flash smiled at the alien. "We did pretty well, there. Thanks for the assist. I wouldn't have been able to neutralize it as safely without you."

"Nah, it's cool."Rath checked his surroundings again while Flash answered a phone call. The destroyed street, walls, and vehicles was a real mess. Suddenly, his headset started ringing, and Beatriz's picture popped up in the corner of his eyepiece. He took a deep breath."Hey, Fire. What's up?"

"Hey, Ben. I wanted to check up on you. I heard about an incident in the city."

"It's nothing Rath couldn't handle. Hell, Rath finally got to meet the Flash. Apparently, this hunk of junk is confiscated villain tech."

"Rath? Well, I'm glad to hear things went well. Tora and I were out of town sightseeing, and we had to deal with some guys trying to siphon off the local oil pipeline."

"Sheesh. They're really coming out of the woodwork now. Was starting to feel like a vacation."

"I know, right. It was a real pain trying to deal with them because of the oil everywhere. Thankfully, Tora was able to keep things under control. On a more lighter topic," She paused. "You're still up for our date tomorrow, right?"

"You kidding. Wouldn't miss it for the world."

"You certainly sound excited. Tora told me what happened to her."

"Really, now. What did she say?"

"You're definitely better than some of the others we've met in a while. I hope that it'll be the same for me. I'll see you then."

Rath coughed at her seductive voice."Won't disappoint. Pick you up at eleven. Later."Rath hung up at the same time Flash did too."So, is this Star Labs gonna pick this hunk of junk?"Rath gestured to the mess around them.

Flash hung up. "I just got off the phone with them. They're on their way. As for the damage, it's in their budget. You won't believe what happens because of criminals trying to steal their tech or Star Labs confiscating their tech."

Rath looked over the street again."Rath can imagine."'I'm gonna have to come back as Clockwork and fix some of this. I doubt most of these people have Robot insurance. Hell, people back home were reluctant to buy alien insurance.'

Flash started walking toward the news crew. "You sticking around for the public? I still have to tell them what happened."

"Nah you go ahead. You know more about the robot stuff. I still have to take care of a few things."

Flash frowned but shrugged. "No problem."

Before Rath started to leave, he turned around."Hey, Rath'll be done in about a half-hour. You hungry?"

A grin grew on the speedster. "Are you kidding me? I'm always hungry."

Rath smiled back."Cool. Once Rath's done with Rath's errands and you're done with them, we'll meet back here and go get some lunch."

Flash reached out and shook Rath's hand. "I'm down for that, but I get to pick the place."

45 Minutes Later

The Scarlet Speedster and El Tigre were ordering food at Chipotle. All around them, people were whispering with a few being brave enough to talk to them and ask for a photo or an autograph.

"Will that be all, sir?" the woman behind the register asked.

Rath turned to Flash."You want anything else, man?"

The scarlet speedster read over the screen once more. "Nah, I think we're good. We can get more if we're still hungry."

She nodded. "So that'll be twenty beef burritos and blows with guac, cheese, and sour cream, twenty soft tacos, and six large sodas. The total is $655."

Rath pulled out seven hundred dollar bills from his pocket."Keep the change."The two carried their food to an empty booth. As they ate, they struck up a conversation.

"I can't believe it took me this long to actually meet, the new guy in town."

"When Rath came here, he heard about a speed demon living here."

Flash brushed a fist his chest "Fastest Man alive."

Seeing the opening, Rath went for it."Must have been hard dating."

"You wouldn't imagine..." Flash took a sip out of his soda as Rath tried his best to hide his laugh. It took a few seconds for Flash to register his answer. "Hey!"

Rath stopped hiding it and let out a few hearty laughs."Totally fell for that one."

"Ha. ha. Very funny." Flash grinned. "I will get you back for that."

"Sure you will. By the way, don't you have a mini-you running around too? Rath saw him on the news with you sometimes. What's his name? Speedy?"

Flash did his best to hide his own laugh. "Whatever you do, don't say that in front of him. He gets really angsty about it. Honestly, it's hilarious. We call him Kid Flash. Green Arrow's protege is named Speedy."

"Ah. Rath gotta hand it to that modern-day Robinhood. He does good work."

"He's cool. He's much more of a conversationalist than Batman." he joked. Flash thought for a moment. "By the way, I almost forgot to thank you, Fire, and Ice for taking down Sabertooth while I was... indisposed."

Rath waved it off with a burrito in hand.

Flash paused a sip. "How'd an alien, like you, meet up with them, anyway?"

"Honestly, it was acoincidence. Rath didn't even know Fire and Ice till that night."

"I hope they were a good first impression of Earth sans Sabertooth." He scratched his chin in thought. "So, what brings a guy like you to our Solar System anyways?"

"Rath lived on Earth for some time when Rath was growing up, and Rath thought about coming back here."

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Are you telling me that you lived on Earth before?"

Rath nodded."Yeah."

"I've met Martians and Kryptonians, but what kind of alien are you anyway?"

"Rath's an Appoplexian."

Hearing the name, Flash nearly choked on refried beans before coughing it back out.

Rath quickly handed the flash his soda."Dude, you okay."

Flash took a gulp and breathed slowly. "Can you say that name again?"

Rath raised a brow."Rath's an Appoplexian. Why? you've met Rath's kind before."'Considering humans can evolve in another universe, there was a chance that other Alien species from my universe live here too.'

Flash breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, thank god. I thought I had to knock you out a second there."

Rath glared and flexed an arm. "Give Rath one good reason why Rath shouldn't knock you out."

Flash tried to recover from the awkward threat. "The aliens that invaded Earth last time were called Appellaxian. Your species name sounds dangerously similar to theirs."

"Really?"The alien tiger growled."Damn name stealing invaders! The next time Rath sees them, he'll show em what for!"

Flash laughed shyly. "Kinda too late for that, we already sent them packing."

Calming down, Rath grinned."Let me tell you something, Flash. If anyone tries to invade this Planet. You let Rath know because Rath will shove his fist where the sun doesn't shine."

Flash laughed. "I'll be sure to do that."

After another bite, Rath remembered one of Flash's friends."Hey, you said that you met a Martian, right?"

"Yup," he took another bite.

"Has he ever mentioned popcorn before?"

"Not that I can remember... Why?" Flash started on another bowl.

Rath shrugged."Might be related to Martian culture."



The two spent the next two hours talking before they both had to leave.

"I'll be honest, today was nice. If I see you around, we should hang out again sometime. Maybe I'll introduce you to Green Arrow."

"Rath's down for that."

With that, Rath saw the red blur speed off into the distance. 'If I ever meet him as XLR8, we should totally race.'

Chapter 9: Road to Independence


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

June 20, 2010

Days passed since Pam's arrival and his date with Tora. When Beatriz was finally free, Ben invited her to the park. While the picnic lunch was delightful, the date took an exciting turn when Ben mentioned his time playing college soccer. A figurative fire lit her eyes. After correcting Ben with the international name of Football, she passionately challenged him to a one-on-one game. Lucky for them, Ben keeps a spare ball in the trunk.

Since it was just between them, they would take turns as a striker versus a goalie with each point. The first five rounds went off without a hitch, but it soon got more intense between them. Beatriz asked Ben if they could have super-powered matches. While hesitant, Ben eventually caved into the emerald beauty's request. However, this came with new rules and a new setup. Like before (think Rocket League), neither could use their hands, but they didn't need to hold back in terms of strength and speed within reason. Moving to a more secluded area of the city's park, Ben got to work creating the new field with Diamondhead and a new ball. After ensuring no civilians or cameras were around, they both powered up. Beatriz lit up as Fire.

Needless to say, thesounds of loud impacts and their smack talk drew people's attention.Soon, there were a few spectators. The game wasn't a competition, but it felt like one now. Neither of the two was going to lose without a fight. The first to fifty goals won the game. Beatriz and Ben dashed across the field, shooting and blocking shots one after the other. Half an hour later, the two were soaked in sweat, and Ben was tiredly pumping his arms up in victory. It was a close game, but Ben earned his soccer scholarship. Once they got cleaned up, Ben drove Beatriz to her hotel and walked her to the room. When Beatriz and Ben said their goodbyes, she was much more proactive and hands-on in her appreciation than Tora. Another enjoyable date comes to a close.


When Ben's not at the Gym or out in the city, there is never a dull moment at the shop. It made him smile whenever one of his newest recipes gained another fan. Experimenting with acai and lychee paid off. More tropical fruit flavors were a bit of a summer day hit. Regarding his recent roommate, things have been progressing. The two would have a movie night every other day, alternating pics. With a small smile, Harley was more open to talking with Ben about her experiences. Her growing list of friends was amajorcontributor. Silence is a Petri dish for abuse. It's where it thrives, and it needs to be broken.

As for Pam, she often came by once Harley finished her shift. They haven't caused any trouble, so Ben paid no mind to their excursions. Some days, the three of them would go out for Mexican food. Unfortunately, there was a night that both came back drunk out of their minds as Ben came down to see the shop a mess. Both were passed out on the floor, and cans of whipped cream and tree sap were littered around. It didn't help that his plant grabbed him as a self-defense mechanism for Pam, leaving him again hanging. One transformation later, he was free and out of range.Suffice it to say, theywere closed for a few hours for clean-up.Thenext morningwas filled with sighs, apologies, and admissions of self-defense. Apparently, someone received several bruises for trying to get fresh with them. Pam mentions a new breed of plant she was experimenting with to calm the nerves with little side effects, leading to last night. No surprise, it needs work. Thankfully, Ivy's plants cleaned up most of the mess.

June 25, 2010

Eventually, the fashion show arrived. Beatriz and Tora offered to invite Harley, but she declined, saying that it wasn't a venue she was comfortable with. Before the show, Ben greeted the girls backstage, and they introduced him to their friend Mari McCabe. Apparently, she also took part in heroics; however, he never got a chance to hear the details when the directors asked him to leave backstage for show preparations.

The audience was bustling as they chatted away. Camera flashes lit the room. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. When trying to reach his reserved seat, Ben met Oliver and Felicity, a nice couple two seats down. They were nice but a little antsy. It might have been the crowds. So far, the event went off without a hitch. The host introduced their sponsors and exclusive guests, and Ben was surprised to hear that Oliver owned his own company, Queen Industries. Many lovely ladies strut down the walkways as the show progressed, looking fabulous. When it was Beatriz's turn to strut down the runway, she cheekily blew a kiss and winked in Ben's direction. Unfortunately, the crowd believed it was for Oliver, much to Felicity's chagrin.As the show progressed, every modeldidn't losetheir flair.Each outfit was as stylish, if not more. Overall, the night was a success. When the three returned home, theybrought up aninterestingoffer.

Bethany Beach

July 4, 13:50 EDT

Soft waves washed over the warm sand, and the cool ocean breeze diffused the scent of cooked meat from the nearby grill.

Beatriz laid against her beach chair with a meat kebab, relaxing under the Summer sun. "It's great that you came with us, Ben. Not to mention helping out with the food."

Tora nodded as she applied sunscreen. "Especially since this is our last stop in the States before we head back to Europe."

Ben sipped from his iced tea in his chair. "You allowed me to spend the holiday weekend with you girls and have a beach barbecue. How could I refuse?" A frown briefly appeared. "It's too bad Harley decided not to come with us."

Beatriz raised her glasses to look at him. "You said she wanted to spend her weekend vacation in Gotham, right?"

"Yup." He stood back up to turn the beef over. "From what I heard, Gotham isn't what I would call a Summer destination, but she knows the place better than I do."

Finished prepping her skin, Tora got up to make herself a plate. "I swear. Some of them are psychotic. Did you hear? Some ice villain attacked a public park there earlier today?"

"Seriously? What a Dick." Ben sighed. "What does a person gain from that?"

"To inflate his ego?" Tora guessed. "I don't know. Thankfully, Batman and the kid were there to stop him."

Beatriz raised a brow. "That one happened in Gotham? On the way here, I heard about someone freezing over Pearl Harbor."

"Not even Hawaii is safe." Ben crossed his arm. "How many villains are Ice-themed anyways?"

Tora groaned. "At least four. I swear. If any more show up, people will start thinking I'm the bad guy when we show up."

"Nope," he snarked. "You're too cute to be a villain."

Tora giggled while Beatriz grew a sly grin. "What does that make me?"

Ben smiled as well. "You would be the type of villain I would humor being trapped by."

"I don't know," added Tora. "You can be surprised what the two of us can do."

"A wolf in sheep's clothing?" he described the Ice Princess. "Clever girl." Ben finished placing all the cooked meat on a platter and lit the flame. "Anyways, that's enough of hero talk. It's time for us to have some fun."

"What do you have in mind?" the emerald heroine asked.

With a smirk, Ben snapped his fingers as he was engulfed by the familiar green light. When the light faded, they immediately felt the temperature increase. In Ben's place was an alien with a body composed of bright yellow magma and dark red or brown rocks. His feet have a slight oval-like design with only two toes and one back toe. "Who's ready for Fireworks?"

Realizing Ben's new form, Beatriz ignited her body's flames and walked up to him. She danced her fingers across his stone chest. "You didn't tell us you had an alien similar to Moi."

Tora allowed her ice to counter the radiating heat.

Heatblast shrugged. "You didn't ask."

Fire rested her head on his shoulder. "So what can you tell us about tall, dark, and fiery?"

"This alien is a Pyronite, though, I called myself Heatblast. They live on a planet-like star, and as you can tell, their specialty is Fire."

"Amazing." Tora walked up to him, more comfortable than before. "Do you have any aliens with cryo-powers?"

Heatblast nodded. "I have a few I found so far, but do you want to know something weird."

Fire tilted her head. "What?"

"When Pyronites get sick, their abilities flip, and they control ice."

Both girls started laughing. "Shut up. You can't be serious."

Ben joined in. "It's true. You can be surprised how illness can affect aliens."

Composing herself, Fire walked to the water's edge. "What are we waiting for? Let's see how good you are."

Heatblast followed her, with Tora close behind. "Ladies first?"

Fire shook her head. "Newbies first."

He smiled. "If you say so." Charging his fists, Heatblast sent out a coordinated array of fireballs. Some that were more charged than others exploded in a cluster of embers. He continued trying to make an appealing show before finishing it off with his signature in the sky.


The girls applauded in approval. Fire smirked. "Not bad. I can see that you've had practice with this one. However, I think your output was a little off. The dot of the exclamation point is still there."

Ben waved it off. "I've been using Heatblast for years. I'm sure that it'll burn out soon."

Washington D.C.


10 Min Later

Dubbilex stood before the maintenance computer, typing away at console commands. 'All I have to do now is overload one of the fuel lines, and hopefully, assistance will arrive.' Suddenly, a large explosion was heard that rocked the facility a bit. He reached for his comm. "Security, report. What happened?"

"I don't know how, but one of the rooftop generators exploded. We couldn't cut the fuel lines time, and the fire is still spreading. Emergency services have been called to assist."

Dubbilex nodded. 'This will work. No suspicion will be placed on me as well.' "Thankfully, the lower levels are still locked and separate from the above-ground structure. Proceed with evacuation procedures."

Washington D.C.

Outside Cadmus

5 Minutes Later

Many people were running out of the building as first responders arrived.

A man in a white lab coat burst through the fire exit, coughing a lot. "Where the hell did this fire come from?!"

The next to come out is a coughing blonde woman. "Thank god, I'm out of that hell hole."

The man turned his attention to her. "Janet! What the hell were you thinking? How many times have I told you that this-" He made a mocking flick of the wrist. "-isn't putting out a cigarette."

Her brows furrowed. "It wasn't me. I flick it to the playground next door like decent people."

Bethany Beach

July 4th; 14:00 EDT

Once Fire had done her routine, they agreed that Fire did it better. Who knew that her elegance and spontaneity also applied to pyrotechnics?Tora dida bit ofher own demonstration by making a few ice sculptures.Ben had to admit that they werevery impressive. It was a shame that they would soon melt. Still feeling the heat, the three of them hopped into the ocean.

Just as Ben tried to surf with Tora's ice board, the sun decided to take a mid-day break, causing the hero to dip. When he resurfaced, he looked at the sky with interest. "Did it just get dark all of a sudden? I know Daylight Savings time is a thing, but this is ridiculous."

Lighting a hand, Beatriz guided them back to shore. Checking her phone, she frowned. "It's only 4:30."

Tora nodded. "Something's happening to the sun."

"Hold on, let me check the news." He held up the Omnitrix as the interface projected. "Azmuth, do you have any idea what's going on?"

The Omnitrix icon at the top left blinked as it replied, "It seems that we have a rogue magic user. I'll relay the news report to you three."

The Omnitrix started broadcasting live news in the area. "Attention. A Justice League-level threat has been identified. A villain named Wotan somehow blocked out the sun for unknown reasons. We are advised to stay away from the East Coast and indoors until the situation has been dealt with. Please stay safe until then."

"Crap..." muttered Ben.

"Is it that bad?" asked Beatriz. "I can't think of any issues because night came early."

Tora answered her friend. "Normally, it shouldn't. However, we're dealing with that wizard guy. Who knows what he's up to?"

Ben nodded. "In my experience, nothing good happens when someone tries to block out the sun permanently."

"What happened last time?" asked Tora.

"The alien I was fighting was trying to mind control the entire planet and mutate them into shadow monsters."

The girls whistled in shock. "That's worse than what I thought it would be."

"Yeah," Ben nodded. "And I don't feel like finding out what this Wotan is up to the hard way." In a flash, Heatblast was back. "Let's fly."

While Beatriz became Fire, Tora waved her hand. "Uh, I can't fly, remember."

Before her friend could reply, Heatblast laughed while Fire and Ice looked at him quizzically. "Let me show you a trick I learned."

Omnitrix DNA Entry:



Home World:Pyros

Powers and Abilities:

Pyronites can generate flames from their bodies in many forms. They can form fire into any shape or make them explosive if they choose to. When infant Pyronites have a temper tantrum, their firepower becomes greatly magnified. Pyronites can channel flames through other surfaces (such as large rocks) to generate jet propulsion, allowing them to 'surf' through the air. Pyronites are fireproof, heat resistant, and invulnerable to magma. They are also cold-resistant and ice-proof. Pyronites are not limited to simply creating fire; because their bodies are naturally heat convective, they can absorb heat, effectively allowing them to put out fires. Despite their water weakness, Pyronites can swim and use their powers while submerged, but with very low intensity. When infected with an Earth cold virus, Pyronites gain cryokinetic abilities while losing their pyrokinesis. In this state, they can fire ice beams and an ice ball that freezes everything it touches.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 10: Independence Day Part 1


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Chapter Text

Above the East Coast

"Woohoo!" Tora smiled as she soared through the air.

To her left, Heatblast grinned forward, piloting their flaming rock. "I told you that it'd be fun.

Tora kept herself stable with ice stakes pierced into their platform.

Even though the sky was dark, Beatriz and Heatblast's fire lit the way. She turned to Ice with a smirk. "How's the 'hot rod?'"

The three of them chuckled. Tora smiled back, "A bit warm, but nothing I can't handle." A small wave of ice extended down the spices and her feet, keeping her in place.

"I have to try that out later," Fire smirked.

Heatblast sighed. "It's too bad a Doomsday scenario cut our day short."

Beatriz shrugged. "It's nothing. We're used to danger putting a pause on life."

Tora continued. "What use is a day at the beach if it's gonna be completely dark the entire time."

"Hopefully, we don't waste the whole fourth of July on this guy." Heatblast narrowed his eyes. "I think I see something up ahead." He pressed a finger to his headset to zoom into the distance.

The Omnitrix symbol on his HUD lit up. "We are nearing the state known as New Jersey."

"Uh, guys, I don't think Wotan's doing this alone." Tora's pupils shrunk for a second as she stared at a massive horde of unknown creatures swarming through the city streets. Not a second later, one of the smaller ones flew by before exploding into a mess of stone rubble.

Heatblast frowned. 'Reminds me of Charmcaster.'

Fire cringed. "Wow, this is close to your story, Ben."

The Pyronite witnessed a green anti-aircraft gun materialized before cutting down stone golems. Nearby, a bolt of lightning struck down, turning a parking lot into a crater. "Woah..."

"That must be the League!" Beatriz took the lead. As they drew closer, the trio started to notice the scope of the battle. Several heroes scattered throughout the battlefield. Each of them faced their group of summons.

Some of the soldiers noticed their arrival, and a stray blast of electricity narrowly missed the trio. Heatblast huffed. "Looks like we're not too late for the party." He looked around.

At the center of the enemy forces, a large pyramid had grown from the ground surrounded by a transparent yellow shield. At the top, the wizard they assumed to be Wotan floated cross-legged with closed eyes. The strange object around his neck glowed with fury.

Beatriz sweat-dropped. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"An ancient temple unleashing an army of darkness upon the city?" suggested Tora.

She slowly nodded back. "Oh, okay. Just wanted to make sure."

"I swear, this place looks like a disaster movie." Heatblast noticed a giant golem flowing with orange light, launching someone through two buildings. "Some of them are having more trouble than others. We better split up."

Tora's eyes narrowed. "Ben, drop me off below, and we'll all try to help push the enemy line out of the city."

Heatblast started their descent and gave her a thumbs up. "Everyone stay safe. Activate comms "

Beatriz started charging her hands. "This will certainly be one hell of a story."

Atlantic City, New Jersey

When Zatara requested a full League response for Wotan blocking the Sun, Barry didn't expect much. He imagined the wizard to be floating in the air with his arms raised into the air. They would listen to him monologue for a minute before Superman or Wonder Woman would take him down. Afterward, they would hit the city for drinks to celebrate before checking up on the kids. Barry was way off the mark. If there's one thing he learned on the job, it is that magic is a bitch.

The Flash sped through the city. He scoured several city blocks to help evacuate any remaining citizens. Barry activated his comms. "Bats, I've cleared the last of the civilians. What's our status?" He hears a loud explosion before the Man of Steel is launched through an apartment building. "You okay Supes?"

Superman, the Man of Steel, replied with a heavy groan. "I've been better." Getting up, he stretched his arms. "Lousy magic..."

Gargoyles and Wraiths took to the skies as they targeted the sleek bat-shaped jet soaring above. The Batwing's artillery guns fired several missiles at a swarm while being chased from another squad. Batman, the Dark Knight, shook his head. "Not ideal." The smoking entities behind him gathered flames in their jaws, ready to unleash.

Suddenly, a pair of heroes with giant wings tailed the Dark Knight and the flying squadron. A simple mace crushed the opposition. Hawkman took a deep breath. "This is getting old," Hawkman declared. "I've taken out like fifty of those things, already."

Beside him, Hawkwoman rolled her eyes. "You're just mad that I'm still in the lead." Hawkwoman snarked before stretching her dominant arm. "Still, you're not wrong. We need to pull the plug on this."

Batman grunted in acknowledgment. "It's clear Wotan came prepared for the League's interference." The Batwing fires a hailstorm of projectiles at Wotan's pyramid only for them to not even scratch the magical barrier.

Flash ran towards the fray. "No kidding."

Batman pulled up higher into the air. "I need to locate Zatara so we can regroup for a counterattack."

Dodging incoming magical bolts, Flash vibrated his fist before punching straight into a golem's torso. "I'll get Canary and GA." He switched channels. "Canary. Arrow. You copy?" No response. Barry groaned before a loud screech echoed a few blocks down. "Better than my car keys." Approaching the area, Flash witnessed his friend cleaning up the last of the block.

The female fighter with long blonde hair dodged a stone fist. Her distinctive costume included a black one-piece bustier-leotard, gray stockings, boots, fingerless gloves, and a blue jacket. Black Canary dropped kicked a wraith before it dissipated into smoke. With another scream, the stone warrior shattered to pieces before catching her breath. Seeing sudden movement in the corner of her eye, she pivots, ready to strike. Just as her heel was an inch from the torso, she glared at the nonchalant crimson speedster. "Took you long enough." She took the chance to catch her breath. "I need a drink when this is over."

They head a growl from above as a stray gargoyle dived for them. Dinah looked at the thing with an annoyed expression. Before the beast could attack, a blur flies by, freezing it solid before fracturing into pieces. "First rounds on me." Flash and Dinah turn to see the Emerald Archer jump down from his vantage point. "Late as always, Flash." Green Arrow loaded another explosive arrow just in case. "So? We got a Plan B or what? I'm not an expert on this magic crap."

Batman didn't tell Flash the precise details of the plan. "Uh, we're working on getting Zatara back, but we need to get everyone together."

Suddenly, the trio hears a chorus of inhuman wails coming from above. Taking a battle stance, they readied themselves for another wave of summons. To their surprise, lumps of flaming entities crashed around them as they burnt to ash.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Arrow called out to no direction in particular. "Thanks for the help, Supes!"

However, a much deeper voice replied. "You're welcome, but I'm not Superman!"

The trio's eyes widened before turning above. They were not expecting a flaming bipedal rock monster.

Remembering the invasion seven years ago, Green Arrow quickly fired an ice arrow. "Fire Lord!"

'Fire what?' Heatblast's eye sockets widened. He leaned out of the arrow's trajectory before attempting to land. The sonic screams following him did not make it easier. Touching down, he quickly put his hands up as the speedster ran toward him, ready for a punch. "Hold your fire! Hold your fire!"

To Flash, the world slowed. He reared a fist back, but as his eyes took in the newcomer, he noticed the familiar green hourglass badge on its chest. Realizing his mistake, Barry stopped his attack halfway, almost tripping over himself. "What the heck? Rath's friends with an Applexian."

Hearing Flash, Heatblast groaned in annoyance. "Applexian? Are you serious?" He stared at the speedster dryly.

Arrow and Canary readied for anything behind the alien. "Turn around slowly."

Heatblast complied. "Whoa whoa whoa. Chill." He motioned his flaming hands as non-threateningly as possible.

Green Arrow raised a brow. Seeing the universal hand gesture for surrender, he lowered his bow. "Ironic."

"So you aren't Fire Lord?" asked Canary. She saw the report of the League's first team-up.

Heatblast turned to the woman before staring in mild shock. 'Uh, when the hell did Dinah become a superhero?!' "No. No, I'm not." He kept a straight face, telling himself that he would talk with her later.

Arrow turned to Flash. "Who the hell is this guy?"

Flash pointed at the alien's chest. "Judging by that symbol, he's with Rath."

Now that the tension settled, Heatblast nodded in relief. "Pretty much."

"You mean that Tiger luchador-looking alien?" Canary walked up to him and eyed Heatblast. "That so? I haven't seen you around Central City. Far from there right now too."

Heatblast gave a nervous chuckle. "It's not a great first impression for a walking fire hazard to tour the city." He pointed to the blackened sky. "This is the exception."

Arrow nodded skeptically. "Right. Just to be clear, you're on our side."

"Yes. I am." Heatblast huffed. "I can say it all I want, but I doubt you'll believe me until after we clean up this mess. By the way, call me Heatblast."

Flash chuckled. "Fitting."

"Eh, it's more of a codename."

"Where's Rath anyways? Is he here too?"

Heatblast dismissed it. "He's got his mission at the moment."

"Sure," drawled Canary.

"Getting back on topic," interrupted Arrow. "We have to regroup with the League for a coordinated counter-attack."

"Hopefully, you can make it easier to deal with all the monsters," the speedster smirked as he pointed to the Pyronite.

"By the way, where's that mini-you that Rath mentioned?" asked Heatblast. "I would have thought you brought him along to this."

"He and his friends are staying behind." Flash frowned a bit. "We disagreed before I left, and I didn't want him caught up in all this." A nearby empty building toppled over.

Heatblast nodded. "I see what you mean. In that case, I have good news." The Pyronite smiled. "I brought help."

Canary raised a brow. "Who?"

"Fire and Ice."

She remembered meeting them in passing at the Watchtower. Canary thought about their powers set. "Would you look at that? You fit right in."

The alien hero laughed. "Just some of the time." The others didn't understand what he meant. Heatblast placed a hand to his chin. "I wonder who they're with right now."

Several Blocks Away

A tall red robot with a blue cape flies upward. Red Tornado evades several thrown objects. "J'onn, the probability of our success is slowly decreasing." His hands become cyclones as miniature tornadoes sweep the area.

Down below, a tall, green-skinned humanoid turns transparent as the strong winds and numerous creatures phase through him. "I am aware of our current predicament." Martian Manhunter pushed out his hands, sending more enemies into the torrent of wind.

Several wraiths and golems crash into each other like a blender, leaving only debris and ash. Before Tornado could send out another series of cyclones, his radar pinged, detecting incoming bogeys. Turning in their direction, he noticed a familiar trail of ice and green fire approaching. "Our probability of success has risen dramatically."

Manhunter didn't notice the arrivals until an entire wave of summons became trapped in thick sheets of ice. Not missing the opportunity, J'onn focused his telekinesis, releasing a wave of psychic energy. The frozen evils didn't stand a chance, shattering to bits. The martian looked to the sky and smiled at the sight of Ice raining down attacks. It didn't take long for him to remember who is always close by. His expression grew nervous and fearful as balls of green flames scorched the Earth around him. Wraiths screamed in pain as gargoyles pushed through the fire.

The summons' attempts to escape the fire were to no avail as Ice trapped them in several frozen barriers

"Red, fan the flames!" the emerald beauty called out, continuing her barrage.

Red Tornado outstretched his metal arms and complied. Each cyclone fed oxygen to the fire, burning brighter and hotter.

Feeling the immense heat, J'onn phased through several walls to evade it. He drew heavy breaths, safe from the danger. He waited a minute before feeling out for the women. Phasing through the walls back to the street, get gazed at the scorched Earth. The area had been cleared, leaving molten slag behind. Looking back up, he saw Red Tornado greeting the reserve members.

Tornado shook Beatriz's hand. "Thank you for the assistance, Fire."

"No problem," she smiled. "It's why we signed up for the gig."

The robot greeted Tora as well. "It's a pleasure to work with you once more."

Ice sighed. "I hope we can take care of this soon." Looking down, she saw J'onn. "Oh, hey, Martian."

The green man calmed himself before nodding. "Hello to you as well."

Floating down, Beatriz waved to the Senior member. "It's a good thing we got here. Everything is chaos."

Martian Manhunter looked at the fiery woman before turning away slowly. "Yes, it is. We must get going. Come Tornado, Ice,... Fire."

As the senior members took the lead, Beatriz crossed her arms in annoyance and turned to Tora. "What's his problem?"

Her best friend simply shrugged. "It's been a while since they last met. Maybe it's a Martian thing." With that, the heroes moved out to help the rest of their comrades.

Meanwhile at Cadmus

A gray creature sits on one of the desks in an expansive lab as Desmond paces across the center. Finally slowing as seven screens come down from the ceiling. All seven are active, but instead of pictures, white outlines counteract the blue background.

"Dr. Desmond, you require an audience with the Light?" a man's voice asked, anger clear in his tone.

"Yes. I'm sorry to disturb you," the doctor replied.

"Just make your report," another man's voice spoke up, annoyance clear in his tone. His outline had an oval-shaped head.

"Of course," Desmond said quickly. "Well, we had a small fire, here at Project Cadmus. The origin is still unclear, but I've heard rumors that it was caused by a cigarette."

The screen with a smooth outline growled. "This is why I was against smoke breaks. Damn labor unions and their asinine demands."

"Let it go, L. We've heard your rant numerous times. That's why I control my men with strict discipline," the feminine figure replied. "Continue, Doctor."

"Anyways, the fire attracted the attention of three young men." A sly smile grew. "Robin, Aqualad, and Kid Flash penetrated my security. They went deep into the facility, found, and released the Superboy. Of course, the Superboy is under my control and, as ordered, turned against his would-be liberators." His attitude went giddy. "The three are currently restrained, and we don't believe the League knows they're here." With that, he finished his report.

The room went silent for a moment as they noted the Doctor's change in tone. "Yes... Thank you for telling us."

"How do you plan on dealing with them?" asked the gruff voice, unnerved about his tone.

Now comes the climax of the conversation, why he called them. The grin turned much more malicious. "Shall I repeat what I did last time? I can't wait to get my hands on those boys. I'll be able to pull things out of them that they never knew he had."

Once again, the room processed the request and the possible undertones. "Uh... sure. Just dispose of them after," the deeper voice commands with a little uncertainty. "Leave no trace behind!"

Desmond only smiles sad*stically in response. "Don't worry. I'll be sure to suck them dry." He turned around to leave the room.

The white figures in the monitors went silent.




"We were talking about cloning, right?"

"God, I hope so."

"Who was in charge of hiring him?"

The white figure with devil-like horns raised his hand and giggled.

With Heatblast

After giving Heatblast a brief rundown on Wotan, Flash scouted ahead while the others followed behind. Arrow turned to their new acquaintance. "If we're gonna stand any chance, we have to find our heavy hitters."

Heatblast nodded. "According to Google, there are supposedly gods among you guys. That true?" The sky flashes with light before thunder crashes in the distance.

Black Canary waved a horizontal hand. "Well, yes, but actually no."

"It's complicated," summarized the Archer.

Suddenly, Flash zoomed in front of them. "Quick! I found more of the others." He dashed back into the fray.

As Heatblast flew after him, the Omnitrix symbol illuminated. "Uncatalogued DNA has been detected nearby."

Knowing what would happen if he allowed the Omnitrix to continue, Heatblast quickly replied. "Please hold off the scanning process until I say so."

"Understood," replied Azmuth

By the time the trio caught up with him, they had found a blond man in an orange scale-mail tunic, dark green leggings, and golden gauntlets stabbing into the stone beast with a trident.

Above, a man in a red costume with a lightning bolt logo grabbed onto two gargoyles before slamming them into the ground.

Not wanting to be left out, the trio made their moves. "Blaze Rush!" Heatblast threw his hands back and propelled himself forward. Landing in the middle of a large group, the Pyronit charged up. "Solar Flare!" A brief burst of flame lit up the entire area, leaving molten shells of the summons.

Seeing the newcomers, Captain Marvel dropped down to Black Canary. "Thanks for the assistance." He pointed a thumb at the living torch. "Who's the new guy?"

"He's an alien," she replied before screeching in another direction.

The Captain looked back at the hero and smiled. "Cool."

The group made their way towards the central spire, fighting many minions. As much as Ben wanted to speak to Dinah, now wasn't an appropriate time for personal stories. The Justice League slowly pieced itself together, even meeting up with Fire and Ice's group. Heatblast introduced himself to the likes of Wonder Woman, Captain Atom, the Green Lanterns. By the time Batman flew by with the Hawks, Azmuth was preparing genetic scans and analyses. He was most interested in the species cohabiting the Earth. It was surprising to see an emerald Hard Light vehicle arrive. With the Dark Knight landed and updated on the situation, Batman gave each group-specific orders to trim down the opposition; however, he was still suspicious about the newcomer.

Several pairs teamed against large stone giants, more swarms of gargoyles and wraiths, and squads of artificial paladins.

Heatblast spun himself around in the air, building up momentum with his arms before firing a flaming tornado at a paladin that caused a massive explosion. Not stopping, Heatblast moves through mid-air and grabs a golem before using his free arm to propel himself. He spins himself and his target with thrusters until he gains enough momentum to slam the magical swordsman into the ground forcefully. Collecting himself, Heatblast took note that if this kept up, the beasts would overrun them. Turning his head, he notices Green Arrow bashing down on a Wraith with his bow, his quiver empty. Several more wraiths came over with mouths charged up and ready to fire. In response, Heatblast ignited his arms and rocketing toward him.

Dinah noticed as well and called out to him. "Olly!" A blast of purple and green light filled the area. When the smoke cleared, Dinah was both confused and relieved. In place of Heatblast was a large green turtle shell. It's arms and legs wrapped protectively around the Archer. "The hell?" she looked at the two in disbelief.

When the new alien released him, Green Arrow got a better look, also confused. "What happened to Heatblast?"

Terraspin rubbed his head with a flipper nervously. "Heh heh heh. Surprise..."

Dinah and Arrow shook their heads, deciding to save it for later. "I demand an explanation when this is all over."

"Yeah, we all do," added Dinah.

Captain Marvel touched down to check up on the archer. "I'm glad you're okay, man." He looked at the alien with the same symbol on his chest. "Woah, you turned into a turtle. Are you like a Martian or something?"

Terraspin raised a brow. 'Martian?' Before he could answer, Wonder woman, called out to them.

"I've found Zatara, but he's in bad shape."

Following the voice, everyone made their way towards the pyramid. They soon came across a smoking man in a magician suite crumpled up in nearby rubble. The Warrior Princes carefully pulled him out before setting him down on the ground with the others on guard. With Doctor Fate currently in retirement Normally the league's own master of the mystic arts could deal with him all by himself. But with the mystic Amulet of Aten around his neck. It was simply too much for him on his own. But even with the help of his superpowered friends, this was proving somewhat difficult.

Suddenly, every creature went still. Their glowing eyes slowly dimmed before collapsing into an empty husk.

"Uh... Did we win?" questioned Hal Jordan, putting down his ring.

As the last minion fell, the pyramid released an enormous beam of light from its peak into the clouds.

John Stewart groaned. "Why did you have to say that?"

The light at the apex of the pyramid faded.

Zatara's eyes fluttered before he gagged. Seeing his teammates, he went somber. "I couldn't stop him. I'm sorry," the magician muttered.

"Greetings, peasants." The being known as Wotan stole their attention, floating down from his temple.

Terraspin noted his light blue skin and red eyes. Wotan was adorned in crimson robes with several golden lines, appearing like circuitry. The heavy aura of arcane energy permeated from him. The devil-horned hairstyle accentuated his presence.

Wotan looked down upon the League like ants. "You know not what stands before you. The Power of the Sun is mine to command!"

From Terraspin's communicator, Azmuth warned "He's building up critical energy.

Eyes widened, Terraspin grabbed onto the injured mage and gestured to everyone. "Everyone take cover!"

Gusts of wind pick up as Wotan floats higher into the sky. He laughed maniacally with surges of magic flowing through him each second.

Everyone got out of dodge, braced for impact, or constructed their barriers. Several explosions raged across the battlefield.

From a collapsed building, Terraspin vented the dust out of his shell. Thankfully, he could handle magic. Placing down Zatara, he asked the man, "What the hell just happened?"

Zatara looked at the turtle creature and coughed up a bit of blood. "It took a while, but Wotan managed to unlock the Amulet of Aten's power. I tried to cut off the ritual, but I wasn't strong enough. Now, he has the power of an Egyptian God."

Remembering documentaries from the History channel, Ben knew how serious that sounded. Terraspin looked at the floating wizard crackling with magic, thrashing against Captain Marvel in the distance. "Well, sh*t..." 'I might have to bring out the big guns.'

Green Arrow stood next to Batman and Dinah safe in a bubble shield with a strained John and Hal. Dryly, he turned to their leader. "So, Bats. How's that plan B coming along?" All he received back was a deep glare.

Half a second before the bombs dropped, Flash raced to the rooftop of a distant highrise and out of danger. Wotan threw spells in several directions. The speedster sighed, seeing his friends taking up arms once again. "I'm really glad that the kids are safe back at the hall."


Three teens were trapped in pods as they looked down at their captors.

"You won't get away with this!" the yellow speedster exclaimed. "If we don't get out, the Justice League will bring this place down."

Doctor Desmond smirked. "Oh, you mean this place that's secluded and deep underground. Where there's no one nearby for miles to hear loud noises, like say someone screaming."

Aqualad nodded without hesitation. "Yes, exactly."

In contrast, his friends grew worrisome. "I don't like where this is going," stated Robin, discretely taking out his lock pick.

Desmond shrugged. "You won't like what I'm about to do either. It's too bad for you fine young boys that all the heroes are away."

Kid Flash went a bit pale. "Robin, I don't. I don't feel so good."

The doctor chuckled. "I've been told that I tend to have that effect on people. Now, stay still." He stepped over to the terminal, typing out several commands. "It's your first time, so I might be gentle. Drift away as I penetrate deep inside you and suck our your life juice.

"We need an adult?" Robin smiled weakly, his right hand desperately trying to unlock his restraints.

Desmond grinned to them innocently. "I am an adult." His finger pressed down onto a large red button.

Omnitrix DNA Entry:


Species:Geochelone Aerio

Home World:Aldabra

Powers and Abilities:

Geochelone Aerios can retract their heads into their shell, where an opening in the shell serves as a viewfinder, their fins become triangular and their legs combine into a similar triangular shape. Geochelone Aerios can blow a powerful wind from the holes in their shell while also using their triangular shape arms as propellers; allowing varied powers such as creating winds and spinning themselves at high-speed; they can use this blowing ability to fly. Their appendages rotate with their shell, staying static and suspended when flying. Geochelone Aerios also have superstrength. This species also has selective mana and magic immunity. Geochelone Aerios can learn to use magic.

Chapter 11: Independence Day Part 2

Chapter Text

Earlier,Gotham City,July 4th; 16:15 EDT

Harley pushed open the apartment door before crashing on the couch with a groan.

Pam came after, taking a seat to the left. "Did you really have to down all that food?"

The blond raised her arms. "It was an all-you-can-eat special! They were calling to me, Ives. The steak, the shrimp, the butter, it was so good." Her stomach grumbled in discomfort. "Oh, why didn't you stop me?"

Ivy shook her head. "I tried, multiple times. I said to pace yourself or have some of my salad, but you said 'It's a holiday. I can treat myself however I want.'"

"Damn you, past Harley. You always make my life harder."

"That's one way to put it." Ivy handed the TV remote before walking to the kitchen. "I'll check if I have any antacid tablets."

"Thanks..." Harley lazily flipped through the channels before landing on a familiar face."

Summer Gleeson stood on the grass with several families being thawed or chipped from ice. "Tragedy struck this fourth of July as one Mister Freeze began his reign of terror. As many people were shot by his signature freeze. Thankfully, the caped crusader and his young ward put a stop to him. We have more details after the break.

"Huh, I thought I heard his name at the other table."

"What was that, Harls?" Ivy called as she dug through the drawers.

"Nothing much. It looks like Freeze went out and got caught again."

"It's the middle of summer. He usually waits for the fall. What the hell is doing in this heat?"

"Don't know. Kinda weird for Freeze to terrorize people. He's usually robbing places. It's not in his profile."

"You really need to stop profiling us, considering you're also one of us."

"What can I say, old habits die hard. Hey, you ever think I should start my own crew?"

"I run solo most of the time, so I don't think I'm the right person to ask." Soon, the sky and the room began to dim, leaving the girls confused with only the TV partially lighting the room.

"Uh, who turned out the lights?"

"Hold on." With a wave of her hand, Ivy summoned a bio-luminescent bulb. Making her way to the light switch, the apartment went back to normal, relatively speaking. "The hell was that all about?"

The girls looked out the window to see the entire city darkened. Slowly, street lights illuminated, showing many concerned citizens. "This can't be good," Pam stated dryly.

Harley waved her off dismissively. "Nah, I'm sure the Justice Dweebs has it covered."

Atlantic City, New Jersey,Present

Terraspin looked at the floating wizard crackling with magic, thrashing against Captain Marvel in the distance. "Well, sh*t..." 'I might have to bring out the big guns.'

Just as Wotan began chanting another spell, Wonder Woman caught him in her lasso to slam him into the Earth, cratering the ground. Pulling himself to his feet, Tora struck him with icy blasts keeping him in place. Aquaman followed up striking his chest with a trident, sending him flying through another building. Seeing the opening, Hal constructed two jets before unleashing their arsenal down below. It didn't take long for the entire building to explode.

With the pause in fighting, John released the shield around some of the members before flying up to his "Was that really necessary," complained John.

Hal shrugged. "It worked, didn't it."

"Uh, I think he disagrees." Captain Marvel pointed at the rubble slowly rising.

Below, Wotan's eyes glowed in fury. "Such insolence will not go unpunished. I will have my retribution." He raised another barrier around him, and the material divided and coalesced, changing shape. Ten godly wizards stood in front of the League. All of them grew smirks as arrays of magical beams and lightning rained from above.

"This is getting out of hand! Now there are ten of them!" exclaimed Oliver.

"I know. If this keeps up, we'll miss the free food and fireworks," added Captain Marvel.

Beatriz looked at him incredulously. 'That's the only problem?' Her flames sped forward only to be pushed back by a gold barrier.

Captain Atom frowned at the current situation. His earpiece buzzed before a gruff voice spoke. "Captain, we are requesting a sitrep."

"General Eiling, it's not looking great. Wotan doesn't seem to budge, and I haven't been authorized to remove my limiters on domestic soil."

"This asshole blocked out the sun. I've got calls coming in and people online claiming it's the apocalypse. I need you and your associates to nip this in the bud before it gets worse. The Pentagon is currently at DEFCON 3. If not, the defense council will make the final decision. Pray that we don't have to."

Captain Atom nodded. "Don't worry, sir. You may not like the League all that much, but I trust them with my life."

The general sighed. "That's what I worry about sometimes. Keep us posted." The atomic hero flew back into the fray, landing an energized punch against one of the duplicates.

Meanwhile, in a damaged building, Terraspin protected the magician from any stray debris. He patted the old man on the cheek to keep him awake. "Come on, wizard guy. Please tell me you had a plan."

A cough left him. "Just let me rest, creature." His eyelids started to flutter.

"Okay, dude. My cousin may be more magic than me, but even I know that there's a spell, counter-spell, or something. We have to fix this!" Terraspin gestured to the battle happening outside.

A weak smile crept to the man's face. "Your words remind me of my daughter."

The Turtle raised a brow. "Your daughter?"

He slowly nodded. "Yes." He blankly stared in the air. "It's been rough since we lost Sindella."

Seeing where this was going, Ben planted both flippers firmly on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Dammit, man. Pull yourself together." He shook the man a bit. "You can't say that and then leave her too."

Realization dawned on the tired man. "No..." He gasped for air. "I can't. She knows no one else besides... Constantine " He hissed out the name like poison.

Terraspin blinked at the shift in tone. "Uh."

The magi grit his teeth, sparks fluttering in his core. "Constantine..."

"Uh..." Ben took a step back.

Zatara struggled to his feet, denying help. He looked to the ceiling in protective fury and screamed. "Constantine!" After taking several ragged breaths, he muttered to himself. Slowly, the wounds around his body started to close.

The alien hero simply watched the man do his magic. By the time, the glowing stopped, Terraspin caught the man before he could collapse. "Woah..."

The man winced in pain. While the bleeding stopped, the flesh was still sensitive. Zatara was running on fumes. He turned to his companion before chuckling. "It'll be a cold day in hell before I let that bastard raise her."

Terraspin was just as confused from the start. "Do I want to know?"

"I'll save you the trip to Hell by saying no." Zatara waved him off. "Now, there is a way to stop Wotan, but I cannot do it alone, especially the way I am now. We must regroup with the others."

Terraspin smirked. "On it." In an instant, the strange being changed once more. A flash of light later, a red-ish pterodactyl-like creature wearing a green harness stood.

"You are a changeling?" The man tilted his head in slight confusion.

The new alien shrugged. "Sure. Why not?" With that, Astrodactyl grabbed onto the magi with his talons and flew to the warzone.

So far, the League was not having a good time. Everyone once again fought in groups, but they were losing ground. From the sidelines, Batman, Dinah, and Arrow sprinted around the battlefield taking potshots and commanding the members.

"Dammit, Bats." Oliver fired another explosive arrow, giving Diana an opening to uppercut. "They're kicking our asses, and I'm starting to run out of arrows. Not all of us have an extra weapon cache in the trunk."

"Your concerns are noted, but we still don't have enough information to properly take him down. Do this incorrectly, and we'll be either killed or in the dark for the rest of history."

"Where did that turtle take Zatara anyways?" asked Dinah

As if answering his question, a voice shouted from above. "Incoming!"

They looked up, ready to fight. Oliver quirked a brow in confusion. "What now?"

A large bird creature with a jet pack swooped down to their location setting down the previously mentioned mage. "I got a wizard who can solve all our problems."

Dinah took a breath at the sight of Zatara. "You had us worried there for a sec."

Batman narrowed his eyes with a Batarang in hand. "Who are you supposed to be?" His gaze drifted to the green symbol on its harness before he put his arm down. "You are... were the turtle, a shapeshifter."

"Pretty much," shrugged Astrodactyl before waving to the others "Hey guys."

Dinah and Oliver helped support the exhausted man. "Glad to have you with us again, Z." He smirked at the alien. "Thanks, man... bird?"

"No worries," the alien waved off. "How are things here?"

Dinah rubbed her neck. "Not good. We're lucky that you brought Fire and Ice along."

Bruce shook his head at the newcomer. "We'll deal with you later. In any case, Zatara may hold the key to ending this."

"If you say so." Ben turned to the elderly father. "So, Gandalf, what's the plan?"

Zatara sat down in relief on a concrete block. "Well, the first step is to break Wotan's connection with Aten. The second step is to drain him of his magic without blowing up the entire city."

Canary frowned. "Yeah, that would very bad."

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Easier said than done."

"I assume there is more to this plan," continued Dinah.

"Indeed," Zatara smirked and coughed. "If we're going to win this, we're going to need Flash, the Lanterns, and a distraction." He continued to elaborate on what needed to be done. "Batman, you're assisting me in calculations and navigation."

The three of the heroes in front of him smirked. Dinah crossed her arms. "I think we can get that done."

"It's risky, but it's a shot we'll have to take." Batman put a hand to his communicator to relay the plan.

Meanwhile At Cadmus

The tops of metal arms broke apart into four fingers, two prongs on the tips of each one. With no hesitation and a slight electrical buzz they plunged the prongs into the boys. All four scream out, which only increases as the fingers began to pull on their insides.

"The screaming never gets old," Desmond said wistfully. He turned around only to see the Anthropoid shadow coming out of the darkness. "Ooh!" he gasped, taken off guard. "Lurking as usual. You've learned a lot from me. Anyways, get the G-gnomes downloading their memories. When that's done, pacify the source material."

"For disposal?"

"...Yeah, sure. Let's go with that."

Suddenly, a boom that echoed through the containment room, catching Desmond's and Guardian's attention and turning it back to the door which is being crinkled as Superboy removes it. He held it over his head with ease. As he did the torture devices power down. Then he threw the door away and stalked into the room. Desmond, Guardian, and Dubbilex all made their way towards Superboy.

"What the? I thought I told you to get back to you-" Desmond began, but was cut off as Superboy's right-hand swiped him away. His left hand took out both Guardian and Dubbilex. Guardian got thrown into the wall while Dubbilex and Desmond hit the ground with a thud.

Superboy stood tall and glares down at Desmond. "Don't give me orders," he nearly growled. He then stood in front of the teen heroes.

"Please tell me you're not gonna kill us." Kid Flash relented.

Superboy declared to the red-head, "Come on me if you want to live."

Kaldur shook his head, only now clearing his head from the pain. "What? Go where?"

Kid Flash stared at the clone with a shocked expression. "I change my mind. Death is starting to sound like a very tempting offer."

Robin paused his lock picking to look at the clone. "Don't you mean 'come with you?'"

Superboy blinked in confusion. "Why? What did I say?"

Wally cringed. "Doctor Desmond was in charge of your flash learning, wasn't he?"

The clone nodded. "Yeah. How did you know?"

The speedster groaned. "Just a hunch."

"I don't follow," replied the Atlantian.

"Just forget it, Aqualad. I'd rather not have that conversation."

Robin managed to get his wrist restraints open, then jumped from his pod. "Ahh. Finally!" he says, annoyance in his tone as he rubs his wrists. "Lucky Batman isn't here. He'd have my head for taking so long."

"Seriously, that's what you're worried about?" Kid Flash groaned. "We just got caught by a super suspect doctor. I'm not even sure if he was using metaphors or not. That's doesn't include the whole League having our heads after tonight," he snapped angrily.

Robin shrugged. "Still better than Desmond having our asses."

"Literally or figuratively?"


Wally deadpanned his best friend. "Dammit, Rob. Just get us out of this thing!"

Atlantic City

Hawkwoman flew back as a mystical typhoon whisked her into the street. Getting back to her feet, she lashed out and struck true with her mace. A loud clang echoed through the block, and the entire arm tore apart. In return, the duplicate grabbed the mace and swung her body through a minivan. Hawkwoman clearing her throat through the injury. "Can we please go back to the rock things?" In the background, red and green figures traveled all around the city.

"On the bright side, fewer targets," remarked Wonder Woman as she came up from behind Hawkwoman. Her lasso restrained a pair of hands, redirecting a spell downward. The magical explosion consumed the immediate area. While the copy was strong enough to harm itself, the body started to piece itself back together. "Doesn't make them any less annoying."

"Coming through!"

Wonder Woman backflipped as a brown creature with a familiar symbol opened its mouth and unleashed an energy blast at the copy, staggering it back.

Fire flew alongside him and smirked. "About time you returned. So, what do you call this guy?"

The avian gave his version of a smile. "Astrodactyl." With a wave of his claws, energy whips projected out. Twisting his wrist, the two strands of energy shot outward to a Wotan. Crossing his arms heavily, the two fakes crashed into one another. "You all heard the plan."

"Yeah." Tora swept out a wave of frost, trapping two Wotan copies in thick ice. While she punched one of the makeshift statues to shards, Beatriz turned up the heat, attempting to melt the fakes into slag. Unfortunately, while their material glowed red, their movements didn't stop. Tora barely had time to erect a barrier before being struck by lightning.

At the center of it all within a golden shield, the true Wotan maintained a meditation position, channeling energy from his medallion to his pawns.

Just outside the barrier, a red-clad hero unleashed his might. "Shazam!" A great bolt of lightning shook the block, arcing all over the place; however, the shield only shuddered. "How did that not work?!" growled Captain Marvel. He slammed his fists into the shield in anger, each hit created distortions.

Wotan opened his eyes. "You have been blessed by great beings, hero, but I have a direct line to one." Wotan crossed his arms and separated the. ".enogeB"

Just as Marvel was about to strike another blow, he felt something wrap around his leg. Looking down, he sees the feet sinking into the ground. "Ah!" Before he could fly upward, he was quickly pulled underground.

Astrodactyl's eyes widened at the man's disappearance. He was about to chase after the guy, someone tugged on his arm.

Diana shook her head. "Don't worry. He'll be fine. It'll take more than that to stop Marvel. We have to follow Zatara's lead."

Over the comms, the man in question spoke. "So this is what being buried alive feels like? Itchy."

Ben shrugged at his calm tone and continued to stall time.

The copies motioned to attack only to be halted by a loud screech that echoed through. The familiar blonde fighter advanced forward. Sliding down a stretch of ice, she released another scream as it staggered the metal body."

Astrodactly hovered nearby in surprise. "You would be killer on karaoke night."

Dusting her coat a bit, Black Canary smiled. "Been a while since I was banned."

Tora made an Ice wall to cover their rear. "If we make it out of this in one piece, we're celebrating."

Nathaniel stood back to back with Red Tornado, holding off their own partners. "Yeah, well if we don't fix this and fast, the military's gonna-" He was cut off by his League communicator going off. "Yeah? What is it?" He deflected a punch and countered back with a kick followed by an energy beam. "Superman?" He turned his gaze to the Man of Steel. While he looked roughened up, he still pulled his weight with assistance from Aquaman. "He's managing... You want me to do what? Hal?" He paused in his stance before dodging another blow. "You do realize how dangerous that is, right?... Fine." He turned around. "Tornado, cover me."

The android's lower half accelerated along with the gales coming from his palms. The artificial tornado masked both heroes from view. The sensors in the Android went off as he detected rising radiation levels.

In Captain Atoms' hands, atomic and quantum energy coalesced, and then a yellow star was born. The intense glow filled the area with light. "It's ready!"

A translucent green hand descended from above and wrapped around the star. "Supes, head's up!" called out Hal.

The energy extended to the Man of Steel and wrapped around his torso like armor. The star was positioned right over his symbol. The effects were instant as Clark's eyes shimmered and his muscles tensed. With a shout of adrenaline, several Wotans were forced off his body. "I feel great!" Superman felt better than his old self. He quickly caught the punch one copy and slowly pushed it back. Clark's eye's glowed red, unleashing heat vision into the fake head.

Astrodactyl and the other heroes glanced at the rejuvenated Superman. "He certainly looks better," commented the alien hero.

"Ha Ha! That's more like it!" laughed Aquaman. He pulled a fist close to his chest as a wave of water carried an unsuspecting drone. He thrust his trident with immense strength, only managing to pierce a few inches.

Nathaniel smirked. "You're welcome Supes. Any more, and I risk giving people skin cancer."

"Thanks for the courtesy," scoffed Green Arrow over the radio.

A distance away, Manhunter increased the density of the fists before bashing a pawn's chest. In response, a circle of flames engulfed the green hero. The burning sensation raced through his body, screaming in pain. He didn't know how long he was aflame until the pain stopped. He rubbed his singed face and arms in surprise before looking up.

Above, Beatriz just finished absorbing the flames. "Don't worry. I got ya."

J'onn breathed heavily while recovering. "Thank you."

She simply smiled and nodded back. "That's what friends are for."

The Martian smiled back, getting ready to fight once more.

The battle continued for a while until all their comms rang. "Flash and John finished the connections. Keep them in the area!" Zatara yelled.

Zatara clapped his hand together before pressing them down against a line in the dirt.".gnireffo ruo tpeccA .htarw s'nus eht morf su eraps rehtoM htraE eht yaM"Instantly, green light spread through the markings in an intricate pattern. If one were to look from above, the entire city was engulfed in an incantation circle designed with several geometric shapes and greek symbols. As the light completed the incantation circle, every copy of Wotan, including the original screamed in pain. Feeling the source of the torment, they attempted to flee further to the skies, but the Justice League would not let them escape.

A fist burst from the ground, uppercutting a minion and revealing the missing Marvel.

Each member attempted to restrain the villainous wizards. Wonder Woman grabbed her tiara and launched it toward a rusting copy. The projectile sliced at its leg before returning to the princess. With him slowed, she threw her lasso to reel him back to the circle. "Don't let any escape!"

Wotan's golden shield began to falter, flickering as magic was literally pulled out of him. "No!" He fell to one knee as he tried to accumulate magic in his hands with little success.

Astrodactly lands in front of him and wrapped his whips around him, binding the villain's legs. "Dude, just give up, so we can get on with our lives. You're only making it worse for yourself."

Martian Manhunter followed up with a passive expression. "Our new friend is right. Please, surrender."

The foreboding feeling slowly crept. Weak. Helpless. Vulnerable. The world around Wotan shifted to that of a dark cavern lit by fire. Wotan looked up at the wall, only to see a shadow loomed over with malicious intent before pouncing on its prey. Wotan screamed in anguish, nails driving into the skin and bleeding. "Not again!" All around him, the copies deteriorated to scrap, and the heroes started to gather at the ready. "He will be mine!".

Batman pulled out restraints from his utility belt, but just as he was about to cuff him, Wotan slammed his skull into the Dark Knight.

With blurred vision, Wotan wrapped his bloody hands around the Amulet of Atem. The artifact absorbed the crimson liquid and vibrated erratically."!eiD."With that one word, all eyes widened. In a flash, a burst of gold and green blinded the area.

Tora stood still, waiting for an attack that never came. Cracking open one eye, she saw her hastily made barrier. Not all the Leaguers had some form of protection or enhanced durability.

As the light faded, everyone got a view of a new creature. They saw a muscular black being with one green eye, two antennae, a tail, and the familiar symbol on his chest. Several of his appendages had metal tips that made contact with Wotan's body and the amulet.

Wotan strained to hold on, but each second, his strength was fading. His last spell was supposed to vaporize at least half of the heroes, but the gods were not on his side. The menacing aura around him diminished. He stared at the changeling in front of him with utter contempt. Wotan's chance at revenge fell from his grasp once again.

"Almost had us there, but you're gonna need to be faster than that." Having drained enough of the volatile energy, Feedback unplugged himself from the villain who clung to his chest for air. Feedback felt the magic course through him, gathering a bit in his hands, and he smirked."Oh, yeah! Time to give this planet a recharge!" His various contacts plugged themselves into Zatara's seal as it dumped the godly energy into the planet's biosphere. The circle glowed brightly. Across the country, all the plants grew a bit taller. A certain Swamp acquaintance and Redhead felt the equivalent of a brief acid trip. When the transfer ended, Feedback stretched his arm and smirked the defeated Wotan. "Gotta hand it to Zatara. The guy's a miracle worker." Above, the mass shadow disappeared, revealing the orange sunset on the horizon.

"Damn, that was a close one." Arrow got out from behind Clark and readied his weapons. The archer leveled a tired expression. "Done yet?" Wotan simply looked up at them before collapsing on the ground. "We'll take that as a yes."

A tired Zatara limped to him before securing runic bindings. "So much potential thrown away once again. As much as I would like to banish you to the Nether Realm, the UN will decide your fate."

Fire walked up to stretching Feedback and nudged him in the elbow. "You sure know how to make a good impression."

Ice came up on his left and smiled. "Not how I would spend the holiday, but it's still exciting." She glanced at the others coming by

Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, Green Arrow Captain Marvel, John, Captain Atom, Hawkwoman, Hawkman, Manhunter, Aquaman, Flash, Red Tornado, Black Canary, Zatara, and detained Wotan walked to the trio.

Captain Atom breathed a sigh a relief on his comm. "The threat has been neutralized, sir. I repeat, The threat has been neutralized." Thankfully the higher-ups didn't get the chance to blow them up first.

As the Justice League walked forward, none of them seemed to notice the infrared scans. Within the Omnitrix, Azmuth was intrigued by the DNA samples of this universe. 'Such strange developments in their evolutionary line.'

Superman opened his mouth to greet the trio, but he was cut off.

"Dude! That was so cool!" exclaimed the godly man-child. "Up top!" Captain Marvel emanated friendliness.

Feedback smiled in return. "Yeah!" The two clapped hands. "You weren't bad yourself. What happened after you got dragged down?" asked Feedback.

Marvel scratched his head. "I got pulled down deep. Like way deep. Uh, what's that place under the crust called again?"

"The Mantle?"

"Yeah, that." Marvel wiped his forehead. "Too hot for my tastes. Anyways, we saved the city!" An exploding car sounded in the distance. "Well, most of it..."

"Damn. We really trashed the place." Just as Ben considered turning into Clockwork, someone interjected.

"All is not lost, my friends." Zatara held up the Amulet of Aten. "Even after the ritual, there's still enough residual magic in the ley lines and the medallion for one more miracle." He held the artifact with reverence as he chanted."!ytic eht riaperot rewop ruoy esu ew yam ,netA" A few seconds later, the entire city glowed bright yellow. Slowly but surely, pieces of buildings floated back into place. Dented metal bent back into place. In minutes, the entire city was back to normal.

Seeing the relatively pristine city, Oliver laughed. "Hah. Who needs insurance when you have wizards?"

While Hal was happy about the repairs, he sulked at a realization. "Are you telling me that we could do that anytime we wreck the city? Do you have any idea how many court orders I got before joining the league for property damage."

"You're lucky that a certain someone was able to settle those for you." Wonder Woman turned a glance to Bruce who turned away.

"How many times must I remind you that I'm a Magi. Completely different."

"You're a man who makes magic happen. That's good enough for mem," shugged Oliver.

"Ahem." A cough caught their attention back to the rest of the League. The miniature sun and green armor have since faded away, and The Man of Steel walked up to Ben with a relaxed step. "I've heard a little bit about you from my friends. We were having trouble here, and I'd like to thank you, Fire, and Ice for helping us stop Wotan."

"We were in the area when things got dark, so we decided to help out," stated Tora.

Beatriz smirked. "What are reserve members for?"

"Can't let the bad guys ruin everyone's day off," added Ben.

The Man of Steel held out his hand. "Superman."

Ben smiled back. "When I'm like this, you can call me Feedback." He reached out and the aliens of two different worlds shook hands.

"Well, Feedback, you seem like a nice guy. Fire and Ice seem acquainted enough with you."

"Heros stick together." He clapped his hands of any dirt. "So... who's down for dinner. My treat," offered Ben.

"I'm down for that," answered Dinah. "It'll be a good chance for us to talk, Heatblast." She crossed her arms and gave Feedback a knowing smile.

The Alien hero chuckled meekly. "I did promise an explanation."

Oliver rubbed his neck. "After all that happened today, I could use a drink right about now."

Captain Marvel beamed. "You're buying? Sweet!" It wasn't likely that the beach celebrations would start back up any time soon, and he was starving.

Hal and John shared a look before shrugging. "We could eat. I think the only ones available now are Bar style the next town over." One by one they were all hopping on board to eat out. Red Tornado didn't mind tagging along if just to socialize.

"I'm going to have to take a rain check on that," replied Zatara while rubbing his back.

Diana nodded. "I'll be taking Zatara to the hospital to get looked at before I drop off Wotan to Belle Reve, but I can meet up with you all later after I make sure he's okay."

Batman was about to chastise everyone until his communicator started blaring. "Yes, what is it, Gardner? ... What do you mean the kids are gone?! Yes, this is your fault. We explicitly asked you-" yelled Batman. "Hold on, I have another call. We're not done with this... What?... Excuse me?!... Okay, we're heading there immediately."

Everyone was now staring at the now upset hero. "What happened now?" complained Dinah.

Batman gave the group an irritated look. "Our wards snuck out, and Cadmus exploded. It doesn't take a detective to know what happened."

Feedback blinked in amusem*nt. "Huh. Just like the old days on the Rust Bucket."

Omnitrix DNA Entry:


Species:Unknown (To be named)

Home World:Terradino

Powers and Abilities:

Astrodactyl is capable of flying through the aid of his 'jetpack', and with his retractable wings proving stability for this ability. He can create a propulsion blast from his jetpack using some kind of internalized star power to enhance his flight. Astrodactyl's star power can be used to create different forms of weapons, the most common weapon being energy whips. Astrodactyl can use his star power to fire an energy beam from his mouth. Astrodactyl possesses enhanced strength, strong enough to carry and lift a Cerebrocrustacean with his prehensile feet.

Astrodactyl can survive in the vacuum of space.



Home World:Teslavorr Nebula

Powers and Abilities:

Conductoids have the ability to absorb and redirect any kind of energy from any source. This ability is refined to the point that Feedback can redirect energy at point-blank range. They absorb energy through the conductors on his antennae, tail, and fingers. Any stored energy can be used to generate electrical charges, which can be used as ranged attacks or to empower his punches. By joining hands, they can fire an energy blast. By projecting energy behind them, they can fly like a jet engine. Their antennae can be used to sense radio signals.

Chapter 12: Independence Day Part 3


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 12: Independence Day Part 3

Washington DC

When the Justice League and their new companions prevented the would-be apocalypse, they wanted a short break. Unfortunately for them, dinner had to wait. At the moment, they were all following John Stewart and the other members he carried. The other Green Lantern offered the Flash a lift, but the speedster decided to run there. The recently transformed Astrodactly carried Ice while flying alongside Fire, Captain Marvel, and Wonder Woman, who was carrying Zatara.

"Come on. Please?" begged Captain Marvel.

Ben huffed. "Like I said the past five times, you'll just have to wait until we eat."

The caped man frowned. "Fire said that you met the Loch Ness Monster."

Ben looked back at the flying woman, who averted her gaze. "And I told her it was a different Lake Monster in the States."

Wonder Woman chuckled with a smile. "I must admit that is a very tempting story to hear."

The Alien Hero shook his head and looked at the elder mage. "How are you holding up?"

He breathed easy in Diana's hold. "I'll live. My little girljustwon't be happy about me being late for our neighborhood block party."

Marvel raised a brow. "Wait, you live in a regular neighborhood. How do your neighbors not recognize you from the news and stuff?"

Zatara gave him a humorous look. "Magic." Then, he raised a brow in return. "Isn't that what you do as well?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Me too." The man of many gods nodded back.

Wonder Woman smiled. "Don't worry. I'llget you checkedout as soon as we finish this Cadmus incident. If all goes well, you can spend the rest of the night without interruptions."

Beatriz started flying on her back, resting her head on her arms. "So, what do you think happened with the sidekicks?"

Tora quirked a brow. "And what exactly is Cadmus?"

"I was wondering the same thing," added Astrodactyl.

"Cadmus is a genetics research laboratory," the Amazon answered.

Ice blinked. "That doesn't sound so bad."

The Alien narrowed his eyes. "Wait for it..."

Diana sighed. "It was founded by Lex Luthor."

Ice nodded along. "Ah, I see your concern."

"I keep telling you guys, Luthor has changed," retorted Marvel. "I hear he's working with international relations now."

Diana smiled softly at him. "I'm aware of that, Marvel, and while I'm happy you are giving him the benefit of the doubt, some of our members still have reservations if his motives are true."

"I know," relented Marvel.

"I guess we'll see what drew Kid Flash and the others to Cadmus," argued Astrodactyl.

"From there, we'll see if Luthor did anything," concluded Fire.

Looking ahead, Astrodacty pointed at a large pile of rubble in the middle of the city. "I take it that's supposed to be Cadmus."

Descending, Ben could recognize the protégés from the news except for one. Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, and another teen stood in front of the remains of the research facility, each having their fair share of injuries. He whistled at the sight. "Wow. When Batman said that they blew up the place, he wasn't exaggerating." His eyes drifted to the strange being still covered in rubble. "Who the hell is that?"

Superman was the first to land in front of the teens, and the rest of the heroes followed.

Batman and King Arthur step up next to Superman, and Flash zooms into the area on Batman's left.

As Diana set Zatara down next to Astrodactyl, she saw the mentors walking up to their wards. "I believe we should let them talk first,"she said.

Captain Adam nodded in agreement. He pulled out his communicator and started calling local law enforcement so they could begin a joint investigation of the incident.

The Flash walks up to his nephew and brushes the dust off his shoulders. "You alright, kid?"

Kid Flash returned a wry smile. "Yup..."

"That's good," the Scarlet Speedster clicked his tongue. "So... It seems that you three have been busy tonight." He looked at Superboy and then at the hulking being. "Who are your new friends?"

Superboy stepped up first, gaining scrutiny in Superman's eyes but not stopping as he lifted the torn front of his suit, revealing the same S mirrored in his costume.

Superman's eyes widened in shock, while Superboy's features softened. The Man of Steel continued to open and close his eyes as if this was all a dream. Superman's gaze turned confused and worried, and Superboy also mirrored his expression.

In the back of the large group, Oliver, knowing Clark's age, snapped his fingers. "Supes had a prom night, baby." As soon as Oliver said that, several whispers were happening in the background.

Dinah glanced at Oliver. "I don't think that's what happened."

"I wouldn't expect Superman to be a deadbeat dad," remarked John Stewart.

"Maybe the girl never told him about the baby," replied Astrodactyl

Hal crossed his arms. "It's like one of those episodes of Maury."

Superhearing made their banter very clear for Superman. He started massaging his temples to control the development of migraines. 'Why me?'

Batman rolled his eyes at the other's assumptions and turned his attention to the Boy Wonder. "Robin, is that what I think it is?"

"He doesn't like being called an 'it,'" corrected Kid Flash as he stepped up and gestured his left hand to face Superboy.

Superboy took a breath. "Superman is inside of me."

That one sentenceseemed to shuteveryone up, causing most of them to make disgusted expressions.

Robin pressed his face into his hand. "Dude. Don't... Don't say it like that."

Superboy frowned at his new companions. "Why? I have another man's DNA inside of me."

Wally pinched the bridge of his nose. "Goddamnit. That's even worse."

Superboy, Kaldur, Red Tornado, and Captain Marvel had no idea why the others were upset.

Batman groaned at the constant misunderstandings. "He's Superman's clone."

The other heroes look on in shock and realization. Meanwhile, Clark groaned at how easily they believed he was a teen father, along with the other bombs dropped on him.

Batman's eyes zero in on the four teens. "Start talking."

Superboy opened his mouth before the others could. "They came here because of the fire, but it started when they met me in the basem*nt. Doctor Desmond," he pointed to the large unconscious man," took them from behind, tied them down, and tried to suck them dry."

Everyone went wide-eyed at the teen's explanation. 'The doctor did what!'

Robin and Wally tried to correct them, but Kaldur cut them off. "Yes, that is all true."

Immediately, many heroes wanted to rush over to the doctor and pound him into the ground.

Flash was doing rapid-fire stomps on the man's arm in an instant. Unfortunately, he was barely making a scratch on the durable skin. He yelled several curses at the man at high speed.

With hate-filled glares, Hal and John used their rings to pull Desmond out and wrap him in chains. Ben was considering turning into Humungousaur but restrained himself.

Dinah leaned over to Martian Manhunter with her own glare. "I may need to bring out the therapy doll."

Bruce sighed at those around him. 'This is going to be a long night.'

1 Hour Later

Everyone seemed to calm down after repeated assurances that they weren't violated in the basem*nt. After talking with the cops and dropping off Blockbuster, many adults needed to blow some steam.

Checking his texts, Ben answered a few from Harley asking if he was okay. She replied that she was fine and that it ended up being another day in Gotham City for them. She said that Ivy was sick for a moment before getting back up and feeling much more refreshed. At the moment, they were out and about in the city.

Batman walked up to Astrodactyl with his usual Bat-glare. "While we appreciate your assistance today, it would be in your best interest if you met with the League later this week to discuss your future activities here on Earth."

Ben turned to Fire and Ice, who gave their nods of approval. It seemed they knew what he was talking about. "Uh, sure," he replied.

"Come to the Hall of Justice on Monday at 5:00 PM sharp. We would like to share a few words."


With that, Batman, Captain Adam, Hawkman, and Hawkwoman went their separate ways. The rest of the league hit the town. Wonder Woman would get Zatara checked out before meeting up with them later. Thankfully, a nearby bar was more than eager to accommodate the heroes who saved the city.

As much as Ben liked being an alien, he preferred relaxing in hisownskin. Right outside City Tap House Penn Quarter, he reverted back to human. Instead of his normal appearance, the Omnitrix left him in his black, green, and white uniform and digital face mask. Many of the heroes were surprised by his new look.

"Is this what you normally look like?" asked Dinah.

"Something like this. The uniform is still a work in progress," answered Ben in a digitized voice.

Diana raised a brow. "So you're a human?"

"Listen, we can all talk in-depth when we get inside."

"So, what do we call you?" asked John Stewart.

"Huh... I guess I've been putting it off for a while now." He shrugged. "For now, I suppose you can call me Ark. Short and simple until I think of anything different."

Once seated and ordered, Dinah and Flash were the first to ask questions.

"Ark, who exactly are you?" asked Black Canary.

"Yeah, and what's with the different transformations?" added the speedster.

"Right. You know how I told you and the others that I was an alien."


"Well, that is partially true. I'm also part human."

"How did that happen?"

"My grandpa fell in love with an alien after saving her from getting kidnapped by a different alien."

Green Arrow chuckled. "Ah... Sounds like one of those early sci-fi movies."

Green Lantern smirked. "I've romanced many girls from other worlds."

John Stewart rolled his eyes and snarked. "Yeah, and how long did those last? Not very long."

"How are you able to transform?" asked Manhunter.

"That's actually a bit of a secret." He looked at Fire and Ice across the table. "For most of us, at least."

"Aw, come on.Theyknow, but you won't tell us?" complained Captain Marvel.

"It was a bit of an equivalent exchange of secrets between us," explained Ark. "We can't show off all our cards at the start. Am I right?"

While most accepted the answer, Ben threw them a bone on his hero activities. He talked about some of his adventures from when he was ten. There were so many to list that he didn't get to think about his teen years.

"And that's how I made friends with a lake monster," concluded Ark.

Hal gulped his beer. "It's hard to believe you started at 10 years old."

Dinah bit into a fry. "I'm impressed. I didn't start my training until my mid-teens. I'm pretty sure Robin is only 12 or 13."

"To be fair, I've made my fair share of mistakes at that age. A ten-year-old with the power of different aliens has too many misadventures."

Captain Marvel bit into his slider. "You're not wrong. I still can't believe your Grandpa is Santa Claus."

"Was Santa Clause. We saved the town and stopped my cousin and me from staying as elves."

Diana was amazed that such a holiday device could be built.

Flash laughed. "You saved Christmas in the middle of July."

"That's one way of putting it."

Dinah snorted. "Still, you named one of your aliens Four Arms?"

He shrugged. "I was 10. Since then, the name kinda stuck. He fulfilled my ten-year-old dream of being a professional wrestler, you know, without the soap opera stuff."

They all continued to get to know each other better. Eventually, they started talking about some of their more recent issues.

Ark patted Green Arrow on the shoulder. "Sorry to hear about you and Speedy."

The Archer sighed as he took another shot. "Where did I go wrong?" Meanwhile, Superman took one himself, knowing he couldn't get drunk.

"My old partner Rook had our differences, but we eventually worked it out.If anything,Speedy probably needs time to cool off."

"I know. Speedy's an adult now, and I can't force him to stay."

"You shouldn't have gotten his hopes up about becoming part of the League," answered Aquaman.

Diana sipped her tea. "He's not wrong. It'sa very seriouscommitment and responsibility."

"Yeah," interjected Fire. "Ice and I are just reserve members. Even Speedy has more privileges than us."

Hal smirked at Ark. "It's likely the same reason Batman asked you to come by the Hall."

"I'm being called in for a job interview?"

"Something like that. If you don't screw up, you'll be on probation before becoming a reserve member like the girls."

"That seems nice." Ark turned to Superman, who stared at his drink. "Is everything okay?"

Dinah sighed. "He's still hung up on the new addition to his family."

"In fairness, Cadmus created him for the sole purpose of fighting Superman," argued John. "Not the best first impression."

"I see." Ark turned back to the sulking man. "How does it feel to be a father slash possibly mentor?"

Superman rubbed his eyes. "I... I don't know. I'm not ready. This is all just happening too fast and out of nowhere. It's all so confusing." The burn of alcohol was just a temporary relief for his troubles.

Ark nodded along. "Well, if it's any consolation, you're not the last Kryptonian anymore. Maybe you can toss the football across Metropolis or dive the Mariana Trench," he joked. Superman looked at him, annoyed. "Too soon?"


"As entertaining as that would be, we now have to worry about any other people trying to make weapons against us," remarked Martian Manhunter. "Who knows if they attempted to clone any more of the League."

"They already tried it on the kids," remarked Flash. "If it wasn't for Superboy defecting, they might have been replaced without us knowing."

Ark sighed with a frown. "You have a point there, but your wards seemed to handle themselves well enough."

Superman rested his head in his arms, still in his own anxious state.

Seeing this, Green Arrow ordered a round of drinks for everyone. "Come on, guys. The world may be tough now, but we always pull through somehow. Things have certainly changed for us, but that's life." He raised his glass and looked at Ark and Superman. "To new friends and new beginnings."

Everyone in the room smiled and did the same. "Cheers!" They set their problems aside and do their best to relax. Even as a drunk, Green Arrow would beat the others at darts. Arm wrestling was fun until Hal accidentally broke a table. They finished off the night with a bit of singing. As good as Dinah was performing Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You, Martian Manhunter killed it with celebrity impressions. He pulled off Diana Ross and Lionel Richie's Endless Love without a hitch.

July 5, 01:05 EDT

By this time, everyone had left the bar and returned home. Who knew that Lantern rings could cure drunkenness? Much like before, Ben walked with Beatriz and Tora to their hotel room in their civilian clothes."I gotta say, everyonewas pretty cool tonight.If anything, I hope we get to do something like that again."

Fire winked. "Are you sure about that? You lost most of the games."

He laughed. "I wanted them to know the real me. Also, I was not expecting Diana to do so well in Bar Trivia."

"She is like 80 years old," added Tora.

"But she doesn't look a day over 25. We really need to ask about that Amazon magic." Fire pulled out her key card and opened their door. She turned around and hugged him, and Tora did the same. "Thanks for coming out here with us this weekend."

"I've said it before. I would regret not spending more time together." Ben placed both hands in his jacket pockets. "So, this is it, huh. You two will be heading to Europe in about 18 hours."

Beatriz smirked. "We've had fun this past month."

"It's been nice while we were back in the States," smiled Tora as she rubbed her forearm.

"I feel the same way." Ben smiled at the duo. "I guess I'll see you guys off at the airport."

The trio knew their time together was brief, but the girls wanted to end it on a high note. Beatriz and Tora gave each other sly looks before grinning in agreement. They both grabbed Ben by surprise and pulled him into the room, closing the door.


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Chapter 13: A Brief History


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(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Hall of Justice, Washington, D.C

16:45 EDT, Monday, July 5, 2010

Across the world, the Hall of Justice was known as the headquarters of the Justice League. From what Ben heard, their HQ used to be secret, but it was discovered a few years back, so they had to move and decided to go more public.

It was about an hour ago that he saw Tora and Beatriz off on their flight. 'They certainly know how to leave a lasting impression. I hope they have fun in Europe.' The uniformed hero observed its grand marble structure. 'Much better looking than the Pentagon.' Turning to the steps, he saw several families taking pictures on the steps to the building. When Ben first arrived on the grounds, he got a few warry looks from visiting parents. Unsure who he was supposed to meet, Ben went with the direct approach, entering the Hall.

Immediately, the guard by the door noticed the masked individual and radioed it in. "Please advise. We have an unknown super on the premises."

"You know that I can hear you, right?"

He called in again. "The super is getting snippy with authority." Officer Johnson walked up to the man with suspicion. "Can I help you, sir?"

Ben sighed. "I'm not here to cause trouble. I have an appointment with the League."

Johnson raised a skeptical brow. "Oh, really. Let's see if you're on the list. This way, please." The officer led the alien hero past reception and toward the administration section. There, a Caucasian woman with green eyes and long black hair worked at her computer. He cleared his throat, bringing her attention away from the screen.

"Oh, Officer Johnson. How can I help you?" Looking behind the guard, her eyes widened at the masked man.

"Hello," waved Ben.

Cobert blinked at the innocent behavior. "Um, hi." She turned back to the officer. "I see that we have a unique visitor." 'I hope to God that we aren't about to get held hostage again.' "Are we having any issues?" she asked nervously.

Johnson crossed his arms. "He says that he has an appointment with the League."

"I'm sorry. Did I come at a bad time, miss...?"

"Catherine Cobert," she carefully replied.

"Uh... I'm Ark. I have a Five o'clock appointment."

"I see." She started checking her work calendar and found a new entry from yesterday. Reading it, she raised a brow. "I believe this is the right one."

Johnson huffed. "Looks like you weren't lying."

"Again, why would I do that?"

The officer crossed his arms. "You'd be surprised by the upstarts that try to sneak in here during the day hoping to pick a fight with the League."

"Yup." Cober nodded slowly. "I've had to order rebuilding the south wall multiple times. In any case, I'll send a message to the League's representative, and you can take a seat until they arrive. It shouldn't take more than 15 minutes for someone to come."

Johnson placed a firm hand on the young man. "Stay out of trouble, you hear. I know Superman." With that, the officer started walking back to his post.

At the admin section, Ark sat quietly, not wanting to upset anyone by accident. He saw other workers leading tour groups, and a few stares were sent his way again. It was interesting how the supposed HQ was partially open to the public. 'Maybe there's a secret elevator to an underground bunker.'

Catherine called out his name. "I got a response. Someone will be here shortly.

Like clockwork, one of the security doors opened revealing the representative, Wonder Woman or rather Ambassador Diana. Instead of her uniform, she wore business attire. Seeing her new ally from yesterday, she smiled. "I apologize for the wait. The session at the UN took longer than expected, and the others still have business to take care of."

Ben waved off her worries. "Don't worry. It's fine. Being both a government official and a crime fighter must take a lot of your free time. Similar things can be said for your friends."

She chuckled at her life as both an Amazon princess and a superheroine. "After many years in service, one learns better time management."

Ark checked if there was anyone in earshot. "So, how's Superman handling the new addition?"

"Similar to last night," sighed the princess. "Not that great."

"That bad?"

"He's not answering his comm, and he's been seen constantly patrolling Metropolis. I think he's just trying to avoid the problem altogether."

"He should really talk to someone about that."

"Don't worry. We have a friend working on that. Anyways, I welcome you to the Hall of Justice." She gestured to the building around them."

"I've seen pictures of it before online, but It's much different in person."

"I got to say, though. It really does look more like a museum, than a heroic headquarters."

Diana shook her head in amusem*nt. "You're not the first to say that. Much of the building is dedicated to educating the public on the history of our relationship with world leaders."

Ben hid a wry smile under the mask. "I don't suppose you could give me the tourist experience?"

The princess rolled her eyes in amusem*nt. "Well, it wouldn't hurt to educate a possible reserve member on our founding and principles. We still have to wait for the others to arrive?" Seeing Ark's expression she elaborated. "You will be interviewed by me as well as three other League members."

"Ah, I see. In that case, I'm all ears. Lay it on me."

Wonder Woman nodded in approval and led the alien hero to the first room lined with bronze statues of several heroes. At the base of each of them was a plaque with their aliases and a personal photo and autograph.

The first statue was of a similar aesthetic to the Flash. Instead of a full-body suit, he wore a simple uniform, consisting of pants, a long sleeve shirt emblazoned with an upside-down lightning bolt, boots with small stylized wings, and a tin doughboy helmet that also sported stylized wings on the side.

The second one wore a cape with a high collar and a domino mask. His tunic had an emblem of a classic oil lantern on the chest.

The next one wore a golden helmet that covered the entirety of his head. He wore a long, high collared cape, fastened with two large buttons. Beneath is a shirt with an oval set in the chest. He also dons a large belt with a circle in the center, and pants with boots.

One wore a regular suit and tie with a cape and a fedora. He hides his face behind a gas mask.

The last human wore a monochromatic unitard with a cat-shaped hood with large lenses. It had tiny cat ears and a nose. The bandage around his fists and wrists signified the American boxing background.

The final figure was a familiar one, Red Tornado. He looked exactly the same years ago as he did just the other day. 'I'm still surprised that someone built an advanced android in the 1940s without any alien technology. Makes me wonder what else the world made during that time.'

Wonder Woman smiled nostalgically at the figures. "The JSA's origin began at the early years of the second World War."

"I've heard a few snippets on the History channel, but it must have been a shock to everyone at seeing superheroes for the first time."

"Indeed. Seeing someone who can fly and break the sound barrier caused a major shift in society. Foreign powers thought so as well. The British informed President Franklin Delano Roosevelt of German Chancellor Adolf Hitler's plan to dominate all of Europe through rather supernatural means."

"Wait, are you telling me that Raiders of the Lost Ark was based on a true story?"

Diana chuckled at the memory of the film. "I can neither confirm nor deny those claims," she answered wistfully. "At the time, Congress wanted to stay out of the war. Contrary, FDR tasked two Mystery Men against the Axis forces, the first Flash and the first Green Lantern."

"That's one way to use the draft."

She shook her head. "It was entirely voluntary. They could have said no, but they accepted the opportunity anyway."

"That goes to show their dedication." Ark blinked in thought. "Is there any relation to the other Green Lanterns I met?"

Diana chuckled. "Interestingly enough, no. While both share similar abilities and names, their origins are different. Now, it wasn't until later that the one known as Doctor Fate joined the crusade against the Axis powers."

Ben nodded solemnly. "Must have made a huge change in the tide of the war."

"You're not the only one to think that. With the rise of superheroes came the rise of supervillains. President Roosevelt knew their foreign involvement was inevitable and proposed that they become a formal team to protect America's homefront. Thus, the Justice Society of America was born." The duo walked up to a large mural of everyone gathered on the white house lawn with FDR. "Once the Society was established, they started helping more domestically than overseas."

"Makes sense," nodded Ark. "After introducing superheroes to the nation, you want to show what they can do for society and attract people of similar ideals."

"Indeed. While there were other heroes appearing in the states, very few were able to join the society."

In another corner of the room, they saw a statue of a masked woman holding a flame with both hands. Below, her plaque stated the following: In loving memory of Firebrand. She gave her life to save another. She will be lost but not forgotten.

Ark noticed the Amazon's forlorn expression and connected the dots. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Diana sighed. "It has been years, but the feeling still lingers. She was a noble soul." She took a breath and spoke again. "Come. Let's move on."

The two would continue through the rest of the museum wing getting absorbed in the history. Members came and went. War pushed our heroes to the front lines. Wonder Woman and her people reconnected with the world. The World War may have ended, but the JSA was still under threat. The group returned to being the JSA, but they were under fire of allegations of communism. Politics and the threatening of civil liberties ensued. Even though the Justice Society instead elected to disband, the public never lost faith in their heroes. Several ex-members of the JSA continued to serve the people on a smaller scale. It took more than 50 years until another group of heroes banded together against a global threat.

In the trophy room of the Hall, Ben examined the seven extraterrestrial husks through the plexiglass. Each case had their respective designations: Golden Roc, Wood King, Stone God, Crystal Creature, Fire Lord, Glass Man, and Mercury Monster. "So, these are the jerks giving Rath and Heatblast a bad rep?" Within the Omnitrix, Azmuth analyzed the remains, comparing and contrasting with samples already in the databanks.

"I apologize for any confusion between you and the other members."

Ben waved off her concerns. "No harm done. I've had to deal with my fair share of alien invasions."

"Really?" Diana raised a brow in surprise. "That would have been an interesting story to share with us over drinks last night."

Ark sighed. "Some of them are more complicated than I would like them to be." He shook his head. "In any case, tell me about the day you all saved the world."

Diana noticed the deflection, but she didn't press. "It was 2003 when they arrived. Each one descended on a different part of the country overrunning entire city blocks to construct strange towers. In turn, Superman, Batman, myself, Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter went to investigate. Unfortunately, they started attacking on-sight. While some of us were busy fighting, Batman and Green Lantern were able to figure out the purpose of the pylons. They were all transmitting hyperspace coordinates."

"They couldn't complete the invasion with just the seven of them. They needed reinforcements," deduced the Alien Hero.

Wonder Woman smirked. "Thankfully, Batman and Green Lantern traced the signal back to the receiver just before the signal stopped. Realizing that their plan was in jeopardy, all seven invaders converged at the landing zone with all of us on their tail."

"Huh. How did the first team-up with you all go?"

"At first, it was rocky. Upon reaching the interstellar warp gate, we inadvertently got in each other's way. It took Batman's and my own commanding demeanor to get us organized. Understanding the basics of our skills, we split into groups to hold off the Applexians and to disable the teleporter. Thanks to our coordination and timing, we succeeded. On the verge of defeat, the aliens left their physical bodies and retreated back into space."

Ark blinked in surprise. "So they got away and are still out there?"

"Sadly. Last I heard from the Lantern Corps, they are still on the run with their homeworld being monitored. Since that little success of ours, we collaborated more often. By the time 2006 rolled around, we'd expanded and went public as the Justice League, commissioning this Hall."

"And now, I have the opportunity to become a part of it."

"We'll see." Her phone buzzed, and she read the notification. "It seems the others have arrived. We can get started now." Exiting the museum, Wonder Woman scanned her key card, opening the door to her office. Inside, there was the center desk along with three heroes in their own respective chairs: Black Canary, Green Arrow, and Green Lantern.

Seeing the familiar faces, Ben smiled. "Hey, guys!" They all exchanged greetings before shifting to a little small talk.

"I would have thought Batman would be here."

GA laughed. "That's what I thought too, but apparently a lot of crap went down in Gotham during the Eclipse."

"Bats found a lead on a cold case he's been working on and will be busy for a few days," added Canary.

"I like to think that he just trusts to be good judges of character," shrugged GL.

Diana cleared her throat and took a more professional mannerism at her desk. "Now that introductions are over, are you ready to begin your interview, Ark?"

"Ask away."


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Chapter 14: The Interview


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 14: The Interview

Mister Smoothy

Central City

July 6, 11:30 EST

Harleen forced a smile on her face for the customer on the other side of the counter. "Again, Ma'am. We do not sell caramel macchiatos or any other coffee. We also have tea. If you like, we have some fresh dragon fruitsfor-"

The mother, in her mid-thirties, raised a fist in irritation. "What kind of Mickey Mouse establishment is this?!"

The nine-year-old next to her sunk her head into her hands. "Mom, please. The store is called Mister Smoothie."

'At least the kid seems to know better.' Harleen couldn't help but imagine strangling the mother.

The woman waved the child off. "Quiet, honey. The adults are talking. Well, one of us, at least." She stuck a finger at the cashier. "I demand to speak to your manager!"

"Oh yeah? You want to speak to the manager?" A sly grin crept onto Harleen's face. "Well, guess what. I am the manager, and I'm asking you to leave."

She huffed in indignation. "Why, I never. I am a Yelp Elite member! I will ruin you!" She grabbed onto her daughter's wrist. "Come, Jenny. We're leaving this hussie and her dump of a shop." As the two left the store, the kid mouthed a 'sorry' to the worker, waving goodbye.

Harley rolled her eyes and waved back at the child. As soon as the door closed, she collapsed against the counter. "God, I hate people like that!"

The backroom opened, revealing Ben against the door frame. "I must say. You handled that better than I expected." He chuckled. "Although this is my first time hearing about your promotion to manager."

Harleen crossed her arms. "Consider it a temporary position of power. Isn't that how you deal with them, especially since you are the owner?"

Ben shrugged. "Kinda. I still try to be nice to them but don't accommodate unreasonable people."

"What about the fake reviews?"

"Eh, don't worry. If I find any fakes, I can sometimes find their picture. From there, I match it up to the security tapes. After I report it to the admins, they usually remove it."

"Smart move. I swear I would've strangled that bitch." She made the hand motions only to notice Ben's flat look. "But I didn't. Not with her kid there."

"Right… That's the issue I had with the strangling. How about you have an early break while I take over?"

She sighed in relief. "Thanks." Harleen dropped onto the shop's couch by the window.

Ben started wiping down the counter. "I'm surprised that you're feeling this stressed already. I thought you blew off some steam during your weekend in Gotham?" He paused. "I don't think you told me what you guys did. What's fun in Gotham this time of year?"

Harleen went stiff at the question before straightening herself a bit. "Well, we did some bird watching, flew some kites, and tried one of those escape rooms."

Unknown Building

Gotham City

19:45 EDT, Saturday, July 2, 2010

A man in a green suit decorated with a question mark appeared on the monitor. "Welcome to the Think Tank!" Riddler grinned wide. "If you don't find your way out in time, you'll either lose your life or your mind!"

In the middle of the dim room, Harleen and Ivy stood, staring irritatingly at the man. "Thanks a lot, Harls..."

The blond raised her arms in indignation. "Oh, come on. How was I supposed to know it was a trap?"

The Riddler rolled his eyes. "I saved this for the Batman, but you'll do well for a trial run. Besides, Penguin asked for a favor."

"Dammit! I thought he would have taken a day or two to recuperate his resources."

"You two blew up his most recent shipment and escaped on kites." The monitor showed a recording of an explosion at the Iceberg Lounge. "His reputation and profits took a serious hit because of you."

"Oh, he started it."

"Yeah, well, I'm ending it." He gestured through the screen. "If you look behind you, you will see several doors leading to different rooms, each with a different theme and array of tricks."

Ivy raised a brow. "Wow. You're really pushing the SAW deathtrap inspiration, Nygma."

"Kinda." Riddler shrugged. "Less overcoming your personal struggles and more mind games and bodily mutilation."

Harleen crossed her arms. "Nigma, I've read your file numerous times before. I know how you tick."

"It's never the obvious answer. Also, you cheat, like a lot," added Ivy.

"I don'treallycare if you two live or die, but I don't feel like cleaning up your bodies when Batman gets his turn."

Harleen deadpanned. "This helps us how?"

"Okay. Fine." The Riddler held up one hand with the other on his heart. "I promise that I'll go easy on you and not cheat. There. Happy?"

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Yeah… Real reassuring."

"Whatever, Riddler. We'll play your games." The blonde smirked. "I'm sure we'llget out ofhere in less than an hour."

The redhead pressed her face into her palm. "I just wanted to have a good time this weekend, which doesn't include dying. So, there's no way we'll lose to you."

Riddler huffed. "I'll believe that when I see it. Choose your theme." Without a second thought, they chose the second door on the right. "Predictable… Go ahead and choose your number of hints. I do not care."

"We don't need you-"

Ivy covered her friend's mouth. "We'll take as many as you can give."

"Very well, but I doubt you'll be able to find the exit. Begin!"

The door opened, and as soon as the duo entered, it locked behind them. Ivy saw a potted plant, thinking it would be their easy ticket out, but it turned out to be plastic. In the corner of the room, a TV displayed several question marks.

Immediately, Harley opened stuff randomly.

Ivy kicked away the broken vase. "Uh, Harley, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to find the key to the door, duh."

"Well, yeah. But we're supposed to work on the other locks first. Do you know how these things work, let alone how to solve an escape room?"

Harleen dismissed the concern. "So what? Joker and I robbed a Thinker Toys last year. I don't think this is so different."

"This is gonna be a long day," sighed the redhead.

'It's a miracle that we made it out of there alive. We must have used god knows how many hints. At one point Nygma just wanted us out of the building.' "That last one was a mind-bender. We improvised some stuff on Sunday, but it was nice. What did you and the girls end up doing?"

"Oh, man. We ate out a lot. I'm a sucker for food. We did a lot of tourist stuff in the first two days. We were at the beach when the whole eternal darkness thing happened."

"Considering how dark it normally is in Gotham, about half the city didn't care. The other half decided to have fun apocalypse-style. The GCPD hasn't been that active since the Arkham incident."

Ben ignored the voice in his head, saying that Harleen and Ivy were part of that other half. "Well, you came back in one piece, and the city didn't burn down. That has to mean something."

"Ye of little faith." She placed a hand dramatically on her heart. "You wound me."

He chuckled. "Yeah. The governor put us in a state of emergency. Everyone had to stay indoors until the situation ended. So much for their last day in the States. Thankfully, we found a way to pass the time before they had to leave."

"Oh, I'm sure you did." She scoffed.

"What are you on about?"

"Hey, don't think I haven't noticed that dumb look on your face when you got back."

Ben groaned in irritation and slight embarrassment. "Come on, Harleen."

She resisted a laugh. "Hey. I ain't judging."

"I'll let you know that I was talking with a group interested in my services."

"Oh, really?" The blond raised a brow in skepticism. "You met sponsors? How'd that go?"

"Something along those lines.I'd like to think itwent pretty well.They said they would call me after some more checks."

Hall of Justice, Washington, D.C

17:50 EDT, Monday, July 5, 2010

The four representatives of the Justice League took their respective seats in front of their new recommendation.

Black Canary placed a smartphone on the desk. "For our records and future reference, do you consent to recording today's interview?"

Ark shrugged. "I'm fine with that."

"Thank you."

Diana handed him a packet of paper. "Since the Justice League has a charter with the UN, they have provided their own questions and our own for the recruitment process. I must warn you that some of them are rather blunt."

Green Arrow nodded. "It's important that we reiterate that this is an interview, not an interrogation. You are free to answer or not answer any questions that you feel are uncomfortable."

"We hope to understand your character better to see if you are a promising fit for the League. If things go well, we'll have you complete any necessary paperwork," added Green Lantern.

Canary brought up her clipboard. "With that in mind, we will start with the simple ones and work our way up. Do you have any questions?"

Ben thought for a moment and came up with nothing urgent."I thinkI'm good for now."

Diana smiled. "Alright then. Why don't you start by telling us more about yourself."

GA agreed. "You've spoken of a few of your endeavors last night, but we still have questions. Considering your current uniform and alias, it's safe to say that you prefer to have a private identity."

"You would be correct. I have insight on what it's like to go public." Ben groaned at the thought of having another Will Harangue. "It would be a weight off my shoulders to not deal with the media and interference in my personal life."

"That's perfectly fine," acknowledged Black Canary. "It's important for people to have a balanced lifestyle. Devoting oneself entirely to a single goal would harm relationships and possibly health."

"I agree," added Diana. "People are more than machines. Even Red Tornado has desires beyond his initial programming."

"So, could you tell us what it was like when you started in this line of work?" asked GL

Ark chuckled at the memory. "Well, it all started when I accidentally set a forest fire." They raised a brow at his admission. "As I said before, I was ten at the time. My life stopped being ordinary during the first few weeks of getting these superpowers. I started fighting many bad guys, including mad scientists, clowns, and alien bounty hunters."

"Clowns?" repeated GA with a snicker.

Hal's expression went stern. "Wait, what bounty hunters?" His thoughts went to the Guardian's Most Wanted List, showing a gray alien with dreadlocks on a flying motorcycle of all things

Ark held his hands in defense. "In that order, it was an evil clown that practically tried to steal my family's and me's souls." The quartet stared at him blankly from the declaration. "I know. It sounded weird to me, too."

'I'm starting to see Bat's paranoia regarding Joker now,' thought Green Arrow.

"As for the hunters, one wanted to mount my pelt on his wall, and another cut my left hand off."

Eyes drifted to the still attached appendage.

"I was able to get it back on."

Lantern shook his head. "Alright. Um. Let's move on. We've seen a few reports of your work in Central City, and you seem to be doing well. With that in mind, why do you want to join the League instead of staying independent?"

Ben leaned back against his chair. "Whether or not you have the power to change the world, fighting on your own can leave an empty feeling. I've had family and friends by my side, giving me different perspectives or even pointing out my mistakes. I'd like the opportunity to work with others again."

"I understand the sentiment," replied Arrow. "Helping Star City was a difficult task. I started building up my own little group. Once I met with League, we started sharing advice and resources. Things have been much more positive since."

"Yeah. My old partner Rook was really by the books, but I would trust him with my life."

Dinah coughed into her fist. "On a more sensitive topic, have you committed any criminal offenses?"

Ark raised a brow. "Am I including vigilantism?"

"For the sake of this interview, no."

He started listing things off on his hands. "Well, I trespassed on an old military base to stop a time wraith. I technically entered Egypt illegally when crash-landing after fighting a ghost and a knock-off Frankenstein in space."

Not for the last time did the four heroes look at their recruit in surprise or disbelief. Oliver stood from his seat and walked to the nearby liquor cabinet. "I think now's a good time for a quick drink."


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

Chapter 15: Return of Mount Justice


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Central City

10:24 EDT, Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ark tapped his foot with eyes narrowed at thesupervillainnow tied up in front of him. "Let me get this straight. You wanted to defeat the Flash."

The captive wore an orange and blue striped shirt and a midnight cape. His pants were half orange and half yellow with blue polka dots. "Exactly! For I am the Trickster, his greatest archenemy."

"Uh-huh." The alien hero blinked. "I was just walking down the street, and I saw something sticking out from behind the warehouse." He gestured to the Rube Goldberg machine of assorted objects and weapons. "Low and behold, I find you stuffing a bowling ball into a turkey.

"Yes! It is one of the ways that I will overpower the scarlet speedster." He snapped his fingers. "I never had a chance to set up the crates of Orbeez and marbles."

Before Ben could reply, the familiar speedster finally arrived. "Ark! I got your call."

"Thanks, Flash." Ark pointed a thumb at the Trickster. "We were just talking about you."

A yellow blur soon followed with the red-headed teen from before coming in. "I came as fast as I could, Flash."

Ben smiled. "Hey, it's Mini-Flash!"

Hearing the name, the protege frowned. "It's Kid Flash. No one gets to call me Mini-Flash."

"Yeah, only I get to do that," declared the Trickster.

The teen rolled his eyes before staring at the man. "What? James? You relapsed."

Ben raised a brow. "Am I missing something here?"

Flash apologized. "He's got a medical condition. We know who to bring him to." He walked around the contraption for a bit. "I have to say, James. This might have been your most complicated work yet."

The villain smiled. "Thanks, Flash. That means a lot."

"That's not a good thing," replied KF. He looked over Ark. "So you're the new guy?"

"Yup. Nice to finally meet you. Flash has said a lot about you."

The teen laughed. "Good things, I hope."

"He mentioned how you kept crashing into walls when you first started out."

"I figured…" Kid Flash rolled his eyes. "I heard how you helped out the League against Wotan. You turned into a bunch of different aliens and kicked his but. Man, I wish we could have joined you guys."

"I mean, I helped, but it was Zatara that really took control of the situation. It was a battle of magic, after all.

KF scoffed. "Magic. Yeah, sure." He walked away, smelling something good coming.

Ark noted the tone, but he didn't press on the matter.

Meanwhile, James was chatting with Flash. "I was really hoping we could try it out later today, but never got a chance to finish."

"That's for the best, really. We'll take care of you in a bit." Flash turned to Ark. "On lighter news, the League finished going over the paperwork, and they want to see you again today about your probation membership."

Ben smiled. "That sounds like good news."

The scarlet speedster turned to the teen as well. "We would also like to see you and your friends as well."

Kid Flash stopped taking apart the contraption, holding a turkey with a bite taken out of it. "You guys are actually keeping your word about giving us more freedom?"

"Something like that. Batman will explain it better than I can." Flash walked over to the Trickster and picked him up. The two became a blur and a few seconds later, Flash returned, dusting his hands.

Kid Flash gave a thumbs up. "Great. Let's get to the alley."

Ben blinked at the teen. "What?"

Kid Flash pressed his face into his palms. "Oh, god. It's happening to me now. We have a teleporter!"

Soon, Flash, Kid Flash, and Ark stepped into the derelict-looking phone booth and disappeared.

However, they never noticed a man in a Victorian lab coat standing on a rooftop not that far away. He tapped his cane against the floor. 'It seems things are all coming together.' He checked his metal right hand. 'I better not be late for theGod of Knowledge. Who knew being let in here would lead to this.' Checking his pockets, he pulled out a red Fez. 'I hope my old friend is right about this sort of gift. I'm not sure if they are still cool.' In an instant, he disappeared from this plane of reality.

Mount Justice, Happy Harbor

10:58 EDT, Thursday, July 8, 2010

The trio exited the portal to see cave walls and an assortment of advanced hardware. Several heroes were moving equipment and cargo.

Kid Flash ran further into the cave. "Woah. This is so cool!"

Ark smiled as well. "Nice place. You got here."

"Thanks. It's kind of old, but it'll do." Flash walked over to the other Leaguers. "We still have time before the rest come, so let's help out with cleaning."

Overhead, Green Lantern and Captain Atom lifted the last large pieces of equipment around the Mountain.

In the central command room, they were ready to start the meeting. Four teens dressed in civilian clothes stood before, Batman, Aquaman, Flash, Hawkman, Black Canary, Red Tornado, and Captain Marvel. They had Ark stand to the side until the latter half of the discussion.

Batman stepped forward. "This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League. Due to recent events, we're calling it into service again. Since you four are determined to stay together and fight the good fight, you'll do it on League terms." Batman gestured to the others. "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be your supervisor. Black Canary requested to be in charge of training. I will assign your missions."

Wearing a pair of dark sunglasses, Robin spoke up. "What kind of missions?"

"Objectives will vary, but you will be deployed when the League is unable to respond," replied Batman.

Flash spoke up from behind Kid Flash's right shoulder. "The League will still handle the obvious stuff. There's a reason we have these big targets on our chest."

"The Cadmus incident proved that criminals are getting smarter, and the League can't be everywhere at once," continued Aquaman before turning his head towards Batman to continue the flow of conversation.

That's why we've decided to try something new." Batman nodded and turned to Ben. "After further discussion, we at the League would like to welcome you as a probationary reserve member."

Ark smiled as the rest of the room congratulated him. "Thank you for the opportunity to work with you all. However, what does all this have to do with me?" He gestured to Mount Justice.

"As part of your probation, you will be shadowing the League's senior members for the next few months. I believe that assisting Black Canary in training, for now, would be beneficial to you and them."

Ark nodded at the offer. "I see. That doesn't sound too bad. I'll do it."

Batman turned to the teens. "With that out of the way, the five of you can get acquainted as a team."

"Cool! Wait." Robin blinked. "Five?"

Batman only looks over his protégé's shoulder and they turn to see Martian Manhunter stepping out of the shadows with a green-skinned, red-haired teenage girl. "This is the Martian Manhunter's niece. Miss Martian."

Along with the other adults, Ben waved at her as another genetic sample was logged.

She raises her left hand, giving them a small wave and smile, then a shy "Hi." Kid Flash quickly introduced himself while skimming over the others. "I'm honored to be included." Miss Martian clasped her hands in front of her to enunciate her point.

Upon greeting Aqualad, she gave him a wide side high-five. "Whazzup?" She then leaned back to the right while snapping her fingers.

The Atlantean teen smiled. "I am doing well. Thank you for asking."

While Aqualad and Aquaman shrugged off the unusual greeting, the others in the room looked at each other with raised brows.

Green Arrow leaned to J'onn. "Uh, where did she learn that?"

"Oh, she and I have been watching a lot of Earth television to understand the local culture," he whispered back.

"From what? The 90s?"

"Yes, actually. They were highly recommended online."


Under a Cadmus' reconstruction, Guardian spoke to Dubbilex and the scientist from the endeavor. "Cadmus changes today. With Desmond out of the picture, the board has placed me in charge." he turns to the scientist. "Dr. Spence, you're acting Chief Scientist. No more G-gnomes suppressing our wills. No more secret breeding projects. This is a kinder, gentler Cadmus."

Dubbilex ensured Guardian. "Then I will of course help in any way I can, brother."

Unknown to the group, the entire conversation is being watched.

Ocean Master hummed in contemplation. "Can the Light afford to leave Guardian in charge without the G-gnomes?"

Lex Luthor shook his head. "We have a subtle means of control. What concerns me are the two new pieces on the board: the children and this shapeshifter. L-7, did you know of Wotan's plans?"

Klarion shrugged in indifference. "I mean, yeah. It was supposed to keep the League distracted, but how was I supposed to know their kids would intervene."

"My interest in this Shapeshifter and its possibilities," added the Brain.

Vandal Savage nodded. "We shall deal with these new variables carefully. We may be able to use them to our advantage. Even the temporary loss of the weapon may prove useful. Eventually, everyone sees the Light."


If any of you have any thoughts, please leave them in a review.

Chapter 16: Stepping into the Shadows


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mount Justice

July 8, 12:30 EDT

Once the teens made their acquaintances with Miss Martian, both the teens and the adults either returned home or continued work within the cave. Ben had left the mountain to get supplies before he returned to the teleporter.

Recognized: Ark C010

Ben exited the yellow light carrying a few boxes. Just as he thought about what to set up, his eyes came across the room in front of him. There were several holes in the wall with broken furniture strewn around. At the center of the destruction was a crater. Superboy stood there breathing heavily while glaring at a small gray creature held in his hand. Miss Martian came running into the room not long after. "Uh. I have many questions on what the hell just happened, but let me just say I am not cleaning this up."

July 8, 13:11 EDT

After making a call, Red Tornado finally returned to the mountain, and as caretaker, he was busy cleaning up the mess.

On the sidelines, Ark, Superboy, and Miss Martian sat around the table with the little gray creature sitting on it while munching on a celery stick. The clone had given them the general explanation for his outburst. It was a G-Gnome, a small, four-legged white creature with black stripes on its head and short horns with red eyes. This creature caused him to experience the previous attack on the mountain by the Joker.

Megan cooed at the little guy. "Aw. Aren't you cute?" She handed the little one a carrot which it took appreciatively.

Ben examined the creature while Azmuth did his own studies. "So, this is a genomorph?"

Superboy took a sip of water as he glared at the little monster. "Yes."

Ben shook his head. "I know that I wasn't privy to what happened at Cadmus besides you, but this is pretty concerning. They created new species, and their top priority was to make an army of these guys."

Azmuth grumbled within the Omnitrix. "While the overall feat is impressive for this Earth's humans, as expected, they did a shoddy job with the DNA structure. It's no wonder they had to splice your friend Superman's genes just to get this stable clone."

Ben filed that information for later, hoping to get a better understanding of what Cadmus created.

The clone sighed. "There were classes of them, each with a different purpose. As much as I am annoyed, this is the same G-Gnome that helped with my flash learning."

Megan patted the creature on the head as its horns glowed for a moment. "I can tell he missed you."

"Yeah, well I don't. That thing was controlling me almost all the time," scoffed Superboy.

Ben crossed his arms. "I can't imagine why it would follow you here and make you see the psychic residue."

Megan agreed. "Even on Mars, cases such as this happen rarely. It must have been very traumatic to the victim of the previous break-in to leave such an imprint after all these years. Even though it was all in your head, because your connection was so strong, all of it felt real, even the pain."

Finished with most of the work, Red Tornado walks over to them and takes hold of the G-Gnome. "It would appear that the mountain's security still needs improvements." He turned to the clone. "Considering recent developments, I would recommend that you get some rest."

"Yes. Such mental feedback can cause significant fatigue," added Megan.

"I'm fine," argued Superboy. "If Superman wasn't bothered by it at the time, then neither am I."

Ark's expression softened. "Has Superman gotten a chance to speak to you since the fourth?" Receiving only a scowl that desired heat-vision, Ben swore under his breath. 'When are they gonna talk to Supes, on his deathbed?'

Tornado nodded. "I will report this to the others and begin procedures to return the G-Gnome to Cadmus."

Seeing the opportunity, Ark stood up to follow him. "I hope you don't mind if I come along. What happened at that facility sounds like slavery with extra steps."

"So long as you don't touch anything, I have no concerns." With that, Tornado and Ark left with the G-Gnome.

Miss Martian took a bite of her carrot. "Since your friend came all the way here to show you something, did you happen to learn anything about yourself?"

Superboy huffed. "Yeah, I hate monkeys."

"Huh, I was expecting you to say clowns."

Infinity Island

July 8, 22:18 EDT

An old, light-skinned man with white hair and dark brown eyes stood before a group of people. He has a large scar across his chest and a smaller scar extending from his forehead to just under his left milky eye. "Our employers are ending their relationships with certain corporations they were previously doing business with. Cutting ties, so to speak because of the fiasco with Cadmus. They are being cautious. They do not want anything traced back to them. This is the reason we are called into action." He held out a photo of their target. "We are the solution to the problem. We are the League of Shadows. Do not fail me!"

Mount Justice, Aqualad's Room

July 9, 13:28 CDT

Kid Flash raised a brow. "So, who am I looking at a picture of?"

Next to him, Robin answered. "Her name is Gonzalez, Selena Gonzalez."

"And we care why? Other than the fact she's a hottie?"

Robin shook his head. "She lives in Central City and is being targeted for a hit. There's a reason. I just don't know what it is yet, but I think I found something that might be related to her."

On his bed, Aqualad crossed his arms. "Related how?"

The Boy Wonder sighed. "Looking through some of Batman's files, I found that there have been a few targets, seemingly unrelated. However, I've cross-referenced tons of data, and I think I found a pattern."

"Looking through?" KF scoffed. "You mean you hacked into Batman's files."

Robin didn't answer the question. "Anyway, I think this CEO might be next. All of the other hits have been made to look like accidents, random muggings gone wrong, things like that. Anyway, I figured we could look into this."

Aqualad nodded. "And what brought this to your attention in the first place?"

"I've been looking into Cadmus the last couple of days: corporate holdings, who they do business with, and such. I noticed a few people they've done business with seem to meet with untimely accidents."

Kid Flash chuckled. "You want us to look into a possible CEO assassination in Central?" A grin crept onto his face. "Cool!"

"What's this about an assassination?"

The trio quickly turned around to see the bedroom door open, revealing Ark. Robin and Aqualad looked at the last of them to enter the room. Kid rubbed his neck in embarrassment. "Hehe. Forgot to lock the door." Attempting to salvage the situation, Wally started talking. "Assassination? No. We were just talking about... asses… in the nation. We hate politics?" The second those words came out of his mouth, the regret permeated the room along with silence.

Cringing, Ben crossed his arms in and broke it with sarcastic skepticism. "Uhuh," His eyes drifted to the nightstand. "If that's the case, then I guess you wouldn't mind handing me that headshot photo still out in the open." The teens internally swore. "First off, Kid, if you've got nothing, let someone else handle it. Two, I was preparing some stuff for our first training session, but this is obviously more important. So, who's getting killed, and by who?"

KF groaned in defeat. "Okay, we're investigating someone. Come on, man. Please don't rat us out."

Ark waved his hands in defense. "Woah. I'm not gonna tell Batman or whatever. Can I see what you guys have so far?"

Robin looked to the others before relenting, bringing up his gauntlet and several documents and articles.

From within the mask, Azmuth started doing his own cross-referencing. "Hm. It would appear that there is a 70% chance that Ms. Gonzalez would be targeted. Considering her advances in CRISPR, I can see how she was associated with the developments at Cadmus."

Ben nodded as he read along. "I understand why you couldn't report this to the DOJ."

Robin relaxed. "There isn't an active criminal investigation against Cadmus for her to be taken in by Witness Protection, and the evidence I'm using is circ*mstantial in court."

"If that's the case, I want to help out."

The trio exchanged looks before replying. "You do?"

"Why not? I would rather check it out and nothing happens than do nothing and hear about her death afterward. Besides, my impression is that you three would end up going on your own anyways."

Robin smirked. "You say that like it's a bad thing."

"If I recall, the last time you guys went out on your own without telling anyone led to getting locked in the basem*nt with Doctor Stranger Danger."

Robin and Kid Flash gave an embarrassed laugh.

"He's not wrong about the risks. In fact, should we not include Superboy and Miss Martian?" asked Aqualad.

"Yeah," Ark said aloud. "Where are those two? I would have thought that you all would want to do this together."

Robin shook his head. "I asked Megan to take Superboy shopping. He can't just have the same clothes for missions as. As I said, I'm working on limited evidence. Besides, they're still new to the gig compared to us. We don't want to get them in trouble before the team.

Ark raised a brow. "I take it that this isn't your first group mission besides Cadmus?"

KF gave a thumbs up. "You know it. Bats and Rob teamed up with Flash and me when one of our rouges tried something in Gotham."

"What about you, Aqualad?" asked Ark.

"While I have limited experience on the surface, I have been trained for years in the Atlantean Military and under my King."

"See, Ark. We got the skills. Let's do it!" The speedster patted the Atlantean on the shoulder. "C'mon, Aqualad. This could be fun."

Kaldur hesitated. "I am not sure about this."

"Well, I am! Count me in." Kid Flash looked at the photo again. "You think Selena likes younger guys?"

"If she liked guys your age, we would be taking her to jail instead," answered Ark.

The speedster stuck his tongue out in response.

Robin turned to the alien hero. "If you're willing to help us, then you can treat this as a training session. We're always doing our own crime-fighting thing with our own partners. It would be a chance for us to clear the cobwebs before we get into full team mode."

"Cobwebs?" Kid Flash laughed. "You've been hanging out in dark caves way too much."

Ark shook his head. "I see. It's clear that you did your homework on the matter. So, did Cadmus hire a middle man, or are we gonna be fighting more of those Genomorphs?"

Kid sighed. "Please don't let it be that."

Rob shook his head. "It's hard to tell. It could be Cadmus, but none of the evidence points to them. However, I think I know the likely candidate taking the job: The League of Shadows."

KF's eyes widened. "Whoa! Really?"

"Yeah," answered the pre-teen hero. "I think these accidents were executed by them."

"Executed?" The red-head leaned back. "That seems like an appropriate word."

Both Ark and Kaldur blinked at the name. "Who?

"What? You've never heard of the League of Shadows?" The speedster blinked. "Have you two been living in a cave or something?"

"More like underwater," replied Aqualad.

"And off-world," added Ark.

"Oh, yeah…"

Robin pulled up several articles mentioning the group. "The League of Shadows is an organization with connections all over the world. Bats theorized they were involved in numerous political conspiracies throughout the years. Assassinations are only part of their business."

Wally crossed his arms. "I'm still suspicious that they were involved with JFK."

The Boy Wonder continued. "You wouldn't be the first. Only a few people have met the actual organization in person, and they have their ways of avoiding public attention. No hero or government has been able to gather enough evidence to expose them to the public. Those suspected or captured have either claimed allegiance to other organizations or suffered medical complications before interrogations."

Ark narrowed his eyes. "Well, it seems we're just gonna have to blow the whistle one member at a time."

Aqualad stood up. "Just to reiterate, we are going to look into what may or may not be a sanctioned assassination attempt, carried out by a covert organization called the League of Shadows, with a reserve member but without authorization from Batman or the rest of the Justice League?"

"Since it is all circ*mstantial, we wouldn't have anything to show them," offered Ark. "We'll check it out and radio for support if we can find something more solid."

"We don't need a Cadmus repeat. Besides, if no one dies, we should be in the clear," defended Robin.

"Yeah, pretty much," shrugged Kid Flash.


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Chapter 17: Four-Way Start


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Star Labs, Reception Room

July 10, 05:45 CDT

As a speedster, patience was an extreme virtue, and Flash was currently pressed for more. He pinched the bridge of his nose in front of three nervous teens. "I'm sorry. Can you please explain this?" He gestured to the TV.

A woman with green eyes and long red hair took on aseriousexpression. "This is Iris West-Allen with GBS giving you breaking news. Central City had a rude awakening with the destruction of the Farano Enterprise Complex. While we haven't received reports from officials, eyewitnesses say they saw numerous masked men fleeing the complex before the blast. Some are suggesting the cause to be terrorists, but this is still just speculation. We'll keep you updated as more information comes."

Wally shrugged his arms. "Technically, they aren't wrong."

"Yeah. Depending on your definition, The League of Shadows can be called a terrorist organization," added Robin.

"That's not the point I was getting at," Flash replied dryly. "Why were you guys there?" The teens looked away from him in silence. Flash sighed and turned to the other adult in the room. "Care to add anything?"

Ark shrugged. "They wanted the mission, so they'll handle everything that comes with it. This includes the fallout. I just made sure none of us died."

"That's good, but not what I'm looking for." Flash took a breath and turned back to the teens. "Well?"

Kid Flash cracked. "Please don't tell the rest of the League. They'll never trust us again."

"We just got our chance to prove ourselves, and we might have jumped the gun a bit," admitted Robin.

Flash replied dryly. "A bit?"

"Unfortunately, the threat was more than we initially anticipated. Nevertheless, we completed the mission," concluded Kaldur.

Barry groaned and caved. "Fine. I'm not going to rat you guys out."

Wally's eyes widened with hope. "Really?"

Flash narrowed his eyes. "I can't do anything about Robin and Aqualad, but you bet your butt that your parents will be hearing about this."

Much to Kid Flash's chagrin, a wave of relief washed over Robin. "Oh, thank god."

Flash crossed his arms. "Yeah. I stuck my neck out for you guys at the meeting, and I'll be damned before I get another. I told you so."

Ark chuckled. "Ah, pettiness. The best motivator."

The Scarlet speedster shook his head in annoyance. "Just start from the beginning."

Central City

July 9, 21:54 CDT

About a hundred meters north of the Mondera Industries, a certain Boy Wonder monitored his wrist computer, surveying his surroundings. "Motion sensors still haven't picked up anything out of the ordinary."

To the South, a disguised redhead lay on a piece of cardboard in an alleyway. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but can the bad guys please show up now. It reeks here."

To the West, the Kaldur sat on a park bench reading a newspaper. "Patience, Kid Flash. We all have a part to play."

To the East, Ark tapped away on his laptop, doing his own surveillance. "Yeah, Kid. It was your idea to draw straws, and you lost."

The speedster rolled his eyes. "I am aware of that… Couldn't I have gotten a better disguise or location? Why must I play the homeless guy in a dingy alleyway?"

Robin frowned. "Considering your area, you couldn't hideouton a civilian's balcony or the sidewalks without drawing unnecessary attention. Remember what happened last time?"

The redhead groaned. "Don't remind me. That old lady accused me of being a peeping tom."

Robin managed to patch into the facility's external cameras, but anythingdeeperwas on a closed network, needing a direct connection. He could see Selena Gonzalez in her office on the second floor from the top using binoculars.

Kid Flash sighed. "Why is she still here? Everyone else went home hours ago."

Looking at the corner of the office, Ark took note of the leftover TV dinners and stray energy drink cans. "She's one of the lead researchers in the company. Unsurprisingly, she binges on her work for days at a time."

Robin thought about Batman sitting in the cave, living off Alfred's coffee for the same amount. "I'm familiar with the concept. This is a cakewalk compared to other stakeouts I've done. Hell, Batman posed as someone in the mob for weeks."

Wally raised a brow at that. "Really? How'd it turn out?"

"We were able to stop four meth labs, two human trafficking rings, three military-grade weapons deals, and one cult."

The speedster cringed. "I grow more concerned about Gotham by the day."

Robin sighed. "You and everyone else. Now, quit complaining, KF. We're on the job."

"Well, sorry. I'm pretty sure pretending to be in the mob is better than being homeless." He batted away some flies. "I'm cold. I'm hungry, and I'm pretty sure I saw a rat glaring at me."

The Boy Wonder frowned and took a stern tone. "Take the time to understand the experience, man." A memory from his training became prominent in his mind. "Batman said people like us have so much to lose. Not many understand the ugly side of life. I can confidently say that you've never tasted desperate, KF."

Everyone paused what they were doing for a moment.

Robin closed his eyes momentarily, images of people going to extreme lengths just to live. "It is a world that some people never understand. And people always fear what they don't understand."

"He's right, you know," Ark interjected. "For some of the people I've come across over the years, I can't even imagine what they have gone through, what they go through every night. I haven't experienced squalor. I've never felt the fear that they feel."

Hearing these words, Kaldur agreed with them wholeheartedly. "How can heroes ever hope to stop the fear if we can't understand it, if we can't at least try to empathize with it?" Thoughts drifted to his former schoolmates Blubber and Topo and how some of the more purist students would harass them from time to time.

Wally said nothing and sighed. He nevertrulytried to understand the poor and the anguished around him. Volunteering at the soup kitchen and orphanage with his uncle was good, but he didn't experience the life they lived.Perhaps this wouldbe the first step.

3 Hour Later

Ark narrowed his eyes behind his mask. "Something just tripped sensor number four by the south entrance. Do we have a visual?" One of his screens went dark. "We just lost camera three."

Aqualad nodded. "Thank you, Ark. Kid, stay sharp on your end. Robin and I will start closing in."

"Finally, some action." Wally stood up and checked for any lingering civilians. Knowing the coast was clear, he ditched his getup and dusted himself off. The speedster sighed in relief, feeling warm again in his insulated uniform. 'Note to self: Don't complain to Mom and Dad about living in their house.'

Kid Flash sped towards the complex just outside the security gate. His back was pressed against the adjacent wall, and he did a quick check of the face of the building. Immediately, he spotted a dark figure climbing the fourth-story window. "I found our killer. I'm going in."

"Wait, Kid Flash. Don't-" Kaldur's words were left on deaf ears.

Unfortunately for Wally, he didn't thoroughly check the path ahead of him. After a few yards in the lot and past a shed, he felt slight pressure against his ankle, followed by an ominous click. Survival instinct kicked in as his world slowed down. Eyes drifted to the source before widening at the familiar shape of a grenade. In a sudden burst, the hero jerked right, narrowly avoiding getting ripped by the blast. "I've been had." With that trap going off, their cover had been blown.

Not too far away, a man cackled with glee.

When the dust of the explosive finally settled, Kid Flash activated his goggles and deadpanned at the area around him. "You have got to be kidding me." He was standing in a literal minefield with tripwires surrounding him.

"Hello, Flashy Boy!"

KF turned around to see a blonde-headed man wearing a watch and helmet with green lenses.His outfitseemed to bea modified flak jacket with metal plating."Okay, who the hell are you supposed to be?"

The man's smile seemed to deflate. "How disappointing. I figured the other rogues would have mentioned me."

Kid Flash kept analyzing the area for a safe way out. "Humor me."

The seemingly deranged man took a bow. "You may refer to me as Ziggy."

KF paused his search and looked at him with a raised brow. "... Really?"

Ziggy's face turned indignant. "Yes, really! I'm the greatest explosive expert on the East Coast." He turned to the sky, placing one hand over the other. "For years, I have supplied all the black powder, TNT, nitroglycerin, and C4 to the criminal underworld, but now it is my time to shine!"

"Good for you…" Finished calculating his path to victory, he got into a sprinting stance. "But not for long." Wally ran between the visible mines at superhuman speed and tried to twist his way through the wires. One caught onto his elbow, and a chain reaction began.

One by one, explosions chased after the teen speedster. 'F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! F*ck!' Nearing the edge of the field, three consecutive blasts singed against the back of his uniform, launching him out but in the direction of Ziggy. Arms outstretched, he prepared to take him down. "Gotcha!"

Unfazed by the outcome, Ziggy simply pressed a button on his wristwatch. In an instant, the Flak Jacket on his chest burst, launching a massive glob of brown goop at the mid-air teen unable to dodge.

Kid Flash landed flat on his chest. He attempted to get up, only to get forced back to the ground. His fingers tested the consistency of the material, only for him to go slack at the results. "Is this a goddamn human glue trap?!"

"Yup!" The man began dancing with glee around the now-trapped teen.

Wally pulled against the adhesive without success. "You've been talking to James, haven't you?"

Ziggy beamed. "We go to the same improv class."

Wally tried to vibrate out, but he just got a splitting headache. "Just great…"



Kaldur took off his disguise and prepared for battle.

Before he could reach the western wall, a metal object from a blind spot struck him, crashing into a nearby dumpster.

The objectrevealed itself to bea hook being pulled back by a chain, leading to the attacker's forearm.

A muscular man in combat gear with white hair smirked. Thelargemetallic hook for a right hand scraped against the wall. He noticed the gills around the boy's neck before flexing his metal appendage. "Would you look at that? An Atlantean. Hook, line, and sinker."

Igniting his water bearers, Kaldur groaned at the poor attempt at humor. He leaped at the large man with aquatic maces in hand.

Anticipating the attack, a raised metallic arm holds back against the strike while the other counters against the teen's chest.

Kaldur analyzed his situation. "This is troublesome." He quickly parried a metallic hook with an aqua shield before riposting with a water saber. The enemy's sheer size and power would make this fight take longer than he would like.



Hearing the detonation across the property, Robin quickly swung toward the main building with his grapple. Just as he was about to land, he spotted something in the corner of his eyes. They widened as he veered right to dodge an incoming red projectile narrowly. Gloved fingers latch onto a window ledge. "Dammit." After pulling himself up and crashing through the window, Robin finally got a good look at his attacker, who followed. "Seriously? You're here?"

The man wore purple and black spandex in different shades. His red-eye lenses contrasted with the spider emblem on his forehead.

"I should be saying that to you, you brat. What the hell are you doing out of Gotham? Don't tell me Bats is around." He paused before looking behind him and back to the boy.

"Don't flatter yourself, Black Spider. He's got more important things than you to take care of."

A smile grew under the man's mask. "So, you're telling me that the big guy isn't here to save your ass."

A bead of sweat formed on the younger hero's brow. "That implies you're gonna beat me in the first place. You're going down." He took a fighting stance with Birdarangs in his left hand.

Black Spider "Such disrespect from kids these days. A man's just trying to do a hard day's work."

Robin made a disturbed face. "Dude, you kill people."

"Yeah, for money. I miss the part where that's my problem." He scoffed in indignation before shrugging. "You're not my target, and I'd rather not have Bats on my ass for killing his sidekick." He aimed and co*cked a wrist gun. "So, I'll just shoot out your kneecaps."

Thinking fast, Robin threw two birdarangs before dashing right with his bow staff. He weaved through bullets as one of his Birdarangs grazed Black Spider's left forearm and right leg.

"That's all you got?" Wincing, Black Spider jumped back a few feet to prepare for close combat. He ducked under a staff swing before throwing a right hook.

Robin managed to deflect it, but he caught a surprise kick to his side, stumbling him.

Keeping up the flow, the assassin went to sweep the leg, only for the boy to catch it and flip him on his back with the new leverage. He rolled left, letting the bow staff slam into the floor where his chest would have been.

Seeing a gun barrel aiming, Robin jumped over the man, using his staff as a pole vault. Using the opening, he stomped at the back of the Spider's Knees, bringing the man down.

As soon as Black Spider's knees fell, he crossed both arms, bracing against another strike. Before it could retreat, he grabbed the staff and chucked it down the hall.

A pair of Eskrima sticks extended out from his thigh compartments as if expecting the loss.

Black Spider got back into his combat stance. "That's a cute toy. Did your daddy give it to you?"

Robin huffed in annoyance. "You know what they say. Beware of choking hazards."

The two charged at each other in a flurry of strikes, counters, and dodges. While Robin had the advantage in speed and being a smaller target, Black Spider had the edge with experience and training. A well-timed kick to Robin's calf sent a sharp pain through the boy, causing him to retreat to a safe distance.

The calf kick targets a much more vulnerable body part than the traditional low kick. Instead of going to the meatier thigh, the calf kick lands near the top of the shin, where the comparatively small tibialis muscle provides scant protection to a bundle of nerves.

"Stings, doesn't it? Compared to the Bat, you're trash." Black Spider checked his watch and grumbled. "You're lucky, Kid. I've got places to be and contracts to complete." He pulled an object from his belt. "Now dig into this." He slammed it against the floor, engulfing the entirehallwaysin smoke.

Blinded, Robin coughed as he tried to find fresh air. Unfortunately, Black Spider was nowhere to be seen. He knew his destination. Robin took off, hoping to cut him off within the 7-floor trip, albeit slower due to the calf strike.



Back in the east, Ark transformed in a green flash. In his place was a blue-furred monkey-like creature with four arms and three pairs of eyes. The Omnitrix was on a green sash worn across his chest. Ready, the extraterrestrial simian leaped into action. He punched through the high-rise window and into their target's office with enhanced strength.

Upon seeing the unnatural blue beast crashing in, the doctor reasonably screamed in shock, throwing several desk ornaments at the apparent intruder.

Spidermonkeyeasilycaught them with his extra appendages. "Dammit. Calm down, lady."

Selena pressed herself behind a filing cabinet. "Who are you?!"

"Sheesh. I'm with the Justice League. You've got a target on your head, and bounty hunters are outside."

Processing the creature's words, she visibly paled. "I should have known those guys on the Dark Web were shady, but no, the board just had to get those discount stem cells."

Ark blinked at her words. "Wait. What are you talking about?"

Selena Gonzales blinked back. "...What are you talking about?"

"Your company's business with Cadmus."

The woman visibly paled. "Ah… Forget I said anything."

"Uhuh…" Spidermonkey shook his head. "Whatever. We gotta get you outta here." His back hair tingled as he reached for the woman, so he quickly tackled the doctor to the floor. Selena narrowly missed throwing knives, now striking the wall behind her.

"We didn't expect much resistance with tonight's job, but four heroes? Isn't this a bit overkill? I was hoping to get this over while the others were preoccupied." A woman in a dark green kimono and black knee-high boots stood at the doorway. Adorned on her face was a white mask resembling a cat's head with red stripes and a wide grin.

Spidermonkey helped Selena get back to her feet while keeping vigilant about the new arrival. "Considering what I'm hearing on my comms, four hunters to get one doctor is overkill, too."

"Touche." She shrugged. "But that's what the client paid for."

Ark slowly backed up, guiding Selena behind him. "Four versus four. Balanced, as all things should be, huh." He raised a brow at the apparent assassin. "The Shadows, I presume?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, juggling a knife in each hand. "Who knows?"

Spidermonkey rolled his eyes. "Sure..."

"Now, why don't you be a good little monkey and hand over the doctor? I'd hate to get on the wrong side of PETA."

Spidermonkey scratched his chin playfully with two arms before smirking. "Nah!" His tail quickly extended, shooting his web directly onto the woman's mask. At the same time, his other two arms grabbed onto the professor and backflipped out the window.

Cheshire took a few seconds to rip off the webbing, leaving her confused and pissed. "This night can't get any worse, right?"

Omnitrix DNA Entry



Home World:Aranhascimmia

Powers and Abilities:

Arachnichimps can expel webbing from their tail, which was once stated to be as strong as steel. Their webbing isverysticky, meaning they can trap opponents or blind them by shooting webbing in their faces. Arachnichimps can also shape their webs into slings or swing across vast distances. An Arachnichimp's paws can stick to and be used to scale vertical surfaces. Arachnichimps are highly skilled in hand-to-hand with enhanced strength, agility, and acrobatic skills.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

Chapter 18: Negotiations Were Short


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Chapter Text


With arms outstretched, Aqualad prepared to unleash the power of the water bearers. His opponent, Hook, flexed his metal hook arm, ready for a grappling and tearing attack.

Aqualad struck with lightning speed, slicing through the air with his water blades. Hook quickly reacted, dodging and deflecting the attack with his hook arm. He swung the hook with precision, trying to snare Aqualad.

Aqualad was a formidable opponent, his agility allowing him to jump and dodge Hook's hook arm strikes. With a flurry of sword swings, Aqualad created a shower of water that battered Hook's metal suit.

Hook countered with a punishing punch, connecting with Aqualad's midsection. Aqualad stumbled but regained his balance, launching another attack with his swords.

Hook was caught off guard and was struck by one of Aqualad's water blades. Roaring angrily, Hook lunged forward, grappling with his hook arm and pulling Aqualad in close.

Aqualad's quick thinking allowed him to slice through the hook arm's metal cables, rendering it useless. Seizing the advantage, Aqualad launched a relentless barrage of water attacks, drenching.

Kaldur launched himself towards Hook, tapping into the power of his eel tattoos. Channeling this energy through water, he created a surge of power that hurtled towards Hook.

At the same time, Hook shot his hook toward Kaldur, but the agile hero evaded the attack and kept advancing.

Kaldur summoned a hard-water weapon from his Water-Bearers, twin hilts that he used to strike Hook. The villain blocked the attack, but Kaldur wasn't deterred. He summoned a wave of water and electricity, slamming Hook with the impact.

Hook regained his footing and lunged forward, his hook swinging wildly. Kaldur used his hard-water weapons to block the hook. However, Hook managed to pull Kaldur off balance.

Kaldur unleashed a jolt of electricity that shocked Hook and sent him stumbling. Despite this setback, Hook quickly recovered and charged forward once more. This time, Kaldur was ready. He created a hard-water wall to block Hook's attack.

Kaldur pushed forward, relentlessly attacking with his hard-water weapons. Hook blocked the blows with his hook, but Kaldur's relentless pace pushed Hook back until he was cornered against a wall.

With lightning speed, Kaldur summoned a wave of water and electricity and sent it crashing toward Hook. The villain stumbled but remained on his feet. He retaliated with a powerful hook swing, but Kaldur was ready. He summoned a hard-water shield to block the attack.

Kaldur continued his assault, using his hard-water weapons to overpower Hook. The villain blocked the blows, but Kaldur was too quick. He managed to land several strikes, forcing Hook to stumble back. Kaldur pressed his advantage, attacking relentlessly until Hook was forced to retreat. Thankfully for him, the teen was too tired to give chase.


As Black Spider and Robin faced off, they stood ready for battle. Armed with his webs, Black Spider easily dodged Robin's initial attacks. Robin, twirling his Escrima sticks, grew frustrated as he struggled to land a hit.

Desperate to gain the upper hand, Robin changed tactics and used his acrobatics to flip and twist around Black Spider.

However, Black Spider was quick and managed to grab Robin's weapon, pulling them out of his hands.

Undeterred, Robin retreated and flipped backward, distancing himself from Black Spider. But Black Spider was relentless, using his webs to pull Robin back and ensnare him.

Darting around Black Spider, Robin used his acrobatics to dodge the bullets fired. He gradually closed in on Black Spider but was disarmed when Black Spider grabbed onto his Escrima sticks.

Unarmed and at a disadvantage, Robin still refused to give up. He used his acrobatics to flip over Black Spider and deliver a swift kick to his back, causing him to stumble forward.

Black Spider quickly realized he had made a mistake in his initial approach to fighting Robin. He switched gears and shot webs out to ensnare the vigilante. Robin was caught off guard and found himself trapped in the webs. With his gun aimed at Robin, Black Spider appeared to have the upper hand.

However, Robin was not ready to give up. He broke free from the webs using his strength and disarmed Black Spider. Robin struck with the advantage on his side, punching Black Spider in the face. He grabbed Black Spider's gun and assumed a fighting stance, birdarangs at the ready.

Black Spider responded by drawing his wrist-mounted guns and firing a barrage of bullets at Robin. The vigilante's agility allowed him to dodge the bullets, and he then threw a birdarang at Black Spider to distract him. The weapon caught Black Spider off guard, and he could not dodge it, causing him to fly backward.

Eyes widened in surprise. His body slammed against the wall before attempting to soften his landing. It didn't work as well as he would have liked. Black spider groaned in mild pain. "My Back. Oh, my back." Slowly getting back up, he glared. "Oh, I'm so gonna put some dirt in your eye."

Robin quickly disabled Black Spider's web shooters and rushed toward him, determined to end the fight. Black Spider retaliated by shooting webs in all directions, but Robin's agility allowed him to dodge them. The fight was intense, and Robin knew he needed to end it soon before he became too exhausted.

The boy retrieved his former weapon with a few flips out of danger. He swung his Eskrima sticks with all his might, and one of the strikes caught Black Spider in the shoulder, causing him pain. Using the opportunity, Robin spun around and delivered a powerful kick to Black Spider's chest, sending him flying across the room.

When Black Spider got up, he heard a beep. He checked a notification on his phone, and he smirked. "You haven't seen the last of me today." Like someone else, he jumped out the nearest window, web line at the ready.

Robin looked for the man outside and found no trace. "Dammit."


Spidermonkey and Doctor Gonzalez swung to the ground floor and swiftly turned a corner. The alien hero's eyes darted around before landing on a particular object. He put down the woman and looked at her with concern. "I know this is gonna sound gross, but you gotta hide in the dumpster for now."

The woman cringed a bit at the smell but swallowed her pride. "Sitting in a dumpster for a while instead of getting stabbed? I'll take it."

Spidermonkey quietly closed the lid over her before darting to the opposite edge of the building. Making a big show of himself somewhere else should be enough distraction. When the alien was about to shoot another line, the microscopic hairs on his left limbs tingled. In reaction, he contorted and dodged a pair of sais embedded in a nearby wall.

From above, Cheshire landed with a pseudo zipline. Raising a dagger to the hero, the woman looked around for her target. "Where is she?"

"Safe." Spidermonkey lowered his center of gravity.

Cheshire took a combat stance. "I'll see about that."

Spidermonkey darted across the rooftop with spider-like precision. Cheshire flicked her wrist, sending a pair of shurikens whistling.

Spidermonkey dodged easily, flipping backward and latching onto the side of a nearby wall.

Cheshire lunged, her twin blades gleaming.

Spidermonkey met her head-on. Two limbs stopped the blades while the other two grappled her. They stopped inches from his face. Spidermonkey swung his tail, aiming to knock Cheshire off balance, but she dodged.

Spidermonkey scurried up a wall, launching webbing at Cheshire's feet. She leaped, narrowly avoiding the sticky trap, and retaliated with a flurry of kicks. Spidermonkey caught her leg with one hand, twisting her mid-air and crashing her to the ground. Cheshire rolled with the fall, springing back up instantly.

Cheshire's eyes narrowed as she unleashed a smoke bomb. Spidermonkey may have been blinded, but that wouldn't stop his natural instincts. A shift in the air was a split-second warning. He twisted just as Cheshire's blade sliced through the haze, grazing his side. Ignoring the pain, he countered with a web shot, pinning her arm to the wall.

Cheshire yanked her arm free with a growl, the wall cracking under her strength. She charged again, her strikes becoming a blur. Spidermonkey parried and weaved, using his limbs to deflect and counter. A sharp kick to Cheshire's midsection sent her stumbling back. Seizing the moment, Spidermonkey spun a web, capturing her legs.

Cheshire sliced through the webbing with a swift motion. She threw another smoke bomb at Spidermonkey's feet and disappeared into the shadows.

Spidermonkey scanned the rooftop, his multiple eyes darting around. The hairs on his body stood to detect another shift. A sudden blur of motion from behind—a trap!

Cheshire's blade nicked his shoulder, but Spidermonkey whipped around, catching her off guard with a powerful punch. She staggered, but before she could recover, Spidermonkey bound her arms with his webbing and yanked her off her feet, slamming her into the rooftop.

Cheshire struggled, hampered by the sticky webs.

Spidermonkey raised his four arms triumphantly. He did a little dance as if to rub it in her face a bit. "Monke! Monke! Monke! Ooh! Ooh Aah! Aah!"

Cheshire attempted to reach for a blade to try and cut herself loose, only for it to be two inches away from her restrained fingertips. "Oh, shut up!"


Following the detainment of one of the assassins, Ben contacted the others. No longer held up, Robin and Aqualad reached Spidermonkey's location. Robin raised a brow at the assassin wrapped in a cocoon. "Huh. You got one."

"Yup. A feisty one."

"Is the doctor safe?" asked Kaldur.

Spidermonkey turned to Chesire and felt her glare. "Safe. However, it seems we're missing someone."

The boy wonder face-palmed. "So… Kid Flash was kidnapped."

Ark crossed his arms at the teen. "And who's fault was that?"

Robin shrugged. "Frankly, it's all on him. He didn't follow the plan."

"And that plan was?" asked Kaldur. The Atlanteans didn't appreciate how their encounter started.

Robin gave both of them an exasperated look. "Follow my lead. It was obvious. Now we gotta save his butt."

Ark gave him a dry look. "Sure…"

Suddenly, they heard a ringing coming from their prisoner. Spidermonkey reached inside, followed the vibration, and moved some of the webs aside.

"Hey, watch where you're grabbing," complained the woman.

Spidermonkey rolled his eyes. "Don't flatter yourself." Soon, his fingers latched onto the object and pulled it out. "A burner phone?"

Robin nodded. "Pretty standard in this line of business."

The hero answered the call. "Hello?"

A grunting voice spoke. "Listen very carefully. We've kidnapped your friend. Do not bother calling the rest of the Justice League. By the time they do anything, it'll be too late. If you want to see him alive, you'll do exactly as I say. Is that understood?"

Spidermonkey frowned in confusion. "I'm sorry. Who is this?"

"God dammit." The person on the other line grew agitated. "Seriously. I practiced that line between improv sessions for just sort of occasion. I was flowing, and you go and kick the dramatic tension."


"No, you're not. Don't give me that."

Someone else on the other line yelled out. "Guys, you gotta help me!"

Robin clenched a fist. "KF!"

"Give me that!" The phone rustled. "This is Black Spider. We have Kid Flash, and I'm ninety-two percent sure you got our catgirl and Gonzalez.

The imprisoned Chesire groaned at the nickname.

"They can't be serious." Robin glared at the phone. "This is not a negotiation."

Kid Flash audibly gulped. "Please negotiate." A metallic hook was pressed against his neck. "Please... let me go."

"It would appear so," Kaldur added.

A higher pitch voice spoke up. "Yeah, what were you thinking? This is Hook and Black Spider you got here! We're good at what we do. We're professionals."

"Yeah, professional hitmen for the League of Shadows sent to kill an innocent woman," sassed Robin.

"I wouldn't go throwing around names of deadly groups like that if you know what's good for you, Kid," voiced hook.

"Oh, please. They have been harassing Batman for a long time."

Ark scratched his chin. "What are your demands?"

"Simple. You give us Gonzalez, or your friend dies."

The heroes glanced back at Chesire, who looked insulted. "Is that all?"


Cheshire glared from her cocoon. "Seriously?"

"Sorry. Cheshire." Hook shrugged. "You know how it is. You got caught. If we complete the mission, we get your cut."

"Let's hurry this up and get our Million," cheered Ziggy.

Black Spider turned his head to them. "Wait. What? The Calculator's ad said three million."

Hook raised a brow. "Did you read the fine print?"

Black Spider went silent for a moment. "...Maybe."

"If you did, you would know about the penalties. One of which includes getting interrupted, let alone by heroes."

"Man, that's some bullsh*t."

"What's done is done. Gonna cry?"

Chesire closed her eyes to calm the aneurism growing. "I'm surrounded by idiots."

Robin took the phone and spoke. "Why is Selena Gonzalez targeted?"

Black Spider laughed. "You're not in any position to ask questions, but we are. How did you know we'd be here? "

"If that's how you're gonna be, then we do not have to answer any questions either."

"Yeah, but you're going to 'cause you screwed up and got caught! Face it, you guys never even had a chance against us."

"What? We came here to stop you from hurting her," countered Ark.

Ziggy spoke up with some dramatic flare. "In any case, here are our demands. You're going to get us a helicopter."

Robin frowned. "We can't get you a helicopter."

Hook shook his head. "You're watching too many movies."

"Wait. What? I thought that was standard."

"It's not, and do you even know how to fly one?" asked Black Spider.

"No. Do any of you?" No one raised a hand in the room.

On the other side, Cheshire deadpanned. "Yeah... me."

Ziggy just sighed for a moment. "Like, my whole worldview is just shattered right now. I'm gonna need to process this for a second. Why is it never like this in the movies?"

"Give me that! Anytime a Hollywood writer has a kidnapping that goes smoothly, you know that guy is totally full of sh*t." Black Spider took a breath. "Listen. We meet at the northwest courtyard. No funny business. You give us Gonzalez, and you get the Speedster." In the back of his head, he needed this to go through. He wouldn't want to paint a target on his head and get punched at lightspeed by the older hero if they mutilated Kid Flash.

Ark was silent for a moment before answering. "Okay. Seems simple enough."

"Oh, and if you don't show up in the next ten minutes, I'll blow up the building," continued Ziggy.

Black Spider blinked. "We are?"

The Alien hero paused at the escalation. "Well, sh*t."

"Yeah," answered the improv demolition villain. "It's only hearsay if all the physical evidence is destroyed.


"By the way, Your phone will self-destruct in five seconds..."

Robin's eyes widened at the burner phone in his hands. "Wait, what?!"

Kaldur quickly slapped the device to the ground as it fizzled and smoked like a small firework.

"So, what now?" sighed Robin. "We're not actually going to trade her, right?

Ark smirked. "We will. Sorta."

Chapter 19: The Day is Saved… Kinda


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Northwest Courtyard

The sun had long ago set on the city. A tense silence filled the air as the heroes and villains approached the agreed location, which was filled with shadow and minimal light. Both sides faced each other, apprehensive of the other breaking their verbal deal.

"We have your hero," the lead villain growled, holding a bound and gagged figure in front of him. "You hand over the doctor, and we'll release him unharmed."

The good doctor grimaced at the people in front of her.

Black Spider nudged a bound and gagged speedster forward.

KF hopped forward. 'What the hell, Rob? You can't be okay with this!'

"That's it. Just a quick trade, and we can all go our separate ways."

"Not gonna lie, I didn't expect you to agree with us as soon as you did," commented Ziggy.

"Goes to show that these 'sidekicks' break easily," snarked Hook.

Kid Flash struggled through his restraints to no avail, glaring at his so-called team. 'What the hell are you guys thinking?! Where the hell is Ark?!'

Aqualad grit his teeth. "We care for our own."

"Unlike some of us here," glowered Robin at Black Spider. He turned back to KF. "We know what we're doing."

The villains shrugged. "Survival of the fittest. Seems like Chesire isn't cut out for the business if she's gonna get caught that easily."

Robin growled. "Let's just get this over with!"

Black Spider crossed his arms. "Fine by me."

Slowly, Kid Flash hopped toward his friends as Doctor Selena Gonzales took slow steps to her would-be killers, her eyes down to the ground. "I'm sorry it had to come to this, Kid. I won't have you dead because of me."

After hearing that, it was more and more laborious with each hop.

"That's it nice and easy," gestured Ziggy.

They were grabbed and moved to the back when they reached their respective destinations.

Aqualad quickly ripped the gag off of Kid Flash. "Are you okay?"

Kid Flash fumed at the Atlantean. "Am I okay?! Am I okay?! Do you have any idea what you've done?!" He looked at Robin. "You signed her death warrant!"

Robin looked away. "This was for you. We did what we had to do."

"Listen to your friend," called out Hook. "You were lucky we had nothing to gain by killing you."

The doctor took a step into the darkness and closed her eyes. "Please. Just make it quick…"

Black Spider raised his gauntlet to her head. A single gunshot echoed through the facility. Red liquid splattered into the shadows and spilled from the wound as the woman fell face-forward to the ground.

"No!" Kid Flash struggled to charge at the killers, but Robin and Aqualad held him back. They cried out in horror. Both of them grit their teeth away from the scene. "How could you! All of you!" Tears escaped from his mask.

Black Spider dusted his hands. "Well, that concludes our contract." The trio started walking away. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Minutes passed before Kid Flash stopped struggling. When Robin and Aqualad let him go, he hobbled to the doctor's body and fell to his knees. "Why?!... Why?!"

"Are they gone yet?" whispered the corpse.

"Holy sh*t!" Kid Flash's instincts kicked in, and he ran away from the possible zombie.

Both Aqualand and Robin let out deep breaths that they held in for a while. Tension finally released from their muscles.

The body of the fallen doctor began to bubble and squirm. Within moments, it formed into a pile of mud before reforming into a round blob with green eyes and a mouth.

Kid Flash stared at the familiar hourglass symbol. "Ark!"

The blob smiled. "Yup!"

KF fell to his knees, somewhat numb. "What the hell just happened!"

Ark smirked. "To put it simply, we faked the doctor's death."

KF stared at everyone. "Wait. So, Doctor Gonzales is alive."

"Alive and stinky. We had to hide her in a dumpster several blocks over," answered Robin.

"What the f*ck!" Kid Flash started mock-punching the other teens. "You guys knew all along?!"

"Honestly, I wanted to sneak in and extract you, but Ark put up his suggestion."

"We had to sell it as if it was the real doctor, or else the ruse would be exposed."

Ark reverted to his human form. "For what it's worth, the Doctor offered to exchange. She couldn't handle knowing you gave your life for her. Still mad?"

Kid Flash lay on the ground and groaned. "No… Not anymore."

Robin nudged his friend back up. "Come on, let's check up on Cheshire."

With Kid Flash in tow, the four heroes returned to their bound capture. However, when they turned the corner, they found a pile of burt webbing.

Ark picked up a piece. "Looks like Cheshire found an alternative way out. They may be like steel cables at a certain thickness, but they are still webs at the end of the day."

Aqualad dug through the pile and found the remnants of a match. "She must have been relieved to remember having this."

Wally paled. "Is it possible she went to find the doctor?"

"Nah." Robin had pulled up his wrist computer, displaying an EKG reading. "I gave her a heart rate tracker to monitor if anyone else makes a surprise visit."

"Besides, I doubt she would waste time searching. She wouldn't have anywhere to start looking," argued Ark.

Suddenly, a low rumble shakes the ground beneath their feet. Thick plumes of smoke begin to billow from the lower floors. The building's structure groans under the intense heat and pressure.

Kid Flash started backing away. "We forgot about Ziggy's bombs..."

"Yup!" Robin shot a grapple to an adjacent building. "Run! Run! Run!"

"Get the Doctor!" yelled Kaldur.

A green flash and a blue blur ran ahead of them to a secluded dumpster.

With a deafening roar, the building's supports give way, and the entire structure begins to collapse. Glass shatters, steel bends, and concrete cracks as the once proud skyscraper crumbles into a chaotic heap of rubble—chunks of debris rain down onto the streets below. Dust and smoke fill the air.

Star Labs, Reception Room

July 10, 06:45 CDT

The mood is tense yet relieved after a successful mission. Flash shook his head in amusem*nt. "That is the most reckless plan I've heard."

Robin, Kid Flash, and Aqualad sat around, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and nervousness. "But it worked."

Flash crossed his arms. "For what it's worth, great work out there, everyone. Plan A failed, and you were put through some tough odds. Your priority was to save Doctor, and you did just that."

Robin chuckled. "Yeah, but it wasn't easy. We were expecting two, maybe three assassins, but four came. It was no joke."

Barry glared at his nephew again. "Still can't believe you fell for the human glue trap."

The redhead threw his hands up in exasperation. "He was a demolitions expert. How was I supposed to know he went to improv classes."

"Fair. But still, you should have known how to get out of those after seeing all the times I had to deal with them."

Wally still couldn't phase through objects yet. "I'm working on it!"

"We'll also be working on your hostage negotiation skills."

Ark chimed in. "If I ever get an afternoon with you guys, we can talk training and stuff."

Barry nodded. "Thank you. Perhaps a different perspective will help."

"It's still f*cked up that you made me think we got the doctor shot dead," grumbled Wally.

"We had to make it look convincing," argued Robin. "You already know about the acting training Bats gives. This is just me using it in action."

"It is unfortunate that we had to resort to faking Doctor Gonzales' death to throw off the assassins. It was a risky move, but it still had the least risk thanks to Ark volunteering." Aqualad rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't have the same experience. I was trying my best to hide my rather novice expressions."

Robin sweatdropped. "The lab building was destroyed, but at least we're all alive."

Barr rolled his eyes. Maybe he should start taking improv classes with James as a civilian. It might give him hints on possible relapse. "On another note, I'm surprised you were willing to play out the fake death. Last year, I proposed the same idea to Martian Manhunter before Batman shot it down. Come on. The man is bulletproof. he would have been fine."

Robin raised a brow. "Batman has used that tactic before."

"In fairness, the one taking thekilling blowis proposing the idea in the first place," answered Aqualad.

Ark waved a hand in the air. "Sometimes, a hero's gotta trick a villain in the long term."

Robin raised a brow. "How many times have you faked someone's death?"

Ark sighed. "More than I would like there to be. Thankfully, they're all under witness protection."

"Which I'll be accepting gladly," interrupted Doctor Gonzales. "Considering my building is gone, it's possible that not even the backup servers survived." She shuddered. "I don't want to imagine more assassins in my home, trying to find my records."

Flash walked over and patted her gently on the shoulder. "Don't worry. The League is officially on the case. We'll send people to secure your belongings and start processing your new residence." He turned back to the teens. "In the meantime, you guys should head home. You're lucky today isn't a school day."

Ark said goodbye to the heroes and Doctor Gonzales as the teens chuckled. 'Now, what am I gonna tell Harley to explain why I was gone all night?'


Omnitrix DNA Entry:



Home World:Unknown

Powers and Abilities:

Lenopans can take on different shapes and features, such as skin and hair. Current records describe Lenopans as some of the galaxy's toughest, nastiest, meanest beings. Lenopans can stretch, morph, and shapeshift their bodies in any way, shape, or form at will. By changing their color and texture, they can mimic flesh and fabric. Lenopans can detach their body parts and stick them back on, reattaching them. If they are disembodied, their pieces will instinctively come together again and reconstitute them. Lenopans can shapeshift their body parts and sometimes themselves into other objects, including melee weapons. Using their sludge, they can look like another shape made of purple sludge while they can still move in liquid form. Lenopans can shapeshift into non-existent or imaginary species, complete with unique abilities. Lenopans' liquid bodies can be gelatinous, akin to a large muscle mass, which allows tangibility and the ability to be mobile. Lenopans can generate slime and shoot masses of it like adhesive projectiles. A Lenopan's normal slimy form is dense and adhesive enough to trap other creatures in themselves. This form also gives them the capability to go underground infinitely.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, and Seana!

Chapter 20: Into the Void


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Star City

July 17, 23:16 PDT

Two people were unloading a truck under the cover of the night. As they removed the first crate, an arrow landed between them. The red arrow blinked bright red before releasing smoke, causing the two to stumble and drop the load. The container smashed open, revealing a high-tech gun and sliding to the feet of a large African-American male with a muscular frame and red skin, Brick. He had a short white goatee and wore his hair in cornrows.

With an aimed kick, the gun shot up and landed in the large man's hand. Brick aimed, the barrel illuminating three red streaks. Following the arrow's trajectory, he aimed at the crane above, zeroing in on the interloper.

It was revealed to be a familiar redheaded teen in yellow and red, Speedy.

"You again!" Brick yelled. "I'm starting to get insulted that Green Arrow's not messing up my operation personally." With a smirk, he pulled the trigger.

The red archer dove to the right, grabbing the crane's support beams, barely staying ahead of the shots. As Speedy dropped down to the next level, the shots followed.

As Speedy sprinted along a walkway, he flipped as he nocked an arrow and released it. The arrow shot it right down the gun's barrel, causing it to explode in Brick's hand. While the blast left him physically unharmed, it tore through his suit.

"Do you know what I pay for a suit in my size?!" he yelled, angrier than before. "Scorch the Earth, boys," he ordered.

Four henchmen raised their guns on the side, but a yellow blur came through, leaving two of them disarmed. The other two turned toward the blur, only for their guns to be knocked out of their hands by Birderangs. With a happy cackle, Robin swung over them and out of sight.

In his place, Aqualad dropped down with his Water-Bearers, turning them into whips. Both hit the smugglers in full force, knocking them into a truck and to the ground unconscious.

Brick gripped the ground and lifted a chunk of concrete, throwing it at Speedy.

The running archer ducked under the attack with an already-nocked arrow. He stopped, bracing his foot on one of the shipping containers, and launched an arrow that exploded as it hit Brick's massive shoulder.

However, it didn't stop the metahuman from throwing another piece of concrete at Speedy.

As Speedy jumped out of the way, Aqualad intercepted it with a mace and sword, chopping the concrete in two.

This gave Speedy the opening shot Brick with a smoke arrow.

Speedy walked to the slightly out-of-breath Aqualad, who retracted his water-bearers. "The cave is perfect. It has everything the team will need," the Atlantean told the older hero.

Robin dropped down behind Speedy. "For covert missions. You know, spy stuff."

Kid Flash ran up the crates and landed just shy of the edge. "And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian," he said excitedly. "But I saw her first."

Brick emerged from the smoke below and threw another piece of concrete at the four conversing teenagers.

Speedy, Robin, and Kid Flash all dove out of the way while Aqualad stood in place and smashed it with twin maces.

Speedy shot two arrows that stuck to Brick's chest and released three spurts of flame, knocking him back.

On one knee, the villain just chuckled. "Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job."

Speedy aimed another arrow.

Brick stood tall, his arms out wide. "Go ahead."

Speedy ground his teeth as he shot another arrow. It landed on the man's chest, and for a moment, nothing happened. Then red foam spread from the capsule and hardened, trapping Brick.

Kid Flash stopped and crouched next to Speedy. "High-density polyurethane foam. Nice."

Ignoring him, Speedy turned to walk away.

Robin and Aqualad stook ahead of him. "So, Speedy, you in?"

The archer stopped to give them the answer, "Pass. I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do."

Wally frowned. "Seriously, dude, I was willing to tolerate it back at the hall since you needed to cool down. Now, what's with the attitude?"

Robin deadpanned. "You're 18." He gestured to KF and Aqualad. "Barely two years older than them. You're not even allowed to drink."

Speedy narrowed his eyes. "That's beside the point. I don't need a babysitter or a clubhouse to hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke."

Robin gaped at that. "Wow... Just. Wow..."

Wally crossed his arms with a scowl. "Dude..."

Robin walked a few steps away and glared at Speedy. "All four of us agreed to enter the hero's life. We get shot at and face death daily. You started when you were 15. Kid Flash debuted at 14."

Aqualad frowned at Speedy. "I started my mandatory military service at age 12."

Robin's expression went slack. "You think you're so mature to distance yourself from the League, but I know you haven't graduated college yet. I was younger than ten years old when I started. You think I don't notice the looks people give me: heroes, villains, and civilians."

Speedy seemed to regret his words for a moment. "No. I didn't mean-"

"Then what did you mean?" asked Aqualad.

Robin continued. "They disapprove of me. They think I'm weaker than everyone else. Heroes like Wonder Woman look at me with pity at times. She might think Batman is pushing me into this life, but he's not."

"Then you should know how I'm feeling," argued the archer. "They are treating us like we're kids. It's something to keep you busy and in your place."

"We've only been in the hero business for a few years compared to them," added Kid Flash. "Superboy and Miss M are getting started, too."

Aqualad stopped leaning against the crate. "I may have given my life for my king, but working with others on the surface world is still new." Aqualad sighed. "Considering what happened on our previous rescue mission, perhaps they were right."

Both Robin and Wally went downcast at their assisted victory. Doctor Gonzalez may not have made it out alive had they only gone with the three of them. They were lucky that Ark overheard them and joined.

Speedy raised a brow at the change but didn't push.

"Did it hurt that they hid a base in space from us? Yeah, a bit." Wally sighed. "But I can at least understand what they were trying to do. Do I like it? No, but they are giving us a chance to prove ourselves now."

Speedy growled. "Maybe, but I don't want any part of it."

Robin scoffed. "I thought we were friends. But, you know what?" The Boy Wonder turned around and started walking off. "You do you, Speedy. I'm going home. Join us or don't. I don't care at this point."

Kaldur and Kid Flash looked back at Speedy and saw him walking away. The two sighed. So much for getting the gang back together.

Smallville, Kansas

July 18, 10:3 PDT

Clark Kent stepped out of his car, inhaling Smallville's familiar air. The sun had just begun to set, casting a golden hue over the sprawling fields surrounding the Kent farm. He smiled as he saw the old house, unchanged and comforting, a beacon of stability in his ever-complicated life.

As he approached the porch, the screen door swung open, and Martha Kent stepped out, her face lighting up with a radiant smile.

"Clark! You're home!" she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around him warmly. "I wasn't expecting you today."

"I know, Mom," Clark said, returning the hug. "I wanted to surprise you and Dad."

"Well, you certainly did. Come inside. Dinner's almost ready," she said, leading him into the cozy kitchen where the aroma of a home-cooked meal filled the air.

Jonathan Kent looked up from his newspaper as Clark entered. "Clark, it's good to see you, son," he said, standing up to give his son a hearty handshake and a pat on the back.

"It's good to be home, Dad," Clark replied, sitting at the kitchen table.

Martha busied herself, setting another place at the table. "So, what's the occasion? It's not every day we get a surprise visit from our big city reporter."

Clark took a deep breath, knowing the conversation that was about to unfold would be anything but ordinary. "I have some news," he began, his tone serious but laced with a hint of excitement.

Martha and Jonathan exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued.

"I have a new family member," Clark continued, pausing to gauge their reactions.

Martha's eyes widened, and she clasped her hands together. "Clark, you mean... you had a child?" she asked, her voice trembling with surprise and joy.

Jonathan's face broke into a wide grin. "Well, why didn't you tell us sooner? This is wonderful news!"

Clark held up his hands to calm their excitement. "Not exactly," he said. "It's a bit more complicated than that. I didn't have a child... I was cloned."

The room fell silent, the words hanging in the air. Martha and Jonathan looked at each other, then back at Clark, their expressions a mix of confusion and concern.

"Cloned?" Jonathan repeated, his brow furrowing. "What do you mean, son?"

Clark nodded, trying to find the right words. "Earlier this month, I discovered that a group had somehow managed to create a clone of me. He actually hasn't been named yet. He's always been referred to as Superboy, to be my replacement, and he's sixteen years old."

Martha put a hand to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock. "Oh my... sixteen? Clark, this is... I don't even know what to say."

Jonathan shook his head, trying to wrap his mind around the concept. "So, this Superboy... he's like your twin brother, but younger?"

"Exactly," Clark said. "I've been struggling with how to think of him. He's technically me, but he's also his own person. He needs guidance, and... he needs a family. Should I consider him a younger twin brother? Or... should I think of him more like a son?"

Martha walked over to Clark, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Clark, whatever you decide, treating him with love and care is the most important thing. Whether you see him as a brother or a son, he's a part of you. He'll need your support to find his place in the world."

Jonathan nodded in agreement. "Your mom's right. It doesn't matter what title you give him. What matters is that you're there for him, helping him grow and understand who he is. And, of course, he's welcome here anytime."

Clark smiled, feeling a sense of relief and clarity wash over him. "Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad. I knew coming home would help. "

Martha pulled him into another hug. "Always, Clark. No matter what happens, this will always be your home."

Jonathan clapped him on the back. "Now, let's eat. We've got a lot to discuss, and it sounds like we've got a new family member to welcome soon."

Clark felt a weight lift off his shoulders as he joined his parents at the table, grateful for their unwavering support and wisdom. At that moment, he knew that no matter how complicated life got, he would never face it alone. Clark rubbed the back of his neck. "The League and I talked about it, and they suggested to have the Superboy settle into his new life before we start introducing him into our personal lives. He's been psychically learning and possibly programmed since he wasborn. It'll probably be a year or so."


On the vibrant emerald world of Oa, the heart of the Green Lantern Corps, Salaak stood in the Central Command, his four arms working in synchronized precision over various holographic screens. The glow of the data streams illuminated his stern features, reflecting his deep concentration.

Kilowog, the massive Bolovaxian drill instructor, lumbered into the command center, his heavy footsteps echoing through the chamber. "Salaak," he grumbled, his voice a deep rumble that carried a mix of concern and frustration. "You seen Ch'p lately? The little guy's been AWOL for a week. He ain't answering his calls, and he still hasn't submitted his reports."

Salaak paused, his primary eyes meeting Kilowog's. "I've noticed his absence as well," he admitted, his tone clipped and efficient. "I was just about to initiate another contact attempt."

With a swift motion, Salaak manipulated one of the holographic screens to open a communication channel to Ch'p. "Green Lantern Ch'p, respond," Salaak commanded, his voice carrying an edge of urgency. The screen flickered, static crackling ominously. They caught a brief glimpse of Ch'p's worried face before the connection abruptly dropped.

Kilowog clenched his fists, his concern evident. "That ain't good. What's going on with him?"

Salaak's secondary arms continued to navigate through the data streams. "The signal is weak, but I could pinpoint a general location before it cut out. He's in Sector 1014."

Kilowog nodded, his expression determined. "Alright, who's the nearest Lantern we can send?"

Salaak's fingers danced across the console, bringing up the status of nearby Lanterns. "Hal Jordan just completed his latest assignment and is currently on standby. He is the closest available Lantern."

"Good ol' poozer Jordan," Kilowog muttered with a hint of a smile. "He can handle it."

Salaak initiated the communication link to Hal Jordan. Within moments, Hal's image appeared on the central screen, his trademark confident smile in place. "Salaak, Kilowog, what's the mission?"

"Hal," Salaak began, his tone as direct as always, "we've lost contact with Ch'p. He's been unresponsive for a week, and our latest attempt to reach him ended in a dropped connection. His last known location is Sector 1014."

Hal's smile faded, replaced by a look of concern. "Ch'p's a tough little guy, but if he's in trouble, we must act fast. I'll head there immediately and find out what's going on."

"Be careful, Jordan," Kilowog rumbled. "Something ain't right, and we don't know what we're dealing with yet."

Hal nodded. "I'll keep you updated. Jordan out."

As Hal's image disappeared from the screen, Salaak returned to Kilowog. "I have faith in Jordan's abilities, but we should prepare for the possibility of a larger threat. These new planets had to come from somewhere."

Kilowog grunted in agreement. "We'll be ready. Ch'p's one of us. We won't let him down."

The two Green Lanterns returned to their duties, focusing on their missing comrade and the cosmic mystery.


Sector 1014

Hal Jordan soared through the inky void of space, his emerald aura casting a bright green glow around him. His ring had picked up an anomalous energy signal from a newly appeared planet in Sector 1014, and it just so happened to coincide with a distress signal from fellow Green Lantern, Ch'p.

"Ring, a status report on Ch'p's location," Hal commanded, adjusting his trajectory toward the mysterious planet now looming large ahead.

In its usual mechanical tone, the ring responded, "Green Lantern Ch'p's signal emanates from the planet's surface directly below."

Hal descended into the atmosphere, the sudden transition revealing a vibrant world covered in dense forests and sparkling rivers. The air was filled with rustling leaves and chirping birds, creating a serene, almost deceptive tranquility.

Following the signal, Hal maneuvered through the thick canopy, his eyes scanning the ground below. Finally, he spotted Ch'p, the diminutive alien squirrel Green Lantern, caught in a bizarre predicament. Ch'p was stuck in a large tree, entangled in its branches. Below him, a group of dogs—each one dressed in uniforms that oddly resembled medieval garb, barking orders up at him in a gruff, articulate manner.

Why couldn't Ch'p just fly away? Unfortunately, the ring cannot be used without sufficient willpower. If the user is overcome by fear, they cannot use the ring. In this case, a primal fear was overtaking Ch'p.

"Hang tight, Ch'p!" Hal called out, landing gracefully near the base of the tree. He turned to the barking dogs, who immediately shifted their attention to him, their eyes narrowing with suspicion and hostility.

One of the dogs, a large mastiff with a scar across his snout, stepped forward. "Who goes there?" he demanded, his deep voice resonating with authority.

"I'm Hal Jordan, Green Lantern of Sector 2814," Hal announced, raising his ring-bearing fist non-threateningly. "I'm here to help my friend."

The mastiff growled lowly but did not advance. "This squirrel is a spy!" he barked. "He was caught snooping around our territory."

Ch'p, still struggling against the branches, shouted, "I told you, I'm not a spy! I'm a Green Lantern, just like Hal!"

"We don't even know what that is!"

Hal glanced up at Ch'p and then back at the mastiff. "Look, there's been a misunderstanding. Ch'p is a member of the Green Lantern Corps. We protect the universe. We don't spy on it."

The mastiff's eyes narrowed further. "How do we know you're telling the truth?"

Hal sighed, then let his ring project a holographic image of the Green Lantern symbol and a few of the Guardians in the air. "I work for these guys. I'm not sure what else to show without actually taking you off the planet."

The dogs murmured amongst themselves, visibly unsure but less hostile.

"Let me get my friend down from there," Hal said calmly. "And then we can talk."

The mastiff hesitated, then gave a curt nod. "Very well. But if this is a trick, there will be consequences."

Hal didn't wait for a second invitation. He flew up to the branches where Ch'p was stuck, using his ring to disentangle his small friend gently. Ch'p let out a sigh of relief as he was freed.

"Thanks, Hal. I thought I'd be stuck there forever," Ch'p said, his tail flicking nervously.

"No problem, buddy," Hal replied, guiding Ch'p back to the ground. He turned to the mastiff. "Now, can someone explain what's going on here?"

The mastiff, still cautious, lowered his head slightly. "This planet is our home, and we found your friend wandering around. We assumed the worst."

Hal nodded, understanding. He couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. A planet appearing out of nowhere, talking dogs in medieval uniforms—something strange was afoot.


Hal Jordan and Ch'p walked through the dense forest, flanked by the barking, uniformed dogs who had grudgingly accepted Hal's presence. The dogs led them along a winding path that eventually opened into a sprawling, sunlit meadow. The sight that greeted them was unlike anything Hal had ever seen.

"Welcome to Corginia," the mastiff announced in his gruff voice, filled with pride and suspicion.

The meadow was filled with dogs of various breeds, all engaged in activities that seemed tailor-made for canine comfort. Near the meadow's center, a series of gleaming food and water dispensers stood. Each time a dog approached, the dispensers refilled themselves automatically, providing a constant supply of nourishment.

"Are those dispensers... automatic?" Hal asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes," the mastiff replied. "They've been here since the beginning of our history. We don't know how they work, but they keep us fed and hydrated."

As they continued their journey deeper into Corginia, Hal noticed more peculiarities. Sunbeams scattered across the area seemed strategically placed, each perfectly positioned for sunbathing dogs. Several dogs lay sprawled out in the warm rays, their expressions blissful.

"Those sunbeams—they don't look natural," Ch'p commented, his keen eyes observing the precise placement.

"They're not," the mastiff confirmed. "They move throughout the day, always finding the perfect spot. We didn't question it. We just enjoy it."

Hal and Ch'p exchanged a glance, both realizing the strangeness of the situation. As they moved further, they passed a line of peculiar machines. Each one had a large, padded arm that gently rotated and moved. A happy golden retriever lay under one, receiving a thorough belly rub, its tail wagging furiously.

"Belly-rub machines?" Hal couldn't help but chuckle. "This place is something else."

The mastiff's stern expression softened slightly. "It's a paradise for us, but it's also why we were so suspicious of your friend. We didn't want anything to disrupt our home."

They finally reached the heart of Corginia, where a grand, tree-lined avenue led to a large pavilion. The pavilion was made of intricately woven branches and leaves, creating a natural yet majestic structure.

"Here is where our council meets," the mastiff explained. "We can discuss what brought you here and how we can assist each other."

Hal felt a mix of wonder and unease as they entered the pavilion. The comforts and peculiarities of Corginia were too perfect, too convenient. He knew that whatever had brought this planet here and provided these amenities had to be investigated.

In the grand pavilion of Corginia, Hal Jordan and Ch'p were ushered into the presence of the esteemed leader, King Atticus. The pavilion's interior was adorned with lush greenery and vibrant flowers, giving it an almost regal air. At the far end, atop a raised platform adorned with soft cushions and shimmering leaves, sat King Atticus, a Cardigan Welsh Corgi with an air of dignity and authority.

Beside him stood his trusted advisor, Irwin, a golden retriever with a calm and wise demeanor. Around them, a group of corgis— Cardigans and Pembrokes—sat attentively, their eyes fixed on the newcomers.

King Atticus rose to greet them, his short legs carrying him with surprising grace. "Welcome, Green Lanterns," he said, his voice both commanding and warm. "I am King Atticus, the one who united the Cardigans and Pembrokes into the kingdom of Corginia."

Hal inclined his head respectfully. "Thank you, King Atticus. I'm Hal Jordan, and this is Ch'p. We come on behalf of the Green Lantern Corps."

Hal glanced at Ch'p, who nodded in agreement. "We need to understand more about your kingdom."

King Atticus gestured for them to sit. As they did, he began to explain. "Our kingdom consists of 399 corgis—both Cardigans and Pembrokes—and Irwin, our loyal advisor."

After giving the two a brief history of their people, King Atticus led Hal Jordan and Ch'p through the winding paths of Corginia toward a secluded grove at the kingdom's edge. The grove was lush and tranquil, filled with the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft hum of nature. In the center stood an ancient, weathered temple, its stone walls entwined with vines and flowers.

"This is our temple," Atticus said, his voice reverent. "It is a sacred place for all corgis, where we seek guidance and solace."

The entrance to the temple was framed by ornate carvings depicting scenes of unity and harmony. Hal and Ch'p were greeted by the cool, serene atmosphere of the temple's interior as they stepped inside. The walls were adorned with murals of corgis in various states of worship, their expressions serene and peaceful.

At the far end of the temple stood a grand statue carved from a single piece of dark stone. The statue depicted three mask-like entities, each distinct yet harmonious in their arrangement. The first mask had soft, delicate features, radiating an aura of warmth and kindness. The second was fierce, with sharp lines and an expression of intense emotion. The third mask was neutral, its features calm and balanced, exuding an air of wisdom.

King Atticus approached the statue, with Hal and Ch'p following closely behind. "This statue represents our trinity of deities," Atticus explained. "They are the guiding forces in our lives."

He pointed to the first mask. "This is Serena, the goddess of love and compassion. She teaches us to care for one another and to nurture our bonds."

Hal nodded, his gaze shifting to the second mask. "And this fierce one?"

"That is Bellicus," Atticus replied. "The god of rage and aggression. He embodies the passion and strength we need to protect ourselves and our loved ones. While his aspect may seem harsh, he is necessary in our world."

Ch'p's eyes moved to the third mask.

"And the last one?" asked Hal.

Atticus's expression grew thoughtful. "The last is the god of reason. This deity remains unnamed, representing the balance and wisdom that guides us. It is through reason that we find harmony between love and rage."

Hal stepped closer, examining the statue. "So, these gods represent different facets of your lives, balancing each other out."

"Exactly," Atticus affirmed. "We seek to embody their qualities daily, striving for a balance that allows us to live peacefully yet remain strong."

Ch'p looked up at the statue, his small frame dwarfed by its grandeur.

Atticus smiled warmly. "We have united as one kingdom through our faith and understanding of these forces."

Hal raised a brow. Could thesegodshave anything to do with the sudden appearance of the planet, among others?


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Chapter 21: The Follow-Up


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 21: The Follow-Up

Central City

Mr. Smoothy

July 12, 08:45 EDT

Ben was busy behind the counter, wearing a green apron. Alongside him, Harley sported a red-and-black themed apron that matched her usual color scheme. The store was bustling, with customers eagerly waiting for their drinks.

Ben was mixing a smoothie when he called out, "Okay, Harley, the next order is a Tropical Tornado with an extra shot of protein. Can you grab the protein powder?"

Harley, more cheerful after a well-deserved vacation, nodded. "Sure thing, Benji-boy!" She opened a nearby cabinet and playfully tossed the protein powder.

As Ben added the protein, an impatient customer said, "Excuse me, I ordered a Strawberry Slam 10 minutes ago!"

Ben smiled apologetically and said, "Sorry about the wait, ma'am. Coming right up!" After completing another order, he started blending the Strawberry Slam.

Harley sighed. "Relax, hun. It's the morning rush. You aren't the only one." The customer rolled their eyes and asked them to hurry.

The next customer approached nervously and ordered a Green Machine with a double shot of wheatgrass.

Harley enthusiastically started tossing ingredients into the blender, saying, "One Green Machine comin' right up!"

Turning to Ben, she continued their earlier conversation. "As I suggested, I have some new flavors on the menu. Have you given any thought to Hot Sauce Havoc? It's got a kick like a hyena on caffeine."

Ben chuckled and replied, "It can work, but I'll probably reserve that for a morning-after hangover drink. My grandpa had something like that for himself."

Harley grinned and handed the Green Machine to the nervous customer, who quickly walked away after thanking her.

Ben finished the Strawberry Slam and handed it to the impatient customer, who finally softened after taking a sip and said, "This is good."

Ben smiled, "Glad you like it!"

Harley leaned on the counter. "Let me whip up something wild for us. We could use the energy boost."

Ben grinned. "Maybe later, since we still have the breakfast line to get through."

Harley pouted playfully, then turned to the next customer with a big smile, "Hey there, whatcha havin'?"

The excited customer ordered a Banana Blast with extra peanut butter.

Harley smiled, "Now that's what I'm talkin' about! Extra peanut butter, comin' right up!" She started picking up bananas by juggling them toward the blender. "Hey, you think this banana's ripe enough to become a boomerang?"

Ben rolled his eyes in amusem*nt. "Careful, the last time you threw fruit around, you had to clean the ceiling."

As Ben and Harley continued working, their contrasting personalities created a lively and entertaining atmosphere, much to the delight of the casual customers.

Central City

July 13, 13:12 EDT

Wildvine swung from one building to another, his vine-like limbs propelling him through the air. Below, the Flash zipped through Central City at lightning speed, a red blur against the cityscape. Heat Wave and Captain Boomerang were robbing an armored treasury convoy downtown.

"Looks like they're up ahead, Ark!" Barry Allen shouted, his voice carrying over the wind.

Wildvine extended a vine to catch a streetlamp, flipping to the ground. "It's Wildvine. Let's cut these guys down a peg," Wildvine quipped, his leafy form rustling.

Brandishing his flamethrower, Heat Wave turned to face the heroes, duffle bags over his shoulders. "Flash and some kind of plant? This should be easy."

Wildvine grinned at the handicap. "That's the challenge."

Captain Boomerang tossed his duffles into a car trunk, twirling a deadly boomerang in his hand. He sneered. "Let's see how fast you can dodge, Flash."

The Flash wasted no time, sprinting towards Heat Wave. In a blur of red, Barry dodged a stream of fire, then circled back to land a punch. But Heat Wave was prepared, unleashing a wall of flame that forced Barry to retreat.

Wildvine's eyes narrowed. "I'll take care of the firebug."

Heat Wave aimed his flamethrower at the green hero. "Come here, you walking weed." He squeezed the trigger, sending a jet of fire toward Wildvine.

Wildvine reacted swiftly, his vine-like limbs wrapping around a nearby lamppost. He swung himself out of the path of the flames, landing gracefully a few meters away. "You'll have to do better than that," he taunted.

With a flick of his wrist, Wildvine sent several vines snaking toward Heat Wave. They twisted and writhed through the air, aiming to disarm the villain. Heat Wave, however, was quick to counter, turning the flamethrower towards the approaching vines and incinerating them.

Undeterred, Wildvine sprouted new vines, these thicker and more resilient. He charged forward, using the momentum to launch himself at Heat Wave. He dodged another blast of fire, rolling to the side and coming up in a crouch, his eyes locked on his opponent.

"You're persistent. I'll give you that," Heat Wave growled, frustration creeping into his voice. He adjusted the setting on his flamethrower, and the flames intensified.

He launched his vines towards Heat Wave, wrapping them around the flamethrower. With a powerful yank, he disarmed the villain, the flamethrower clattering to the ground.

Wildvine seized the moment. He shot a cluster of seeds from his palm, each landing at Heat Wave's feet and instantly sprouting into thick, entangling roots.

Heat Wave cursed as he found himself suddenly immobilized, the roots tightening around his legs. Heat Wave struggled against the roots, managing to free one arm. He reached for a hidden weapon, but Wildvine was faster.

He closed the distance between them with a powerful leap, delivering a swift, vine-encased punch to Heat Wave's jaw.

The villain staggered, his eyes wide with shock.

"You're finished," Wildvine declared, tightening the roots around Heat Wave's body until he could barely move. The fire-wielding villain slumped in defeat. His resistance snuffed out like a candle.

Ben lifted Heat Wave off the ground using his vines and slammed him into a nearby wall. "Stay put, hothead."


Captain Boomerang grinned as he twirled a deadly boomerang between his fingers. "You're too slow, Flash!" Captain Boomerang taunted, launching the weapon with a flick of his wrist. The boomerang arced through the air, slicing towards the scarlet speedster with lethal precision.

Barry Allen smirked under his mask, watching the trajectory of the boomerang. In a split second, he dashed to the side, the projectile missing him by mere inches. But he knew Captain Boomerang too well to think it was over. The boomerang doubled back, aiming for his back.

Anticipating the move, Flash ran in a tight circle, generating a vortex of wind. The swirling air caught the boomerang, sending it spiraling off course.

Captain Boomerang gritted his teeth, pulling out another weapon. "Nice trick, Flash. Try dodging this!" He threw a boomerang that split into multiple smaller ones in mid-air.

Barry dodged and weaved through the swarm, but one nicked his arm, drawing blood. "You're starting to annoy me," he said, gritting his teeth.

"You never learn, do you, Digger?" Flash called out, his voice carrying over the sound of the whirling wind.

Captain Boomerang snarled, hurling a trio of boomerangs in rapid succession. Flash zigzagged through the air, dodging each one with millisecond precision. He quickly closed the distance between them, aiming a punch at Captain Boomerang's jaw.

But Boomerang was ready. He sidestepped at the last second, swinging his leg in a sweeping kick that caught Flash off guard. Barry stumbled, recovering his balance just in time to dodge another attack.

"You think you're so fast," Boomerang jeered, pulling out a specialized boomerang with a glowing, electrified edge. "Let's see you dodge this!" He flung it with all his strength, the electrified boomerang crackling through the air.

Flash felt the hair on the back of his neck stand up as the weapon approached. He moved, but the boomerang adjusted its course, tracking his movements. Realizing he couldn't outrun it, Barry changed tactics. He sped towards a nearby car, grabbing its metal hubcap in one fluid motion.

In the blink of an eye, he threw the hubcap like a frisbee, intercepting the boomerang mid-flight. The two projectiles collided, sparks flying as the electrified boomerang short-circuited and fell to the ground, inert.

Captain Boomerang's eyes widened in disbelief. "Impossible…"

Barry took the opportunity, charging forward and delivering a rapid series of punches, each landing with pinpoint accuracy. Captain Boomerang reeled, his defenses crumbling under the onslaught. With a final, powerful uppercut, Flash sent him sprawling to the ground, unconscious.

Using his speed, Barry tied Captain Boomerang with a heavy-duty cable.

"Looks like we make a good team," smirked Wildvine.

"Being fast doesn't mean I can do everything all at once." Barry smiled, his breathing steadying as he looked at their handiwork. "Not bad for a plant. Let's get these guys to Iron Heights before they cause more trouble."

Suddenly, Flash's communicator beeped, so he answered. "Yeah? I'm sorry. They fought a what? We'll be there." After hanging up, he turned to Wildvine. "Seems like the kids stumbled onto something troubling."

The alien raised a non-existent brow. "It couldn't be that bad. right?"

Central City

Harley's Room

July 13, 14:24 EDT

Pamela Isley, better known as Poison Ivy, reclined in her seat. The room had additions exotic plants, each thriving under her care. Ivy's fingers gently caressed the leaves of a nearby fern as she listened to the evening news, her eyes half-closed in contentment.

"...and in Central City today, the Flash, along with an unknown ally, successfully thwarted a robbery by Heat Wave and Captain Boomerang," the newscaster announced, drawing Ivy's attention. The screen displayed footage of the battle: a green, vine-covered figure swinging through the air, battling the villains alongside the Flash.

Ivy sat up, her interest piqued. "What?" she murmured, leaning closer to the screen. The camera zoomed in on Wildvine, showing him ensnaring Heat Wave with his vines.

"Amazing," the newscaster continued, "this mysterious hero, who appears to have control over plants, has yet to be identified. His abilities are similar to the infamous Poison Ivy of Gotham City."

Pamela's eyes widened in shock. "A living plant?" she whispered. Her mind raced with possibilities. She heard rumors of one living in the swamplands near the city, but she never took the time to confirm them. Was this Wildvine the rumored creature?

She watched Wildvine subdue the Heat Wave and help the Flash secure Captain Boomerang. This unknown hero's control over plant life was intriguing.

She felt an unexpected kinship. The appearance of another with similar powers was both thrilling and unsettling. As the news segment ended, Ivy glanced around her sanctuary. Perhaps they could learn from each other or join her environmental crusade.

Mount Justice

July 18, 18:16 EDT

After Mister Twister had been defeated, Flash and Red Tornado arrived to assess the situation, the former bringing Ark along. The teens gathered the android's remains and shipped them to the cave in the bioship.

It was then brought to a table, where Tornado dissected the Mister Twister armor and the android.

Wally blinked at the scene. "Well, this is disturbing."

Barry nodded with his nephew.

"It would seem that this armor was not only based on my design but also contained several methods of overriding another android's programming. Fortunately, youwere able to stop my would-be saboteur; the damage that I could have done would have been considerable," remarked Tornado.

"It wasclearly created to sabotage or destroy you." Kaldur told the Leaguer.

"Agreed." Red Tornado said, looking over the Android pieces and computer readouts.

After several moments of silence, M'gaansaid, "Is that why you wouldn't help us?" she asked.

"No,"He stated firmly and without remorse, "This was your battle. I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you. Nor should you solve mine for me." Red Tornado's tone was of cold logic.

In any case, having the level of trust to stop Twister alone was refreshing.

Barry held up a hand. "That's great and all, but why are you saying as if we won't help you with your evil cousin?"

Robin, Wally, and Superboyall paused.

"You'll be in danger…"M'gann objected.

"Consider this matter closed." Red Tornado turned to leave, dismissing themall with a stoic stare.

Flash facepalmed at his fellow league member.

Ark deadpanned. "Kinda defeats the purpose of being a League of Heroes, no?"


"I consider this a private matter," answered the android.

"I'm guessing this was made by the same guy who made you, no?"Ark asked.

"I guess if we're gonna have a babysitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need?" Dick pointed out.

"Dude! Harsh." Wally hissed but didn't object to it in any other way.

"And inaccurate," cut in Tornado

Both boys stopped dead.The others raised brows.

Red Tornado turned around again and tapped his right metallic pectoral. "I have a heart; it is composed of a carbon-steel alloy," he said, turning his head for just a second. I also have excellent hearing."

Kid Flash's eyes clenched closed, and he frowned, just opening one eye to look at the Boy Wonder. A silent "Help me!" gesture that he doesn't want Tornado to see.

Robin forced out a nervous chuckle and rubbed the back of his neck. "Right. I'll strive to be... more accurate."

Kaldur grabs Robin's shoulder and brings the Boy Wonder's attention to him. "And more respectful."

Going back to the console, Tornado ran a diagnostic. "I doubt I can retrieve any remaining information from its systems. The custom hardware needs to be replaced, and it is very damaged.

Megan laughed nervously. "Sorry..."

Tornado waved it off. "It is fine."

"Better broken than a danger," offered Flash.

Ark glanced at the disassembled armor, already calculating his next move. "Let me try something. I have just the guy for the job." Ark transformed into a diminutive, red-skinned alien with boundless energy in a flash of green light. "Jurryrig!" Jurryrig bounced on his heels, rubbing his hands with glee at seeing the mechanical carnage before him.

"Alright, let's see what we have here," Jurryrig said, high-pitched and rapid. He darted towards the largest piece of Mister Twister, eyes scanning the intricate machinery with laser focus.

Superboy, still skeptical, crossed his arms. "Can he fix this?"

Jurryrig shot him a quick look, grinning widely. "Just watch!"

He moved with lightning speed, his hands a blur as he reconnected wires, welded broken metal, and realigned circuits precisely. His fingers seemed to know exactly where everything belonged, driven by an instinctual understanding of technology.

As he worked, he muttered, " The Circuit board's fried. We need to bypass the auxiliary power and adjust the gyroscopic stabilizers. There we go!"

"FIX, FIX, FIX, FIX, FIX!" The rest of the team watched in amazement as, piece by piece, Mister Twister began to take shape once more. Sparks flew, and the hum of reactivating systems filled the air. Jurryrig reassembled the mainframe within minutes, leaving the android looking brand new and with interesting modifications.

Jurryrig stepped back, wiping his brow with exaggerated relief. "And... done! That should do it."

Red Tornado stepped forward, tapping a few commands into the console to interface with Mister Twister. The armor's eyes flickered to life, the systems booting up smoothly. "Almost everything is operational."

Jurryrig looked at everyone with a satisfied smile. "I know. Sadly, the external transmitter and receiver were fried. We won't be able to triangulate anything." He changed back to normal. "By the way, I call dibs on the first test run."

Barry grinned. "Woah!"

Aqualad placed a hand on Ark's shoulder. "Thank you, Ark. This will greatly help us find the creator."

Ark nodded, glancing at the now-functional Mister Twister. "Anytime. Let me know when you need a helping hand, claw, or whatever."

Kid Flash zipped over to Ark. "Dude, that was awesome! You fixed that bucket of bolts like it was nothing!"

Arkchuckled and nodded. "Jurryrig's pretty handy with tech. I'm glad I could help out." He crossed his arms. "For what it's worth, you guys did great out there."

Flash chuckled. "Yup, you guys handled Mister Twister pretty well," he said, his voice filled with pride and a hint of teasing. "Not bad at all."

Aqualad, standing with his teammates, smiled appreciatively. "Thank you, Flash. It was a team effort."

Robin stepped forward. "As much as I hate to admit it, we couldn't have done it without everyone."

Superboy, ever stoic, gave a rare nod of agreement. "Yeah."

Miss Martian floated down beside them, her eyes reflecting her admiration for her teammates. "There were some hurdles, but we managed to make it work."

Flash looked over the group. "No kidding. Mister Twister should have been as strong as Tornado, and you guys handled him."

Robin chuckled, "Nice to have the recognition."

Aqualad nodded in agreement. "Indeed."

"Alright, heroes," Flash said. "I've got to review the debriefing with the rest of the league. You guys go on and celebrate. You've earned it."

The teens shared a grin, but Superboy shook his head. "We only fought Twister," the clone said.

M'gann beamed at the praise.

Flash nodded at Superboy's words. "Maybe, but I'm sure Bats will send you on an official mission soon."


"Our team's first mission!"

"Speedy was so wrong," Wally said happily. "This Team thing…"

"Might just work out." Kaldur agreed.

The teens headed to the teleporters to head home—save for Superboy, who was staying at the cave for the conceivable future. Superboy stopped as he caught M'gann looking at him.He looked downbefore he looked back at her. "About before…" he said, not looking her in the eye, "I'm sorry." He turned and left.

M'gann ended the day with ahuge smile on her face.

Mount Justice

July 21, 10:05 EDT

Superboy stood in the main hall of Mount Justice, gazing at the holographic globe that displayed the world he was created to protect. He looked down at his hands. He was supposed to replace Superman if he ever turned. He had dreams of destroying Superman. Both didn't sit right.It didn't feel like himself. The soft hum of the base's equipment was a constant background noise.

Superboy then heard footsteps approaching. He turned his head, and his stomach sank. It was Superman.

"Superboy," Superman began, his voice gentle. I see that you're still awake. Is everything okay?"

Superboy decided it was best not to mention the dreams. "It's different from what I'm used to."

Superman rubbed the back of his neck. "The others told me you felt more comfortable resting in the tub."



"Did you need something?"

Clark's heart was heavy with the words he needed to say. "Yes. That's the real reason I came tonight. There's something I've meant to talk to you about."

Superboy, arms crossed defensively, nodded. "Yeah? What's that?"

Superman took a deep breath, searching for the right words. "When we first met, I didn't handle it well. I was... shocked. Finding out I had a clone—someone created without my knowledge or consent—was overwhelming."

Superboy's eyes softened, but he remained silent, allowing Superman to continue.

"I didn't take the time to understand what you were going through," Superman said, his tone full of regret. "From what the other kids said, you looked up to me."

Superboy looked away. "You could say that."

"I came off the wrong foot." Superman pinched the bridge of his nose. He was kind of an ass, brushing the boy off at the time. "It must have been incredibly confusing for you. I should have been more understanding."

Superboy's posture relaxed slightly, the tension easing from his shoulders. "It was confusing," he admitted quietly. "I didn't know who I was supposed to be or where I fit in. And I wanted your approval so badly."

This time, Superman's stomach dropped. He was so used to cheering up other kids around the globe, but he failed in this regard. Superman stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on Superboy's shoulder. "It's normal to feel that way. It took a few days to process, but you're like my younger brother. I've never had siblings before, so the feeling was new. What I do know is that I let you down. You needed help. Family shouldn't ignore you like that." Clark looked down in a bit of shame. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

Superboy felt the swirl of emotions in his gut. He was elated, of course, but there was still the lingering resentment from their first meeting. 'Still, he came... He's trying.' Superboy looked up, meeting Superman's earnest gaze. "You mean that?"

"I do," Superman affirmed, a small smile breaking through. "We're family, Superboy. And family looks out for each other. I want to be there for you, help you find your path, and understand who you are. Not just as Superboy, but as yourself."

Superboy composed himself as best he could and gestured to the mountain. "I appreciate you saying that, but I need time to think about all this."

Superman smiled softly. He slowly reached out and pulled him into a brief, heartfelt embrace. "Take all the time you need."

For the first time in a while, Superboy thought, 'Maybe things would turn out okay.'

Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: Wildvine

Species: Florauna

Home World: Flors Verdance

Powers and Abilities:

Florauna possess chlorokinesis, which allows them to telepathically interface with plant life. Florauna can alter parts of their bodies, growing and extending their arms, legs, and fingers into prehensile vine-like tendrils to grab and restrain others. They can also enlarge their flytraps to a size that can fit an entire person. Florauna can swing around with great agility and quickly tunnel underground. Florauna can grow black spore pods on their backs that contain a whole host of substances, allowing them to use the spore pods as explosives or smoke bombs. Their pods can also grow vines. Florauna also can tame Gracklflints using their spore. Florauna can regenerate their bodies if any part of it gets damaged. Florauna can grow sharp thorns on their bodies and launch them at their foes. Florauna are immune to the effects of a flame retardant. If they exert enough willpower, Florauna may be immune to a Vladat's Corrupturas. Florauna can trap people by closing their flytraps. Florauna can communicate with sentient plants, make whips by extruding tendrils out of the palms of their hands, and fuse themselves to any terrestrial plant, such as Earth trees.

Name: Juryrigg

Species: Planchaküle

Home World: Aul-Turrhen

Powers and Abilities:

Planchaküle have the ability to completely disassemble any kind of machinery in mere seconds, fitting to their Gremlin appearance. In contrast, they can also construct complex machinery from scratch at a similar rate. Despite their small size, they have enhanced strength and durability compared to humans. As in accordance with his break it/fix it attributes, Juryrigg boasts an impressive intellect, describing himself as "smart and stubborn." The Planchaküle's small size makes him unsuitable for hand-to-hand combat against larger opponents, unless they happen to be machines, in which case, he can dismantle them in seconds. Planchaküles tend to have a habit of breaking and assembling machinery. Most of the devices Planchaküle creates are basically on-the-fly or 'jury-rigged.' They are not normally meant to last and will eventually fail. A Planchaküle's creations can also be unstable and hard to control.


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Chapter 22: War on Drugs


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Santa Prisca

June 19, 00:43 ECT

The alarms blared in a warehouse, with red bubbling fluid in every tank. The source of the alarm was a group of intruders, Bane, and two other men. They were surrounded by guards on the ground and guards on the catwalks co*cking their rifles.

"Nuestro Maestro sublime proclama que él saldrá de esta instalación... si... uno de ustedes derrota a su campeón en combate singular. [Our sublime Master proclaims he will depart this facility… if… one of you defeats his champion in single combat.]" A Kobra agent told the trapped trespassers

Bane pushes aside the foot soldiers that came with him, walking to the gated door with pride. A buzzer goes off, and Bane holds the door. "Solo que sea interesante. [Just make it interesting.]" Then he shoves the door open and walks in.

The soldier smirks as the door shuts behind Bane.

Inside, Bane sees that there are many more soldiers on the interlocking catwalks, all of them armed with rifles. A buzzer goes off, drawing the bodybuilder's attention to the door on the other side of the arena, where two people stand. Both are blonde brunettes with black pants, boots, and blue tank tops cut off to expose their stomachs. Only the male walks through, but he's thin, which gets Bane's attention, albeit with confusion.

Behind Bane, a black gauntlet with red tubes attached to a long clear tube falls to the floor. He picks it up, confused. "¿Me devuelto mi mayor arma? [You give me back my greatest weapon?] "Bane asks, confused. "¿Cuál es el truco? [What's the catch?]"

"Ningún truco. No sería una prueba de la destreza de su campeón si no estuviera en su mejor. [No catch. It would hardly be a test of his champion's prowess if you were not at your best.]" the soldier said.

Bane attached the gauntlet. "¿Quieres mi mejor? [You want my best?]" He activated the venom feed and connected it to the back of his head. His pupils dilated as he grunts the Venom flowing through his body. As it finished, he was panting and turning towards his opponent. "Lo conseguiste. [You got it.]" He cracked his neck.

His opponent hasn't moved, though the girl behind him steps up with a needle gun filled with a purple serum, which she injects into his shoulder. The effect was immediate; his eyes shrunk to pinpricks, and his hair stood nearly on end. He stumbled forward, his head held in his hands as he fell to his knees. His shoulder grew massively, ripping his shirt. Bane watches closer. The choker around his neck rips off as he grows fangs, and his body grows to match his arm's size. His skin turns green-grey with red slashes. The girl closes the door.

Panting, he got off his knees and roared at Bane. The downward punch is caught, and Bane slides a foot back but doesn't fall. Returning the feat with a solid uppercut to his opponent's jaw. The cross Bane throws to his chest does nothing, and he smirks at Bane.

Grabbing the back of his neck in his hand before uppercutting him in the stomach hard enough to knock the wind out of him. Then, following up with another uppercut and a cross to Bane's face, Bane is grabbed by his wrist and thrown into the wall before he can fully fall back. Landing on all fours and his head on his arm.

Leaving no room to react, Bane was hit again as he stood, denting the pipe behind him shut and increasing the pressure in the pipe exponentially. Steam enveloped the two as Bane was grabbed by the back of his neck again and thrown out of the steam. His opponent jumped after him, nailing Bane in the face hard enough to create a Bane-sized crater under him.

The strike's power caused some people to stop, even if they looked away.

Bane groaned, then fell unconscious.

"Hail Kobra." the soldier said. "Hail Kobra," he says louder.

All began to chant, "Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra. Hail Kobra." Above them, Kobra stood, arms crossed and pleased.

Outside the facility were even more Kobra followers guarding the entire island.

Gotham City

July 20, 01:15 EST

The Gotham City docks were an eerie tableau of fog. Cold, brackish water lapped against the piers, and the city's hum was far away. Shadows moved stealthily between stacks of cargo containers.

At the far end of the docks, a group of Russian Mafia members stood guard around a warehouse. Inside the dimly lit building, crates were stacked high.

The Triads had been watching for weeks, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Tonight, their plan would unfold.

A signal was given from the shadows. Like ghosts, Triad operatives emerged. They blended seamlessly with the night sky, their faces obscured by masks bearing dragon motifs. An enforcer, Wei Shen, led the charge.

Wei raised a hand, and the team split into two groups. The first group advanced silently towards the guards at the warehouse entrance, while the second moved to the rear, prepared to breach from multiple angles. With practiced efficiency, the Triads disabled the security cameras to go unseen.

The Russian guards remained oblivious until it was too late. Sudden strikes and muffled sounds marked the Triads' silent takedown of the first set of sentries. Wei signaled again, and the second group moved in, setting small charges on the warehouse's back door. Moments later, a controlled explosion opened the way, and the Triads poured inside.

The Russians inside reacted quickly, drawing their weapons and taking cover behind the crates of Venom. Gunfire erupted.

The Triads responded with bursts of automatic fire, and their numbers and surprise attack gave them an edge.

Wei Shen moved, his silenced pistol picking off targets. He ducked behind a crate, reloading before giving orders through a discreet earpiece. "Consolidate at the center," Wei commanded. "Secure the Venom. Leave no witnesses."

The battle intensified, the air thick with smoke and the acrid smell of gunpowder. A Russian enforcer, a hulking figure with a shaved head, lobbed a grenade toward the Triads' position. Wei saw it coming, shouting a warning as he dove for cover. The explosion rocked the warehouse, scattering debris and momentarily disorienting both sides.

Seizing the opportunity, Wei rallied his men. "Push forward! Now!"

The Triads surged ahead, their combined firepower overwhelming the remaining Russians. In minutes, the warehouse fell silent, save for the groans of the wounded and the crackle of small fires. Wei stood amidst the carnage, his eyes scanning the area for any sign of resistance. Satisfied, he motioned to his men to begin loading the crates of Venom onto waiting trucks.

A soft sound reached Wei's ears as they worked—a faint click from the shadows. He turned just in time to see a figure step into the light: Boris "The Bear" Ivanov, a towering figure known for his brutal strength. With a snarl, Boris pulled a vial of Venom from his jacket and injected it into his neck. His muscles bulged grotesquely, veins popping as the drug took effect.

Boris roared, his eyes glowing with an unnatural green hue. He charged forward, swatting Triad members aside like rag dolls. Wei's men opened fire, but the bullets seemed to have little effect on the enraged behemoth. Boris grabbed a Triad soldier, lifting him effortlessly and throwing him across the warehouse, the man's body smashing into a stack of crates.

Wei knew they had to stop Boris before he tore them all apart. "Focus fire on him!" he shouted, directing his men to concentrate their attacks.

Boris barreled through the hail of bullets, reaching Wei in seconds. He swung a massive fist, forcing Wei to dive out of the way. The punch connected with a steel crate, denting it deeply. Wei rolled to his feet, drawing his knife as he assessed the situation. He needed a plan and fast.

Li Mei, his trusted lieutenant, appeared beside him, her face grimly determined. "We need to take him down together," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos.

Wei nodded, signaling for the remaining Triads to distract Boris. As his men fired from multiple directions, Wei and Li Mei moved in tandem. They darted around Boris, slicing at his legs and arms, aiming for the tendons. Boris roared in fury, swinging wildly but unable to land a hit on the nimble attackers.

Finally, Li Mei managed to stab her blade deep into the back of Boris's knee. He stumbled, dropping to one leg. Wei seized the opportunity, leaping onto Boris's back and driving his knife into the base of his skull. Boris's roar became a gurgle as he collapsed, Venom's effects wearing off rapidly as his lifeblood pooled around him.

Panting, Wei stood and wiped his blade. "Is everyone okay?" he asked, looking around at his men.

Li Mei nodded, though her expression was somber. "We've lost a few, but we have the Venom. We need to move."

With the last Venom crates secured, the Triads quickly exited, melting back into the shadows from whence they came. As the trucks rumbled away, the warehouse was left in ruin.

The Triads had what they came for, but victories were always temporary in Gotham.

July 20, 09:20 EST

The warehouse was silent, the acrid scent of gunpowder and blood hanging heavy in the air. Broken crates and scattered debris lay strewn about, evidence of the altercation that had raged only hours before.

It was unfortunate, but Batman and Robin were unavailable. They were occupied with another gang-related incident on the other side of the city, which could be deduced to be a distraction from the crime scene in front of them.

Batman moved through the wreckage. His cowl's lenses scanned the scene. Names from the bodies are all registered under known Russian mob affiliates.

Bullet casings match weapons commonly associated with the Triads. While it could have been a false flag operation, he had doubts.

He paused near a shattered crate, its contents spilled across the floor. He knelt, examining the residue with a gloved finger. 'Venom.' Several broken crates showed the same issue of having stored vials of Venom.

His confidential informants around Gotham have mentioned rumors regarding the drug. Diluted doses of the performance enhancer were getting harder to come by. This was escalating.

Behind him, the flashing lights of Gotham PD illuminated the scene. Officers moved methodically, cordoning off the area and documenting evidence. Commissioner Jim Gordon, trench coat flapping in the breeze, stood with Detective Harvey Bullock, both men casting weary eyes over the scene.

As Batman moved deeper into the warehouse, following the trail, Gordon noticed him and approached.

"Batman," Gordon greeted, his voice gravelly but steady. "I figured you'd show up." Jim bent down and prodded at a body with a gloved hand. "Russian." He turned to Batman. "You found out what was stored here? Weapons? Drugs?"

Batman stood, his eyes narrowing behind the cowl. "Both." He gestured to a few broken vials in the room. "The perpetrators, I presume the Triads, were targeting the Venom stored here."

Bullock, who had been listening, grunted. "So what, another gang war? Just what we need. Why now?"

Batman's eyes hardened. "That's what I need to find out. There's more to this than a simple turf war."

"Chances are we will find a body with traces of the drug." As he spoke, Batman's lenses picked another profile of one of the bodies—Boris "The Bear" Ivanov. A hulking figure with telltale signs of Venom use. Batman examined Boris's body, noting the injection site on his neck.

"Must have been a final stand," guessed Jim.

Batman nodded. "My intel spoke of a supply chain break leading to this."

"Ain't that supposed to be good?" asked Bullock.

Batman shook his head. "It's more complicated than that. Supply and demand. Supply was limited, but the demand never changed. More and more metahumans criminals are appearing, and organized crime groups are trying to catch up. They are willing to fight over the remaining scraps to get the edge. This wasn't just a hit. It was a takeover."

Gordon and Bullock exchanged glances. "We need to step up our game," Gordon said. "If the Triads are moving in on the Russians' territory, we're looking at a potential escalation."

"So we must keep watch on further infighting until the supply completely dries out?" surmised Bullocks.

"Assuming a replacement doesn't appear, yes. However, this may not be the case. Government authorities haven't moved against Bane or Santa Prisca, the main source of Venom production. Something—or someone—is behind this."

Jim raised a brow. "Gonna have your friends in the League investigate?"

"Officially, we can't."

"And Unofficially?"

"I have an idea in mind." Perhaps his ward and their team would have their opportunity soon.

Gordon approached, a questioning look on his face. "What's our next move?"

"I'll follow the leads. You need to keep the pressure on the streets. If the Triads are consolidating power, they'll make mistakes. We need to be ready to capitalize on them."

Gordon nodded. "We'll do what we can. Just be careful out there. This city needs you."

"We'll do what we can. But be careful out there."

Bullock and Jim turned away to assist a CSI guy in removing a fallen crate on a body.

Batman gave a curt nod. "I'll be in touch."

Gordon opened his mouth to say something more, but as he turned to address Batman, he found only empty air. The Dark Knight had vanished, leaving nothing but a whisper of wind and the faint rustle of his cape in the distance.

Bullock shook his head, a bemused expression on his face. "How does he do that?"

Gordon chuckled softly. "That's Batman for you."

Bullock sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, let's get to work."

Mount Justice

July 22, 10:12 EDT

"Isla Santa Prisca," Batman said, showing the team the island map. They all stood watching, but Kid Flash was also eating chips. This island nation is the primary source of a dangerous and illegal neuro-steroid, a strength-enhancing drug sold under the street name Venom." The display changed to show shots of the warehouse. Infrared heat signatures indicate that their factory is operating at full capacity, but all shipments of Venom have inexplicably cut off. The League and I are working with local authorities to stamp down on control organized crime fighting over the scraps remaining in circulation."

"And since Santa Prisca isn't under the League's prevue," started Robin.

"That's where this team comes in. This is a covert recon mission only. Observe and report. If the Justice League needs to intervene, it will." Once again, the profile changed back to the island map. "The plan requires two drop zones." Said drop zones appeared on the map.

"So, who's in charge?" Robin asked, getting Batman and Red Tornado to whip around and face the Boy Wonder before exchanging glances.

"Work that out between you," Batman commanded. Robin nodded, a smile forming on his face.

The Watchtower

The Justice League sat around the circular table in their meeting room, each hero in their designated seat.

Superman, at the head of the table, opened the meeting with a serious tone. "The first order of business is the Mister Twister incident. Thanks to the efforts of our wards, the immediate threat has been neutralized. Ark's assistance repairing Mister Twister's armored suit has given us new leads."

"Star Labs is already analyzing the suit," Batman added, his voice a low growl.

Wonder Woman nodded. "They did well in stopping Mister Twister."

There was a murmur of agreement around the table. Flash grinned, his eyes sparkling with pride. "Kid and the others stepped up. It's good to see them holding their own."

Green Arrow, leaning back in his chair, crossed his arms. "What else do we know about the robot?"

"Their preliminary findings are promising. We might be able to trace the origin of Mister Twister's control signals," answered Batman.

Red Tornado, sitting stoically, finally spoke. "I insist on pursuing this investigation myself."

Black Canary frowned. "And why is that?"

"Mister Twister's attack was personal. I already have my suspicions of the culprit."

"You believe your former creator sent it against you, correct?" argued Batman.

Red Tornado looked away. "I do not deny that is a reasonable hypothesis."

Green Arrow rubbed his temples. "Daddy issues..."

Captain Atom leaned forward, his metallic skin glinting under the lights. "We understand your position, Tornado, but going after this alone is risky and inefficient."

Martian Manhunter added a note of caution. "While you may be the primary target, who knows who else may be roped into the conflict? They have already shown a willingness to harm the public to draw you out."

Superman turned to Red Tornado with compassion. "Based on the current leads, I can see how your expertise and experience can be invaluable. However, we're a League for a reason. Star Labs will keep us updated, and we'll act on their findings as a team."

Red Tornado's tone didn't change, but a subtle shift in his posture conveyed his internal conflict. "I understand your concerns. However, I must be directly involved in this investigation."

Wonder Woman reached out, placing a hand on Red Tornado's shoulder. "That can be arranged."

Black Canary brainstormed a possible session with Red Tornado to discuss his parental issues.

Captain Marvel, ever the optimist, chimed in with a smile. "This shouldn't be too hard."

There was a moment of silence as Red Tornado looked around the table, taking in the resolve and support of his teammates. Finally, he nodded. "Very well. We proceed together."

Superman smiled, relieved. "Good."

After a brief review of the data Star Labs has sent so far later, the Justice League meeting progressed smoothly, transitioning to the next agenda item.

Superman turned to the second point of discussion. "Our next order of business is to evaluate impressions of the newest addition to our reserve members: Ark."

At this, a holographic image of the hero Ark, in his various forms, appeared in the center of the table. Each transformation, distinct in appearance, rotated slowly for all to see.

Wonder Woman leaned forward, studying the images. "In my limited interactions with him, he seems sincere about his motivations. Regarding his combat effectiveness, we've observed him utilizing more than five different alien transformations. His versatility is impressive."

Batman added, "Each of his forms possesses unique abilities. Any limitations to the maximum number of transformations have not been determined." He refrained from voicing his concerns on the possible dangers of such an individual. Who knows if Ark could turn into a Kryptonian or a Martian? Batman turned to John Stewart. "Are you familiar with any of his alien transformations?"

The lantern shrugged. "I haven't met any of them personally in our sector of the universe. My ring wasn't any help either."

Captain Marvel raised a brow. "They aren't in your ring's system or whatever?"

John shook his head. "I found some species very similar to Ark's but nothing one-to-one. Granted, the universe is a big place. Not even the Guardians are omniscient." His thoughts drifted to the current Corps dilemma of new start systems appearing. If initial reports are to be believed, one was entirely made of metal covered with towering cities, metallic plains, spiraling metal mountains, and neon-lit chasms.

Wonder Woman turned to Flash. "What are your thoughts on Ark, considering you share the same city?"

Flash shrugged with a smile. "He's pretty cool. No issues so far. He's got a pretty casual attitude. He's cool to hang out with when you guys are busy."

Martian Manhunter raised a hand. "Have any of you looked into his claims during his interview?"

Green Arrow chimed in. "It's a mixed bag. Any records of Lake Monsters and... Santa Claus have hit a dead end. In hindsight, I shouldn't have been surprised."

Captain Marvel clapped. "The Santa at the Fawcett Mall last year was very convincing."

Suffice it to say, soul-stealing clowns and space mummies were also hard to confirm. They were also hesitant to ask the government about time travel experiments.

Arthur shook his head. "I would advise against venturing into the Bermuda Triangle to find some extraterrestrial craft. Even in Atlantean tradition, we refrain from those deep waters. They reek of dark magic from ancient times."

They would have to put a pin on Ark's profile. Superman turned to Red Tornado. "What's your assessment?"

Red Tornado hummed. "Ark has demonstrated sincerity in assisting other heroes. He was not asked to assist me in the Mister Twister matter, yet he did."

Captain Marvel, always optimistic, added, "I like him. He even offered to come by Fawcett sometime."

Superman concluded, "It seems he's left a generally positive impression." Reading the docket, Superman sighed. "Next, a review of the Cadmus investigation." The atmosphere in the room grew more somber." Superman began, "As you're all aware, Cadmus kidnapped our young wards and attempted to clone them, likely to swap them with the originals. I was also a victim of their plans. In addition, they created a genetically engineered workforce called Genomorphs."

Batman had his share of suspicions. "What concerns me is their confidence in cloning the teens upon their capture. Cloning individuals, let alone ones with superhuman abilities, is a huge advancement in genetic engineering. How many failed and successful trials occurred before they proceeded with cloning Superman."

Wonder Woman's eyes flashed with righteous anger. "You believe there may be other clones we may not even know about?"

Captain Adam hummed in contemplation. "The escalation makes sense. Clone regular humans, then superpowered humans. If those are successful, clone an alien, then a superpowered alien. Those successful trials have to exist somewhere. Due to the fact they are clones, a DNA test wouldn't help prove who is a clone."

Martian Manhunter's expression was grave. He added, "This does not bode well. Their procedure of flash memory learning may work on a level that can't be detected with a typical telepathic evaluation. Cadmus is well aware of my existence and may have planned with me in mind." He turned to Superman. Superboy's observation period is imperative to further clues on the matter."

Superman took a breath. "I'll be working with him more going forward. He's family that I didn't ask for." He chuckled. "Then again, that's the same for all siblings."

Flash grimaced. "I don't know how to feel if Kid Flash was replaced, and I didn't notice."

Green Arrow's voice was edged with determination. "It's an Invasion of the Body Snatchers scenario."

Batman sighed. "All Cadmus research files will be analyzed. We already visually inspected the facility, but we all know it can't be this simple."

Captain Marvel frowned. "They hid for this long under our noses. Who knows what else they had under their sleeves."

Central City

July 22, 23:45 EDT

Inside a dim warehouse, gang members, armed to the teeth, exchanged hushed words as they waited for their clients. Crates of product lined the walls.

A ghostly blue moth-like alien with bright green eyes landed silently on the rooftop. His breath fogged in the cool night air. Peering down through a skylight, his sharp eyes scanned the activity below. "Flash, they're here," he whispered, "I count at least twenty, heavily armed."

A blur of red and gold materialized beside Big Chill. Flash's eyes narrowed as he observed the scene. "Bats was right about Venom. You freeze them, I'll disarm and round them up. We need to make this quick and clean," he whispered back.

Big Chill nodded.


The gang members heard a faint, eerie whisper inside, and then the temperature dropped sharply. They looked around in confusion as their breath began to fog. "What the hell is going on?" the gang leader demanded just before Big Chill phased through the ceiling, descending upon them like a spectre. He spread his wings wide, releasing a burst of icy breath that encased several gang members and their crates of Venom in thick layers of frost. "It's a ghost!" one gang member panicked.

In the same heartbeat, The Flash zipped through the warehouse, a red streak disarming the gang members at lightning speed. Guns, knives, and bats were pulled from hands and discarded in a blur of motion. "Sorry, but this shop is closed," Flash quipped as he moved.

A few gang members found cover behind a stack of crates, aiming their guns at Flash and Big Chill. "Open fire!" one shouted. Bullets ricocheted off the frosty floor as Big Chill became intangible, the bullets passing harmlessly through him and into the wall.

The Flash vibrated his molecules, dodging the barrage effortlessly.

Big Chill swooped down, phasing in and out, using his freezing touch to immobilize the remaining gang members. Ice crawled up their legs and arms, pinning them to the ground.

"This must be what it feels like to have Captain Cold on my side," joked Flash. He finished securing the last gang members with a few quick punches and a twist of zip ties. He dusted off his hands as Big Chill landed beside him, the warehouse now eerily quiet and cold. "Nice work, Ark. Real cool," Flash said with a grin.

Big Chill internally rolled his eyes and chucked. "Thanks."

"So, I was meaning to ask,

Flash winced as his League communicator rang. The two heroes thought about what had happened the last time he answered.

"What did you say the teens were doing?"

Flash cringed. "They are not... on a mission in a foreign country."

"Right..." Big Chill stared at him. "Please tell me we aren't disavowing them."

Flash rolled his eyes. "Don't be stupid. It couldn't have been that bad." He paused as he listened to his nephew's voice. "Some of you guys were exposed to what?! We are not telling your parents that! Wait. What do you mean the island blew up!"

Big Chill gawked. "This is the second time the mission area exploded. Is this gonna be a common occurrence?"

Flash hung up. "God, I hope not."

Omnitrix DNA Entry:

Name: Big Chill

Species: Necrofriggian

Home World: Kylmyys

Powers and Abilities:

Necrofriggians have the power of cryokinesis, meaning they can influence the direction of the ice that grows from their breath and palms with extreme precision. This allows them to create simultaneous ice constructs that bend and weave through the air before solidifying. Necrofriggians can breathe a wind or beam that can reduce the temperature surrounding it to just this side of absolute zero, turn to ice constructs either mid-air or upon touching a target, or encase a target completely in ice. Their breath can also be used as a strong gust of wind without freezing anything. Necrofriggians can freeze strong adhesives using their ice breath and make them brittle. Necrofriggians are capable of firing freeze rays from their hands. They can also freeze objects and surfaces just by touching them. Necrofriggians can become intangible and pass through solid matter. They can even cause opponents and objects to freeze by phasing through them if they choose to. They can also turn themselves partially invisible by becoming intangible. Necrofriggians can fly at high speeds with their wings.


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Chapter 23: The More Things Change


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


XX Days Earlier

Deep beneath the frozen expanse of northern Siberia, miles of stone and ice were removed in a flash. In its place was a hidden world in the perpetual twilight of the underground caverns. The temperature contrasted the icy surface above, maintained by geothermal heat that filters through the rocky ceiling, casting an eerie, warm glow across the prehistoric landscape.

Lush jungles stretched out beneath an eternal twilight sky, their dense canopies alive. Towering ferns and colossal trees create a labyrinthine forest where dinosaurs roam freely.

A lone Neanderthal, Gnarrk, navigated these ancient woods with caution. He wore a patchwork of furs and skins, moving silently through the underbrush. His keen eyes scanned for both prey and predators.

As Gnarrk pushed aside a thick frond, he emerged into a clearing with a crystal-clear lake. At the water's edge, a group of Hadrosaurs dipped their beaks into the cool water, their large, gentle eyes watching for danger. Gnarrk crouched.

A thunderous roar shattered the peace. From the shadows of the trees, a Tyrannosaurus rex burst forth, its massive jaws agape. The Hadrosaurs scattered, their panicked cries piercing the air. Gnarrk's heart pounded, but his instincts took over. He sprinted to the nearest tree and climbed swiftly, his powerful limbs finding purchase on the rough bark.

Perched high above, Gnarrk watched as the T-rex chased its prey. One of the Hadrosaurs stumbled, and the predator seized its chance. With a ferocious snap, the T-rex claimed its prize, the struggle lasting mere moments.

Hours later, the ethereal crystal light above dimmed, casting long shadows across the jungle. Gnarrk descended from his perch and made his way to his hidden cave. The entrance was concealed by a thick curtain of vines, and within, the cave opened into a surprisingly spacious chamber.

He had learned to find solace in the presence of the dinosaurs and the unchanging landscape.

He settled by the fire pit and sparked a flame, the warmth, and light a small comfort.

Gnarrk's musings were interrupted by a rustling at the cave entrance. He tensed, grabbing his spear. But instead of a predator, a small creature emerged from the shadows. It was a juvenile Triceratops.

The dinosaur sniffed the air, then cautiously approached Gnarrk. He remained still. The Triceratops nuzzled his hand, seeking warmth and safety. Gnarrk gently stroked its rough hide, feeling a connection to the creature.

This proverbial snowglobe of the ancient past would be eventually introduced to the modern world, but its origins remain a mystery to all inhabitants except its celestial creators.

Planet Kwyzz

XX Days Ago

Green Lantern Bulletin:

Anomaly Detected in Sector 1136

The planet Kwyzz glowed softly as it orbited its Static Sun. Unlike any other, this sun did not emit light in the conventional sense. Instead, it pulsated with a steady, unchanging frequency throughout the cosmos, bathing Kwyzz in a constant, soothing hum.

Kwyzz was known as the most beautiful world in all transmission. Its landscapes shifted colors and patterns, a living tapestry woven from the very essence of electromagnetic waves. The White Noise Rapids, Kwyzz's oceans, churned and roared randomly. Even its inhabitants were composed entirely of electromagnetic waves. There was no defined shape to them, their bodies shifting and changing in rhythm with the world around them.


Krakkl streaked across the surface of Kwyzz at light speed. He suddenly stopped near the outskirts of Frequentalis, the heart of Kwyzz. There, lying in the radiant fields of shifting electromagnetic patterns, was a being unlike any Krakkl had ever seen. The stranger was an unconscious waveform, his structure foreign to the native inhabitants of Kwyzz. His appearance resembled a bronze scale, his limbs composed entirely of shimmering energy, each arm holding a scale, supporting his head.

Krakkl approached cautiously, his frequencies vibrating with curiosity and concern. He extended a waveform, gently shaking the stranger to wake him. The being stirred, his energy fluctuating erratically before settling into a more coherent pattern.

"Are you alright?" Krakkl asked, his frequencies soothing and steady.

The stranger's form brightened slightly as he awakened, his eyes—two radiant points of energy—opening slowly. He looked around, clearly disoriented and confused. "Where... where am I?"

"You're on Kwyzz," Krakkl replied. "My name is Krakkl. Who are you?"

The stranger blinked, his form flickering as he processed the question. "I... I am Libra." Despite his initial confusion, there was a gentleness to his presence, a passion that flickered within his energy.

"Libra," Krakkl repeated, his waveform resonating with a calming frequency. "You seem lost. How did you end up here?"

Libra took a moment to gather his thoughts, his scales shifting slightly as he stabilized his energy. "I was looking for my king..."

Suddenly, a new shadow had cast itself over the planet. All the planet's inhabitants stared up in shock and confusion. How did they get a new moon?


In the dense heart of the rainforest, an ancient temple was hidden beneath a canopy of verdant foliage. Inside, the air was thick with the pungent scent of smoke and the heady aroma of pure, uncut cocaine.

At the head of the main chamber was a single white-haired man. He stood before an altar adorned with gleaming white powder, chanting fervent prayers to his cocaine god. His red eyes stared intently at the mountain of cocaine as if waiting for the answers to spring forth.

He fixated on the swirling patterns in the powder. His devotion was absolute; every inhale filled him with divine power, and every exhale was a prayer of allegiance. But suddenly, he froze. The air shifted, carrying with it a whisper of unease. The man felt a sharp pang in his chest, a disturbance rippling through the metaphysical drug force.

He had learned long ago that there were gods for every concept: Good, Evil, Love, and War. The man who had given up his real name was a believer of the Stoned Ape Theory, that the transition from hom*o erectus to hom*o sapiens and the cognitive revolution was caused by the consumption of mushrooms around 100,000 years ago.

Drugs transformed Apes into man, which would once more transform man into something greater.

"No," he muttered, his voice low and dangerous. "Something... something is wrong."

His eyes narrowed, and he reached out with his mind, seeking the source of the disruption.

"WHAT DARES INTERRUPT MY PRAYERS TO THE WILL OF THE COCAINE GOD?!" The voice echoed through the temple, filled with righteous fury.

In his mind eye, he could sense them all: ketamine, MDMA, Adderall, Bromo-Dragonfly, heroin, co*ke, crack, codeine, oxys, percs, vikes, PCP, LSD, Dilaudid, mescaline, mushrooms, bath salts, cortisone, Toradol, molly, her sister Sandra, big Frank, steroids, birth control, Plan B, morphine, viagra, Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Venom, and Flintstone Gummies.

In an instant, he knew: Venom was slowed.

He clenched his fists, feeling the surge of power course through him. He would not allow this insult to stand. He would find the source of the disturbance and crush it beneath his heel.

The man slammed his face into the cocaine mountain. Like a human vacuum cleaner, he snorted at least double his body weight in cocaine. An infidel would argue that he was more cocaine than man.

As soon as the last bit of cocaine disappeared up his nose, the man shuddered a few times, and then he exploded into white and blue flames.

He walked outside the temple, cocaine powder dropping from his body with every step. With a single, powerful leap, he soared into the sky, leaving a trail of shimmering white powder in his wake. Like a shooting star, he rocketed North East, straight toward Santa Prisca. "YOU NOW FACE THE WRATH OF HIS LORDS MOST LOYAL ACOLYTE, SNOWFLAME!"

Caribbean Sea

July 22, 20:08 ECT

In the Bioship, Kid Flash turned toward Superboy, who wore... a rather tight uniform. "Uh... Are you comfortable there, SB?"

Instead of his usual black t-shirt with the Superman S on it, black pants, and boots, Superboy wore a black and navy blue version of his solar suit. "Yes. I've worn this type of clothing almost my entire life. Doctor Desmond personally designed my solar suit."

Wally pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course he did. It's... fitting." Was it him, or did it seem tighter from the back.?

"Thanks. Superman helped make it from the scraps of my old one."

Robin raised a brow. "He did?"

"Yeah. He offered to loosen up the design, but I told him it was designed to be aerodynamic.


"It's totally fly," chimed Miss Martian, who was clearly staring at the suit contours around his butt.

Superboy glanced over at her, and she stood up straighter and stopped leaning her head on her hand.

"In that, it will totally help you learn to fly," she covered badly.

Superboy smiled at the compliment, "Wanna hold my ankles while I stretch out my hamstrings?"

"Sure." Miss Martian squeaked.


She, Kid Flash, and Robin hit the ground with small thuds. Realizing Superboy was not beside them, they glanced up and yelped before diving to the side. They narrowly avoided Superboy as he hit the ground hard enough to create a boom and a two-foot-deep crater. "Nailed it, just like the simulations," he said confidently.

"And yet, creating a seismic event may not have helped us much with the covert," Robin grumbled as he stood up from the base of the tree he threw himself into.

Kid Flash came out of the forest from the other direction, and Miss Martian returned to the ground.

"Aqualad, Drop B is a go." Miss Martian says.


It was supposed to be a covert recon mission only. The teens were only meant to observe and report the activity on the island. Unfortunately, disagreements over overleadership had led to a failure on their part.

Kid Flash activated his infrared goggles down over his eyes, immediately picking up on heat signatures further down the trail. "Got a squad of armed bozos incoming."

The three ran forward, ducking behind a rock and fallen tree to avoid being seen.

Superboy looked in the opposite direction of Kid Flash. "Two squads," he corrected. Then, he expanded his focus. "But they'll meet each other before they find us."

Gunfire started. They weren't on the same side.

Miss Martian cringed.

"No Super-Hearing required now." Kid commented.

Superboy's eyes narrowed. "They're spraying each other full of holes!"

"Not how I would put it..." replied KF.

"Swing wide, steer clear," Aqualad commanded as Kid stepped forward to be next to Superboy.

"Yeah- yeah, just as soon as I find Rob." Instead, Kid Flash vaulted over the tree, running down the trail. Sadly, the trail was wet, causing him to lose his footing, falling down the hill and right into the middle of the firefight.

Kid Flash took off his goggles and looked up, facing down the barrel of a gun wielded by Bane himself. "So much for the stealthy."

Suffice it to say that both criminal groups trained their guns on the hero.

Bane started firing rapidly at Kid Flash, and it was only thanks to his super speed that he didn't get hit. Now, he was running away from both groups of gunfire.

One by one, the teens appeared for support.

Superboy charged ahead, taking Bane's blind spot and tackling him to the ground—or at least attempting to. Bane got himself over the teen and slammed him into the soft ground. He went for a wrist-lock on his captive right arm but found Superboy overpowering him, grabbing his shirt and throwing him into a tree.

Robin dropped over a pair, uppercutting the other and following up with a sidekick.

Kid Flash hit another assailant, backing him up into the clearing. He then hit him with a front kick to the chin and completed a full flip before landing on the ground again.

Miss Martian threw another two assailants into the tree behind him telekinetically.

A Kobra soldier was stopped short by Aqualad dropping right before him. The Atlantean placed his hand on his chest, and his tattoos glowed before he zapped him right in the chest. He crushed the communicator that fell out of his hand under his barefoot.

It was clear that this new team still had kinks to iron out.


With the assailants tied to trees, Robin recognized the uniforms. They belonged to the Cult of The Kobra.

Kid Flash groaned. "At least we know who's causing the normal supply lines to be cut off."

Considering the earlier gunfight, it was clear that Kobra came here uninvited.

"So, Kobra wants super cultists," Kid Flash said confidently. Now, we can Radio Bats and complete the recon mission."

"These cultists aren't on Venom." Robin cut him off. "Kobra's hoarding the stuff." The boy was adamant about staying and wanted to know why.

Once more, things dissolved into bickering due to a lack of someone taking charge.


To the side, Miss Martian and Superboy could only look on in silence. Until Miss M spoke up. "Don't you want to lead?"

The Kryptonian shook his head and scoffed, then turned to look at Miss M out of the corner of his eye. "You?"

Miss M nearly leaned back and raised her hand as if to shove the idea away from her physically. "After the Mister Twister fiasco?"

Superboy smiled, looking at her directly. "You did alright."

Miss M's cheeks turned bright red as she looked away and tucked her hair behind her ear. However, Superboy doesn't notice as he hears someone come to behind him.

His super-hearing picked up on the Spanish with ease. "Míralos, argumenten. Liberarte y asumirlos mientras están distraídos." [Look at them argue. Free yourselves and take them while they're distracted.] It's one of Bane's lackeys.

"Callade! [Quiet!]" Bane hissed at the other man tied to the tree. "Por el momento lo llamaré. Y entonces me darán lo que necesito. [For now, I'll play along. And then, they'll give me what I need.]"

Superboy smirked, understanding every word and knowing just how to play Bane at his own game. However, he was mildly distracted when Kid Flash shouted again.

"Yeah? You don't even have SuperPowers!" he said. Kid Flash went to walk away from the conversation, but the Boy Wonder followed close behind.

"Neither does Batman!" is the thirteen-year-old's retort.

Kid Flash stopped. "Duh," he snapped, then rounds the Boy Wonder again. "You're not Batman."

"Chuh. I'm the closest thing we've got," Robin retorted, jabbing his thumb at himself to prove his point.

As Bane finally gave his consciousness away to the two teens, both boys snapped their heads in his direction. Kid Flash was still annoyed, but Robin's eyes went wide. "Such clever niños. But you only know half the story." Bane baited them. The whole team now stepped in so they could see Bane. "Let me show you the rest; get you into the factory via my secret entrance."

Miss Martian stepped up. "There is a secret entrance," she said, kneeling and placing her hand on her temple to concentrate. "But he's also hiding something," she said, her tone going sour and her eyes glowing white.

"Ah, ah, ah, chica. Bane is not that easy," he said smugly.

Miss Martian's eyes still glowed, but she lost her intensity. "Oh," she groaned, pulling out of his mind. He's mentally reciting fútbol scores en Español." She looked over her shoulder at the boys. This could take a while."

Superboy nudged her aside. "Let me try. Doctor Desmond taught me how to perform advanced interrogation."

"Wait a minute, Superboy. He taught you what?" exclaimed Robin.

Bane raised a brow at the challenge. "Do your worst!"

He got down. "When you look into my eyes, you won't be able to deny what I want."

Bane blinked. 'Uh... what.'

Superboy got uncomfortably close. "Come on, Bane. We both know how this is gonna end. Try all you like."

"Woah! Woah! Woah!" The restrained Bane leaned away from the alien with each word, sweat dripping from his brow.

"Submit to my deep..." Closer.

Even the henchmen leaned away, believing they might be next.

"Hard..." Closer.

On the side, the others were apprehensive. "Should we stop him?" asked Kid Flash. "I think it's working."

A red-faced Megan covered Robin's mouth. "Hold on. Let him finish."

"Penetrating..." Even Closer. Superboy gazed down at the drug dealer with a sinister stare, the next word on the tip of his tongue.

Bane was the first to look away. "Alright! Alright! I'll tell you guys. Just keep that monster in front and my field of view at all times."

Superboy jumped to his feet with a grin. "Hah! Consider yourself penetrated!"

Bane shivered at that statement.

"Uh... Superboy." Robin pulled the Kryptonian away from the group as they prepared their next move. "What exactly were you about to say to Bane at the end there?"

"My Gaze." Superboy tilted his head. "Why? What did you think I was going to say?"

Robin opened his mouth only for nothing to come out. He sighed. "Nevermind..."


Unfortunately, it would all come to a head when they had to make a temporary truce with Bane to secretly enter his facility under Kobra's nose.

Bane needed to start his shipments. If he didn't, one of his major... sponsors might retaliate.


They were still creating Venom in the factory. "Sublime Master, he approaches," one of the soldiers said as Kobra stopped beside him.

"Activate the radio-jamming net. Nothing must interfere." Kobra instructs.

The soldier nods, bows, and leaves.


On top of a cliff, the Team and Bane could see the factory. Bane stopped about three feet from the edge, pointing. Both Robin and Kid Flash stepped up to get a closer look—Kid with his goggles, Robin with a pair of binoculars. What he saw was a forklift and containers by a helipad.

"Look at all that product," Robin muttered, shocked. "A buyisgoing down." Bane walked away, but the team remained. "But if Kobra's not selling to the usual suspects, then-"

"We need to identify that buyer," Aqualad stated with conviction.

All three were observing Bane as he lifted a giant rock away from the entrance to an old mine. The only point of his efforts was a few grunts while Miss M and Superboy exchanged a slight look of confusion.

"Answers are this way," Bane said simply, gesturing down the mine tunnel. All five teens joined him to look down the tunnel. Bane said nothing as he headed towards the tunnel.


The Team and Bane walked down the mine until they came to a metal door. Bane used his fingerprint to unlock it, leading them to a door on the factory floor. Bane propped the door slightly, giving Robin enough room to look around the now-confirmed, empty floor.

"All clear," he vocalized before running out of the doorway. The others followed, but Robin was nowhere in sight once they got to another hidden location.

"Has that little fool already been captured?" Bane questioned, annoyance at the possibility of their infiltration being compromised rising.

"No," Aqualad assures, but his voice is giving away his annoyance. "He just does that."

Kid Flash slid his goggles over his eyes with ease. "Stay put. I'll get our intel and be back before Boy Wonder." By the time he finished the sentence, he was already running.

Aqualad reached out when he saw Kid Flash move but couldn't stop him. "Wait, Kid!"

Bane watched as the grey and red streak disappeared, looking at Aqualad with a smug smile. "Great chain of command."


Inside the command center, a Kobra agent was working on the computers. A Batarang hit the computer console beside him, sparking it. As he turned to look, green gas was released from the Batarang. The agent coughed and then passed out.

Robin held no qualms as he grabbed the back of his cloak and dropped his upper body to the ground with a thud. Then he took the chair and sat down at the computer.


Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Superboy were all crouched behind an unused assembly line while Bane hid in the shadows of a crate stack.

"It's a massive shipment," stated Aqualad.

"Yeah, but they're only taking new products off the line." Superboy observed." They're not touching this Venom."

Superboy's focus changed as he looked in the opposite direction they just were. "Helicopter's coming."

Bane's eyes narrowed as all four looked out at the small skylight.

It took a few moments, but then they started to be able to hear the helicopter's blades as it approached.


The computer beeped away as Robin ran over the chemical formula for the agent. Listing off HB2Ca4, Cs2Ho4, PH4Mo8, and Ca1Hg6.

Kid Flash zooms in, skidding to a stop, taking a bite out of something, then talking with food in his mouth.

Robin hunched closer to the keyboard as if that would help him work faster.

Ever the science nerd, Kid Flash joins him at the computer. Kid Flash took another loud bite out of the bar in his hand. "This one's Venom," Kid Flash said as if he were talking to a three-year-old and using his bar to point at the screen. As the screen showed another compound, he continued. "this one's-" he cut himself off. "Whoa. The Blockbuster formula from Cadmus." They watched as the two merged on screen. "Mixed correctly, Kobra's new juice is three times stronger than Venom… and permanent." he realizes, horrified. He turns to Robin. "But how did Kobra get access to Project Blockbuster?"

"Our mystery buyer must also be Kobra's supplier!" Robin realized. "Using the cult to create the Blockbuster-Venom superformula," Robin stood up, his hand going to his ear. "Robin to Aqualad, we got—" Kid Flash turns away from the computer as he hears Robin stop. "... static," he mutters angrily.


The shadows cleared from the helicopter's opening doors, revealing a buff white man with blonde hair. He wore a black-on-black outfit, and a grey hockey mask covered his facial features. As he walked between two lines of the cult, his matching forearm and shoulder-upper arm guards showed.

"Lord Kobra." he greets.

"Sportsmaster." Kobra returned as the girl from before stepped up. "The shipment is ready." she opens the box to reveal the blue vials.

Sportsmaster took one, holding it up to examine it. "The new Kobra-Venom?" he asked.

Kobra gestures to Blockbuster. "A complete success. Our friends will not be disappointed."

"This is a game-changer." Sportsmaster proudly states, flipping the vial to catch it in his fist. "Finally, we can go mano-a-mano with the Justice League."

Above them, Miss Martian used her camouflage."Aqualad, sending you a telepathic image of the buyer now."even though she was invisible, her eyes began to glow.


In the factory, on a catwalk. Bane and Superboy watched while Aqualad closed his eyes to see Miss M's telepathic image.

"Sportsmaster," he said, opening his eyes."Heis the buyer?" he questioned, looking at Superboy shocked. Then, he brought his hand up to his ear. "Aqualad to Red Tornado. Do you read?" He got the same results as Robin. He huffed in annoyance. "I can't reach the League, Robin, or Kid. Comm's jammed. We need a plan now."

Bane was all too pleased with his opening. "I have a suggestion," he said, then jumped over the rail with a battle cry.

Two Kobra agents looked to the source, shocked to see Bane. He landed just before them, shoving one to the side easily and pushing the other's arm to ensure his aim was only to the ceiling.


From outside, they hear the gunshots.

"What is he-" Aqualad began, only to be cut off by Blockbuster's battle cry, and he charged at the window behind them. Shattering it and taking down the catwalk. Both boys landed away from the rubble, but so did Blockbuster, who roared to catch everyone's attention.

"Destroy them," Kobra commanded. In an instant, Blockbuster charges at the three infiltrators.

Superboy met him halfway. Unlike Blockbuster, he's plenty small enough to get under his arms and catch his torso. However, Blockbuster efficiently grabbed Superboy's waist from behind due to the size difference.

Aqualad's tattoos began to glow as he reached behind his shoulders to take out his WaterBearers. The Kobra agents started firing on him but couldn't land a hit as he crouched behind a shield and used his other Water Bearer to fire non-lethal projectiles at their chests and knock them out.

Suddenly, as the two sides clashed, a new presence suddenly tore through the sky, drawing all eyes upward. The stranger descended like a comet, landing amid the fray with a resounding impact. A cloud of white powder erupted around him, and he rose from the ground, his eyes gleaming with vigorous intensity.

The fighting paused, both sides momentarily stunned by the dramatic entrance. The newcomer surveyed the scene, his gaze sweeping across the combatants.

"Oh, f*ck, it's Snowflame," Bane growled, his eyes narrowing as he took in the new arrival.

The teen heroes stayed behind cover, each having the same confused look. "Who?"

Snowflame's lips curled into a wicked smile. "I am Snowflame, servant of the cocaine god." He turned to Bane. "My brother in substance, I felt your shipments in Venom stop across the globe. I take it that these snake-headed fools are the reason."

"Doesn't he know crack is whack?" Megan muttered to Superboy.

A smile grew on Bane. Maybe this could work out. Right? "Yes. They took over my factory and stopped all exports."

"That simply won't do."

Kobra stepped forward, his serpentine eyes narrowing. "You dare challenge the Kobra? We bow to no one!"

Snowflame reached into his pocket and snorted a handful of co*ke. His smile widened, his eyes flashing with manic energy. "THROUGH THE POWER OF COCAINE, I GIVE WILL YOU ONLY DEATH!"

From that point onward, this mission had officially gone FUBAR.


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, and Seana!

Chapter 24: Delirious Outta My Mind


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 24: Delirious Outta My Mind

The warehouse echoed with gunfire. Bane, Aqualad, Superboy, and Megan huddled behind a pile of crates, bullets from Kobra soldiers zipping overhead. In the center of the chaos, Snowflame fought both Mammoth and a contingent of Kobra soldiers, his body blazing with a strange blue fire.

Mammoth charged at Snowflame, fists raised. As soon as he made physical contact, his movements faltered, a look of confusion crossing his face. Snowflame grinned wickedly, taking advantage of the momentary lapse to deliver a bone-crushing punch that sent Mammoth reeling.

The teens and Bane remained hidden, watching the spectacle unfold. Bane leaned against a crate, chuckling softly to himself.

Aqualad glanced at him, brow furrowed. "You are familiar with this... individual, Bane?"

Bane shrugged nonchalantly. "He's a sponsor. He actually gave me money to keep distributing Venom. Who am I to reject it?"

The teens exchanged uneasy looks. Megan's eyes widened in disbelief. "Did... did that man snort cocaine? Doesn't he know crack is whack?"

Bane laughed at the phrase. "Yeah, he does that a lot. Gives him crazy blue flame powers and sh*t. If you touch him in that state, you'll be tripping hard. I should know."

As if to punctuate Bane's words, a Kobra soldier was blasted by a wave of blue flames, his body slamming into a wall and crumpling to the ground.

Superboy peered over the edge of the crate. "Should... should we help him? Enemy of my enemy and all that?"

Bane's expression turned serious. "All I want is my island back. How we do that doesn't matter. Besides, we agreed you would take down my enemies or die trying."

Megan frowned, her eyes narrowing. "We did not agree to that last part."

Bane waved a hand dismissively. "Semantics."

Aqualad sighed, his gaze fixed on Snowflame. "What could we expect with Snowflame once Kobra is defeated?"

Bane shrugged again. "All he cares about is that drugs are circulating across the globe. Turns out he liked the way the Venom felt as it traveled the world."

Superboy blinked in confusion. "Feels?"

Bane chuckled darkly. "Don't look at me. That's all his drug god religion mumbo jumbo."

Aqualad's expression grew thoughtful. "If I did not know any better, I would have assumed he was an acolyte of Dionysus."

Superboy tilted his head. "Who's Dionysus?"

Aqualad explained, "He is the god of wine-making, insanity, madness, ecstasy, and theatre."

Superboy crossed his arms. "Well, if I can't beat off a room full of dudes, then what have I been training for this whole time?"

Bane's gaze lingered on the boy. "I... What?!"

Before anyone could respond, Snowflame let out a triumphant roar, sending another wave of blue flames that scattered the remaining Kobra soldiers. The battlefield fell into a tense silence, the crackling of Snowflame's flames the only sound.

Aqualad tightened his grip on his water bearers. "We need to decide our next move. If Snowflame is this powerful, he could become an even greater threat once Kobra is out of the picture."

Bane's eyes gleamed with a dangerous light. "Then let's make sure he stays useful to us. For now."

Superboy narrowed his eyes at the fight. "Okay. Let's try this. Megan and Aqualand can cover us at range. Bane, the two of us can sneak around their backsides and slip on in."

"... I hate this plan, but it's not like I have anything better."


Kobra's minions attempted to fend off the cocaine-fueled terror that was Snowflame. Bullets ricocheted off his body, harmlessly flattening against his cocaine-enhanced durability. Each step left a powder trail in his wake, a testament to his unending supply of his god's divine substance.


With a wave of his hand, Snowflame sent blasts of blue fire in multiple directions. Kobra soldiers were engulfed in the azure flames, their screams filling the air as they fell, one after another. The air thickened with the acrid scent of burning flesh and the unmistakable tang of cocaine.

Suddenly, the ground shook as the enhanced Mammoth charged toward Snowflame. The giant brute collided with Snowflame, and the moment their skin made contact, Mammoth's movements became sluggish, his strength waning. Snowflame grinned manically, recognizing the effect his touch had.

"IT IS THROUGH MY BODY THAT YOU HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY MY GOD," Snowflame declared, his eyes blazing with fervor. "BY MY OATH, I SHALL SHOW YOU THE TRUTH!"

Mammoth's eyes glazed over as the powerful contact high took hold, his mind fogging as if submerged in a narcotic haze. Desperately, he tried to grapple Snowflame, hoping to use his massive strength to overpower him. But Snowflame was too quick, his cocaine-fueled agility making him a blur.

The two titans clashed, Mammoth managing to tackle Snowflame to the ground. A plume of white powder erupted from Snowflame's body, the cloud enveloping them both. Snowflame inhaled deeply, the cocaine surging through his system, amplifying his power. Blue flames burst forth, consuming them in a fiery explosion.

"I'M ON FIIIIIIIIIIRE!" Snowflame bellowed, his body a living torch. The intense heat seared Mammoth, the blue flames licking at his skin, burning him with an otherworldly intensity. Mammoth let out a roar of pain, his grip weakening as the flames overwhelmed him.

Snowflame pushed Mammoth off. Standing amidst the inferno, his body radiating a terrifying, divine power, his eyes glowed with a blue flame, and his face twisted into a mask of ecstatic madness.

Snowflame raised his hands, the blue flames dancing along his fingertips. "This is the power of the cocaine god! None can stand against me! NONE!"

Miss Martian flew invisibly overhead, her telekinetic powers tossing Kobra agents aside like ragdolls. Below, Aqualad stood firm, his water bearers transforming into powerful projectiles that he hurled precisely, knocking out soldiers left and right.

Amid the fray, Snowflame and Mammoth clashed violently. With a mighty shove, Mammoth launched Snowflame into a large metal container, the impact reverberating through the structure. Mammoth closed the distance instantly, delivering a massive uppercut that pinned Snowflame against the container. Despite the force, Snowflame grinned manically, his body radiating with blue flames.

"YOUR PITIFUL STRENGTH IS NOTHING COMPARED TO MINE!" Snowflame roared, swinging a powerful punch that connected with Mammoth's face, sending him staggering back. With newfound space, Snowflame landed on his feet, eyes blazing with fervor. He charged at Mammoth, his speed and ferocity leaving his opponent little time to react.

On the outer edge of the fight, Sportsmaster stood apart from the chaos, his keen eyes spotting the slight shimmer that betrayed Miss Martian's camouflage. His expression hardened as he pulled out a rod, extending it into a sharp spear. He wound up for the throw, muscles coiling with deadly intent.

Just as he was about to release the spear, a sudden impact from behind sent him sprawling. "No, you don't!" Superboy tackled Sportsmaster, throwing off his aim. The spear flew wildly, striking a Kobra soldier in the lower leg. The soldier screamed in pain, collapsing to the ground, clutching his injury. "Ah! My leg!"

Superboy looked down at Sportsmaster, a bemused smile on his face. "Huh. Wow! You have some broad shoulders!" he commented, his grip unyielding.

"Get off me, you freak!"


The chaos in the warehouse was a dizzying storm of violence and strategy. Robin sprinted along the catwalk above, his eyes scanning the battlefield below. Kid Flash followed closely, skidding to a stop beside him. They paused, taking in the scene. Aqualad struggled to hold his ground, Snowflame was wreaking havoc, and the Kobra agents were relentless in their assault.

Robin cringed. Snowflame was one of the few people who could give the Joker a run for his money in the insanity department.

"I'll go give Aqualad a hand," Kid Flash said, and in a blink, he was gone, a red and yellow blur darting into the fray. Robin stayed for a moment, a mischievous grin spreading across his face before he turned and ran back the way he came, his mind already formulating a plan.

Aqualad was now upright but steadily pushed back despite his shield and water-based projectiles. He ducked behind some piping, catching his breath and momentarily putting down his Water Bearers. Suddenly, two more Kobra agents appeared on his other side, their guns trained on him.

Before they could fire, Kid Flash barreled into them, his feet slamming into their chests and sending them sprawling unconscious on the ground. But the victory was short-lived as three more agents arrived on the catwalk above, their weapons aimed and ready. Kid Flash barely managed to duck behind a pillar as bullets rained down.

Aqualad reached for his comm, only to remember it was jammed. Frustration etched on his face, he called out to Miss Martian telepathically. "Miss Martian, the radio is jammed. Link us up!"

Miss Martian's eyes widened as she processed Aqualad's message. Bringing her hand to her head, she reached out with her telepathy. "Everyone online?"

Superboy ducked under Sportsmaster's punch only to be hit by a baseball bat. "Yeah," he grunted, clearly annoyed.

"You know it, beautiful," Kid Flash replied with a grin, even as bullets pinged around him.

Aqualad focused on the task at hand, ignoring Kid Flash's flirtation. "Good. We need to regroup."

"Busy now," Robin's voice cut in, a hint of tension but also determination.


The Boy Wonder landed gracefully on the helicopter pad, his eyes quickly scanning the area. Kobra stepped forward, his expression twisted into a sneer, the girl Shimmer at his side. Robin turned to face them, instantly aware of their movement.

"Batman must be desperate if he sends his whelp to apprehend me," Kobra taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Robin shrugged off the insult, a smirk playing on his lips. "What's wrong, Koby? You look disconcerted."

Kobra's eyes narrowed. "This is beneath me. Shimmer, take him."

Shimmer charged at Robin, her movements swift and precise. Robin's only response was a confident smile. He flipped over her as she closed the distance, landing behind her and immediately dropping into a fighting stance.

"Robin, now," Aqualad's voice crackled through his earpiece.

Robin gritted his teeth, momentarily distracted. Shimmer's punch was already on its way. Thinking quickly, he dropped a flash grenade. The explosion of light and sound disoriented his opponents, allowing Robin to disappear into the shadows, leaving Kobra and Shimmer alone.

Just as they regained their bearings and thought they were clear, a massive figure emerged from the darkness. Bane stepped forward, cracking his knuckles menacingly. "Uh. Uh. Uh. No one invades my island and gets away with it." He gestured to the distance where Snowflame and Mammoth were locked in combat. "And your little guard dog is preoccupied."

Kobra handed Shimmer a case before disrobing, revealing his shaved head and pale, muscular body. "I loathe interacting with the peasantry, but I suppose even a god must deliver divine judgment personally."

Bane smirked and charged at Kobra, bringing his knee to Kobra's gut. Kobra blocked it effortlessly with one hand. Bane's eyes widened in surprise but quickly narrowed in determination. He dropped back down, sweeping his leg out to knock Kobra off his feet. Kobra simply lifted one leg, avoiding the sweep with ease.

Undeterred, Bane attempted a roundhouse kick aimed directly at Kobra's face. Kobra caught it with a single hand, then delivered a powerful front kick to Bane's chest, sending him sliding back a few feet. Bane's teeth clenched, but he did not attack again immediately.

"What's wrong, merchant? You look disconcerted," Kobra taunted, a cruel smile on his lips.

Bane's smirk returned as he assessed his opponent. "You may be strong, Kobra, but I've faced worse than you."


Sportsmaster shifted his focus from Superboy to Kid Flash. Sportsmaster, ever the strategist, saw an opportunity and shoulder-checked Kid Flash with surprising force, sending the young hero tumbling toward the epicenter of the battlefield where Snowflame and Mammoth were locked in combat.

Kid Flash collided with Snowflame, his hand brushing against the cocaine-fueled villain. Immediately, a surge of stimulation shot through Kid Flash's body. His eyes dilated, his thoughts accelerated to a blinding speed, and his body seemed to vibrate with an intensity that surpassed anything he had ever experienced.

Sportsmaster immediately regretted his choice.

At first, Kid Flash found himself jogging in place, his mind racing through formulas and theorems in a drug-fueled manic episode. His voice became a rapid-fire stream of consciousness, reciting complex mathematical equations and scientific principles at a breakneck pace.

"Pi to the hundredth decimal, mass-energy equivalence, E=mc^2, quantum entanglement, the speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, Planck's constant—"

His body, unable to contain the influx of energy, launched into action. He sped across the warehouse, moving so fast that he was a blur of red and yellow. In the blink of an eye, he inspected every corner, crevice, and hidden nook. He was everywhere and nowhere, a whirlwind of motion that defied comprehension.

Kobra soldiers, caught off guard by the sudden shift in pace, tried to take aim and shoot him. But Kid Flash was faster than their bullets, appearing behind them before they could pull the trigger. He easily dispatched them, his movements precise and effortless, each strike a blur of fists and feet.

Despite the drug-induced frenzy, Kid Flash's actions were innocent. He moved through the warehouse, disarming and incapacitating the soldiers without causing serious harm. His ADHD-like hyperactivity was now his greatest asset, allowing him to outmaneuver and outthink his opponents at every turn.


While her master and Bane were locked in combat, Shimmer slipped away, clutching the case tightly. She moved swiftly, her goal clear: keep the package secure until the chaos ended. Unfortunately for her, she unknowingly strayed into the path of a certain co*ked-out cleric.

For years, Snowflame had scoured the earth, seeking the elusive substance that would elevate him to the next stage of human evolution. His devotion to the god of drugs had purified him, purging his body of the transient effects of lesser substances. Only the one true drug, the ultimate offering, could raise him higher.

Nearby, Mammoth, veins bulging with the effects of the serum coursing through his system, swung a massive fist at Snowflame. But Snowflame sidestepped easily, delivering a sharp counterpunch that sent Mammoth staggering. A drop of blood flew through the air before landing on Snowflame's skin.

Suddenly, Snowflame's drug senses tingled a sharp, almost electric sensation that cut through the haze of battle. He sensed something new, something potent, in Mammoth's blood. His eyes narrowed, scanning the room. More of this drug was nearby, and it called to him with an irresistible allure.

Disengaging from Mammoth with a powerful kick that sent his opponent crashing into a stack of crates, Snowflame turned his attention toward the source of the new drug. A figure moved swiftly in the corner of the room, attempting to blend into the shadows. It was Shimmer, carrying a metal case tightly in her grasp.

Snowflame's eyes locked onto Shimmer, a predatory grin spreading. He launched himself toward her, moving with blinding speed. Shimmer's eyes widened in panic as she tried to evade his approach, her movements quick and agile, but Snowflame was relentless.

She ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding his swipes, but Snowflame's speed was too much. His hand struck the case with a sudden, forceful swipe, sending it flying from her grip. The metal case hit the ground with a clang, popping open and spilling several vials of a glowing green liquid across the floor.

Shimmer scrambled to retrieve the vials, but Snowflame was quicker. He snatched one from the ground, holding it up with a look of reverence. The vial glowed eerily in his hand, the contents shimmering with an unnatural light.

"Kobra-Venom?" Snowflame breathed. He stared at the vial, entranced, feeling the power contained within. "Is this," he whispered, "the key? Is this what I have been searching for?"

Before Shimmer could react, Snowflame uncorked the vial and drank its contents in one swift motion. The green liquid coursed through his body, merging with the cocaine already in his system. His eyes widened, and his body convulsed as the new drug took hold. Without hesitation, he reached into his pocket and snorted a mound of cocaine, feeling its familiar rush flood his senses.

The Kobra forces around him are backed up and tense.

"The co*ke is in my..." He could feel his heart pump to the edges of his chest. BADUMP BADUMP BADUMP The being arguably more drugs than man spasmed. "CONTROL THE DRUGS, CONTROL THE UNIVERSE! CONTROL THE DRUGS, CONTROL THE UNIVERSE! THE DRUGS MUS FLOW!"


Shimmer was hastily gathering the remaining vials of Kobra-Venom. She moved with frantic urgency, knowing their only chance was escaping. She secured the vials in the case and sprinted away.

A surge of fire erupted within him, his blue flames intensifying to a blinding brightness. Orbs of unholy cocaine fire pooled in Snowflame's own hands. Meteors of fire shot into the sky, igniting distant brush.

Snowflame roared, the sound echoing through the warehouse. Soldiers could only watch in shock as Snowflame's transformation unfolded.

But as the initial euphoria faded, a nagging doubt crept into his consciousness. Despite the overwhelming power he felt, something was missing. It was an imperfect solution, a temporary surge that lacked the permanence he sought.

"No," Snowflame muttered, shaking his head. "This is not it. This is not the true substance."

He clenched his fists, frustration gnawing at him. Though potent, the Venom and Blockbuster Formula was not the ultimate drug. They would be purged from his system, just like all the others, their effects fleeting and transient. His devotion to the god of drugs ensured that only the one true substance could grant him the elevation he sought.

Snowflame closed his eyes, taking deep, measured breaths. He could feel the power already beginning to wane, the divine force within him rejecting the lesser drugs. He knew in his heart that his quest was not over, that the true substance was still out there.

Still, he was here to deliver judgment on the heretics who dared stop the flow. "WITNESS TRUE POWER! IT BURNS WITHIN MY VEINS, AND SOON SHALL IT BURN IN YOURS!"


Things were getting out of hand. Aqualad used his Water Bearers to create long whips and remove many still-shooting Kobra agents. "Strategic retreat. Kid, clear a path."

As expected, Kid Flash wasn't listening in his current head space.

In any case, Kid Flash continued to take out several Kobra agents. It wasn't until Superboy tackled the redhead that he showed some semblance of calming down. Getting back up, he hefted the speedster over his shoulder before punching an approaching baddie in the cheek.

"Superboy, come on!" Robin called impatiently as he ran ahead.

"Coming!" The clone answered, running toward their exit, "Just had to pop one in that guy's face!"

"..." Robin glanced at Superboy briefly. "Just move!"

Aqualad ran first with Robin grappling above. Miss Martian flew in behind the Boy Wonder. She returned to the ground, and he dropped from his line. Superboy and Kid Flash made it through the metal door and then slammed it shut.




Aqualad snapped a glow stick to create a light source. Robin stood with his back to Aqualad, looking at the locked door.

On the side, Superboy set Kid Flash down, leaning heavily on the wall.

Miss Martian kneeled next to him. "Kid Flash made contact with Snowflame. According to Bane, he experienced some sort of contact high."

Robin frowned at his friend. "He'll be fine. Thankfully, it's mostly a psychic effect. He won't suffer any permanent damage."

The non-lucid team member giggled. "This is the best mission ever!"

Megan raised a brow. "If it's psychic, should I try to clear it from his head?"

He shook his head. "I don't want the lingering effects to spread through mental contact. Just give him some water," gestured Robin. "He should be back to fighting condition in a few minutes."

Megan patted the speedster on the back. "Let this be a reminder to say no to drugs. That's what the Cartoon All-Stars told me."

Wally giggled. "But it made me feel all tingly inside..."

Superboy pulled out a bottle of water from a pack. He tried to pour it into Wally's mouth, but Kid Flash pushed away the bottle with noodle arms like a child. "No! I don't wanna!"

Superboy grumbled. "Will you quit it! Just let me put the tip to your lips."

Robin turned away from the scene and banged his head against the wall. "How can my first mission as Leader go so wrong?"

Aqualad set down the two pieces of the glow stick before looking at the youngest member. "You do have the most experience. But perhaps that is exactly what has left you unprepared."

Kid Flash finally relented and started downing water. The rest of the group focused solely on Boy Wonder's body language.

"Fighting alongside Batman, your roles are clearly defined. You two do not need to talk. But this team is new. And a leader needs to be clear, explicit. He cannot vanish and expect others to play a part in an unknown plan."

Robin turned and physically swiped the idea away. "Oh, so I'm supposed to hold everyone's hands?" he looked down with a pained groan.

Aqualad did not back down. "Did Batman not hold your hand when you first started working together?"

"I... I mean, he did, but... Ah, who am I kidding?" he questioned, entirely to himself and with a note of pain in his words. "You should lead us, Kaldur. You're the only one who can."

"What?! I didn't vote for him." Kid Flash whined. "This is treason! I thought this was a democracy!"

Superboy stuck the bottle back to his mouth. "Drink."

"Okay..." Wally grabbed the bottle once more.

Ignoring that little outburst, Superboy and Megan agreed with the change wholeheartedly. "Hello, Megan!" Miss M said, placing her hands on her hips. "It's so obvious."

"He's the one we need right now."

"Coulda told ya." Superboy concured with his arms crossed and smiling.

Everyone turned to the slightly high Kid Flash with a frown.

Wally gave a playful pout. "Fine. But I expect a re-election next year."

They all chuckled. "Sure, Kid."

"Then I accept the burden," Aqualad said as he walked towards Robin, pausing to place his hand on the smaller boy's shoulder. "Until you are ready to lift it from my shoulders. You were born to lead this team. Maybe not now, but soon."

Robin smiled the whole way through the speech and confirmed the terms with a small nod.

Aqualad turned away and looked at the entire team. "Alright, our first priority is preventing that shipment from leaving the island." They all gathered around.

Robin laughed, crossed his arms, and took on a Wally-like smirk. "Funny. I had the same thought."

Suddenly, the ground seemed to shake. A large boom echoed in the distance.

"What was that?" asked Megan.

Superboy took the initiative and ran toward their locked door. Opening it took more effort than before, and he found out why. The entire warehouse had been leveled to smithereens. In the distance, they could see blue flames spreading. "I think it's time we called the League for assistance."

Robin stared at the result of their upturned mission. "Right... After we secure the shipments."

Aqualad nodded. "Yes. After."


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Special thanks to Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, OmegaDelta, Henry Stickman, and Seana!

Chapter 25: Drug Bust


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


July 23, 10:01 EDT

Bane continued to fight Kobra. The fight had drawn closer to Snowflame's rampage. "You'll regret coming to my island," Bane growled.

Kobra smirked. "Your island is but a stepping stone to greater things. You will bow to me, just like the others."

Bane roared and charged, throwing a powerful punch at Kobra's head. Kobra moved unnaturally, dodging the attack and countering with a precise strike to Bane's ribs. Bane grunted, feeling the impact but barely slowing down. He swung again, catching Kobra in the side, sending the cult leader stumbling back.

"You're strong, but strength alone won't save you," Kobra sneered. He straightened up and launched a series of rapid strikes that Bane struggled to block. Each hit was like a sledgehammer, and Bane was driven back, his confidence waning.

Bane retaliated with a powerful uppercut that connected with Kobra's jaw, but Kobra absorbed the blow, his eyes burning with determination. He grabbed Bane's arm, twisting it and bringing Bane to his knees swiftly and brutally.

Bane gritted his teeth, trying to break free, but Kobra's grip was like iron. "You think you can break me?" Bane spat, his voice filled with defiance.

Kobra leaned in, his voice a chilling whisper. "I will not only break you, I will make you beg for mercy."

Bane broke free with a sudden burst of strength, delivering a powerful headbutt that sent Kobra reeling. He sprang to his feet, adrenaline surging through his veins. But Kobra was relentless, recovering quickly and attacking with renewed fury.

Bane was strong, but Kobra was faster and more agile. Despite his best efforts, Bane was overwhelmed, his strength waning as the fight dragged on.

In a final, desperate move, Bane lunged at Kobra, aiming to crush him with his sheer weight. But Kobra sidestepped gracefully, delivering a devastating blow to Bane's spine. Bane cried out in pain, collapsing to the ground, his vision blurring.

"You are finished," Kobra declared, standing over Bane with a look of triumph.

Bane knew he was beaten. His vision swam, and every muscle in his body screamed in agony. But he wasn't ready to give up yet. With a last, desperate effort, he rolled away from Kobra, using the brief moment of surprise to scramble to his feet.

"This isn't over," Bane growled, retreating into the forest's shadows. "I will reclaim my island."

Kobra watched him go, a satisfied smile on his lips. "Run while you can, Bane. The next time we meet, you won't be so lucky."

As Bane disappeared into the darkness, Kobra decided it was time to leave.


Sportsmaster, Shimmer, and Kobra jogged through the dense undergrowth, Bane's warehouse fading into the distance. Snowflame's rampage echoed through the forest, punctuated by the screams of scattering soldiers and the roar of blue flames consuming everything in their path.

The surrounding forest was ablaze. Trees ignited like matchsticks, sending plumes of smoke spiraling into the sky.

The loss of their helicopter in the fight had forced them to rely on their backup transport: a submarine hidden along the coast. It was their secondary means of escape.

As they neared the coastline, the sounds grew fainter, replaced by the rhythmic crashing of waves against the shore.

Shimmer glanced at Kobra, her expression a mix of fear and determination. "Do you think the enemies will follow us?" she asked.

Kobra's eyes narrowed. "Snowflame is a wild card. But if his reputation precedes him, he only cares about us being off the island."

Sportsmaster grunted. "As for those kids, I do not doubt that they'll be on our asses if they have the chance."

"Crude but accurate," muttered Kobra.

Sportsmaster held out his hand. "We need to split the package."

Kobra grumbled. "Fine. We have to keep moving." With that, Shimmer handed the man two secure vials.


The teen heroes gathered in a secluded spot, huddled together as they discussed their next move. Wally, now more lucid but visibly embarrassed by his earlier behavior, sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.

"Okay, so let's recap," Robin said, his voice steady and analytical. "Sportsmaster's the supplier-slash-buyer, but it still doesn't track. He doesn't have the juice to acquire the Blockbuster formula or to get Kobra to do his dirty work."

Wally nodded, still a bit flushed. "And neither of them has the chops to bond Blockbuster with Venom. That took some major nerdage."

Aqualad crossed his arms, his expression thoughtful. "It's likely that Sportsmaster is just the middleman for the real mastermind. I believe the expression is 'tip of the iceberg.'"

"Regardless," he continued, "here are our current objectives: the remaining Kobra-Blockbuster crates, Kobra's group, and Bane's group."

As they began to move toward the battlefield, Kid Flash used his thermal vision to scan the area. His eyes widened as he spotted three figures running away from the chaos.

"We've got three bogeys heading out," he reported.

Robin's mind raced as he pieced it together. "That's Kobra, Shimmer, and Sportsmaster. If they're leaving the crates behind, they must have some samples on them." Robin volunteered immediately, determined. "I'll pursue them."

Aqualad shook his head. "It would take too long for you to engage them alone. Kid Flash and Miss Martian, you two will go with Robin."

Kid Flash pumped his fist excitedly. "Yes! We get to go after the big bad of the cult with Megan!"

Miss Martian nodded, her expression serious. "We'll get them."

Aqualad turned to Superboy. "In the meantime, you and I will run interference on the soldiers while also destroying the remaining drug supply."

Superboy cracked his knuckles, a confident grin spreading across his face. "Sounds like a plan."


Snowflame unleashed blue flames that incinerated everything in his path. Kobra soldiers and Mammoth were caught in the inferno, struggling to hold their ground.

Bane observed from a distance. Despite the destruction of his factory, Bane held his tongue. Snowflame was his benefactor for a reason, and Bane knew better than to question his eccentric ally. Rumors whispered that Snowflame had a finger in every pie of the pharmaceutical world, his wealth surpassing most expectations. It was said that Snowflame contributed to every drug crisis across the globe, from Mexico and Brazil to China and Europe. Bane didn't care about the specifics; he knew that Snowflame would fund the rise of a new factory from the ashes of his old factory.

His mind briefly wondered where the teen heroes had gone, but he dismissed the thought. They were not his concern right now. His focus remained on the immediate threat, the small army of Kobra soldiers that continued to press their attack.

Suddenly, the sound of gunfire erupted from the tree line. Bane turned, his eyes narrowing as he saw a new wave of soldiers pouring in. But these were not Kobra soldiers. They were his men, the loyal warriors of Santa Prisca, who had managed to escape their restraints and re-equip themselves.

"For Santa Prisca!" they shouted, their voices filled with determination and fury. Bane's men charged into the fray, their gunfire cutting down the Kobra soldiers in a hail of bullets.

The masked man grinned. Time for a revolution!


The group split up, Robin, Kid Flash, and Miss Martian moving swiftly toward the fleeing figures while Aqualad and Superboy returned to the battlefield's heart.

Kid Flash ran ahead, using his speed to scout the area. Miss Martian floated just above the ground, her telepathy providing a mental link to coordinate their movements.

Robin motioned for them to stop as they closed in on the fleeing villains. "They're just up ahead."

Kid Flash nodded, his excitement barely contained. "Got it."

Miss Martian's eyes glowed briefly as she scanned the area. "They have some sort of escape in mind. We need to move fast."


The sound of gunfire and explosions grew louder as Aqulad and Superboy approached. They pushed toward the stockpile of Kobra-Blockbuster drugs. Peeking from cover, they could see the trade of gunfire and fists continue from last time.

Aqualad glared. "Seems Bane's men escaped."

Superboy hummed. "Don't worry. I'm no stranger to taking shots to the face."

Aqualad knew that destroying the remaining supply was crucial to crippling Kobra's operation. "Very well. Superboy, cover me."

While Aqualad took to the shadows to circle to reach the cargo, Superboy acted as the distraction. Any stray shots his way easily crumpled against his body.

Soon, Aqualad reached the objective. He quickly retrieved a set of explosives from his pack, set them to work, and planted them around the stockpile. He attached the detonators to the crates, ensuring the blast would be strong enough to destroy the entire supply.

"Almost there," he muttered, securing the last explosive.

Superboy's voice cut through the noise. "Aqualad, we've got more soldiers incoming!"

Aqualad glanced up, seeing a fresh wave of Kobra soldiers advancing on their position. He activated his communicator and spoke quickly: "Explosives are set. We need to clear the area."

Superboy nodded, his eyes narrowing as he prepared to hold off the attackers. "Go! I'll cover you."

Aqualad gave a brief nod of thanks before sprinting away from the crates.

Once he was safe, Aqualad turned back and raised the detonator. He pressed the button.

The explosion was instantaneous, a massive fireball erupting from the crates as the explosives detonated. The shockwave rippled through the battlefield, sending soldiers and debris flying. Aqualad shielded his eyes from the blast, feeling the heat wash over him.

When the smoke cleared, the stockpile of drugs was nothing more than a smoldering ruin. The remaining Kobra soldiers looked on in shock and dismay.

Superboy rejoined Aqualad. "Nice work."

Suddenly, the ground shook. Snowflame seemed more furious than before.

"YOU DESTROYED THE BAPTISMAL PRODUCT!" The Percocet Paladin seethed as he dropped an unconscious Mammoth at his feet. Bane, his soldiers, and Kobra knew it was time to get out of dodge while they had the chance.

Aqualand and Superboy stared back at the charging crackhead with wide eyes. "Well, sh*t."


Soldiers who were stationed at the second extraction point saluted to their prophet. "The sub is operational, exalted one."

Sportsmaster walked back down towards the entrance. Only to be stopped as Kid Flash ran in and took out the two furthest agents in the rows on both sides, then over to one of the agents now shooting at him. Kicking him in the chest and knocking him away from the gun.

"Move!" Kobra commanded. Two more agents came up behind him, and as Sportmaster went to leave.

Kid Flash took out one other Kobra agent before dragging Sportsmaster away.

In his distraction, Miss Martian goes unseen. With a wave of her hand, she pulls Shimmer away from her master.

Kobra took a step back.

A bola flies through the air, but Kobra easily dodges.

Looking to the source, Kobra glared at Robin, his cold eyes narrowing. "I know you hate getting your hands dirty," the Boy Wonder snarled as if he had done the cult leader a favor.

"True," Kobra replied. "And they shall bathe in your blood."


Kid Flash skidded to a halt and threw the armored man into a tree, his eyes narrowing. "Hasn't your mother ever told you not to work with snake people?"

Sportsmaster dusted himself off, his expression calm and collected. "They may be freaks, but business is business." With a swift motion, he reached for his waist, and a collapsible polearm extended into a full-length staff.

Kid Flash crouched lower, his eyes locked onto Sportsmaster. He started hurling stones at sonic speeds, each projectile aimed with precision. Sportsmaster twirled his staff with practiced ease, blocking many incoming rocks. The few that slipped through either glanced off his armor or failed to make a dent.

When the barrage of stones slowed, Sportsmaster seized the opportunity and launched into a flurry of attacks. His staff blurred in the air, a whirlwind of strikes aimed at Kid Flash. The young speedster dodged and weaved, his reflexes keeping him ahead of the relentless assault.

Kid Flash countered with rapid punches and kicks, his movements a blur. Despite his speed, Sportsmaster's seasoned experience showed. The villain anticipated Kid Flash's straightforward fighting style, parrying each blow. His eyes gleamed with amusem*nt, a predatory smile tugging at his lips.

"Not bad, kid, but you're gonna have to do better than that!" Sportsmaster taunted, swinging his staff in a wide arc.

Kid Flash ducked under the swing, his mind racing as he searched for an opening. "You talk too much."

With a burst of speed, Kid Flash darted behind Sportsmaster, aiming a kick at his back. But Sportsmaster was ready. "Pot calling the kettle black, kid." He twisted at the last second, catching Kid Flash's leg and using his momentum to throw him to the ground.

Kid Flash rolled with the impact, springing back to his feet. His heart pounded, adrenaline surging through his veins. He knew he had to be smarter, faster.

"You're fast, but you're sloppy," Sportsmaster sneered. He lunged forward, his staff whistling towards Kid Flash's head. But Kid Flash was prepared. He sidestepped the attack, delivering a swift punch to Sportsmaster's gut. The older man doubled over, gasping for breath.

Sensing an opening, Kid Flash unleashed a flurry of blows, each strike faster than the last. Sportsmaster staggered under the onslaught but wasn't out of tricks yet. As Kid Flash moved in for the knockout punch, Sportsmaster faked a stumble, dropping a flashbang at their feet.

The explosion of light and sound was blinding, disorienting Kid Flash and making him stagger back. His hands flew to his eyes, trying to block the overwhelming brightness. In that moment of vulnerability, Sportsmaster struck. He swept Kid Flash's legs out from under him and slammed his staff down onto the young hero's chest, pinning him to the ground.

Kid Flash struggled, but Sportsmaster's weight and leverage were too much. The villain grinned down at him, triumphant. "Too easy."

Sportsmaster reached into his pocket, ensuring that the sample was still intact. Seeing that the others would be busy, he dropped a smoke bomb and dashed for the sub, leaving the redhead in a coughing fit. He tried getting back up, only to fall from a slight sprain in his leg.

Without anyone else the wiser, Sportsmaster made his escape from the island.


Hidden among the dense canopy of the forest, Miss Martian watched the scene with a keen eye. Cloaked in her camouflage, she observed Shimmer, Kobra, and Sportsmaster moving cautiously through the underbrush. They were alert, wary of any ambush, but not wary enough.

Megan focused her telekinetic powers, her mind honing in on Shimmer. With a subtle gesture, she separated the villainess from her companions. The ground shifted under Shimmer's feet, pulling her away from Kobra and Sportsmaster. Surprised, Shimmer staggered and glanced around, her eyes narrowing as she scanned the surroundings.

"Who's there?" Shimmer shouted into the darkness, her voice tinged with anger and frustration. She tried to taunt her unseen attacker, hoping to draw them into the open. "Too scared to face me head-on, huh? Coward!"

Miss Martian suppressed a smile. She knew better than to fall for such a simple trick. Remembering Robin's strategic advice, she decided to play with her opponent's expectations. With a flicker of thought, she levitated a rock and sent it hurtling through the shadows. It struck Shimmer squarely in the chest, eliciting a grunt of pain.

Shimmer glared into the darkness, her eyes wild. "Where are you? Show yourself!"

Instead of a reply, more rocks began pelting Shimmer from all directions. Megan targeted specific joints, forcing the villainess to her knees. Shimmer screamed in fury, trying to shield herself from the onslaught but failing to pinpoint the source of the attacks.

'Something's wrong with Wally.' Amid Shimmer's ranting and flailing, Miss Martian dropped her camouflage and appeared silently behind her, a shadow among shadows. Leaning close to Shimmer's ear, she whispered with a smirk, "Boo."

Shimmer's scream was cut short as her eyes widened in shock. Before she could react, Megan's fist grew enormous, swinging down with unerring precision. The last thing Shimmer saw was the giant fist descending. Then, there was only darkness.


Robin smirked and charged at Kobra, launching himself into a high jump with a knee aimed at Kobra's face. Kobra moved with a speed that belied his size, blocking the knee with one hand. Robin's eyes widened, but he quickly adjusted, dropping down to sweep Kobra's feet.

Kobra effortlessly lifted one leg, avoiding the sweep. Robin pushed off the ground again, pivoting into a roundhouse kick aimed at Kobra's face. The cult leader caught Robin's leg with a singular hand, then delivered a powerful front kick to the teen's chest, sending him flipping backward. Robin landed on his feet, sliding back a few feet, teeth clenched in determination.

"What is a child to a god?" Kobra taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.

Robin's eyes flashed with resolve. "Not mine." He darted forward, feinting a punch before spinning into a low kick aimed at Kobra's knee. Kobra shifted his weight, narrowly avoiding the kick, and countered with a backhand that Robin barely dodged.

Robin gritted his teeth, refusing to back down. He reached into his utility belt, pulling out a smoke pellet and tossing it to the ground. The room filled with thick, obscuring smoke, and Robin used the cover to reposition himself.

Kobra stood still, his senses heightened. "You cannot hide from me, boy."

Robin's voice echoed from the smoke. "Who said I was hiding?"

A batarang flew from the smoke, aiming for Kobra's head. He swatted it away, but Robin was already moving, striking from the side with a pair of rapid kicks that connected with Kobra's ribs. Kobra growled, swinging wildly, but Robin slipped under his guard, landing a punch to Kobra's gut.

Kobra staggered back, momentarily winded, but his eyes burned with fury. "You will pay for that."

Robin flipped over Kobra's head, landing behind him and launching a series of rapid punches aimed at Kobra's back. Kobra spun around, blocking and deflecting each blow with practiced ease. With a sudden, powerful strike, Kobra landed a punch to Robin's side, causing him to stagger. With a sweep of the leg, the young man was sent to the floor.

Robin gasped as the air was forced out of his lungs. Kobra's massive foot pressed down on his chest, pinning him to the ground. Despite all his training and strength, the Boy Wonder found himself unable to budge under the cult leader's weight.

Kobra glared down at Robin with disdain. "Mosquitoes plague me!"

Despite the pain, Robin managed a smirk. "Good," he retorted, voice strained but defiant, "because this mosquito is mighty concerned with your pain!" With a sudden burst of strength, he executed a dual helicopter kick, twisting his body to knock Kobra's leg off his chest. Using the momentum, Robin rolled into a handstand and sprang back to his feet, landing with a flourish.

The moment of triumph was interrupted by an explosion of blue embers from the treeline beside them. Out charged a slightly smaller Snowflame than before, blue flames licking at his form. Incidentally, Superboy was latched onto the supervillain's back, a dopey, bubbly expression plastered across his face. Snowflame tried to shake the teen off, but Superboy clung on tightly, laughing all the while.

At the same time, Aqualad arrived, having followed the trail of destruction. He took in the scene quickly, assessing the situation. Kobra looked at the new arrivals and smirked. With an air of dismissive arrogance, he stepped back. "He's your problem now. Another time, then." With a fluid motion, he disappeared into the shadows, leaving nothing behind but the whisper of leaves and the encroaching darkness.

Robin immediately darted after him, but as he searched the area, he found only shrubbery and the stillness of the forest. His frustration mounted, but there was no time to dwell on it. Megan soon arrived, supporting a battered Kid Flash.

Meanwhile, Snowflame was struggling to deal with Superboy's grip. In a fit of desperation, he slammed the teen into a nearby tree, trying to dislodge him. Superboy let out a surprised yelp but still held on. Snowflame's body mass seemed to reduce with each passing moment, his strength waning.

Robin noticed this and said, "I think his drugs are wearing off."

Realizing the situation, Snowflame desperately reached into his pockets, fumbling for another stash of cocaine. But before he could snort it, Robin quickly threw an explosive birdarang, which detonated the powder into the air.

Snowflame's eyes widened in horror. "THOU SHALL NOT SPILL THE POWDERS OF LIFE!" he screamed, his voice echoing through the trees. He swung wildly at the heroes.

Still riding the high of Snowflame's contact, Superboy clung to the villain's back with an almost childlike glee. He swung his arms around, laughing as Snowflame struggled to shake him off. Despite the chaotic situation, Superboy's strength kept Snowflame in check, allowing the team to act.

Seeing the opening, Aqualad moved quickly. With a fluid motion, he summoned a water mace, the liquid forming a solid, translucent weapon in his hands. He charged forward and swung with all his might, landing a heavy blow on Snowflame's side. The impact sent a shockwave through the villain's body, causing him to stumble.

Taking advantage of Snowflame's momentary daze, Miss Martian focused her telekinetic powers. Her eyes glowed green as she lifted a large log from the forest floor. With a sharp gesture, she directed the log to crash onto Snowflame, pinning him to the ground. The villain let out a pained grunt, his energy visibly waning.

A few steps away, a tired and winded Kid Flash took quick stock of the situation. Spotting some thick vines nearby, he zipped over to them. He quickly fashioned a makeshift restraint with nimble hands, using the vines to tie Snowflame's arms and legs. The speedster's movements were efficient, if a bit slower than usual, but he managed to secure the bindings tightly.

Meanwhile, Robin kept his distance, his eyes never leaving the scene. He reached into his utility belt and pulled out a handful of projectiles. With precise aim, he peppered Snowflame with a flurry of explosive disks and smoke pellets. Each impact further weakened the villain, causing him to shrink as his drug-induced strength ebbed away.

As Snowflame continued to shrink, his struggles became weaker. Seizing the moment, Robin pulled out a pair of bolas from his belt. With a practiced throw, he sent them spinning through the air. The weighted cords wrapped around Snowflame's ankles, tangling his legs and sending him crashing to the ground. Snowflame lay there, panting and defeated, his once-mighty form now reduced to its normal state.

Snowflame struggled, but it was clear his powers were fading. The blue flames around him flickered and dimmed, and his form started to revert to its normal state. As the sacred flames died down, an unseen, supernatural force purged the drugs within him.

Soon, Superboy had Snowflame pinned to the ground, his strong arms holding the struggling villain in place. Snowflame writhed and thrashed, but even in his drug-induced frenzy, he couldn't break free from Superboy's iron grip. The teen hero, still under the lingering effects of Snowflame's contact high, wore a strangely serene expression, oblivious to the full extent of the danger.

Snowflame's eyes darted wildly, panic setting in as he realized his powers were fading. Desperation filled his voice as he screamed, "Great God of Cocaine, hear my plea! Take me from this wretched place and return me to my temple! I beseech you!"

As if in response to his desperate invocation, Snowflame's body began to shimmer. Superboy blinked in confusion as he felt the man beneath him start to change. Snowflame's skin took on a crystalline, powdery texture, and within moments, his entire form solidified into pure cocaine.

The transformation was sudden and complete. Superboy's grip loosened, and he instinctively recoiled, staring in disbelief at the statue-like figure beneath him. Snowflame's features were frozen in a final, crazed expression, a twisted grin on his face.

Before anyone could react, a strong gust of wind swept through the forest. The air swirled around the clearing, lifting leaves and debris. The powdered form of Snowflame began to disintegrate, the cocaine particles lifted into the air and carried away by the wind.

The heroes watched in stunned silence as Snowflame's body dissolved into a cloud of fine powder, swirling up into the sky. The cloud drifted higher and higher until barely visible, scattered to the winds. The eerie quiet that followed was broken only by the rustling of the leaves, the final remnants of Snowflame disappearing into the distance.

The heroes stood in stunned silence, watching the bizarre and surreal sight unfold. Kid Flash finally broke the silence. "What the hell just happened?!"

The inebriated Superboy, still kneeling on the ground, looked up at the others, confusion and shock clear on his face. "He became a snowman? No fair!"

Robin nodded slowly, still processing the surreal turn of events. "Yeah. He did." The Boy Wonder shook his head, letting out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. The group remained silent momentarily, each trying to understand what they'd just witnessed.

Robin walked over to Aqualad and patted him on the back. "Well, as our leader, it is your responsibility to explain this mess in your mission report to Batman!" A wry smile tugged at his lips. With that, he chuckled and walked away, leaving Aqualad looking down at where Snowflame disappeared. "This is my life now..."


July 23, 10:01 EDT

The air shimmered as Flash and Big Chill teleported into Mount Justice. Just as they arrived, the teens landed and exited the Bioship. Barry Allen, the Flash, wasted no time, running up to his nephew with a look of concern.

"Are you okay, Kid? Your mom's gonna kill me if she hears you were on cocaine," Barry said, giving Wally a quick once-over.

Kid Flash scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "Uh... Three?"

Big Chill raised a non-existent eyebrow. "Do you feel the urge to snort Bolivian marching powder? Devil's dandruff?"

Miss Martian recalled her time watching Goodfellas, The Godfather, and Home Alone 2. "Disco dust? Forest Bump?"

Superboy, still under the influence of Snowflame's contact high, grinned dopily. "I wanna go snowboarding!"

Flash and Big Chill exchanged bewildered looks regarding the clone.

Aqualad stepped in, trying to appease the Flash. "Don't worry. Snowflame's contact high is only psychic."

Big Chill deadpanned. "Contact high?"

"The villain Snowflame is powered by drugs and how high he is."

Flash blinked in disbelief. "Okay, that's new..."

Robin, ever the responsible one, added, "They didn't snort anything on the mission..."

Kid Flash rolled his eyes. "Allegedly, the god of drugs and cocaine gave him superpowers."

Robin raised his arms in exasperation. "Allegedly? Did you not see the man turn into cocaine and disappear into the sky?"

"That doesn't mean a god did it! It was probably some sort of illusion or matter manipulation," Wally argued, his voice rising in frustration. "I mean, come on! Just because something weird happens doesn't mean you slap the label 'god' on it."

Big Chill crossed his arms, unfazed by his skepticism. "Well, that depends on what you define as a god. If I read the museum exhibit correctly, Wonder Woman was created with help from the Greek gods." For the alien hero, god is a loose term.

At that moment, a familiar voice chimed in through Ben's earpiece, the tiny but wise Azmuth adding his two cents. "It is possible they are manifestations of primordial and extradimensional energies," the Galvan stated, his voice tinged with intellectual curiosity. "In some cultures, such entities are revered as gods, but that is a matter of perspective."

Kid Flash felt on the spot for a moment. "A god is... A god should be..." He trailed off, struggling to articulate his thoughts.

Big Chill watched him, silent and patient, waiting for him to continue. Wally finally spoke, his voice softer, more thoughtful. "A god should be more than just someone with powers. It should be about... I don't know, something bigger."

"Something?..." Robin sighed and turned to Kid Flash, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't accidentally breathe in any while I wasn't looking, right?"

Kid Flash shook his head vehemently. "No!"

Superboy, still riding the high, laughed. "Haha! The strange man touched me, and now I feel great!"

Robin sighed, glancing at Superboy, who was swaying slightly. "He's been like that the entire flight."

Aqualad shook his head. "Unfortunately, his exposure was drastically longer than Kid Flash's."

Superboy nodded enthusiastically. "No matter how hard he bucked, I held on to him tight."

Robin facepalmed, groaning. "We should probably get him to the infirmary to sleep it off.

Along with Megan, Aqualad didn't understand why Robin and Kid Flash admonished Superboy's speaking style. He nodded. "The effects might take a few hours to wear off."

Flash nodded slowly, still processing the situation. "Uh-huh... So, I take it you guys finally picked a leader."

Superboy, still in his haze, grinned broadly. "Yes! I'll get behind Aqualad any day!"

Unaware of any other meaning, Aqualad simply patted the teen on the shoulder. "Your support means much."

Robin groaned louder, clearly exasperated. "I'm both glad and upset that I don't have to deal with our ragtag group."

Flash chuckled, a smirk forming on his face. "Now, you're thinking like Batman. How do you think he feels having to help manage all of us in the League?"


Suffice it to say that by the time the mission debriefing came, even Batman had to rub the bridge of his nose in irritation at the bizarre circ*mstances. The Dark Knight stood before the team in the main hall of Mount Justice, his expression as stern as ever. The young heroes lined up before him, each standing at full attention, their faces a mix of exhaustion and anticipation.

"A simple recon mission," Batman began, his voice cold and precise. He stepped closer to Aqualad, getting within inches of his face. "Observe and report!" His voice carried a low growl, the words a clear reprimand for the mission's unplanned escalation. Batman held Aqualad's gaze for a moment longer, then backed off, turning his attention to the rest of the team. "You'll each receive written evaluations detailing your many mistakes."

He walked past the line of young heroes, each one standing rigidly. As he came to a pause beside Superboy, who was at the end of the line, Batman's expression softened ever so slightly. He placed a firm hand on the clone's shoulder, turning his gaze back to the group. "Until then," Batman continued, his tone shifting, "good job."

All their heads snapped up in shock, and their eyes widened as they looked at Batman out of the corner of their eyes. The unexpected praise left them momentarily stunned.

"No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy," Batman stated, his voice steady and calm. The team relaxed slightly, standing more comfortably as they absorbed the rare compliment.

"How you adjust to the unforeseen determines success," Batman continued, his gaze sweeping the young heroes. He began to walk away, but not before casting a final glance over his shoulder. "And how you choose who leads determines character."

Robin's lips curved into a small, proud smile, and Aqualad glanced down at him, sharing the sentiment.


Sportsmaster entered the dimly lit chamber, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation. The room was sparsely decorated, dominated by a large screen that projected the shadowy silhouettes of his employers. He approached the screen, holding a single vial filled with a glowing green liquid.

"All I managed to recover is a single vial of Kobra-Venom," Sportsmaster announced, his voice hinting at annoyance. He lifted the vial to emphasize his point, the liquid inside shimmering under the low light.

A figure on the screen leaned forward, the voice slightly distorted but carrying a distinctive accent. "Peut-être… the formula can be reverse-engineered," the projected voice mused, the accent betraying a hint of French. The figure, obscured by shadows, seemed to contemplate the vial's potential. "Mias, what of these heroes? First Cadmus, then Mister Twister. Now, Santa Prisca."

Another voice chimed in, laced with irritation. "Don't even get me started on the appearance of Snowflame, of all people," the figure complained, their tone exasperated.

A third voice, deeper and more ominous, added to the conversation. "Once is happenstance," the voice stated, each word dripping with foreboding. "Twice is coincidence. But three times is enemy action, and enemies of the Light must not stand." The room grew colder as the words settled in, a palpable tension filling the space.

A younger, almost playful voice interjected, a soft cackle echoing through the chamber. A barely visible figure stroked a pet cat, the silhouette of the feline clear against the screen. "It may not just be these children. For some time now, the universe has felt off." The voice carried a note of amusem*nt as if relishing the chaos.

The other voices paused, considering the statement. Finally, the accented voice spoke up, curiosity piqued. "Oh? What do you mean?"

The younger voice continued with a hint of excitement in its tone. "There are subtle shifts, anomalies that don't align. It's as if something—or someone—is reaching out to the very fabric of existence." The voice trailed off, leaving a heavy silence in its wake.


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Special thanks to Seana, Jebest4781, Charles, vividlearner744, OmegaDelta, Henry Stickman, fearmegu, Kitsune Robyn, Salo Guzman, and Traiton Moses!

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.